Gas. Ten dollars a gallon

Gas. Ten dollars a gallon.

Attached: sam-hyde.jpg (670x409, 66K)

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unironically in the late 1990s i was in ireland and gas was 2 punt a gallon, roughly $9

gas in some eurotard countries right now is $2 a liter which works out to be $8 a gallon

sam hyde's "comedy" is for loser atheist manbabies

without knowing the greater context of sam's political bent, every normie i have shown this to thinks it's fucking hilarious

He realized his career was dying because noone gave a FUCK about his Tim & Eric copycat nonsense. He realized that it was inevitable that he would become more and more irrelevant as the POL/Yea Forums shit becomes more and more relevant because he simply didn't have the "official" ideological position to ride on.

So he went to his TED talk, pretended to have some kind of "epiphany" of red pills, and then went on twitter trying to trigger people with le edgy /pol/ takes, hoping to elevate himself in the eyes of white nationalists. He also makes threads like these trying to advertise how "based" he is.

Reminder that he has actively avoided the JQ for most of his early career, LITERALLY used the "well they just have a higher IQ and are more tribal than whites" argument, and ends up behaving like a jew himself. He was never one of us, and he never will be, all he is is a psychopath jew who only wants shekels. Shekels is all he will ever care about.

Its a real paradigm shift

can't win em all

>*dead silence*
gets me every time

I like the one where Sam got exposed by a spic:

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>Tim & Eric copycat nonsense
they just copied tom greene though

Yeah, but this is his funniest moment. Nothing else he did matches up.

Sam's sodomy fetish - kike approved and kosher

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Yeah bro sure. If he'd actually avoided the JQ, he'd still be on Adult Swim:
I think his new paywall content (besides KSTV2) is shit tho.

The Ted talk was literally years before he was ever involved with adult swim

I think world peace was funnier personally, but I'm one of those nazi incels or whatever the media's calling people who aren't commie trannies these days.

Deagle Nation was fucking great though

He made more money off his paypigs then what AS would have given him. By then he was full on pander mode, and it almost spiraled out of control and he backpedaled massively.

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>t. Hannah Gadsby fan

sam is literally a jew, like literally

like weev

america has bred a new strain of jew, heavily influenced by the influx of soviet atheist jews who came here in the 80s as refugees, ironic, not especially jewish in spirit or belief, but retaining the cunning teachings from the talmud

ben shapiro.

sam hyde.

there is a whole matrix of jews now, i'm technically a jew but i'm actually lutheran

his early vids before that were all tim and eric shit style sketches.

wtf I love sam hyde now

>not laughing at his "how to punch" video
sam's always been making quality content for the right consumer, heck he's doing pretty well for himself, he has a skyline now, a real jap one

these were the good times when sam wasn't so dark and edgy

He's only doing well because he found a goldmine exploiting poltards by jumping on whatever bandwagon that's popular with them and pandering the fuck out of them.

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>people giving him money by seeking out his merch and patreon is exploitation
wew, now let's talk about bhopal

i'm pretty sure he's doing well because he invested in bitcoin early


I'm a Slav and my 60 year old dad burst out laughing when he saw the guy's bowl cut on accident. It's universal humor.

Attached: bowlcut.jpg (480x360, 9K)

His idiot fans think he actually has political conviction when he's a massive hypocrite.

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Based and slavpilled

like the way Sam dilated his mouth when he sucked off that tranny?

no one cares you obsessed faggot