>2 x Tickets = $40.00
>2 x PopCorns = $20.00
>2 x Drinks = $14.00
>2 x Cany = $14.00
>Total = $88.00
Take a girl out for a single night at the movies or stream prime, hulu, or netflix for 8 months. Which do you choose Yea Forums?
>2 x Tickets = $40.00
>2 x PopCorns = $20.00
>2 x Drinks = $14.00
>2 x Cany = $14.00
>Total = $88.00
Take a girl out for a single night at the movies or stream prime, hulu, or netflix for 8 months. Which do you choose Yea Forums?
Where the fuck are two tickets 40 dollars? Maybe cuckghanistan
Are these Zimbabwean dollars?
lol u fucking loser, everyone knows u get snacks before and sneak them in, have u ever been on a movie date virgin
two tickets is $14, maybe. Idiot.
>paying more than $10 a ticket
>falling for the stale popcorn meme
>not making your date sneak in beers
>buying candy at the movies instead of anywhere else for less than $3
>he actually pays real money for concessions
I smuggle in every food and drink item, and I throw whatever I don't eat on the ground. I especially like smearing it into the cracks between the seats.
>Total = $88.00
do normies really do this
would rather go to a brothel desu
Buy drinks and snacks in a supermarket and pirate shows instead of falling for the shitlfix meme
Go out to eat a good meal before the movie you retard
>Get Netflix, goy
>Netflix is a great value, goy
>What, I'm not a shill...
>pic related
normies sneak in their own food, beers, and being honest probably pirate too
the only difference between you and a normie is how you think
Tuesday is 5 dollar day with free popcorn and 2 dollar dogs. Just sneak in your own drinks.
>>Total = $88.00
You're a fucking cuck if you're spending that kind of money on a date at the movie theater. That's almost the price of a blowjob right there.
But in this case, you're downgrading on a girl who puts too much pride upon herself and her sexual market value. That you're going to spend that much on a date with a 50/50 chance she'd suck your dick at the end....
..when you could've used that money for a 100% chance on someone who'd blow you behind a trash bin, and still have money for a tip if she swallows.
>pocket change
>South Dakota
how low are those standards?
I'm pretty sure it's a state of incels and serial killers
you guys wanna wow your girl? tell em you're frugal and into saving money, and invite them to a home cooked meal at your mothers house where you live lmfao
You're forgetting the tip
>home cooked meal for a date.
Sure, if the goal was to marry her.
But if this was an out-of-pocket date, where money is spent for a good time, you're not in it for the long term, you're just in it for "fun"....and the hope of sex too.
So like I said, why spend that kind of money on a date, when you could've just went the direct route for your goals.
That's the cost of gas to visit another state.
>hope of sex too
sex is aggressive and unnecessary
cuddling & mutual masturbation is far more comfortable for couples
>He doesn't have a job that pays him enough so he can date
>date night for local theater is $15 for 2xtickets 2xmedium drinks and medium popcorn