Post a life story, get a film recommendation

>fell in love with a slut with aspergers a few years ago and got my heart broken
>been dealing with heartaches and self doubt ever since

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How'd you manage to fuck that up?

watch Big Trouble.
Laughter = best medicine.

> Went I was 19 I got really fucked up on coke and tried to beat my friend with a baseball bat


>born ugly and brown
>nobody likes me
the ends

>fall for stem phd meme
>move around doing postdocs

Attached: best show of all time.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>born ugly and black
>Social recluse since I can remember
>Get praised for being smart even though I'm not.
>Had dreams and gave up on them
>Never had a gf
>Wageslave suffering from depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, masturbation addiction, and aggressive arthritis.

Attached: xI6X656.jpg (960x652, 71K)

>Have had multiple online relationships with a variety of traps
>Have a very easy time talking to and getting numbers from women
>only ever followed up on the traps, but never fucked
I mean jfc, I’m going through on of my messages and half of this is just my ass and cock. I genuinely cannot comprehend why the hell I did this so many times in the course of a year. It’s like I’m reading the words of an entirely different person.

Are you that "it's been 8 years" guy from the other thread? Anyways, watch a Walk To Remember. Hearbreak kino.

No, it's been around two years

>Alcoholic mother was barely present in my life
>Leaves my city when I was 7
>next time I saw her 6 years later, she was dead
>was hit by my Dad
>Can't form relationships with women

>Was drinking vodka and sharing a subway sandwich with a crackhead then she stole my phone
>never felt more betrayed in my life

watch City of God

Alcoholic 30 year old with no family and friends deserted me when I used a legal 'drug' to get sober, also I work dead end jobs

>>Was drinking vodka and sharing a subway sandwich with a crackhead
Do you not find that odd? At what point in your life did you say, yeah, I can drink with crackheads, no big?

Fear and Loathing is Las Vegas

>mom and dad divorced, I'm sure my dad loved me and everything but he seemed to hate being a parent
>only friends are my dog, my mom, and a dude I met in college who doesn't live around me anymore
>make good money but live at home both because of student loan debt and because I feel like once my dog and my mom die I will seriously have no reason left to be alive

City people are weird like that.

>have 130 IQ
>receive traumatic brain injury
>now have nigger IQ and thinking makes me physically tired

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>had a gf who treated me like royalty
>did everything I asked of her, accepted me treating her like shit, and disregarded all the crazy shit I did.
>eventually we break up
>4 years later, calm down, think back on those days, realize I ruined my best chance at a high quality wife

How'd you get the injury?

this is literally every woman retard
>Lars and the Real Girl

>i had it all
>i had it all
>but then i fucked up

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The Raid

Was assaulted in a mall.

i did it on the fair in town, i rippen through the canvas

>find out my childhood friend is a furfag in highschool
>see his weird degenerate drawings
>beat him up
>claim self defense
>I’ve never had friends since

>go to church from the time I was 8 to 14
>don’t bother anyone for all that time, quiet nerd, bullied
>start smoking weed at 14
>stop going to church
>start hanging out with older guys who had weed
>they basically induct me into their crew
>stop taking everyone’s shit
>pretty much become a completely different person over time
>drop out of high school at 17, going to 3 parties in one night, drugs
>by myself for a while when my best friend got arrested
>move to a rich town, re-do senior year, clean up
>once that was over and I graduated I head back to my hometown sometimes, if I’m not just doing nothing where I live now, and start back down the downward spiral
>do nothing for 2 years
>just now got a part time job

I don't even get this but it made me laugh.

boring underachiever with no friends no gf and no hobbies works a shit job and spends his free time drinking and posting on Yea Forums

could be worse

this story sucks ass and you should kill yourself

>decent sized penis
>$300k bank account

>Dumped gf because knew I was a pushover and couldn't be myself around her
>Regret it and hate myself
>Realise I really just enjoy my own misery

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>be me
>lower standards
>1 year later
>sorry user its not working out :^)

Asked a girl for her snapchat at a party and the music died as I did it so people heard/saw me get rejected

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Based Backbrace Ho.
>Realise I really just enjoy my own misery
Yeah, I know that man. Everytime I find some friends who make me truly happy, I get scared and never message them for fear of abandonment or not being good enough. I'm stuck with a bunch of loser friends who make me feel comfortable but are ultimately holding me back. AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>not getting a girl's SC
Damn nigga you must be ugly as sin.

>work my whole life to become musician
>fight with family
>finally taste success
>building fanbase quickly
>work another few months
>get record deal
>it falls through
>lose fans
>family views me as a fuck up
>poor and working as a barista at a coffee shop, hearing "I told you so" daily

Do zoomers really do this?

Fuck all those losers. They just wanted to kill your dream because they're unhappy. Keep your chin up man.

Family is the worst and the ultimate shackle.
If you don't think music is what you want to do anymore then find what you enjoy and pursue it, fuck what other people say.
If it is then give it another shot, you did it once and can do it again.

Jeff Who Lives at Home

Not true. I've also had gfs who stood up to my bad behaviour, and were more confrontational, which was beneficial in developing me as a person. But I'll always regret losing that one girlfriend.


I do fine with women, think she had something with a guy though

Too be honest, a challenging gf is more beneficial in becoming a man. Listen to her advice, improve, but also stand up for what you believe in. Stand strong when you want a break and never fight her fire with more fire, just let her breath or give her love.

>I do fine with women
Then why the fuck are you whining? We've all had failures with women.


>went to college and graduated with a meme degree
>joined the army to stall an unplanned future
>not a fan

>Be Cool

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Because its funny? I'm not whining you fucking sperg get over yourself.

>Because its funny
>Common insignificant occurrence with no relevance since no-one here knows you
Don't quit your day job

How did the deal falls through? Talk about a vague and highly homosexual story.

Im going to skullfuck you faggot.

>finally meet woman of my dreams, get married, start STEHM meme degree
>Cunt wife abuses me over a year and tries to murder me so I leave her, have her deported back to Nipland
>behave like a degenerate slut for the next year or so
>teachers pressure me to go on benzos, force me to go on stress leave
>whore myself out to some cute but middle-aged women in exchange for gifts, services and shelter, sometimes do nude photoshoots
>can't sleep well anymore, near-constant rage except when shitposting, fucking and doing /out/ stuff, probably drinking too much
>don't trust wamen anymore
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

A-at least I don't have kids with her, r-right guys

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I didn't even include the worst part. the reason why I lost my record deal is that I have a bipolar ex girlfriend who decided to metoo me despite my innocence because I wouldn't take her back. with the amount of zoomers on Yea Forums I'd be very surprised if a lot of you haven't at least heard of me. I got bombarded by SJWs, phone number was leaked, I can't count how many people told me to kill myself, over assault that I didn't commit. be careful brothers. an art hoe is never worth it.

>Know I was gay from a young age, come out right before starting HS
>Overall an enjoyable experience in HS, despite some bullying, fool around A LOT because I was cute and in the Theater program/club so lots of other cute young fags to make out with and trade blowjobs with, even got to hotdog my lubed dick against another twinks asshole and penetrated him a bit
>Graduate HS
>Enter sinking depression, get really fat, fail at all college attempts because of debilitating mental illness
>Multiple hospitalizations for suicide attempts
>Get bounced around from job to job, unable to complete degree
>Now 28 years old, still fat and ugly, working a dead-end wageslave job to support myself and haven't had sex in YEARS, addicted to porn

I feel sexbot r & d would be better spent on holowaifus

>whole childhood ruined because mom and brotherd got addicted to meth and now suffer from various mental illnesses
>moved a few times due to this, could never establish a social life
>am now a skittish, introverted weirdo who could have been chad
It hurts

now THIS is comedy

Yeah, probably. Holowaifus can't get hacked and murder you in your sleep, definitely an advantage over fembots


>ugly depraved mentally ill faggot
>life peaked at sucking dick in high school
Dime a dozen

>walked out of my job mid-shift today
>only a couple hundred dollars left in my bank
>no degree, no job prospects, no idea what I'm going to do
ill be fine



I can't find that movie on IMDB.

are you me

how the fuck are your friends holding you back? why do you expect better friends to lift you, if you don't lift your friends?

Age? Job? Living with family or by yourself? Why didn't you line another job up?

thank you