Trailer park boys

Is it kino Yea Forums?

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Pre-Netflix it is.

First few seasons. They were supposed to parlay it to actual writing and movie careers but instead they remained canadian

fuckin hell randy put a goddam shirt on you faggot

Lahey returning to the police is headcanon ending for me
as a matter of fact, everyone gets a great ending there, except randy, but, fuck randy.

Frig off

But who was /ourguy/?

First two seasons were kino, when they started ditching the mockumentary aspect and doing stupid unrealistic shit like getting the mountain lion in it just got terrible and relied on rehashing the same jokes over and over again. Also they treated a lot of the cast and crew like cunts.

if you pay attention, the last episode in season 6 actually has everyone's "ending" in it, it was clearly meant to be the end of the show

I like season 7 though but the Netflix seasons are total trash

Ricky was always out guy


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dis righ hiya, nahmsayin?

Seasons 1-7 and the movies are top notch comedy kino

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>What's up dudes wanna hang out and play video games?

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The fuck was Julian's problem that he was always a fucking dick?

>I'd like to go out in a BLAZE of GLORY, and then EVERYONE will know that Jim Lahey was a GOOD. COP.

sort of, some of the earlier seasons are pretty meh. the biggest issue are the Netflix seasons beyond the first when they just started including a shit ton of celebrities like snoop dog.

s5e9 "I Am the Liquor" is the perfect episode


Smokes, hurry the fuck up Corey for fucks sakes


Randy’s trickin for cheeseburgers again

It peaked with the hash driveway

Ricky destroying the bathroom reminded me of this

Bubbles of course.

Lahey before they made him gay

The animated series is pretty good, though.

So Lahey in the first episode?

Letterkenny is better.

What was up with that? Is it some kind of inside joke in Canada that all men are bisexual?

Was this an intentional easter egg

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I've got Jeanna Harrison lewds if anyone is interested

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its a common pose

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Yo ma'fuckas, dis now a J-Roc thread, 'nomesayin'?

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Roc Pyle up in this ma!

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prove it

show was damn near perfect until season 6..or probably 7, i cant remember but the first 5 are fantastic i do know that

Its tigh-erruh-erruh-tight

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I am the liquor

ahahahah why didnt anyone shut the water of??fuck this brings back a bad memory, never trust an 18 year old to SHUT THE WATER OFF

>was wondering if anyone knew where to find our couple of Dycks? Dyck's tend to slip out from time to time
wheres your god now j-rocc fags?

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presumably he was working somewhere below the valve, and the valve for THAT section was either locked away or would shut off the whole floor or some other retarded design.

>the boys go to steal food for Ricky's wedding
>end up with a bunch of lunch meat and bananas

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to me its the comfiest show ever made but i think a lot of that is just relating to it having grown up poor and low class
a lot of people i've tried to show this to didn't really get it and my guess is that you can't understand it if you grew up well off

I agree. You kinda had to have loved it to get a lot of the humor.

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this shit was so fucking bad

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you sure you got the right file there, bro?

like a majority of other shows, it just got worse as seasons went on. they should have just let it die peacefully

Just got fired, thanks asshole

it's kino seasons 1-6. after season 6, it's incredibly disappointing

S1-S6 are gold quality, S7 is still pretty good. The seasons after that have a few good moments here and there but are mostly trash and not worth watching.

Dat's the tight shit! Iz wut ah'm all 'bout gnome'sayan?

what episode was this from?


season 1 episode 3

shit, ive never personally seen an apartment that didnt have it's own shut off for water, but ive encountered some dumbass shit in them, so i believe that 100%.

Mans gotta eat

I didn't grow up poor and I still find it hilarious

Seasons 2-6 are kino. I know the acting/production is definitely not top tier but its imperfections give it some extra flavor. Overall I love the show

>help my fuck

*1-3 are kino

I didn't include 1 because I guess I didn't like Bubble's exclusion. I think then later seasons give him too much, but after season 1 he has the perfect balance

The beginning of the end is the cougar episode. That was the exact moment they started losing what made it magic in the beginning.

Yeah you're right. I didn't even realize that

>two dudes have an orgy with two chicks
>both girls get preggers
We can be co-daddies.
>that episode where j-roc got caught jacking off then the totally owns it makes a rap song about it.
>building a model train set from canadia across the border to America to smuggle weed.
>you're talking to the liquor now Rand.
>Philadelphia Collins bumps dust.
Pure fucking gold boys.

user, lewds, let's go.

whats funny is that the showrunners took the hint and dropped a bridge on Candy and snapped back Barb's character even having her say "i just want things to go back to normal" in that season's finale

All the cops on the show were gay.

t. netflix employee
I watched the first episode of the animated series and it didn't even get a single chuckle out of me. didn't bother watching the rest.
on the flip side, I've seen the first 6 seasons like 3-4 times through already and they STILL make me laugh when I rewatch episodes here and there.

based "I've got Jeanna Harrison lewds if anyone is interested" poster

Julian walks in on Lahey and Randy doing freaky shit in one of the first few episodes

Lucy was banging George Green for a while iirc

stupid sexy Julian

Yeah, it's kino.

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