Is the remake as doomed as we are?
Is the remake as doomed as we are?
political scientists ^
real scientists know that this is hogwash scare tactics.
>remake comes out
>its shit
>original still exists
Why even care at this point?Nostalgia sells and considering how successful they can be it won't stop anytime soon.Just rewatch the originals.
Only cults think humanity has less than 20 years to live.
>20 years
lmfao. Also go talk to the chinese government about your precious environment.
These people that think we’re all gonna be dead by 2050 unless we “fix” climate change - what exactly do they think is going to happen? Why would humanity suddenly die? I’m genuinely curious because their claims seem to be based on pure retardation.
Lol didn't they claim new york was going to be underwater by 2015?
Pretty sure they were saying this gay shit in the 80s and we are still here
algae die, fish die, we die
>less than 20 years until we all die
God I hope so.
I can't wait for 20 years to pass and then those same scientists kids or someshit say we have another 20 years before humanity is doomed and so on and so forth.
>We will totally be dead by _____
They said that years.
Gore said that Florida and California would be underwater by now.
Actual scientist reporting in. Reminder that the only climate issues you need to worry about are ocean acidification and algae blooms causing dead zones (I don’t care if you don’t believe me. No, I don’t have a coat effective solution)
It's been going on since way before the 80s.
What about the mass release of methane contained within Arctic ice that's melting?
>scientists say we’re dead in 20 years for the last 50 years
wake me up when I’m dead.
Alt right climate research consists of “my moms basement still has air conditioning pwned dumb librulz”
>spread butthole awareness
part of the problem me thinks
I don’t know enough about that to comment
See you in 21 years.
China and India are the biggest causes for pollution. It doesn’t matter what the US and the rest of the world do.
Which famous scientists discovered global cooling, global warming, and climate change?
>Climate changes
>Ocean levels rise
>Coastal cities are flooded
>Coastal cities also happen to be leftist strongholds
Based climate change.
>ten years pass
glad someone finally said it.
I’ma mathematician so I think scientists are hacks.
How does 1 degree celcius of warming over a hundred years damage the life cycle we depend on (assuming that we can actually predict temperatures out that far?)
>we only have 12 years to live
>oh uh nuclear power? no thanks
If anybody really thought a tipping point was imminent wouldn't they also find the potential dangers of nuclear power kind of moot? Even assuming one blows up every month we'd last longer than 12 years.
I am not going to read nor trust someone with spread butthole in their name. I am for twitter hot takers taking the third option.
If I linked you an article about lobsters dying in the 90s would you actually read it?
It really makes no sense. Nuclear should be pursued with everything we have. it’s simply the best source of energy we have. And it makes everyone happy.
>both Europe and the US' total CO2 emissions go down in absolute terms and per capita
>China, India, and parts of the middle East and Africa are having fucking absurd CO2 spikes, even on a per capita basis
>72%+ of all CO2 emissions world wide are caused by only 100 international corporations
I'm not a climate change denier, I'm a climate realist. We're all already doing our part. Don't fucking chastise me for eating the same red meat and dairy literally all of my ancestors for the last 4 centuries, don't pat yourself on the back because you switched your plastic straws for paper ones yet still drink out of an even more harmful plastic cup, don't push a revenue neutral carbon tax on me. Even if all worldwide CO2 emissions dropped to literally 0, and that includes natural emissions like cattle and biological methane producers, it would still take years for the effects of climate change to stop, and then decades for trends to reverse themselves. Instead of feel good civilian level half measures, address building infrastructure for the future. We are past the point of prevention and we need to be talking about accommodating the future's climate, which is certain to change.
What the fuck does that have to do with a remake? Do they feel superior for "not giving a shit" about a remake or the original adaption, despite obviously acknowledging the existence of the two? Is that all their dogbrain can muster?
No, no, you see all you have to do is start eating bugs and maybe dead humans and be sure not to have any children and pay a bunch of taxes to help offset carbon usage in the 3rd world and that’ll totally fix the problem. I’m a scientist, trust me.
Delusion is believing that the average person has any power at all to change these things. We're designed to be apathetic, so why pretend otherwise?
>yet still drink out of an even more harmful plastic cup
Is there an actual reason as to why some businesses still use disposable plastic cups? Surely paper ones are cheaper.
By that same logic, these people shouldn’t criticize the Joker movie or Rambo 5 because GLOBAL WARMNG. Or criticize sexism in video games because GLOBAL WARMING.
>climate change is a lie
>remakes aren't
This. Climate change "activism" is just;
>denigrate your lives even more despite already doing more than your fair share so we can accomodate the recklessness of others because multiculturalism means we can't acknowledge it's China's fault"
You just wait til New York is completely underwater and then we will see how you feel!
Okay, so it's obvious that China is at fault. But what can you even do? They don't even care about human rights there. If you tried to force them to do anything, they'll just freak out and start a war.
China is a paper tiger maybe we should start a war.
I'm pro climate change. This twisted game needs to be reset.
>less than 20 years
Didn't they say that exact same thing back in the 80s?
If is always 20 years out, we should be fine forever.
I hope the CIA is paying you well, western scum. China is actually the NUMBER ONE country when it comes to quality of life according to the Beijing University (the only reputable University left at this point).
Unironically this
>lobsters dying in the 90s
They didn't die prior to that? and they are all gone?
SCIENTISTS : : : : :
God the tactical nihlism is infuriating
Either we're fucked like you say 50% of the time and then we may as well distract ourself with pop culture shit, or we can prevent shit and then why don't we just go pure ecofascist and invade China/India
Wow, I am now convinced China is the only hope for our planet! Sail on brother, our helmsman Xi knows the way!
What do these activists want to do about the millions that would be out of work if we stopped using coal anyway?
>Surely paper ones are cheaper.
They were until the left complained about them. Same for plastic bags.
Even if western countries use green energy, what incentive do countries like China and India have to play ball with us? I'm an Ausbrah and leftists here think that once we start, China and India will follow our lead.
>triple E mosquito epidemic
It’s just going to get stronger and stronger
I don’t think much about ‘climate change’ but I’m a little panicked over the mosquitos senpai
Wow, I'm so glad to see there's a lot of intelligent people on this website! Very Nice!
because they'll see our noble example and definitely want to completely fuck their manufacturing economies to follow :^)
Who the fuck cares? The movie wasn't even that good to complain about the remake and the remake will be even worse.
Do they not teach the food chain in school anymore, or has it been dropped for more tranny indoctination?
We should use renewable energies just to fuck with Saudi Arabia, conservacucks really have no morals whatsoever. Stop trying to be edgy and focus on concrete goals.
>t. TV 'scientists' 50 years ago
i hope global warming is real, all you subhuman fags deserve to die.
hows it been living underwater for several years now, coastal bros?
Doesn't matter what China wants, in a decade it'll be Balkanized. India seems like a fulcrum though
>72%+ of all CO2 emissions world wide are caused by only 100 international corporations
This is what grinds my gears the most. Don't you dare fucking tell ME to decrease my ecologic footprint. I'm not pouring toxic waste into the drinking water
>Implying energy companies that are into oil and gas also don't hold a stranglehold over alternative energy.
You must actually be retarded user
>Renewable energy is a moral imperative
I hope you dont wonder why your not taken seriously
>be Canuck
>be Canuck in the fields of urban planning and landscape architecture
>anticipating the opportunities to put our mark on the world once climate change makes the more northern regions of our nation more immediately inhabitable, working to design entirely new towns and cities in the Canadian Shield
It's gonna be so fucking comfy bros.
>Renewable energy is a moral issue
You do realize that a lot of the 'renewable' energy can be more pollutant than modern gas refining. Look at lithium batteries for example
I haven't been bit by a mosquito more than twice this year, probably because of all of the dragonflies
>dude just UNLEARN biological instincts that are programmed into your brain lmao