Will there ever be a more kino moment in television than this?
Will there ever be a more kino moment in television than this?
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't know.
This topped 9/11?
Big ol jet airliner
don't carry me too far away
television peaked 30 years ago on Donahue
OJ Simpson trial
Saddam Hussein purge
2008 Chinese Olympics
2010 stock market flash crash
The Week that Changed the World
Budd Dwyer suicide
Operation Desert Storm
Literally wat besides OJ and 9/11
>But can you do THIS?
Go away zoomer
What the fuck happend at the Olympics?
They cheated
holy shit, 2 live crew were master trolls
At first I thought this was a comedy skit:
>"to me it looked like a leprechaun to me. Something-something tree. Whoever seen a leprechaun say Yay!" grins and shrugs
>The drawing
>"could been a crackhead"
>"this is a special leprechaun flute that has been passed down from thousands of years ago from my great great grandfather who was Irish. I just came to help out."
>"I want the gold. Give me the gold I want the gold"
I don't get how it gave him away. He might as well have been shocked hearing his "friend" had been found murdered
the opening and closing ceremonies are kino af
I'm not convinced he did it honestly, I think he just looked like a creep and the investigator took one look at him and went "yeah, we can get this autist to falsely confess, no problem."
Her blood in his apartment was a plant.
Imagine a freaking Leprechaun in the hood
Season 11 episode 5 of The Simpsons
He probably did it but probably isn’t good enough in convicting someone. They singled him out because he was already weird and they wanted to close this case fast. I watched his entire interrogation and he while he acted weird that’s he was. It’s not uncommon for shit cops that want to wrap a case fast try to pin it on what they feel is a “likely suspect”.
This. There is no hard evidence against him.
Yeah I wish he hadn’t taken the deal they laid out at him. Consider the scare tactics they were using I’m betting they were threatening with death penalty. Any good lawyer however would have torn up the case they had against him easily.
Jaffa calling
Why did he do this during the interrogation? It just looks silly.
Are black people really this stupid or are they just inherently all talented comedians?
I hope tokyo 2020 will out do it.
would this be allowed on tv today?
What was wrong with the evidence against him?
it was his power stance
Wasn't he in law school at the time too? You'd think the idiot would have learned that you don't talk to cops without a lawyer present, ever.
Pure fucking kino. Nothing will ever top it.
I don't know
You're getting baited, genius.
Starring Warrick Davis.
that's a tall order
>He might as well have been shocked
It just shows how he realized he was fucked, in hindsight. That's totally panic.
Secret interrogation technique.
if he's willing to do that to his chair imagine what he'll do to you
This made me laugh hard, ty user
>the fucking flaming tire flying down the road
fucking kino
I was hoping he would fall on the floor really hard and let out a huge fart. Stayvun would've been shook beyond belief.
>wood is flammable
do US cops get ANY training?
i never knew police academy was a documentary
>the amateur sketch
every single time i die laughing
absolute embarrassment in law enforcement
cops only made the situation more dangerous
>shoot tyre, cause fire
>no roads closed, traffic everywhere, all cop cars chasing behind, nobody leading to clear the road or close highway
give your fucking head a shake guys.
are they fucking retarded?
how do you get a job after doing this. buddy was playing irl gta
how's that?
Based John Bunell voicover
>Incredibly, many pedestrians are not only enjoying the show, they're actually encouraging the performance
Kek, based.
2008 Chinese Olympics was insane. Great call user
underage gymnasts. they always do it
can I get a quick rundown? Only thing I remember was they basically walled their city off and only let people see a few preapproved streets
A guy trying to shoot down a police helicopter is pretty kino
he says "all you gotta do is look up in the tree"
just cause of the opening ceremony or what
what the fuck does the IOC have against 4channel?
Post some videos if you're such a kino expert.
>2010 stock market flash crash
opening ceremonies were kino
phelps was kino
dallhauser was kino
gymnastics was insanely kino (fucking insane chinks)
I just remember being holed up in my room for two weeks watching this shit. it was all great but the phelps .01 victory (to help him achieve the record 8 gold medals) was absolutely flabbergasting to see live
thanks, could never catch that bit
He probably also should have learned that killing people is illegal.
most non-lawyers seem to think that being a lawyer is about learning how to cheat the system
that was fucking awesome
not live TV but kino enough
>Run 50 meter
>Out of breath for 5 minutes
cursed video
so disturbing
shit taste
Janet Jackson nipple
>TV proceeds to show a fetus being drowned in oil
What did the universe mean by this?
I don't get it, spoonfeed me
Basd neighbours
that whole case was really interesting (and sad)
Chris Watts. Killed his pregnant wife and daughters.
He was caught within 24 hours because of the neighbors surveillance and the police body cam.
it's hillarious that he seemed so guilty that people nearly couldn't believe he did it. who is THAT fucking stupid, right?
And I just won
>Chinese Olympics
You mean the opening ceremony? Olympics are pretty gay user.
One of their friends really was a short black guy who was dressing up as a leprechaun to play a prank on the news.
The universe created him. The universe is cruel. I wonder how his life would have been if he didnt win.
Would he feel deserving of everything? Would he latch on to something else? Deep down we all know the answer.
Nothing would have changed
I hate this board so much but I can't FUCKING LEAVE
>winning a randomly selected contest is an example of how well he's doing
>it only takes him a few hours to master an electronic game and then he moves on
Yeah in hindsight we should have seen this coming.
>muh black people
the last big leprechaun chase in Europe was in Liverpool, in 1964. Were our parents really this stupid?
This beats everything except maybe the leprechaun in the tree
Haha. It took balls to applaud up in there.
He never had a chance, did he?
Watched the whole thing before realizing who it was. Poor kid might've been alright if the internet was never invented.
he would have been a rapist
Hindenburg Disaster
While Yea Forums definitely edged him on, his parents and society in general fucked him.
brah how many white people believe they've been abducted by aliens?
>OJ Simpson trial
The chase was more kino.
This. Remember, he drew SheCameForCWC so that he could release the urges he felt towards Megan and actually said he might've acted on those urges if he hadn't
as many as any other race.
sleep paralysis isn't a white thing.
The US fielded massive amounts of roiders, as always.
That's nothing
It’s ironic because this IS cringe
based and dozerpilled
also there's quite a lot of abductees in south america. the cia has freer reign there
untrue. The vast majority of self-reported abductees are white and almost all are american. Is sleep paralysis an american thing?
not to mention those weird UFO cults which are basically always homogeneously white
Based, got any motivational killdozer wallpapers/images?
Well obviously aliens aren't going to waste their time with irrelevant 3rd worlders or arguing with yuropoors so they go straight to Earth's leaders.
>"yeah, we can get this autist to falsely confess, no problem."
And That's A Good Thing!
Spergs should be put in prison for the health of society
>did you think the janny was your girlfriend stayven?
>I don't get how it gave him away.
The video didn't give it away. It was dumping the body next to where he lived/worked, and outing himself as her friend when everyone knew he was a loner with no friends.
that is incredibly ignorant to think even a majority of "ufo cults" are white. There are more right now internationally than you know of I can assume you.
Other countries, ethnicities, and religions have completely different ideas on what sleep paralysis even is. Some think demons, some think angels, some think aliens, some think witchcraft, and many many other things.
Americans would be self-reported because it's a well known phenomenon that people talk about.
in black countries people would just assume it isn't aliens, but voodoo, witchcraft, or some other supernatural event and report it as so.
>making OC is cringe
Aussie Chad
>Freddie Mercury vs Hideo Kojima
Nothing will ever top this
What about the part of the presidential debates where trump said in response to Megan "only Rosie O'Donnell" and the crowd erupted in laughter
I think this one is better edited.
>it's no use
He's no doubt worse off because of the trolling, but he was doing some stupid shit on his own. He's probably only able to support himself because people donate money to him. Hard to say.
i love this crackheads idea of what lawschool entails. lesson one: yuont' talk to no Cops
Freddie doesn't fuck around
and now for the modern classic
Cast him.
Not him, but you're wrong. Not enough salt.
>take a look at yourself
>I have, everyone has, they love
Cant imagine where they'd get that idea
my sides are gone
I saw this live at work a couple months back.
Guess you guys missed when a dude stole a tank
holy fucking kek
Aussie kino is best kino
is this an animu dub?
This is exactly what should play on the opening of a christian chandler documentary. No narration, just this opening, and you can begin the whole thing right after it.
Fucking kino.
the person who translated this should be flogged in the square.
Looks like he was trying to do a Singin' in the Rain routine.
>Now I'm behind you steven.
The one with the audio is better.
the only good reason for korean unification at this point is to just throw the entire south in the trash
...without a lawyer present. Yes. That's like the number 1 lawyering rule, up there with attorney-client privilege. Why is this so unbelievable to you? Do you understand what a lawyer does?
>no TCAP yet
It's a photoshop you dumb fucking cunt
he may have been talking about the actual interview rather than the shop though. Maybe.
Enjoy, retard
I doubt that how to stop an 18 wheeler carrying flammable materials was even considered as a lesson in the academy of whatever town that is in the early 90's
they had his HARRRRRRRE
>What!? No way!
>You know what, I don't want this cookie, I just want to get to the beach
My sides.
they're white (hispanic) and you have it the wrong way around
I love how all of these interrogations that end up leading to someone's arrest are literally just one call to a lawyer away from failing.
I can't remember who the criminal was, but at one point in his interrogation they brought in his father and left them alone in the room, but as soon as his dad told him he should probably get a lawyer, they burst in and (succesfully) change the subject. That one policewoman who was being interrogated (killed her husband or something) specifically mentions "I'm from the business, I know how this works, if this is a real interrogation (they were pretending it was just an informal thing) I'm gonna get a lawyer".
So, seriously guys. You have a right to an attorney specifically to prevent these interrogations from working, and they're damn succesful at it too. Cops will kick themselves if you choose to get a lawyer present because it all but nullifies any chance of interrogations pinning anything on you. If you've ever seen cop shows that deal with interrogations you've likely seen this happen too.
Not to mention if you're not being charged with any crime, you're free to leave at any time. It's something they conveniently forget to mention when grilling someone
I really hate all these fake sound effects and the fake radio chatter
They frequently mention on Real Detective that if the suspect had asked for a lawyer they were fucked. Not sure how truthful they're being of if it's just suspense.
>even got the mayor's house
No, they just want to talk.
as a 23 year old male who has never had sex what are the chances that he had sex with her before killing her
They want ad revenue and that can't happen embedded so they force you to go to YouTube. At least their being a little more honest than dumping you into a pointless help screen telling you to clear your cache.
What do you think?
Asking for a lawyer might indeed make you come off as suspicious... and it completely doesn't matter.
That's how important/effective they are in this situation. You can flash as smug a grin as you want when you ask for one. "That would make you look suspicious!" is the first thing they'll tell you when trying to dissuade you from calling for one. "You'd only want that if you had something to hide, right?"
You shouldn't let it work, lol
Can't see shit
I'm so glad I stumbled across this on Youtube, great video, sad story
Holy shit, my sides
america truly is the great satan
You must be 18 to post here
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant the detectives kept saying if the suspect asked for a lawyer the detectives and the case was fucked.
virgin front-end loader vs the chad killdozer
zoomers don't know who oj is and if they do they don't have an opinion
>you can't arrest me if I arrest myself
>the first person who taps their foot gets executed
this is like that louie ck bit irl
Been posted
yea i i had an Alzheimer moment
>that part at 14-21 secs where they're punching each other simultaneously
The most kino segment is probably Reverend x
If all criminals were as smart as Bodie on The Wire there would be a lot more unsolved crimes
Damn imagine that happening today and the /pol/ threads would be something in the conservative realm of 1500000 posts and possibly break Yea Forums for months
everything about this guy's crime just screams "I think I'm smarter than I actually am"
Hiding bodies in a fucking oil tank in the desert sounds brilliant, unless of course you're a fucking oil company employee whose job is to monitor these remote tanks and you're literally one of the only people in the world with access to them
30yo boomer here. i've been hearing about OJ my whole life in the media and i've never once given a shit about it.
Good lord why is fp always the bp
drunk and disorderly conduct chad
7 seconds in
>record scratch
>freeze frame
>yep, that's me..! You're probably wondering to yourself, how did I get here? Well, I'll tell you.
no its not you fucking retard
No where near as good as the project x inspiration aussie.
>he just blazes through that intersection
>too lazy to watch the entire video
>too stupid to know whether something is shooped
fuck off retard
>You would be in jail
have you guys read much about this case actually being a psyop as a means for citizens to start buying more surveillance products in order to further turn our society into a panopticon surveillance state?
I can't find the clip, but a Milwaukee alderman named Michael McGee, Sr. crashed a live 1990 broadcast of Good Morning America or some other national news magazine show and it was the most violent, fucking chaotic thing I've ever seen. I just thought it was some crazy nigger raising hell, and I guess it was, but he was also a sitting alderman.
He also tried to organize a black militia to patrol Milwaukee after the Dahmer arrest on grounds that "white faggots are out preying on black youth". His statement earned him a rebuke from the city council.
i'm in tears, poor lady. i still laugh
>can open carry in florida
no, but why make a fake murder as a psyop when there are real cases like this to spotlight? besides, i dont think it takes something like this to get people to by cameras
>literally win's the game of life with beautiful milf wife & two daughters
>kill's them for absolutely no reason
is there a kid in that blue room around the 15 minute mark?
The case makes it clear that he was a complete brainlet, so I guess he thought that "starting over" with some random women was better than the dream life
Couldn't find the actual wdbj shooting footage, surprised it hasn't been posted yet.
Have the COPS footage instead.
i know the good book says judge not, but i just gotta come out and say it, this Chris Watts guy...i mean this guy is a real jerk.
the dude only had a camera on his drive-way, it's not a big deal.
>actually got off without serving any time or anything because he never wavered in saying he just wanted to go to the beach
It will
Really? Based.
He looks like a buffoon but he's one of the smartest ones just for not opening up to Hanson.
fucking based
ALWAYS dog your psychopath neighbours
Corey kino
What are the other convictions like? Is it usually jail time or community service? Have they ever caught an actual nonce with a history?
never actually saw the video
holy shit what an idiot. like dude could have tried harder to be more guilty? like he didnt even try
>Station Fire
Fuckin nope.
The original is better.
Typical nigger, stealing someone elses interview.
Theyve caught the same guy twice before. And yea from memory a few admit to have fucking kids before. Theyre idiots. The 4channer who goes on it is kino tho
>"rian johnson has more"
Plus a third kid on its way, a large house with two floors, and a community where people care about their neighbors. And he just throws it all away for a prison cell. What an idiot.
>found out the Japanese fighter, Yoshihiro Takayama, is now paralyzed from the neck down from a wrestling injury sustained in 2011
Fucking hell....
>But can you do THIS?
I don't know.
>The 4channer who goes on it is kino tho
Was that the cowboy?
He's coocoo in the cocoanut
Most of the crowd is probably people just wanting to see what the fuss is about. I'm pretty sure most of the interviewees are just getting in on the fun. The guy with the "leprechaun flute" is obviously taking the piss.
I want to genocide this style of activist.
He only knows the two oldest things on that list, how does that make him underaged?
omg miracles are real
toppest of keks good sir
a real heck of a gosh darn golly gosh heckin jerk hole
>Can you lend a nigga a pencil?
holy fucking based
fat friend had a young child with her. you can see it at one point while their outside
so maybe its hers?
>master key to the apartment complex he stole
>packaging for tools that could be used to dismember a body
>bags identical to the ones used to sack up body parts for disposal
>actual trace evidence from the victim
>jerk off journal full of violent rape fantasies
>computer hard drive full of same and additional incriminating google searches
>No HaRd EvIdEnCe
I wanna know what the Staaayven Defense Force is hiding in their own personal lives.
Gave me a hearty laugh
Honestly I don't even know who's worse now, him or his "fanbase"
Not going to lie, I cried like a b*tch
Pretty crazy how psychos can be hiding in plain sight for decades. What a complete idiot, though. Did he know about the cameras?
>It's necessary
You are now aware that every felon over the age of 10 has been "hiding in plain sight for decades".
Dude's not a serial killer, what the fuck are you talking about?
You're comparing the average felon with a guy who decides out of the blue to strangle his wife and two kids just to get with his mistress? It's obvious what I'm talking about. He acted completely ordinary until he suddenly wasn't, and his subsequent behavior made it very clear that he doesn't feel emotions or empathy the same way the rest of us do
irl robot wars
this is what a victim of child abuse looks like
He looks familiar. Is this the guy that keeps saying he got passed around at clandestine Hollywood parties as a boy?
yes, one of them
the others (((passed away)))
He did know about the cameras, but their line of sight was mostly obscured and he may have been hoping they wouldn't give a clear enough view of him.
Apparently Watts and his wife had an argument about cheating, divorce and the custody of their kids; he snapped and strangled her during that argument. But then one of the kids happened to walk in and started crying, and then the other kid woke up too.
It sounds like he was caught in the heat of the moment and wasn't thinking at all. Kinda like that woman in Black Mirror who was accidentally involved in someone's death and then had to keep murdering all witnesses in a desperate attempt to hide her initial crime.
>Poor kid might've been alright if the internet was never invented
define "alright"
His parents, two obese alcoholics, had him at age 40+ (Bob was 55).
They ripped him out of the school that wanted to give him special education that he desperately needed.
They raised him in a disgusting house filled with junk.
And worst of all they indulged his nonsense, blaming literally everyone but him (and them) for his problems.
Chris was always going to be a fuck up
The only thing Bob did wrong was not beating Chris' ass when he was younger
What's the deal with the aspie?
Based Normposter.
The reason why GenericWhiteMale wasn't convicted was because he lucked out and got a really good lawyer who attacked Perverted Justice's methods + PJ refused to turn over chatlogs. Two other predators from the same sting - Thomas Moffitt (dude who tried to lure the decoy to his car and told her to bring her library card) and Brian Gosselin (pic related) - also escaped conviction for the same reason.
Wonder why they couldn't provide logs
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
>Log lightly hits the tire of the school bus
>raising 3 daughters
guys a giga chad. would rather kill them than be a cuck
If they're interrogating you it's because they already find you suspicious. It also means they lack the physical evidence necessary to put you away for it and they're trying to talk you into a conviction. Asking for a lawyer doesn't make you seem more suspicious than you already are when they haul you in for questioning.
they can't introduce the fact you chose to exercise your constitutional right to an attorney as evidence of guilt at trial, but they're counting on you not knowing that
t. attorney
No joke, that beat with the riff from Ain't Talking Bout Love was fucking FIRE
damn can't believe I haven't' seen this.
>b-body? i-i think i need to sit down
terrfying shit
This was fuckin hilarious!
>Is sleep paralysis an american thing?
Anyone can get it.
It's a condition where your body is asleep but the brain is slightly awake meaning you can't move but you're lucid enough to be aware of that.
I get it without fail if I sleep on my back.
Fuck that shit.
I've very rarely gotten the night terrors that commonly accompany sleep paralysis though. Mostly I can't fucking breathe and I it's a panic associated with that like having a blanket on my face but I can't do anything about it (I have bad asthma so it's a freaky thing for me).
Not american.
Under the right conditions, anyone can get it. It fucking sucks.
>post ending in 717 about 9/11
how is no one mentioning this shit
>Literally is "Ain't Talking Bout Love at The Fuck Shop"
>2 live crew got sued by vh for hundreds of thousands, paid it, and wound up making millions
Retarded fuck
Nice logical fallacy dumbfuck
Narcissists tend to think they are smarter than everyone else though. It’s like how Ted Bundy represented himself.
>did ya think the janny was ya gurlfriend?
top kek
>everything is bait
People like you should be fired into the sun.
>Once Bitten...twice fried
Hnng that black dancer with the thick thighs imma go jizz again
>alot of sucking and fucking at the chuck shop
The US cheats too by roiding up there nigger gymnasts. Blacks can't take steroids and it won't show up on any tests
why doesn't every single african country do the same then?
this shit sounds wild
What about that clip made you think they didn’t know wood was flammable retard?
>no roads closed, traffic everywhere, all cop cars chasing behind, nobody leading to clear the road or close highway
>closing all possible routes ahead of truck
>setting up a roadblock to stop a semi with a loaded trailer
Kek. You are quite possibly the dumbest I’ve encountered here in the last month. Congrats retard!
Many prisons offer jobs for inmates. I’m sure he found work.
because they knew it was obvious entrapment.
She milked that for all it was worth
NOTHING will ever compare to the kino that the Roof Koreans provided. Thank you, based David Joo
the play written by the virginia tech shooter