/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH Part 1 winner: Jackson
HoH Part 2 winner: Holly
HoH Part 3 winner: TBD

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bitter jur-

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Reddit and Twitter and RHAP are still seething so hard its hilarious

bimbo is pissed that she could have been the one michie drug to the end but he dumped her instead.

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Devin will be the first player to get the triple CBS win of big brother, survivor and amazing race

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you see that guy winning comps and taking risks? thats the winner.


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So what do you mean so? Lol. I already said, it’s hilarious.

Like how the hell does this make sense? If they’d lose to Nicole, how would it make sense on paper to bring her? Lol

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>kemi did everything
interesting flavor of cope

this. tyler losing wasn't a great tragedy, he was a boring fuck. jackson will be a great and satisfying winner.

so tell me why you are posting a literal who twitter cap and tell me why I should care

>you're good

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>h-he’s fast!!

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based twitter salt miner
you’re doing gods work

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The real question is, if Holly wins does Jackson still dump her?

Twitter is a hellish cesspool of hypocritical wokeness and uppity blacks, but damn if the salt isn't nice.

holly winning part 2 might have given her a longer relationship

Yes. Once they go back home they're done.

If cliff wins AFP, twitter could reach critical mass in terms of salt.

he'll give her another 6 months

Based Nick

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depends does he get her family farm?

someone told him about bella's twitter shit

lmao this thread will be SEETHING when Kemi wins AFP

does the giant JC or the flying cliff/tommy mutant look too ridiculous?

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literally who?

Jackson knew she could not be trusted. Best skill in the game - analysing people quickly, accurately then assessing what to do with them. Sore losers can never be trusted.

*wins the war*

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So is tonight the clip show?

yeah but it's a good ridiculous

would you rather have sex with
>kat and bella
>kat and holly
choose wisely

nice. i just realized aura is missing.
and im gonna move stuff around and give jackson a speech bubble. but i figured id check with /bb/

I know jc, kc and tyler will be on discussing the final 3. and they might show all of part 1

kat and bella
1 hundo p


I'm not optimistic, modern juries are pathetic and extremely thin-skinned. It's been 4 seasons since they awarded the win to a hard gamer.

oh and look at paul in between jack and tommy

jackson is about to win by seven votes 7-2

Kat and Bella so I can be a double eskimo brother with Nick

>full HOH comp shown
>kc, jc, tyler roundtable
>probably also memory lane
we at least know it won't be 55 minutes of clip show and 5 minutes of comp teaser

>kat will fuck anything that breathes
>holly is used to chads like jackson
>bella would just lay there and do nothing then complain that the sex was awful
>nicole is ugly and too pure
>kemi is black
>anal is confirmed to do nothing during sex
>jessica is blacked

honestly all the girls this season are nothing more than eye candy, only top tier waifus like britney haynes and bridgette wafflecone are worth pre-marital snu snu

yeah but christie is pretty hot huh

kek. i was hoping all of these would come together for a grand finale

your first season was bb19

she would be if she lost like 10 lbs

based post

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not him but yeah does that make you angry?

just disappointed

i didn't know about it before then i'm so sorry

gay faggot didn't even put in frank but put in all those losers lmao

>Paul even shorter than Tommy

my first season was bb1
but yeah

it’s not finished.
Frank, Christie and Rachel are still in progress

that's just retarded

what is?

every single thing about your picture

oh haha yeah true

your breath smells like cock. go brush your teeth

at least the /bb/ waifu cuddling on the couch with devin image has soul. yours is just johnny come lately ms paintjobs

That Kyle faggot is the worst. Always sucking POC dick. Only Mel Brown is worse.

haha totally

Wait a minute, the girl who had 2 hohs thrown to her, lost the final hoh? Whaaaaaaat?!

Nicole never voted how she wanted to vote and voted the way she was told every time lmao

btw where have you been lately?

you tried this 2 days ago

>kat and holly

i noticed you didn't answer so i thought id ask again.
sorry i wont "try" it again

fucking cliff, bruh

and that's why she doesn't deserve to win

she is all-star material

i'm so glad this season wasn't ruined by a nicole win
thank the bb gods

kat and bella. i feel like bella would really get into the nooks and crannys with her tongue.

it's the little things...

yeah im thinking big brother is back

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the older seasons don’t really have good hi-res backyard swimsuit pics (or at least that I’ve been able to find) on google image search.
hence why ian and brit are of lower quality than the rest.
I didn’t do frank already because I wanted him with his curly hair but I can only find a shitty small version from the bb wiki


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That time nat nat got so stressed she threw up in the bed

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>Cast a bunch of salty, egomaniacal zoomers that cast jury votes with their feels
>The game has evolved


based jackson broke the mold

based Michie. he’s got twitter fandom seething harder than season 19.

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>jamesy.. i dont feel so good

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wow look at this beautiful girl!

>episode at 8:30



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>60 minutes

real kino hours

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the nicole's game dissection by taran was one of the funniest most gaslit things I've seen from him

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we get it colleta, bbgossip is where its at

60 minutes just started don't hold your breath for an 830 start of BB

good choices
especially anal and bella

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They keep showing some Asian thot with a massive underbite

this chink is a flat out liar lmao

uhhh i think i can get nick hahah


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>I was blackout drunk it wasn't ok for him to have sex with me he needs to die in jail!
>guy was blackout drunk as well
>guy being drunk is never mentioned
>he raped and stole her soul he is the fucking devil
>girl hid her identity until she realized she would never get a job so she's now using this to get a job
this is amazing journalism lmao


jfc they gave her a second segment wtf

oh shit, each finalist's game recap on the episode

women is crazy

>she had no memory
>that was the hardest part of accusing someone of something that totally happened

they literally just reported there is zero proof of rape and yet they are continuing this bullshit tv investigation

but the grad student! the Swede is the key to this!


the chick just said she was raped a second time by hearing turner speak in court

just tuned in. the asian girl is mad about climaxing?

>DA outright admits her client has no memory
>defense attorney uses this
>girl gets mad when defense attorney does this

aint that always the case?

>jury decides he is guilty with zero evidence
should I even bother showing up to jury duty

this woman is dead

time to revisionist history

the DA looks like a less fat jessica

>girl that already graduated college goes to frat party
>underage frat bro takes her outside and gets on top of her
>some swede fag exchange students chase him away
>no sex occurred
>she screams rape
>he gets off with a few weeks because no sex happened
years later
>omg I'm so raped this isn't fair
>60 minutes interview says she was blackout drunk and doesn't remember the night at all
>60 minutes ignores he is also just as drunk and doesn't remember it
>60 minutes specifically says she wasn't raped
>she says when she went to court and heard hihm speak again she was violated a 2nd time
>even though she specifically said she has no memory of the "first" time that evidence says didn't happen
>she said it's hard to say someone's is guilty of something you don't even remember but she had to do so

oh and she's the good person and he's the devil

>you took away my worth
based women admitting they are holes

>you don't know me. but you've been inside me

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"I did nothing for 75 days" game recap

I have used my dad's house as my voter registration for the past 10 years because he's in bumfuck nowhere and I'll never get called

accurate nicole game recap
is fucking shit lol

Oh good it's the incel power hour

>young men of color
is that what this is about?

I was just gonna sit silently during voir dire so the attorneys reject me

>i paid back michie for keeping me safe

Pandafags out!


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yo all these cute asians


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>I lost my friends one by one
>it was all skill that I stayed, not irrelevance and being passed over
>we made a great deal with holly, which is why she stayed over tommy
>although I didn't expect her to hold it up, didn't even realize she'd thrown for a bit, and told her afterwards that she hadn't needed to do that

I live in a fuck huge city and they don't give a fuck they call you every year no matter what so this is my only way

Streamfags, is this episode worth watching?

clip show

are you some canadian loser that is actually watching the episode or something? BB hasn't started yet

i went earlier in the summer. they got rid of everyone younger than like 35 immediately.


hasn't started yet

>holly was going the nicole bb18 strat of never getting nominated


I thought they were going to play pt.1 "in its entirety" .

>23 years old
>has a bf
>went to a frat party and got blackout drunk

my condolences about the rape but those are some prime roastie mistakes

The realest shit he ever said was when he told the Nazi LARPers coming to punk shows they'd be the first to go

man they really erased the poison ivy comp lol

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tell them you wont listen to the evidence and will convict/acquit based on arbitrary characteristics like sex/race.
they'll let you go.

I never even got why "people of color" is a thing. It basically means "not white". Basically saying, "this features a demographic that constitutes of 86% of the global population".

she literally didn't even get raped

i bet you think those girls that went to the middle east to join isis and got raped and murdered deserved it

Why is people of color okay but colored people is not?
It's the exact same thing.

kill kill kill kill kill the poor

do people actually do that? thought that was memes

the national association of colored people decided that you can't say colored people the same way you can't say nigger. they can. you can't.

There's one who wants to come back to the US but Trump told her to fuck off.

wtf is JC's haircut


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>tyler thought david was gonna win


it sounds weird like nigger with a hard r

god knows. a lot of people hate whites.

we should make a betting pool on how to spell all their retarded names

damn even tyler roasted cliff

>kc ok with a holly win
of course she is


watch the n-bombs stupid phoneposter


The clip show reminds me how boring Nicole is compared to the other house guests

yo this nbomb aint got no hand

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>heres some tears for ya

this is a cool story

KC winning last year
and Jackson winning this year
literally cancel the season
its fucking dead

it's so fucking gay this year because at least their favorite was fun to watch but shes always been an automatic cam switch unless she was talking to cliff. it just so clearly shows they are not watching feeds

nicole lol

Grover Johnson got a 2nd season and they cancelled OTT. CBS sucks.

>I'm a puzzle person

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Remember to vote Kat for AFP!

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no thanks

i voted cliff

life sucks

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poor stupid nicole

they did think that


i know

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Well, Cliff thought Jackson would take him over Holly. Which is still dumb, but dumb in a completely different way.

oh for sure cliff and nicole were gonna beat holly and jackson in final 4 comps

>building your resume at final 3

holly playing in the shadows. LETS GO!

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now we know why nicole lost to holly

nicole is over it guys
has she ever said that before?

holy shit right in front of bog

>i see through it
thats why you left him and holly in the game you dumb dumb

>prays before putting in the gold coin

DAMN Nicole is so good
She realized at F3 that Michie is a threat

i thought nicole was good at puzzles?
i thought nicole was good at days?

what the hell is she even good at lol

>I see through it
>I see through it
>I see through it

Too bad he already stabbed you, t-bagged your dead body, and fucked holly on top of your bb corpse. I really hope you can see through him now.

this was literally a physical comp?

no bird no bush

>I know that I can win part two


wait we getting another recap?


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I told the bartender to change the tv to football but she never did so I watched the entire bb ep

cant wait for someone to finally take a shot at jackson, its been a long time coming!

desu with 25 coins even if she beasted the puzzle she still would eventualy fall behind

Lmao now Nicole wants to play


Out of shape people don't deserve to win desu

nicole sucks
just watch the excuses nicolefags will come up with

jackson calling hogg and quarky retards for leaving him with holly in F4

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Did the show the family messages on the episode?

bog on the feeds seething that the jury won't see her winning Part 2

>nicole's afp segment

nobody cares about canada

friendly reminder to everyone

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>I sucked
>I sucked
>I sucked
>the good played I'm up against now dragged me here
>I helped him win

Nicole probably is slightly above average at puzzles but there's almost never any comp that's just straight up puzzle, there's usually a physical segment too. And she's so bad at that it completely negates any advantage she has from the puzzle.

awww look at nicole pretending she was playing the whole game


> I did nothing until Jackson invited me to an alliance and carried me to the end.
Woah.... She's good.

WHY DIDNT JACKSON TAKE ME WE HAD A DEAL MADE IN THE LAST WEEK it was supposed to be you nicole not ME.

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>Paul literally never cared.jpg

something to notice is nicole has kept saying we instead of i
literally carried for the whole game

finally a winner'ss recap

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don’t listen to the meanieheads bro.
they’re just stupid doodooheads and quarky is qute

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wow nicole's jury management was unreal


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She is very qute but she also sucked at the game.


The Comedy Central South Park takeover has reminded me that Jackson Michie is just Eric Cartman with any trace of charm or humor removed

I don't get why people go on big brother without working out at all. You know the comps are going to be physical. I mean there are some people like Jerry BB10 that can't really do that much about it, but fuck, you can at least spend some time on a stationary bike.

this is edited to hell. i want the uncensored version

>kc likes holly
>tyler likes nicole
>jc likes jackson
scripted bullshit

yeah, it'd be neat to see the full interview

These editing cuts are so bad.

please no more jessica

I can’t argue with that

Nicole realized that she would be guaranteed F2 if she kept Tommy

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I hope it keeps her up at night

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>mfw the jack show is never coming back

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it 1 hundo p will. and if she loses AFP to him as well. jeezy creezy

it'll be coming to the challenge next year

>mfw it's Jack and Sis F2 in alternate universe

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and for good reason

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spinoff when?

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probably one of the only people this season i'd follow on social media

Jack was awesome

Nicole landing on her knee there looked painful af

this is /ourseason/

that's shopped

were almost there bogbros

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based Jackson sees Nicole cry from the other end of backyard and goes to hang out with her

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It's best Jack left when he did. He was a pretty one-dimensional character.

Lol a puzzle for pt 1? Production was basically begging Nicole to win this.

You know who doesn't think Jackson is a racist bully? Nicole.

>and then he said "jury management"

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you cheeky cunt

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aww man I thought that would fool you guys for sure

they needed to cut number of coins at least in half then
she ran out of gas after first five

Anyone else voting for Nick even though he has no chance?

10 every day dawg

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Fucking based.

grod doesn’t count votes


>Aw shucks...looks like I screwed Nicole over again...nothing personal kid...

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production didn’t get enough shit for that pathetic cliff pretending to dance with his wife segment

What's your guess for top three AFP vote getters?

I'll guess Nicole, Tommy, and Kat.

whoever out of Bog/Jackson wins should write a fat check to Boss Hogg - his genius moves really propelled them through the game

based boomer

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switch kat with cliff

not sure if cliff is anywhere near the top after the past couple weeks. it'd probably be kemi in 3rd by a long mile

david has more votes than her

casuals don't even remember Kemi

it'll be interesting to see how cliff fares, he's drawing dead with the online voting base (only above Anal on Jokers), but the rural hicks who watch the tv show probably love him. That was how Frank won it in BB14, but the show's audience has shrunk since then...

cliff was the only one to get a family segment

southern goodbois always get afp votes plus they don’t count votes and production put a ton of work into making cliff an afp candidate so he’s top 3 ez

Jason in BB19 made TMZ with his rape joke threats and still got top 3 AFP
I will be surprised if Cliff is not top 3 as well

no one is voting kemi
not even the people saying they are

its been a while since the good guys won a season
sad to see reddit/twitter/jokers hating on them though :(

Reddit/twitter/jokers are always the bad guys.

/bb/ is always right

catladies on jokers were based during OTT
what happened

If Da'Vonne, who was way more involved in the game than Kemi despite also being voted out second, can't get AFP, then there's no way Kemi has a shot. Always remember that you could put twitter + reddit + Yea Forums together and we would still be collectively outnumbered by normies 1000:1.

catladies are still based, they just ended up on the wrong side this time

ott was a good season

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Nicole wants to stay friends with all people on the season but is afraid her parents won't allow her because a lot of them were mean to her at times

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is that...?

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I can't believe Jackson or Holly is about to win this season. This is the worst possible outcome. I'm so fucking tired of putting time and energy into a season just to get the rug pulled out from under me. It's like they dangle cheese in my face for 12 weeks then quickly switch it with shit. I'm not mad or sad, i'm just disappointed at this point. I feel nothing. I'm just done. Completely done. The ones who don't deserve to win always win. The fact that production unironically helped Jackson cheat....I just can't anymore. I'm done discussing it. I'm done.

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Nicole you are a grown ass woman, fuck your parents. Do what you want.

Nicole has the mentality of a 12 year old, no wonder the pedos on here love her.

rob and taran will interview the houseguests

is this a reddit post

FUCK YOU if you are not boycotting BB Finale, CBS needs to know that WE ARE NOT HAPPY with their transparent rigging

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It's your fault for thinking Nicole had a shot

>tune in
>they are shitting on a good episode and wanted a boring clip show

yeah, i am finally done with those cunts

tbf it’s robs schtick to shit on every ep

i also want to echo this. this is bullshit. quarky played the perfect game only to be fucked by production in the end. like wtf, why are all the comps super physical? its absurd. she actually fainted during P2 HOH because it was so strenuous. what happened to all the straight mental comps? i'm fucking done. i'm never watching this rigged POS show again!

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rockstar lookin aggro

colleta let me see them heavy hangars!

it could be much worse

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of all the things to take way too seriously...

flopcole in five years after the attention gets to her head and she thots out

she claims people mistook her for lady gaga

i think the only way you could end up like that is being unaware of teasing

>underdogs get into position of power and end up shooting themselves in the foot
Why does this always happen?

name one time this happened

jess's HOH bb19

yes, but his character was huge

Because if they're good at the game they usually don't become underdogs

i have a penis dont judge me please

you're alright by me

show penis?

new thread


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