>Having women work with men is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon dipped in honey.
Was he right?
Having women work with men is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon dipped in honey
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Not at all. Only an incel would think that way.
Yes. Only a simp would disagree.
come to your local Joker screening and say that shit to my face nigger
Depends on who's supposed to be the grizzly bear.
Patrice had a lot of faults but knowing how to handle women was not among them.
Oh shit
I think so. I can’t focus around attractive women
Depends on the women you're working with. I mostly work with 30+ year old women, so I don't really feel distracted
I don't really care about working with hot women; visually it's a nice treat.
I just care that we have to promote unqualified women because of muh equality bullshit.
t. guy at your wife’s work that fucks her
>thinking 30 is old
Zoomer retard
I don't rape women at work.
I just turn myself and them into plastic dolls and pretend like I don't have crushes on them. It hurts my soul and I am so tired from work that I don't talk to anyone else. All of my contact are with individuals that I keep at arm's length for the sake of my 'career'. I don't have meaningful fulfilling relationships with anyone and so I go on the Internet and make posts like this one.
30 is old for a woman desu
I'm 25, so 30 isn't that old. Women at 30 certainly aren't women at 20 though
If you are saying this it's pretty clear you never get laid.
Typically this is true for people who can't control their sexual urges, you know, savage types.
Aight lemme tell you something , bitch.
Have sex
Just because you're not literally tearing her clothes off doesn't mean a hot bitches presence doesn't affect the Male environment. That's what he means.
Of course no ones going to rape a bitch, but she'll definitely become a distraction.
this would definitely wotk
Listening to a fat fuck that died a diabetes when he had the money and time to loose weight.
correct in that exaggerating a half-truth for comedic value is funny
we need to come full circle with this equality horse shit. lets start campaigning for equal representation in all fields. send women down mineshafts, oil rigs, firefighters, infantry, bricklayers, all kinds of manual labour
How do you not laugh at this
Yes. Women in the workplace was a big mistake and we're all paying for it.
>listen here you goofy french hoe
>marries a single mom
holy shit
i'm not on my regular computer, i don't have my 700 women rage (no duplicates) folder of examples of women fucking up, being women, and having vaginas
so does somebody have the one where the TV executive thought she'd create a network hiring just women, and it's terrible? I want to read it again.
I think he was influenced by having some notoriety, chicks will put up with more shit when people barely know you, let alone being caught in the street and asking for a picture or an autograph.
I'm not saying he's wrong, just he had it easier than he thinks he did.
It was said in the context of guys being punished for a sideways glance in this day and age, so yes, he was completely right.
Aight listen bitch, see these guys right here are gonna take yo shit because they wanna fuck you but lemme tell you something, that shit don't work on me because I ain't afraid of you, unnustand? You going into this thinking you got something to offer but nobody cares about your opinion, you goofy ho. All any man in this room wants from you is your pussy, that's all you got to offer. Bitch you think I give a fuck about you roll your damn eyes at me? I'm better than you! I am BETTER than you. You're sick. You got a SICKNESS in you. Imma help you.
Whenever he calls someone or something goofy I fucking lose it, its such a like out of place adjective.