When can we expect a movie for this?

When can we expect a movie for this?

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Who is this “4 chan”?

Animated movie with every board-tan? Mite be cool.

once my 3 day ban is over

what would the movie even be about? Moot getting blown out by Yea Forums?

All the 4channers who'd see it!

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I can't imagine a shitposting movie would draw a lot of money

7 to 8 years max.

Will Yea Forums still be relevant

After The Social Network, I really do want a Yea Forums film, but I don't know what story it would tell. Moot himself has been pretty mysterious ever since her sold the site, and other individual users don't really have much to say.

Yea Forums isn't really relevant now outside to select online communities. Walk up to the average person on the street and ask they'll have no idea what Yea Forums is

Who'd star as moot?

jake Gyllenhaal or Ryan Gosling

You don't get to 0 friends without pissing off a few jannies.

when does Joker premier and how long would it take to produce a movie about the tragedy?

that guy who was in the social network
jesse jewberg

>Walk up to the average person on the street and ask they'll have no idea what Yea Forums is
Yes, but a movie can change all that.

Oh god. Imagine all the normies flooding this board talking about how Michael Bay films are good and Tarintino is their god.

Pitch me your 800 million dollar grossing Yea Forums film, anons.

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>In the tear 20XX, Chris Poole is tired of working at google and comes up with a new idea: Yea Forums Villa
>Each apartment will contain prominant users from each board on Yea Forums
>They live happily, until /pol/ attacks /lgbt/
>Yea Forums attacks /vr/
>Yea Forums instigates an all out war on all other boards
>The great Yea Forums war of 20XX begins

Boom. Don't you wanna watch the movie to see which board wins the Yea Forums war? Id watch it.

>Yea Forums attacks /vr/
>they discover that old game are actually a ton of fun, especially with friends
>the two unite as a permanent alliance against the gatcha menace of /vg/

>until /pol/ attacks /lgbt/
Attacks as in "I would like to have sex with it but I'm to autistic to approach it in any normal way"

what's Yea Forums consider newly old these days? halo3? angry birds? the last smash bros?

/pol/ tards want nothing more than to smash tomboy "FtMs until the sun rises. Anything with a real vagina and a functioning vascular system is open season.

Anything but microtransaction-laden trash. The absolute newest games by EA, Take-Two/Rockstar, Bethesda, Gearbox, Activision, etc.

What would the plot even be about?

for the lulz
for the lulz
for the lulz

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He works at Google Maps in Tokyo as a product manager now

Yeah sure, we'll have two more elections before then.

It already exists OP

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Movie 43

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Yea Forums's movie would be like Clerks but Randal is the main character

>big fat guy sits down in front of his PC
>looks perturbed
>types furiously for a minute
>click, click, click, click, click
>"fucking captchas"
>writes post while giggling hysterically
>main conflict arises when he is banned from his favorite Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum
>Walks out of Bedroom
>Rests Router
>Sits back down waiting for a few minutes
>"We're back"

>As well as a team of more than 100 volunteers

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/k/ would win tho, next.

They did it for free and eventually received a buyout payment of $0.00.

/k/ is fucking retarded. something like /gd/ would win cuz no one even remembers its there

it's coming soon

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some hacker dude from the anonymous

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A bunch of incels jerking off to tranny porn.

It's been done.

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I think a story about a guy who slowly descends into Yea Forums addiction would be kino.

>Gets fired from his job
>still has his girlfriend, pet, decent home
>after a while on the job market, he loses hope and ends up browsing fellow losers on Yea Forums
>they convince him to break up with his gf, who takes the pet
>he's stuck alone in their original place, trying to find a new job
>with his new mindset, he isn't even interested in finding work
>he slowly deteriorates mentally, until he snaps and goes on a rampage per the request of a few anons on Yea Forums
>wakes up the next day and realizes it was a dream
>rolls over in bed, grabs his phone, and continue to browse threads like nothing happened
>last shot is a wide view of him in bed mindlessly scrolling, then cut to black
>no credits, just nothing, like the MC experiences by continuing to browse this shithole

Now? With the media, Hollywood included, in full moral panic mode over the alt right nazi incels? A movie bringing attention to Yea Forums is about as likely as a sympathetic portrayal of Hitler.

>average poster
>ever having a job, girlfriend or home outside his parents'

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rise and fall of moot would be pretty kino

You laugh, but there's an extreme number of normalfags on Yea Forums now. They constantly bring up their jobs, rent, and gfs.

Kino except needs his mind slowly getting corrupted by /pol/ shit and incel posts until he believes his gf is cheating on him with a black guy and is a whore. She doesn't know what he's talking about but they have a massive argument which ends in him hitting her.
"That'll teach her to know a woman's place."
She just leaves and he begins making feelsguy posts.

How about this but he gets into shitposting but eventually loses sight of the line between 4dhan and reality and starts rampantly shitposting in irl
>boss comes to him and complains about the pace of his work
>stands up and just
>gets sent to psych ward

I agree. That would be the best way to do the breakup sequence. She's an unusually trustworthy and loving gf, but he find too much doubt online and confronts her with unwarranted incel thoughts.

Literally happened to me but we have WiFi here.

It should just be a slideshow if some dudes image folder on his hardrive and that should give the general idea


>movie about average 4channers life
>dreaming about being famous actors IRL
>real actors lurk Yea Forums secretly
>they wanna be normal just like 4channers and speak freely
>but real actors can't because antifa surrounds them to be somebody they aren't
>movie is about a coming of age, adventure, dream-like about what it means to live trapped inside something is NOT you

That's the best I could come up about a Yea Forums movie

it's not about making ala The Social Network copycat because that is very outdated, movies about finding happiness tho, those are timeless.

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Come on user, Hollywood never goes full retard. Normies have to find the protag relatable.

>pajeets 4channers dreaming of being Rosa Salazar
>niggers 4channers dreaming of being Ryan Gosling
>white people 4channers dreaming of being Idris Elba
>trannies from Yea Forums dream of being Ayami Nakajo (a real women)

would be kino

Based and potentially kino.
Cringe Asian shit

>anyone dreaming of being a woman
I can understand the dream of being an ageless fictional woman, but a real one? Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense. Their beauty will evaporate faster than my cum on the seaside handrail on a sunny autumn day.

Cast them, Yea Forums:


Robert Paulson








Mr. Momsen









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>hollywood movies about Yea Forums memes

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>Sequel "user's redemption"
>user meets a cheerful concession worker named Robert
>Robert notices the troubled youth, and starts giving him life advice etc.
>user starts letting go of his hate and getting back to society with the help of Robert, even gets a job at the kinoplex
>Ending is when user is a fully recovered, and again a productive member of society
>After credits scene, user notices a troubled youth very much like his past self, user greets him with a smile and the same words robert told to him when they first met

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>But user, you've always been at the kinoplex, in fact, you never left

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The Social Network, but its about some random weeb creating an anime forum and getting harassed by his own website's userbase.

Duckroll, lolcats, pedobear, wojak, pepe, watch as moot tries putting out the fires for running the internet hate machine

Ends with the part from the moot q&a when he said "see you space cowboy".

Seeing this stuff always makes me think of big head from silicon valley

Sounds really boring, sorry. Just another admin in over his head? Lame.

Is Sigourney Weaver available?


they move him around a lot, is that normal

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How else would you make a movie about Yea Forums? I think in over his head would be the only way to sympathetically portray a guy who made guro and loli boards

>In over his head
Nah, Moot actually liked that shit at one point in his life. He tried to "move past it" and erase that history, but people know who he really was. Google execs brought him on because they're all cunnyseurs and have never even thought about a police siren. Moot is a joke to them.

guro and loli is based though. how is that unsympathetic? literally no one before 2010 gave a shit about either of those things so it made sense why they were given boards

Guro is based when you're being dissected. Lolis should be safe and happy, and watching your cuck dismemberment.

don't you have some blacked porn to spam all over the board or something redwood?

Le evil Anonymous hackers and paedophiles

A movie about a lonely NEET? Sounds kino

it should be a Louis Theroux documenty where he interviews anons from different boards

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Don't you have a chainsaw to be going down down your cuck chest? Normal people find extremely disgust in the entire process, but those who accepted to be on camera said they were willing to portray your better for a fee.

thanks for the ip. Don't worry I already have the pigs ready afterwards

No problem, larper. If you have no qualms about posting here, please livestream it on Yea Forums. Obviously, you won't because you're a pathetic incel larper, but I really wish you were more than that.

We make a reality show with the most degenerate person capable of representing an individual board (ex. Yea Forums jerks off and plays koikatsu all day in between getting mad at headlines, /fit/ is an insecure gay) and ship them to a Tokyo apartment

The seething tranny rage is real. I feel like by the time I show up to your front door you'll already be swinging from a rope. But don't worry, I'll bring an extra set just in case

Make it a musical going through all the major points of Yea Forums's history

should do a boxxy film

me on the left

Go ahead? I'm actually awaiting your arrival so I can laugh at your incel jaw line before you string me up. Post my IP in this thread to prove it too.

sorry but I'm a rule abidding 4channel user. but don't worry, surprises are a good thing

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I guess you haven't seen the trailer to JoJo Rabbit yet, have you?

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>all the movie is focused on /pol/ with everyone except the generic FBI guys using anonymous mask

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Will they get paid?
Who will play them?

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