Post your top 5 of this decade (2010-2019)
Previous threads
Pic related is the list so far.
>jagten/the hunt
6 votes
>The tree of life
>hard to be a god
>the master
4 votes
>Under the skin
>inherent vice
>the wolf of wall street
>inside Llewn Davis
3 votes
>The turin horse
>manchester by the sea
>only god forgives
>an elephant sitting still
>holy motors
>first reformed
>phantom thread
>dragged across concrete
>mad max: fury road
>la la land
>a separation
>cabin in the woods
2 votes
Yea Forums's top 10 of the decade
Other urls found in this thread:
Shutter Island (2010)
The Fighter (2010)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Birdman (2014)
Inherent Vice (2014)
Interstellar (2014)
Nightcrawler (2014)
Predestination (2014)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Whiplash (2014)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Turbo Kid (2015)
Baby Driver (2017)
Annihilation (2018)
Isle of Dogs (2018)
Suspiria (2018)
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
Under the Silver Lake (2018)
I won't bother picking 10
once upon a time in hollywood
>Suspiria (2018)
What the fuck do people see in this that have seen the original?
>jagten/the hunt
6 votes
>The tree of life
>hard to be a god
>the master
>inherent vice
4 votes
>Under the skin
>the wolf of wall street
>inside Llewn Davis
>mad max: fury road
3 votes
>The turin horse
>manchester by the sea
>only god forgives
>an elephant sitting still
>holy motors
>first reformed
>phantom thread
>dragged across concrete
>la la land
>a separation
>cabin in the woods
>grand budapest hotel
>moonrise kingdom
2 votes
The top 10 is complete
The Turin Horse
The Tree of Life
The Look of Silence
Phantom Thread
Top 10 films of the decade according to Yea Forums are:
>Jagten/The Hunt
>The Tree of Life
>Hard to be a god
>the master
>bird man
>inherent vice
Blade Runner 2049
Mission Impossible: Fallout
Manchester by the Sea
Tree of Life
Blade Runner 2049
Mad Max: Fury Road
The Dark Knight Rises
Guardians of the Galaxy
Jack and Jill
The Hobbit Trilogy
Fantastic Four (2015)
8 votes
>jagten/the hunt
>the tree of life
6 votes
5 votes
>hard to be a god
>the master
>inherent vice
>mad max: fury road
4 votes
>Under the skin
>the wolf of wall street
>inside Llewn Davis
>mad max: fury road
>the turin horse
>phantom thread
3 votes
>manchester by the sea
>only god forgives
>an elephant sitting still
>holy motors
>first reformed
>dragged across concrete
>la la land
>a separation
>cabin in the woods
>grand budapest hotel
>moonrise kingdom
>manchester by the sea
2 votes
Any other movies like the master?
Blade Runner 2049
Dragged Across Concrete
Inside Llewyn Davis
Shin Godzilla
There will be blood I guess
I'm surprised to see Inside Llewyn Davis on the list
Inside Llewyn Davis
Kumiko: The Treasure Hunter
Summer of 84
Memoir of a Murderer
It Follows
You could also try Phantom Thread
9 votes
>jagten/the hunt
>the tree of life
6 votes
5 votes
>hard to be a god
>the master
>inherent vice
>mad max: fury road
>Inside Llewyn Davis
4 votes
>Under the skin
>the wolf of wall street
>the turin horse
>phantom thread
>dragged across concrete
3 votes
>manchester by the sea
>only god forgives
>an elephant sitting still
>holy motors
>first reformed
>dragged across concrete
>la la land
>a separation
>cabin in the woods
>grand budapest hotel
>moonrise kingdom
>manchester by the sea
2 votes
Beyond The Black Rainbow
Under The Silver Lake
It Follows
Django Unchained
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Samsara (2011)
Computer Chess
A Field In England
>Post your top 5 of this decade (2010-2019)
Memories of murder came out in 2003
The rest check out though
You're confusing it with Memories of Murder
I'm talking about this:
Memoir of a Murderer
9 votes
>jagten/the hunt
>the tree of life
6 votes
>bird man
>Inside Llewyn davis
5 votes
>hard to be a god
>the master
>inherent vice
>mad max: fury road
4 votes
>Under the skin
>the wolf of wall street
>the turin horse
>phantom thread
>dragged across concrete
3 votes
>manchester by the sea
>only god forgives
>an elephant sitting still
>holy motors
>first reformed
>dragged across concrete
>la la land
>a separation
>cabin in the woods
>grand budapest hotel
>moonrise kingdom
>manchester by the sea
>it follows
>Under the silver lake
2 votes
my bad
Django Unchained
Dark Knight Rises
Jack and Jill
Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy 2
La La Land
Only God Forgives
Green Room
The Master
Only God Forgives
Django Unchained
Holy Motors
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Under The Silver Lake
9 votes
7 votes
>jagten/the hunt
>the tree of life
6 votes
>Inside Llewyn davis
>the master
5 votes
>hard to be a god
>inherent vice
>mad max: fury road
>only god forgives
4 votes
>Under the skin
>the wolf of wall street
>the turin horse
>phantom thread
>dragged across concrete
>la la land
>django unchained
>under the sliver lake
>holy motors
>grand budapest hotel
3 votes
>manchester by the sea
>an elephant sitting still
>first reformed
>a separation
>cabin in the woods
>moonrise kingdom
>manchester by the sea
>it follows
2 votes
is it just me or has this been a bad decade for entertainment?
Either way you can add
+Mad Max
+John Wick
+Baby driver
+Cabin in the woods
+Only god forgives
+Ex Machina
10 votes
8 votes
>jagten/the hunt
>the tree of life
6 votes
>Inside Llewyn davis
>the master
>only god forgives
>mad max:fury road
5 votes
>hard to be a god
>inherent vice
4 votes
>Under the skin
>the wolf of wall street
>the turin horse
>phantom thread
>dragged across concrete
>la la land
>django unchained
>under the sliver lake
>holy motors
>grand budapest hotel
>cabin in the woods
3 votes
>manchester by the sea
>an elephant sitting still
>first reformed
>a separation
>moonrise kingdom
>manchester by the sea
>it follows
>baby driver
2 votes
Sad that no list has Mommy (2014) was kino
Under the Skin
The Hunt
To The Wonder
Other mentions:
Inside Llewyn Davis
Hard to Be a God
Take Shelter
Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief
10 votes
9 votes
>jagten/the hunt
7 votes
>the tree of life
6 votes
>Inside Llewyn davis
>the master
>only god forgives
>mad max:fury road
5 votes
>hard to be a god
>inherent vice
>under the skin
4 votes
>the wolf of wall street
>the turin horse
>phantom thread
>dragged across concrete
>la la land
>django unchained
>under the sliver lake
>holy motors
>grand budapest hotel
>cabin in the woods
3 votes
>manchester by the sea
>an elephant sitting still
>first reformed
>a separation
>moonrise kingdom
>manchester by the sea
>it follows
>baby driver
2 votes
Dark Knight Rises
11 votes
10 votes
>jagten/the hunt
7 votes
>the tree of life
>bird man
6 votes
>Inside Llewyn davis
>the master
>only god forgives
>mad max:fury road
5 votes
>hard to be a god
>inherent vice
>under the skin
4 votes
>the wolf of wall street
>the turin horse
>phantom thread
>dragged across concrete
>la la land
>django unchained
>under the sliver lake
>holy motors
>grand budapest hotel
>cabin in the woods
3 votes
>manchester by the sea
>an elephant sitting still
>first reformed
>a separation
>moonrise kingdom
>manchester by the sea
>it follows
>baby driver
2 votes
four lions
bone tomahwak
+Hacksaw Ridge
+Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter
+Shutter Island
+Rambo Last Blood
this shithole never fails to entertain
Batman v Superman