Absolutely Baste

Absolutely Baste

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>didn't kill him or even expose him
wow what a badass

Gwynshit is full of shit and he's a 5'9" good little boy that always believes women.

Weinstein > Brad Pitt > Bruce Lee

A boy from the Ozarks who adopts black children, marries a woman that fucks her brother and has his sons dress as girls?

I love all these stories of "standing up to Harvey" and "knowing what a bad man he was" and yet none of these fucks exposed him. It's just virtue signaling.

>continues saying nothing about the hundreds of other producers doing the same thing

In fact, HE's a producer, so this really comes off as reaction formation.

#nazi #sovietpuppet

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*lets his insane ex wife turn his own child into a freak*

Whoa, badass

Lol, Gwyneth had already sucked big Harv’s balls by this point. Brad knew exactly what was going on. The revisionism from people like him and Paltrow is laughable.

>say something that could ruin your career in the heat of the moment
>live in fear from big bad harv if he ever decided to do something about it
>status quo suddenly changes
>oh yeah man, i totally told him i'd kill him for harassing my gf or whatever, yup
He didn't even go through with it. What's one fat, old jew to Brad Pitt? I liked Brad Pitt up until today, but now I just think he is a pussy.

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Gwynth absolutely did stuff with Harvey. She won Best actress ffs, Harvey ain’t giving that out to a girl who didn’t first “earn” it

Peak Brad could have unironically thrown Harvey to his death off a penthouse balcony and gotten away with it. Women across the nation would be rioting for him to be acquitted.

The fact he didnt do it just shows what a status quo pussy he is.



- Bradley Pitt

Funny how everybody knew about Weinstein (or is it that nobody knew?) and everybody confronted him privately but nobody ever said anything in public

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aw shucks I'm just a small town country boy that hates the fucking kike rats

>can kick Bruce Lees ass
>defies physics on his bike
>threatening kikes
Is there anything this Chad can't do?


everybody knew you could go suck his dick for a job. It all used to be their own business until Trump became president. Now it means they dont know what they're doing and somebody should go to jail because Trump was made president after "we all voted for Hillary".

Spielberg is her godfather

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>I was just a boy from Ozarks
Why do actors always say things like this, do they think it makes them relatable to the average person?

>Funny how everybody knew about Weinstein (or is it that nobody knew?) and everybody confronted him privately but nobody ever said anything in public

Courtney Love did, but everyone thought it was a joke.

Yet this faggot said NOTHING to the media at the time. Sure toughguy, whatever you say.

it was a different time

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>“Do you have any advice for a young girl moving to Hollywood?” an interviewer asks Love.

>The singer pauses for a moment, saying, “I’ll get libeled if I say it,” before issuing a warning.

>“If Harvey Weinstein invites you to a private party in the Four Seasons, don’t go,” she quickly says.

She said this in 2005 FWIW.

She is a joke. Shell repeat any shit her drugged out hollywood dick sucking hooker friends say about their clients.


I know that, user. I'm just saying she's the only one as far as I know who actually said anything before they "nabbed" Harvey as opposed to Brad Pitt being a wannabe tough guy AFTER the fact as explained.

save his trans kid

>harassing Gwyneth
Thats a funny way of saying sucking dick for an Oscar

Well the default state of white men is cuckoldry
>source: Chaucer

If he was Harvey Wangstein, Pitt would've killed him for sure

>I was totally in his face bro, everyone clapped when i said this and i also told him i had big dick. He was so scared of me he pissed his pants then i kicked him in the ass.
Reminder this is the man who demands a spread of M&Ms will all the blue ones removed. Else he will cry.

that's a point or two you've made here

Does anyone believe him?

Gwyneth took miles of his dick for her career and then this kid up and pretends he's protecting her long since atomized honor after she feels she doesn't need to take his dick anymore, that she'd payed her dues.

Yes. Most of them are out of touch. It’s just a symptom of living an abnormal life for decades.

Fucking kek

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Elderly söyboy seethes: "I-I'll HAAAARM youuuuuu", claims to be tough guy, promised to beat up older, bald and obese jew (never did though).

Wow Jenny from the block sure is still street.

only says that years after weinstein was destroyed in the eyes of the public and is a completely helpless target. so brave

Classic southern gentleman


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totally pwned weinstein by doing nothing and let him abuse hundreds of women

>Hundreds of women

C'mon now

Oh yes it was a holocaust of raped women that was kept under wraps for years

Nobody would let them go to the police.

Pitt would win. He can handle himself.

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Harvey wins the rematch

Bruce wins the rematch

Yea Forums: don't believe women

also Yea Forums: wHy DiDn'T tHeSe WoMeN cOmE fOrWaRd

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He didn't abuse anyone though. They were consenting adults who trades sex for movie roles.

Of course , people live in shitty situations in their business all the time because alot of people at the top are extraordinarily horrendous people. Plus harvey is tied to the jew nepotism network, can only imagine what top jew weinstein pissed off to get himself green lighted

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ah yes. i remember giving death threats do my classmates. good times

Gywn told this story on howard stern ages ago. Brad was literally just defending and standing up for his girlfriend at the time.
Why are you spergs making such a big deal out of this
Who gives a fuck. Brad isn't pretending he's some savior that took down harvey or anything he literally just intimidated the dude and told him not to fuck with his girl again. That's pretty standard stuff boyfriends do.

>That's pretty standard stuff boyfriends do.

Thank god ive never had a gf

>Not a big deal
>Till it was convenient to throw him under the bus for woke points because Trump won the election and the shitlibs needed a "win".
Everyone knows they all whore themselves for movie roles.

This. Love how all this cucks are super brave after Weinstein was exposed

Brad Pitt is no hero. This is a hero.

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isn't threatening to murder someone illegal?

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Do you think he regrets posting this?
None of the reply's are congratulating him.

If it's an actual real threat that you genuinely will enact on then yes. People say it in passing all the time nobody cares.
Jay walking is illegal too but people still do it because it's stupid.

Sounds like your typical southern cuck

Also let himself be destroyed by a succubus who forced him to adopt a bunch of mongrel children who publicly criticize him and turned his daughter into a ftm tranny.

I like Brad as an actor but as a person he's a weak, degenerate leftist like everyone else in hollywood who isn't Mel, Vince or Chris Pratt.

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what if you actually kill someone?

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you forgot the most based of all

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You know Paltrow was probably trying to suck dick for a job anyways just like those other bitches that claimed rape.

I'm pretty sure if he had actually said that in private to Weinstein, little pretty boy Pittu would've been the victim of a tragic "overdose".

First of all, Pitt would have been blackballed and then black cube'd with his bitch ass

I'm not sure Woods can actually be said to be in Hollywood, is he even allowed to work there any more or did they blacklist him?

Why did he insert drumpf into this, what does he have to do with the scenario?

He was friends with Obama and clintons and trump

They just dogpile the closest target, people forget that an actor's entire job is to be a professional liar

based smug little post

he fears the ones that still have power


Yeah this, Brad's a giant phony. But he's one of the best actors ever so I'll let it slide.

>one of the best actors ever