Lions are always portrayed as heroic, noble hunters

>lions are always portrayed as heroic, noble hunters
>hyenas are portrayed as cowardly, evil scavengers
>hyenas actually hunt a lot more than lions
How did the jewlion accomplish this false narrative?

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yeah i read reddit tvtropes knowyourmeme encyclopediadramatica funnyjunk albinoblacksheep ytmnd youtube comments too so i know what you're referencing

>"king of the jungle"
>lives in the savanna

hyenas look like retards
lions like chads

its all about the looks even in animal reich

edit: thanks for all the likes and upvotes

Hyena's are female supremacists so they can't be the kings of the jungle.

why do lions keep trying to erase our history tigerbros

>king of the jungle
>doesn't live in the jungle
>elephants blow them the FUCK out
>especially a male elephant in musth

how hot would it be if Lionesses also had the sexy mane (i'm not gay)

they'll never forget their ass whoopings, it's cruel to pick on elephants too much. lions just want to mate, procreate while you hate and dilate.

Does this look like a hero to you?

Attached: Boss has enraged.jpg (1140x1146, 380K)

stop watching disney shit

Attached: Hyena bath.webm (406x446, 2.79M)

He looks like he's sounding the horn of Gondor while filthy orcs try to take him down.

nooo braddu pittu itsu tanksgivinguu

Attached: Hyena bath2.webm (482x558, 407K)

>lions are always portrayed as hot
>hyenas are actually much more fuckable

Attached: Hyena bottle.webm (480x480, 1.28M)

>The female spotted hyena additionally uses her pseudo-penis for urination, copulation, and childbirth. In addition, this makes it difficult for males to mate without the full cooperation of females, which means that mating preferences of the female are predominant. Spotted hyenas are a matriarchal society, where adult female hyenas dominate the adult male hyenas. Female spotted hyena are also more aggressive than the male spotted hyena. When a male hyena leaves its natal clan, it behaves submissively to all newly encountered hyenas; as a result, when a male hyena settles down with a new clan as a breeding male, it is submissive to all natal clan members. As a result of the submissive behavior in males, it was hypothesized that the male hyena erected its penis as a show of submissiveness. During greetings, hyenas would stand parallel to each other and sniff or lick the erect penis or anal scent gland.

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>You will never be dominated by your hyena girlfriend's pseudopenis

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>10+ lions to take down a single juvenile Elephant

thank goodness. you guys are freaks

4channel has always been a furry website.

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Shit thats cute