A daring thesis...
A daring thesis
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Since when did Yea Forums bankroll a movie?
>Interviews with a dick swab
Huh? What?
how can we be pedos if we hate women?
i prefer males who dress like this
Anal hatefucking is the result.
Are all women whores?
You can still be a pedo even if you only touch little boys
So to whoever watched this, what was the answer?
You'll be relieved to hear: Yes.
Based negro
The female equivalent would be "Are All Women Pregnant?"
The girl in the poster is 14.
The Wikipedia and the director confirm it.
With that face she doesn't look a day over 24. You sure he wasn't talking about a different poster?
All White Men Are Pedophiles*
pakis too
He wasn't.
This is the poster with the 14 year old.
The girl in OP's poster is an adult.
did you know NIGGERS and PAKIS are over represented in criminal acts with children. There is a shocking amount of incest in the black community thats never talked about
looks like a cgi alien face composite
They made her make up to look older to trick men that are watching the movie.
The make up was made to look older to prove that men like young girls.
There is no other poster
you cant tell how old she is because shes wearing an inch of makeup
You're fucking retarded.
See That is the official poster that was designed for the exact purpose you described. In fact it is the exact poster you didn't realize you were talking about.
OP's pic is the less controversial poster showing an adult woman wearing a child's dress.
>There is no other poster
nigga refresh your screen lol the other poster was up for like four minutes when you hit submit
we hate woman not girls
>nigga refresh your screen
It's the only excuse you have.
>smartest race is full of pedophiles
Sounds about right. We all know (((they))) just want all the cunny to themselves.
Little girls and women are completely different animals
>dick swaab
Is Spenny a pedo?
Only when you redefine what the word means to the point that it also includes adult women.
The documentary mostly focuses on the fashion industry and how it uses sexualized images of teen girls to sell things. It's not really about peter philes.
not true though
Are all women golddiggers?
I effin' knew it. Check mate, m'incels.
>mfw I actually thought this was Kelly Reilly from the thumbnail
I wouldn't place her a day below 18, and could easily believe her as 25-30, and yet I'm supposed to pretend she's not attractive?
a cursory look at the synopsis on the wikipedia page will reveal that this movie is about how men are being unfairly persecuted and accused of pedophilia
so the opposite of what you think
women only become attractive the microsecond they turn 18
Explain MILF/Cougar porn/fetishes...