Huh boy

Attached: x-23.jpg (1259x1278, 584K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>a female wolverine
But there's already a woman with wolverine powers, X-23...she was even in the last wolverine movie. Why not just make a movie about her?

X-23 isn't a female Wolverine, She's a character in her own right

You cannot top Hugh desu

I'm sure the obese, retarded crackers on /pol/ won't throw a bitch fit over this or anything....

because they want to replace

MCU is pretty much done with Endgame. No more momentum to roll forward with and nothing they presented looks like it could generate more.

2hard to spin it into a series. In that "universe" based anti-mutie movement won.

Im pretty sure thats who theyre talking about.
>has claws
>can regenerate
>same experiment as logan
>not female wolverine

Do her superpowers heal her period?

Why did I get turned on reading this

Please no. I don't want to see another child actor fucked up by puberty. Fuck ugly people in movies.


Asking the important questions

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You gotta appreciate Marvel's commitment to failing as fast as possible. Maybe they're trying to one-up Disneys incredible effort in tanking Star Wars

Virgin eternal.

I don't even think this bullshit viral marketing is even rumors anymore. I think the disney jews and wine moms are going to fuck the living holy hell out of any X-Men video properties they release.

>clone of wolverine
>character in her own right

>Malcolm X-ayyyvier
HAHAHAHAHAH MCU X-Men isn't the thing to bring me back to Marvel like I thought it would be.

I don't care. Wolverine is supposed to be a 5'3" guy, but Jackman is 6'2". Fuck the MCU.

Sometimes you feel like you need to stop winning.

And her hymen ?

Putting Jenifer " Pay Gap" Lawrence in charge to yass queen slay the series was a real money success story too.( Not really it tanked.)

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Or her hyman?

It's like they're trying to tell the fans that made the MCU successful "hey, fuck you! don't see our movies anymore!"

Is Disney purposefully trying to kill franchises they own?

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>Why not just make a movie about her?
Because then they couldn't replace a White male heterosexual character with a non-White, female lesbian character.

By that logic Ben Reily or Kane aren't their own people

It's just women being women.

>Is Disney purposefully trying to kill franchises they own?
They're trying to avoid being labeled "racist, sexist. bigoted, homophobic" by being "woke"


How does everything keep going from bad to worse for the MCU?

Imagine the possibilities. In the new movie she gets raped by disgusting white males that take turns to break her hymen every time. Now this is kino.

>x-men only hope for a fresh breath of air in the new no-more-white-males capeshit paradigm
>they're fucking that up top
It's gonna be a fun ride.

In 10 years time, people will view both of Fox's X-men teams as masterpieces.

I think Ben Reily is the spider-man clone.

Im fine with it if shes gonna this cute
sadly she wont be

>tfw no ex pornstar gf

Only if it’s /OurGal/ daphne

Jenny has a delicious looking quim.

How can she be a clone if she's a she and not a he?

females are pathetic and movies are the only place where they can pretend to be strong

What about Fraternal twins?

Hope they make her black too

We all know that Ben is the real Spider-Man.
Peter was the clone, and a bad clone at that if i may say so myself.

they are out of ideas they blew their load with endgame and were betting on spiderman to carry the franchise. Its now dead.

Theyre not clones though.

>literally a child prostitute
but desu we already had like a million movies with Wolverine, so I wouldn't mind the change

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Did you photoshop her eyes to be uneven?

Why no push to make chick flicks more inclusive for men to go see? Why are action movies the only ones being watered down to draw a wider audience?

only if the women is black or ugly

Shes a spic though

Well as long as shes sexy and primal, I'm down

I looked more into it and it is X-23. That article OP posted just titled it badly.

Why don't you go there and check. In fact, you should probably stay there.

That's called "clickbait" you retard. It wasn't worded badly. It was worded in a way to draw in outrage-fags and yass-queen-fags.

Disney's 1st big mistake: KK's nuWars

2nd big mistake: this

>obese retarded spics are proud feminists
oh no no no

This. It's about paving over history and remolding it in the image of the new globalist world order.

X-23 is a great character that's been around for years, you reactionaries need to off yourselves

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What's next? a female Jesus takes over the catholic church?

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Good idea. Fuck using well loved and recognizable favorites. Time to push a character with zero personality or fanbase.

Don't care. I don't want to watch her be the sole movie character. I want the character I like to be center-stage: the actual Logan. You pussy-worshiping bitch.

Would be better than a 33 year old incel desu

"The MCU is pretty much done," Yea Forums says for the hundredth time.

>another x-men series centered around wolverine and not storm or cyclops

Why has she got four fingers on her right hand, but only three on her left? Is she some kind of mutant?

Just do a Wolverine & Jubilee buddy cape movie, the capeshit audience will eat that up. Fucking hire me Disney.

Pretty much this. The audience doesn't want it, the companies are losing money without correcting course. Who's behind all this social engineering? Faceless banking conglomerates pushing globalization ? Who knows?

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Why do you idiots fall for the blog clickbait so easily?

the X-men team will probably be a younger team and X23 will be at the school, while Wolverine will be a loner doing his own thing, at least in the beggining

Can't push any of the actually good female X-Men. Gotta replace the most popular one with his clonedaughter.
They'll give her a black love interest too.

periods aren't injuries

most hymens have at least one small hole in it from birth to allow blood/discharge to be able to come out. but it would mean during sex or putting in a tampon it would likely tear then reheal each time.

>Who knows?
Not you, for sure.

>Actually thinking the vagina is mostly healed over to start with
Fucking hell, user. Are you home schooled by Christian fundies?

Might seem sorta rehashy of the dynamic we just got in Logan
then again this entire genre is rehashy I suppose

Hope they bring her back

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Imagine how wild and feral her bush would be

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what? user i... hymens naturally have a small hole or sometimes multiple holes in them from birth, this allows a period to come out before any tampon usage or sex occurs.

Couple years too late...

>we got this covered

Here’s your reply

You could have just said "Why yes, user, I have been brainwashed from birth. How could you tell?"

Not good enough. All white males need to be replaced with strong womyn of color, preferably overweight and disabled.

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>putting in a tampon it would likely tear then reheal each time.
>tampon stays locked in vagoo
Poor girl.

Maybe they need to stop jamming these roasties down our throats. Downton Abbey made a shit ton of money. That's where these female "action stars" need to go.

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I'm about the furthest thing from being raised religiously.

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X-23 would just freebleed into boxers and not give a fuck let's be real here

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So, x-23 but the author fails to realize it already exist?

Fake and gay. The actual article specifically says it's X-23 they're talking about, not a "female wolvering".

>why take a risk when we can cash in goodwill and nostalgia?
for better or worse Hugh has been wolverine since day 1 films at this point. That's a coke line of goodwill and brand recognition you're a retard for leaving on the table.
New is NEVER better when you can slap an existing label on something

No matter what direction MCU goes, it's dead. The executives in charge are trying to push characters that they make money on(not legacy) and have the audacity to think they can succeed by replacing the characters they have been dickriding. It's gonna fail and it's gonna be hilarious.

Who do they pander to with a black female iron man? Comic book readers are mainly white guys

They should just ban men from film.

No they aren't shitlord!

>not being attracted to cunt
you are straight right?

The people who work at Marvel Comics are psychotic. They don't even care that their comics don't sell shit and some of the higher ups have even admitted the reason sales keep nosediving is because of all the forced woke diversity horseshit.

Strong and brave! (and disgusting too)


>looked this up
>her name is Riri Williams and she's 15 years old
>author says she's smarter than Tony Stark

lol didn't the people who make the MCU films say Black Panther's little teenage sister is also smarter than Tony Stark?

i hope they recreate that one scene with her :)

eh, just changing the boxers once/twice a day is plenty sufficient. not much different from the literal rags our grandmothers used.

Smarter than Bruce Banner

Sofia Black D'Elia is my choice.

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They're clearly talking about x23, she's even in the picture.

As far as I’m concerned, the MCU ended with End Game. I’ll pass on all the SJW Invasion of the Body Snatchers bullshit where all the characters we grew up with are gradually replaced by women and minorities.

she takes up the mantle so it's not really that clear cut

Attached: X-23-Wolverine-Cover01A.jpg (468x730, 458K)

Did you just assume xir's gender?

Except the "rags" were designed for that. A sporty boxer would be very innefficient (I just try to picture the disaster and it kinda gives me nausea)

Kane is Undertaker's half-brother, not a clone.

Because nobody knows who the fuck "X-23" is. Wolverine is a far more marketable name.

it's just some blood, it's not like slits spurt like a geyser

I think I’m finally numb to all of this. This kind of shit used to send me into me a small rage filled typing session. Now I see stuff like this and it’s as if a steady stream of white noise replaces the text and images and I keep scrolling.

why on earth would it ever actually anger you user? I'm trying to understand here, truly

So because of Wolverines healing factor, how fast does her body hair regrow?

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How much do you want to bet they're going to cast some skinny fat woman who can't even bench press her body weight irl?

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>a female wolverine
she's called x-23 or laura you stupid retarded fucks. Jesus, if the concept of research not a thing to these nu-bloggers

removing body hair is not an injury, it should not grow any faster than anyone else

>it's just some blood
No it's not, it's body waste (otherwise you could reinject it but you don't want to do that unless you'd like to try a good septicemia). Also periods can be surprisingly abundant.

I don't know about you user, but I'd rather muck around in puss blood than shit

She's being considered for the role of the Leader.

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Seems like everyone already forgot the female wolverine replacing Logan... in Logan.

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I don't think it makes any difference, it's warm and sticky and it stinks. In the end it's just unhygienic and unpleasant.

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Who nose?
You know, you sniveling little weasel.

If she's hot (she won't be) then that's a-okay with me

Why did she never do any other scenes?

Is this achievable natty?