I hate women.
I hate women
I hate niggers
Same, I wish I could beat up every woman on the planet simultaneously
Based and redpilled
that suit isn't comfy
You’re in luck! Women hate you!
The trifecta of based.
cringe, albeit redpilled
if you want to live on a planet exclusively filled with men, that makes you a homosexual and also deed because men commit most of the violence
Why though? They are such inferior creatures its beneath you to waste your negative emotions on them.
it's a tuxedo shirt
The only women I like are my mother and grandmother.
Fat, virgin hands typed this post.
ya'll niggaz would be a lot mo' chill witou all dat hate
No you don't
You report actual women hate threads whilst gleefully posting in garbage meme ones like this
have sex
t.fat virgin
you're mother and yes even you're grandmother were whores at one point. Thank them for taking care of your infant body but also curse them for giving birth to you without your consent
sure smells like incel in here
Women aren't human.
Dude you just called your mom not human
Women don't think about you at all.
What does incel smell like bros?
Salty milk and coins
pine needles and mountain dew
What was his end game, boys?
Lol. Not sure if I enjoy this or not.
Why doesn't she just fight back?
What are some kinos about equality?
>Why doesn't she just fight back?
getting a direct blow to the face can disorient anyone
She's probably dripping wet. Women love that sort of thing.
I can't tell if those are chinks or not but I'd say it's probably 80-20 in favor of being chinks.
You're the second guy
>cant even knock a woman out with 30+ punches and 5 head kicks
yikes. he should be executed for that alone.
>Asians are obsessed with white dick
Is she intermittently kissing him in between slaps?
I respect women and i think they're awesome human beings
>I'm Borat
wow I'm pretty based
yeah but women are strong and powerful
Trifecta is bad. What you're thinking of is holy trinity.
you and everyone else
Get the FUCK back to /pol/. And no, I'm not afraid to say that.
I think both men and women are garbage and the incels on Yea Forums have a huge blindspot towards men.
Sex. Have it.
Only if I could have it with Dubu
Cringe. You’re it.
I respect your feelings as a woman
so brave