How would you have made DOOM the movie?

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Center it around Doomguy
Never take the helmet off
keep dialogue and story to a minimum
No women

Same people who made Dredd. Demons from hell, not aliens, not mutants. 80-90 minute runtime.
>No women
Doomguy's instructor was a woman.

Isn't Event Horizon basically a Doom movie?
It's about a space station getting invaded by demonic forces.

Based opinion, user.

it's pretty good already, i didn't even mind the fps scene

Remember when karl the urban rock took the med thing and the movie actually tried to imitate the games for the next minute or two?
Just stretch that into two hours.

Hardcore Henry with demons is the only correct answer.

yes. i think it's the closest we can get to an actual doom movie, because in a movie it's not believable to go to hell with a shotgun and shoot demons

Keep it exactly like the already existing movie but style the sets and props to be more like Doom 3.

I would have just made this movie but every time anyone says the word "mutant" or "alien" it's dubbed over with Gilbert Gottfried going "DEMONS FROM HELL"

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>Doomguy's instructor was a woman.
This one

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Fun fact the sequel comes out in less than 2 weeks. Did you even know that?

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Sounds like a dope short film. Hella brutal.


would you ever take a mission if it said don't die

the main character looks like a female version of the good doctor

This guy knows exactly.

Parody movie about Doomguy trying to destroy the Icon of Sin and halt the Hell invasion, but the he keeps getting warped to alternate and absurd realities the demons have invaded.

Attached: pirate doom.jpg (1330x754, 272K)

FPS like Hardcore Henry