Please tell me youre not like this, user

please tell me youre not like this, user...

Attached: 1568562083495.jpg (1024x550, 103K)

>Yea Forums is inundated with 40something burnout losers that peaked in high school

No shit?

You drew that?

zoomie cope

He's 35 now you slow motherfucker

Yeah basically me. What of it, faggot?

>please tell me youre not like this

Like what? Someone that spends their free time drawing shitty jpegs?


>user posts about enjoying a children's show from 2007
>"You have to be 18 to post here"

When did everyone on this site become obsessed with generations? Go back even a year and I swear boomer/zoomerposting wasn't a thing.

impotent butthurt rage generally isn't funny.

And yet most of what people post on Yea Forums(nel) nowadays is impotent butthurt rage.

Not really. Maybe on Yea Forums.

roomer detected

you hit the nail OP, look at all the zoomzooms seething

Attached: gosew4yt89655.jpg (492x612, 71K)

>Not really. Maybe on Yea Forums.
Id agree if there weren't so many "ree why do movies and Yea Forums shows make fun of white males so much nowadays"/"which tv shows/movies don't have any nonwhites, gays, or women in them because im sick of being victimized in media nowadays" posts on here nowadays.

This was made by a very vindictive woman/tranny

yes is called growing up you retard

I’m none of them. Now what do I do?

You fags reee over any criticism of hollywood tho

It's another episode of user is triggered and puts some posts he doesn't like on blast with a meme show.

God I hate her retarded fucking face

>Go back even a year and I swear boomer/zoomerposting wasn't a thing.

That's generally how memes work:

They weren't there and then they were.

Salty zoomercuck tears.

When zoomers flooded the site in 2015 and ran it into the ground.

It's far more pathetic somebody bothered to make this image instead of just ignoring something they don't like.

hes bitching about being in the 20s. Take a guess on his age.

What race is this supposed to be?

You sounds really angry about being a zoomer lel

10 yard dash