What the fuck is wrong with fat "people"?
What the fuck is wrong with fat "people"?
I'm about 190 lb and 5'11 and I constantly fear I'll reach this point only because I don't feel full eating less than 2000 calories and get headaches.
catalog, you retard
ok, what did we actually learn here folks?
They are fucked in the head, m8. They should be in an asylum.
fat people are disgusting
Every one of the massive hamplanets on that show are severely mentally ill. Every. Fucking. One.
We shouldn't waste antibiotics on these useless lifeforms
Thats beyond fat m8
Move. Don't allow yourself to become the fat blob that sits all day. A little bit of exercise can go a long way if you start NOW.
I have to climb 3 flights of stairs every day to get to my dorm room and also walk to all my classes. I'd hit the rec more often but it's blazing hot here and it's about a 10 minute walk from my dorm, meaning by the time I'm there the heat has already worn be down a bit.
Maybe see a doctor, that isn't normal.
Classic excuses. After college/uni you will get a job and a car and you will walk a maximum of 100 paces a day and start piling on the weight like nuts.
Sounds like an excuse, fatty.
>get headaches.
I was getting headaches and would get light headed standing up. I tried doing a lower carb/no sugar diet and I started to feel much better in just a couple days. Your blood sugar levels might be an issue.
How many meals are you eating each day?
Or you could just run daily after work and not before a blimp
I don't get light headed standing up, I just have issues with migraines that get exacerbated if I skip meals.
It's only slightly overweight. I don't like it but it just never feels like I make any progress even if I exercise and just stop eating.
It's sporadic. Some days I skip meals and usually I eat about 2 larger meals from the dining halls. It all depends on what's convenient. Classes burn me out mentally and it's very hard to find the motivation to go out and exercise when I need to keep a 3.5 GPA or I won't be able to pay for college. Almost all my time is spent studying and any free time I spend late at night playing games trying to take my mind off of things.
You're not supposed to stop eating, you just exercise to burn off a little more than what you're putting in. The process when carried out correctly will not be overnight, it will take some time for your weight to return to healthy levels even if you're only a bit over. If you need motivation try and find someone who will regularly push you and remind you to do it, set aside at least a day or two right now to work out a bit instead of playing games. It can be cathartic in it's own way to just do exercise without having to think about anything.
Pop off, James!
dude, you need to work harder and eat less and healthier. the guy in OP's video is too far gone, he can probably kill himself, you must not get anywhere near that point. take this shit seriously, it's literally your life at stake
I usually feel good after I exercise but it's really just the motivation to get up and go. I feel like I should go right now but I'm also really stressed because I have a test in American History tomorrow.
I just really don't want to fuck up my life in so many directions and I can't juggle them all at once
>he's so fat, he couldn't see the other eggroll on his plate that's right in front of his face
This fat fuck needs to be shot.
Just a taste, James?
>I just really don't want to fuck up my life in so many directions and I can't juggle them all at once
wow the new season of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia looks sick wtf happened to charlie tho
>You're not supposed to stop eating, you just exercise to burn off a little more than what you're putting in.
Total misunderstanding of weight loss. You don't burn off weight through exercise. You exercise to boost metabolism, circulation, and core strength. Losing weight is simple: your liver burns stored fat, by converting it to glycogen, when it doesn't have anything in the gut to convert. This happens regardless if you're exercising, or not. You simply eat less in one day than you need to maintain your current weight, doing nothing. That's why the 600 lb fatties on the show lose dramatic amounts of weight in the beginning, when they start eating 1200 calories a day, instead of the 5000-6000 they need to maintain their current weight. And they do it sitting on their massive asses.
"Oh, no, that cookie is an hour on the treadmill" is complete and utter bullshit. learn how your fucking body actually works before giving advice.
you burn weight by breathing, so exercise does make you shed fat. dieting obviously makes it easier
I love the ads that take this to the logical extreme by saying that breathing heavily will make you shed weight.
The point is, besides the one on the top of your head, is that the most effective way to lose weight is to reduce calories. Period.
This nigga eatin bea...
Oh that's not beans.
Oh God.
I see no issue desu