Ugh cant wait for last generation to die off. Finnaly put a stop this white boomer power fantasy porn.
Ugh cant wait for last generation to die off. Finnaly put a stop this white boomer power fantasy porn
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Won't matter because your generation aborted all their kids.
the future is conservative
>your generation aborted all their kids
That and you have an increasing number cutting their own dicks off, we could be looking at the extinction of the western man.
Weak bait. Try harder, but you are in the right dilating path.
>atleast I have my constitution
Anybody saw this? How was it? I am not a demanding viewer, just no CGI or zoomer tier quips.
I gonna watch it now. Will report if thread is still up.
its like hobo with a shotgun
>Why yes, I do obsess over ratings of movies and think there's a Jewish conspiracy about fucking opinions on film!
But it's women's faults that you're an unfuckable slug, right?
Just watched and i liked it a lot more than I expected, granted I have low standards
there was some towards the end and its bad, but save for one scene it all takes place in a dark area so its not that noticeable
It's action/revenge kino. It's basic and simple, really lean running time, but that's one of the things that make it work so well.
jidf pls go
It's a Boomer Rambo flick, pretty agressive. The violence is hilarious. Strangely enough is very slow and boring in the first half but then it's all pumped up till the extreme and you have a funny slasher where the killer is the good guy. The adopted daughter subplot is ominous as fuck. All things considered, 8/10 for me. Will watch it again.
this but unironically
first hour is like "96 hours: This time your daughter was abducted by brown rapists from America", Sly is badass but the script is almost cringeworthy sometimes, also it has very little action
the last 20 or so minutes is gory revenge porn set on Rambo's farm, but it doesn't feel like Rambo at all, more lie Friday the 13th and Home Alone combined
it's okay action movie, bad Rambo movie and terrible finale of Rambo franchise unless Stallone will do more as rumored that he wants to
I'm sorry to say it's as close to 30% as to 85%, but what I read those c u c k crititcs are hating on it for all the wrong reasons
It made $20 million, basically tied for 2nd place for the weekend, despite every critic shitting on it. There will be more.
Doubletoasted did a review of it
its shit
god forbid there is just ONE flick out there going against the monstrous libfag machine....
fuck, I meant "like Taken", it was called 96 Hours here
Dilate before you bleed out.
>Doubletoasted did a review of it
>its shit
You're mad cause its actually a fun movie that does not rely on female bullshit.
It was actually pretty...boring. Random characters that mean fuck all, and an extremely slow build-up to an unsatisfying ending. Murder tunnels were cool, but I wasn't really getting Rambo vibes from any of it.
One of the RT trannies actually complained Rambo doesn't make quips like a Marvel superhero
>people falling for this bait
fucking kek
Their review is biased.
They would have shit their pants if the person taking revenge was black and the villains white.
Stallone wanted to make a slow burn movie bro
>and bone chilling
Certainly the extinction of the defective man.
The scene where he tears the pitbull's dick off and throws it into the wood chipper had to be inspired by the cartel video somewhat right?
It's my least favorite Rambo movie, but I still like it. My biggest problem was a scene about halfway through the movie where Rambo gets himself into a situation that he can't get out of, and it seemed out of character given that he's an expert in gorilla warfare.
That didn't sit right with me either.
it was probably to introduce him to the journo, but I bet she had some scenes cut, because this way her character was completely pointless
also, what I was missing the most was some "it's just some old dude, what can he possibly do... HOLY FUCKING SHIT" scenes or something or at least someone seeing the aftermath of the farmhouse massacre and realize how fucking badass Rambo is
It's probably the most violent american action movie from a gore perspective, so it's fantastic.
Acting and script was laughable
>2 characters talk in spanish
>"okay, that was enough, let's switch to english now"
why are they doing this?
Was the original script really about some mutant boar lol
Americans can't read more than a couple of sentences at a time.
I’m convince the left wing articles are just a reverse psychology campaign to get people to support another shitty Rambo movie.
Even the white guy hated it, face it, its not good
Just got out. I liked it. Home alone meets slasher film. Boomer kino.
You mean the nigger in white face?