The Leftovers

Happened to be in the room with people watching Peaky Blinders. Sad to see this great piece of music that was featured in The Leftovers tarnished by a shit heap like Peaky Blinders

Leftovers Thread? I missed the threads when it aired. What's the Yea Forums consensus?

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only plebs disagree

Everything after season one was trash. You niggas say I just didn't get it but regardless it was boring confusing shit and most of the characters are retarded. Even the setting of s1 was interesting compared to everything that followed

the word brainlet was invented for people who don't realize that the leftovers season 2 is the closest a tv show will come to perfection

International Assassin alone is better than everything in television history

"It's a show about people losing their minds due to the departed

Fuck that noise. I didn't watch LOST I hope it's better than this

It wasn’t as good because the daughter didn’t play a prominent role

no matter how many you raise this topic user, the show will always be third rate.

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I've never made a thread about this show before


Also correct. Season 1 is where it peaked

Season 1 really didn't have much going for it compared to 2 and 3. Seeing Kevin lose his mind was the best part of the show

I always see people posting shit like this but when you ask them why they come to that conclusion or even what the show is really about besides people moping around while sad piano music plays, (or maybe to shake things up, doing batshit crazy stuff while a catchy pop tune plays) they just give you nebulous bullshit answers. Which inevitably leads me to the conclusion that it's just a bunch of pseudo-intellectual bullshit navel-gazing. Reminds me of Don Hertzfeldt fans.

You can suck my dick alright. Fucking brainlet

Season 2 used Never gonna give you up unironically and turned the intro from always watch to insta skip. Also a house in the only place where no one vanished is only worth a couple of millions(LOL).

Kill yourself!! Only a fool wouldn't recognize such kino

Plebs, all of you plebs!

>boring confusing shit and most of the characters are retarded
i dont think they were the retarded ones pal

Lost except soulless

So, Lost?

I love Matt

Leftovers is pretentious swill
Peaky on the other hand is garbage but doesn't pretend to be anything else.

Defend this show. Why was it entertaining to you?


Absolute kino

Best TV show I've ever watched

Peaky Blinders is better garbage than The Leftovers in that they are tongue in cheek about being about the Peaky Fookin' Blinders.

Meanwhile, The Lefties constantly plays the same sad, sappy theme song anytime they want to hammer into the audience's pleb brains that it's time to "feel".

I like the rest, but S01 was the best one.

Attached: Leftovers.png (1388x1594, 3.52M)

You wanted to unveil the mysteries. The government's role in the departure, their seeming moral decay when it came to handling the guilty remnants type of groups, the National Graphics issue, the mechanics of LADR, the "rules" of the departure and how a town like Miracle that should be statistically impossible to exist could exist, and so on. Then the mysteries of his jesus-like story, all the small possible but improbable events that never answered if there were something more at work, and characters like Holy Wayne and the hunter who seemed not quite of the world

Not really much of a problem and then only because the soundtrack list was rather narrow. Some of the best and saddest scenes like the one with the LADR guy didn't force it

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One of those rare series that gets better with each season

That fucking ending guys, it was so perfect.

It was the exact same ending all 3 seasons.

A bunch of shit that went nowhere

Some of it was interesting, a lot of it wasn't

too many nigs in season 2. dropped

What did you want from them? A resolution? Any kind of explanation will always pale against leaving it in the dark and to the viewer to think about. It's literally in the opening of the show: let the mystery be

>le sad strings meme
Fuck off, at least listen to some actually good violin music.

There is a vast chasm between crafting genuinely interesting ambiguity and filling 80% of your shows running time with mysteries while calling your audience idiots for paying attention to your show.

Trash tv show

How was the ambiguity not interesting? As more and more unlikely, chance events happen, it just becomes more and more probabilistically impossible and harder to believe, but at no point is it definitely revealed if there is something else at work. It wasn't that 80% of the show centered on mysteries but rather that the events that happened around the characters and their interactions, while possible, felt unreal. It was never the main focus. The only real red herring I can think of is the National Geographics issue and it really did not fill much in the show

Because it lack creativity and consistency. The entire first season is worldbuilding, but that worldbuilding is poorly rendered and then lampshaded by "it doesn't matter". If you want to "let the mystery be", then don't make a pretentious television show.

It's lost but kino and not as much filler

Leftovers and LOST are both top 5 tv shows of all time. How does Lindelof do it?