Cast him

cast him

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Legion#Social_structure

Idris Elba

John Doman

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The only correct choice for Mr Sallow.

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pretty good choice to be honest.

Cast him.

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Anthony Hopkins

Lin Manuel Miranda

Leslie Jones

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Seth Green

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Idris Elba but voiced by John Damon

Peter Stormare

The courier

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Unironic good choice.

Why can't Naughty Dog write characters as good as Caesar, Joshua Graham, Benny, Mr House, etc. ?

How can one poster be so based?

Cast him

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Paul Rudd, unironically.
He has the likeness and mannerisms.

>"I rule over savages because theyre stupid and dont know what to do in this post apocalyptic world"
>"These savages need christ because its the only way. I also hate those other guys but i need you to tell me that"
>"Fuck the wasteland lol. Give me snowglobes"
Benny is the only good character

This same goes for anyone with an actual actor as a Voice actor, IE Him, House, Doc Mitchell, Marcus, and Graham if a movie were to come should be reprised by their actual actors.

literally who? doesn't look anything like him, fuck off retard.

Here's your Caesar bro

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Easy Pete is a better character than Benny.

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there really should've been a "side with Benny" ending.


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It wouldn't make sense to side with a character whose entire worldview boils down to 'every man for himself lol'.
The game even tells you this when Benny betrays you again when you try to appeal to his morality and become bros with him.
There's even a mod that restores cut content, and it adds a sequence in the event you free Benny from Caesar, he tracks you down AGAIN and tries to kill you for upstaging him.

if Obsidian could find enough justification to allow female couriers to fight for Caesar's Legion, they could find justification to work with Benny.

Probably better than casting Bing Chandler

Caesar's Legion isn't 'anti-woman'.
They're a faction where men are treated as expendable cannon fodder while the women live relatively comfortable lives as midwives, nurses, cooks, teachers, etc.

A wastelander woman siding with the Legion isn't ridiculous at all.

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cause naughty dog are a collection of jobbers who just latch on to the latest trend and milk it for all its worth.
mascots are a big thing? crash bandicoot!
mascots dying down but platformers are still popular? jak and daxter, we can even go le grimdark with the sequels!
twitter smugfucks are starting to get popular? uncharted, starring discount nathan fillion even though nathan fillion is discount nathan fillion!
twitter smugfucks now hate fun and like Deathly Serious High Drama With Lots of Representation? the last of us! good thing our lead designer just had his first kid so we can just rip off the road, which also sucks, and blow the mind of every game journo on earth with our 4/10 storytelling!
fucking losers

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>the women live relatively comfortable lives as midwives, nurses, cooks, teachers, etc.
do you have an actual source on that?

How seething was Bethesda that some little indie studio with a slashed budget and forced early deadline made a better Fallout game than they could ever hope to make in their wildest dreams?

I've played the game, retard.

this show is the dumbest thing I've ever seen it's hilarious

so have I, every source I've heard has them treated as little more than baby factories, and not in any living condition that would be considered "relatively comfortable"
so provide an actual source or stop talking out your ass, nigger


>Women are expressly forbidden from fighting and act as support corps.They are caretakers, healers, midwives and breeders, fulfilling roles essential to maintaining the Legion's continuous campaign of expansion.[20] Of particular note are the priestesses, who raise children taken from their parents, and raise them in keeping with Caesar's doctrine.[21]

While some members of the Legion express condescending or downright misogynistic opinions of women and their non-combat roles, the inherently sexist segregation of genders in the Legion is not based on prejudice, but the principle of minimax. Caesar strictly divides the duties between the sexes in order to fully utilize their potential and optimize the Legion's might. As harsh as it sounds, by forbidding women from combat he increases their output of children (necessary due to the high infant mortality resulting from low level of medical care),[22] giving him a greater number of slave warriors to use in his military campaigns. Caesar himself is not particularly prejudiced against any sex, or rather, treats them both instrumentally, like pawns on a chessboard.[18][19]

Eat it out your own ass, faggot.

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>nurses, fine
>birthing children
>making children
what part of that says they're cooks and teachers who live comfortable lives you illiterate nigger?

Cast him

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I was hooked when Clarke stopped them from beating Anya to death saying "WE CAN'T BE LIKE THEM" and then burned 300 people to death a few seconds later. I'm sad my new favorite comedy is ending

>all that backtracking
>all that concession
>all that inability to make reasonable conclusiosn

You can't actually be this stupid.
If your primary role in a militaristic faction is to be kept AWAY from the front lines and combat, then how does that not in any way suggest they have it better than the men who are quite literally bred and conditioned to die in combat and be replaceable?

>accusing ME of backtracking
slaves are kept away from front line combat, guess they have it better than soldiers too lmoa
kill yourself

This is the correct answer

Slaves unironically had better lives than frontline infantry in most wars. Lower mortality rate, fewer diseases, better living conditions, more reliable nutrition.

Historically, slaves in the urbanized areas of the Roman Republic were treated fairly well. There is no reason to believe slaves in Caesar's Legion were treated otherwise. It again boils down to cut Legion content where the player ends up only seeing the Legion war machine as opposed to both the war machine and what they offered in peace time like what was originally intended.

I'll cast him into the Grand Canyon

>no reason to believe slaves in Caesar's Legion were treated otherwise
You literally walk by a mother and daughter being auctioned as sex slaves, people carrying heavy packs up and down the hills in the blazing sun, and prisoners being made to fight to the death for Legionaries' entertainment all before you even meet Caesar.

They quite literally do. I know you're a dumb zoomer with gynocentric sensibilities that finds the concept of women and men fulfilling pre-ordained roles to be horrifying and problematic, but try using your big boy brain for a second here.

It stands to reason that a faction that chooses warfare and conquest as its primary means of exerting power and influence would have to maintain a loyal, healthy, and secure female population. If this faction wanted to continue waging wars on a constant basis without having to worry about a declining male population, it would also have to make concessions for its female population so that said population will remain ideologically committed and loyal to the militaristic cause that defines said faction. It would quite literally make ZERO sense for this faction to routinely abuse, terrorize, dehumanize, and humiliate its female population when considering that male-driven warfare and conquest is its ONE and ONLY means of exerting power and influence on its neighbors.

It's all about perspective, like that one trader just inside the fort, because the legion have massacred all the bands of raiders in their territory

>You literally walk by a mother and daughter being auctioned as sex slaves
There was a dad there as well. Odd of you to leave that out.

> people carrying heavy packs up and down the hills in the blazing sun
Because manual labor is so much worse than being a rank-and-file Legionary who is one stroke of bad luck away from being killed in decimatio because one of one squadmate's incompetence

> prisoners being made to fight to the death for Legionaries' entertainment
Again, you're being disingenuous. There were both male and female prisoners being forced to fight to death for entertainment.

Matt Bomer

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neal mcdonough

stephen king

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>There was a dad there as well
Even better, he gets to watch his family get sold before he's worked to death or used as live bait for some attack dogs.
>manual labor
You mean "working until your heart gives out because you're less than expendable"
>male and female prisoners
Actually the woman always confused me, because the arena manager specifically says women are banned from fighting because it's sacred or something, and won't let you in if you're a female PC

rooney mara

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>It would quite literally make ZERO sense for this faction to routinely abuse, terrorize, dehumanize, and humiliate its female population
now you're just putting words in my mouth. I said the women of the Legion don't have the varied lives you say they do, and that their tasks pretty much come down to having and raising children. You still have yet to show any evidence that they're teachers and cooks and "etc", and saying they live "relatively comfortable" lives is like saying it's "relatively" more "comfortable" to get sodomized with an 11 inch dildo than a 12 inch one.
and now re-read my original post. you're saying Caesar keeps women out of combat roles, and you're acting like that actually JUSTIFIES a female courier fighting for the Legion. How retarded can you be?

cast her

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cast him

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Bill Hader

>you're saying Caesar keeps women out of combat roles, and you're acting like that actually JUSTIFIES a female courier fighting for the Legion
There's nothing wrong with that.

Bryce Dallas Howard


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zazie beetz

>NV and MGS are the most red-pilled games alongside DX
>Caesar and Big Boss are just inspired by Kurtz
Kurtz did nothing wrong

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>yes I joined Caesar's Legion and achieved the rank of Legate how can you tell?

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memes these days are really fucking shit

Good choice

>memes these days are really fucking shit

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Kevin Spacey

case in point

Michael Ironsides

The road does not suck. Fuck you buddy.

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Neil Patrick Harris

t. How much of an NPC you have to be to hate Caesar?

t. doesn't understand how t. works

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Cesar was a man who went around claiming to be inspired by Rome, without actually doing any of the things that made the Roman Empire a success in the first place. He also built an entire empire that lives and dies by his hand, useful for him, not so much for the empire. There is no benefit to the wasteland with him ruling.

Hey Boss, you forget about me so soon?

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Anderson Cooper

So mad they nuked the lore almost completely with 4 and 76.

Nick Kroll

Charlize Theron with a fuckload of makeup

This ones so fucking easy, Danny Trejo did the voice actor now play the character

Kim Dahyun


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based dububro

Your mom

Sophia lillis in one year

He also looks like a ghoul.

>Can't get this outfit for your courier


Ohh fuck Yea Forums New Vegas wasn't that good

>m-muh /pol/ caesar legion

Mads Mikkelsen

iirc there were also plans set to have Benny join you as a follower if you saved him from Caesar.

i could
on my shoujo child mod
my oppai loli courier had titties
with my "recruit anybody as a companion" mod meant i also recruited all the other little girls I could find (none fuck new vegas)

Chief Hanlon

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it would have probably been okay if it wasn't for Bethesda.

cast him

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name one game obsidian didnt fuck up