
Attached: 1563885873967.jpg (720x720, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

what's with all the whitewashing history?

And what of good Niggeronius?

the fucks wrong with his skin?


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Each and every day I come closer to the realisation that the English and the Americans are the worst scum of the white race. Followed closely by the Russians.


Whine harder

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But can he cross the rubicon?


>historical accuracy made by Eternal Anglos

Attached: These are the people who are discussing what it means to be English.jpg (917x516, 123K)

>nigger lover can't into jokes
Seethe harder

>Is the only one whining
Go back to /leftypol/ and leddit thanks.

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It's all so tiresome

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I like how Mr. Asheed is white himself.

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>Fellow Romans, I have the misfortune of explaining to you that but thirteen percent of our populace, in particular the Nubians, bear responsibility for half the violent assaults committed on the Roman people

just gonna point out how irrelevant this show is when based Piers and Reid aren't hosting

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they dont want whites to ever realize there was a time when we DIDNT have to deal with whinny ungrateful brown people leeching off of us.

>leather lorica segmentata
That armour is worse than the man inside it.


Attached: Niggers never cease to amuse me.jpg (640x657, 158K)

How are the swimming lessons going gold kang?


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Nigger and leather armor.
0/10 effort.

I unironically think they want it to become "fact" that we've always had annoying, useless niggers stuck to our teet and there was never a time when we didn't give a fuck what they said and when they trashed the nice things we gave them we killed them or told them to leave rather than just give them more free shit

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As expected of weeb incels

The romans had a lot of africans in their army, it's not like that pic is innacurate.

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notice that even if they are dressing nice, there are no buildings nor anything at all
they just can look important, they cant create shit

is this a /pol/ parody or real life

Unironically the only "Diverse" army in the Ancient time Is the Roman one.

But you have to be Fucking jinxed from being in Africa to be send in the Britain shit hole

Das rite!

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I love darkie delusions
they taught us everything we know but cant even clean up their own neighborhoods.

I'll just leave this here.

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gee maybe its because when non whites try to run things you get a mad max land and when you let whites run shit you get blacks that look like the one in that comic. you get forensic methods that can compare two shards of glass' refractive profile down to the molecule. motherfucker just step aside

>Thirteen fifty!

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You mean it’s not a trollpost

Realizing Germans were the proto-niggers was the biggest redpill I learned from history. Destroyed the greatest western civilization to have ever existed and set progress back a thousand years

What on gods green earth is he fucking wearing?

>Phoenicians who settled the northern coast of African were deep dark shitskinned

>'we was advanced spacefaring civilization'
>short period of time later
>unexplained how whole Africa went to shit

this has to be satire

Attached: wewuz.jpg (650x639, 58K)

Romans ment with Africa as only the north part of it no any subsaharan parts and Egypt ironically was part of Asia for them.

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>they wuz blond haired blue eyed aryan goddesses


Pathetic strawman

Berbers aren't niggers.

Not Germans armies, Germans Uncontrolled Immigration user.

They're were buttfucked by Huns and asked Rome's help.
Then 1 century of Civil war + Poor government let these "poor germans" to Conquer the Roman Empire.

See the Gothic War

>remember the time
We wuz savages killing and enslaving each other.

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Yep. But some Blackskinned subsaharan Mercenary "aka numidians" are highly getting hired.
Ofc there are none Full Black Cohorts.

While not technically incorrect in principle, it needs to be acknowledged that the various African peoples peeked hard and early. Like Christina Ricci hitting the wall hard and early.

unironically caused by muh diversity. goths could've easily been defeated, but every swinging dick in the empire with an army at the ready refused to engage because that'd open them up to being crushed by their internal enemies in response

same shit that collapsed the byzantines eventually as well

Attached: i wanna live in UK.webm (636x360, 2.91M)

Already deep weakened man.
Goths killed a dying Empire.

Im talking about the Franks and Allemans immigration.

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>never forget

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>hurr durr sometimes my hair is blonde and eyes blue thus this gives me the right to destroy everything

ge*mans are unironically the niggers of Europe
I hope turks will take over their shitty excuse for a nation

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Can't wait for the Egypt episodes.

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Imagine thinking Hannibal was black

the amount of nonwhite seethe in this thread is staggering

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Except medicine and writing and code of laws though.

I don't remember those being crated in subsaharan africa

are those supposed to be armor?

Based retard

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Laughting in Gilgamesh


Pick one.

Yeah, no connection at all between the Arabs the Moors the Etruscans and the Africans. Gotcha.

>Mesopotamia is in Africa
Did you fail second grade?

Well offended m8. Did you people moan when Chernobyl used posh English people to portray soviets?

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thank God we updated our knowledge since 'put cow dung on your wound' and 'to be a real man you have to take it up your ass from every villager as initiation rites'

So this made me wonder something and after digging around I found something out.

>13% Black population is responsible for >50% of violent crimes

>South Africa
>12% white population is responsible for being 86% of the workforce.

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Didn't the Germans wipe out a couple of Roman legions during the reign of Octavius, it was the battle at Teutoberg forest:

Ancient Germans didn't want to be a part of the Roman Empire until they started getting attacked by other barbarians.

Egypt was a heterogeneous society and had people of sub-saharan African ancestry as part of its society. Even Carthage, a Phoenician city, was probably a heterogeneous society and even hired mercenaries from different ethnic groups to serve in its military. Both cities/empires got absorbed into the Roman Empire.

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why does he look like a caricatur himself?

Yep, none.

Unironically this.

Look What happened in NorthAfrica

>From being Well developed by Chartago/Rome
>Vandals sack the region.
>Fast Foward Now its a Shithole.

Dunno, looks white to me, maybe with some artificial tan.

Nobody said there weren't nubian slaves and solders in Ancient Egypt Brainlet...

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>Battle of Teutoburg
Aka. Your GERMANIC cavalley commander ARMINIUS, SOLD the three legions because he wanted to become Germany's king.

Arminius got killed from these germans OMEGALUL

18+ only please retard

They had to keep their dicks clean somehow.

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Yes and the 1500 years of arab rule after that have nothing to do with it of course

I knew as soon as Hollywood found out this story they would make a fucking movie about it.


Not the user you replied to but the thing about Rome's greatest defeats is that they always avenge them tenfold.
It's pretty interesting to say the least.

>Literally this

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Look at their unemployment

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Man. When you save your kin from Rome Big Bvll and you get killed from them.
Its an Omegalul moment.

They had phoenicians, greeks and romans that settled in those areas
People like the numidians were auxiliaries and never roman citizens
The only emperor from africa, literally called "the african" was descended of Romans/phoenicians and happened to be settled in a north africa colony
It would be more realistic to basicly have any of the ethnicities of the mediterrenean except black. From Scythian/Sarmathian, gaullic, anatolian, and so on.

Jesus, it's like Peachtrees from Dredd spread across an entire city's area.

>Germans trash Europe
>Irish save all civilization
Sounds about right.

But Europeans hate the Irish.

Wasn't Scipio Africanus named Africanus because he straight up conquered Africa/Phoenicia?

>white face

>now it is time to make this thread wokepilled muh brodas

Attached: WE WUZ GODZ.jpg (2560x1440, 431K)

>black people steal everything including others culture
fuck off nigger

Except Teutoberg was never avenged. Rome ceded that territory and never took it back. That was the beginning of the descent, a slow descent but a descent nonetheless.

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funny enough, it's the arab/north african world that still today clings to the idea of right hand good / left hand bad. In their enduring cultural wisdom, the left hand is considered unclean because it's used to literally wipe shit off the butthole, so they eat and shake hands with their right hand in centuries-old tradition

Yes, that's how an agnomen works.
Same goes with Germanicus.

Unlucky to them, They got ruled by the wrong Arabs

These are the bad one.

These are the Good ones.

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I wish they knew how much real egyptians today are laughing about americans

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yeah, that's how roman cognomens work
It means conqueror of an area or people or being from an area

He looks retarded

That's what makes it hilarious. After Rome's demise as a power, virtually everything the Vatican and HRE rebuilt came from what Ireland preserved, and the thanks the Irish got after the fact was being deemed heretic by the Vatican and sold out to the Normans. Almost 80% of the monasteries of Europe were founded by Irish monks, who came from a land that the Vatican didn't even consider worthy enough for its own bishops.

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Um, assuming your ancestors were conquered and enslaved by rival tribes and then sold to white people then it should be pretty obvious that your ancestors were not kangz and kuwaynz. Those people are still in Africa, they were the ones doing the slave trading.

Vitus Arelius, give me back my Melanie!

In Germanicus's case it was a lie.

Teutoberg was avenged restoring Rome's prestige.
The defeats Germanicus dealt Arminius armies were Teutobergs on their own and even recovered the lost standards.
It was said he would go on further if he was not recalled since Romans thought that Germany was just a shithole.

Attached: WE WUZ MELANIN 1.jpg (1241x977, 179K)

If you want to go "WE WUZ KANGS"

at least us this.

Remember boys it's not cultural appropriation if isn't white people doing it, just telling history like it is.

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>Carl Gustaf
How the fuck do they get away with that? There are PHOTO GRAPHS of him. I sincerely hope his family estate is suing the producers of whatever that revisionist garbage is. Fuck I'm mad

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When you roll back your border to barbarians and never get back what you lost, it's called a retreat, and Rome never got the initiative back after that. Apart from sporadic conquests of other lands by emperors like Trajan and Julius, Roman history after Teutoberg can be measured in the lands they lost and never managed to regain.

>Germany before Hitler (before he got to power)
History is repeating itself

Attached: Weimar Germany.jpg (629x601, 31K)

There actually were a handful of black Africans in the Roman army, mainly from southern Egypt (modern day Sudan). They were incredibly rare though, our sole historical account of a black Roman soldier in Britain for example mentions that Emperor Septimius Severus found his dark skin strange and thought he was bad luck.

>lot of africans in their army
North Africans. Modern day Tunisians and Egyptians, men who looked like Zinedine Zidane and Rami Malek. Sub-Saharan Africans were extremely rare because, as that name suggests, the Sahara was an incredibly effective natural barrier. There were some sub-saharans in the Roman Army but they came from southern Egypt/Sudan and they were few and far between.

I'm of Sub-Saharan African descent myself (Nigeria) and I would love to be able to say my ancestors were Romans or fought for Rome but the whole idea is utter nonsense.

Are talking about lands or army defeats?
Germanicus deserves his victory title.

This "diversity" is celebrated even by republicans. South africa will starve, and the West is doomed. We're too stupid to live.

nice superpower
so when do blacks stop being shit as a whole?

Ethiopia was originally bantu black not dark skinned jews ok.

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all finns are niggers.

wasn't the fork literally invented by the Byzantines

Germany and Britain were considerd Shitholes in that time.

Persia on the other Hand was Rome unfufilled conquest

>and Rome never got the initiative back after that
Not true at all. The idea of Teutoberg being some high water mark where Rome started to decline is nothing more than a Germanic masturbatory nationalist fantasy. Future emperors continued to expand Roman territory, Trajan being the best of them. Hadrian voluntarily rolled back some of Trajan's conquests because he understood it was impractical and expensive to hold that territory. That's not surrendering the initiative, that's just competent leadership.

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Nah, none at all. Mesopotamian peoples and Babylonians were white bro.

Ever notice how it's the light-skinned blacks who are the most racist against whites? It's like the opposite of swarthy whites being the most racist against blacks.

>the absolute state of niggers

That's totally a handy, and not grooming.

I imagine the ethiopians saw the gods as in their own image. thats the best I can come up with anything greek mythos story having black characters.

Never understood why you just have someone relegated to applying oils on your dick.

Father to an abandoned boy, husband to a crack hoe and I will have my chicken sandwich, in this store or the next

This character was presented as being odd and rare, from the borders of the empire, which is completely historically accurate.

Netflix is remaking friends with a truly white cast.
So backward!

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kek very underrated

Nah Byzantines destroyed the relative romanised Vandalic kingdom allowing non-romanised berbers and arabs to move in, learn some fucking history first.

based retard

True but the damage was already done.

Wonder why Vandals = ones who destroys came from.

>classic example of monkey lips and nose
>looks white to me

Arminius got murdered by other forestniggers, he would have continued to dab on Rome otherwise, he was educated as a hostage and knew their tactics.

He was actually a swede

wew It resembles like a zombie apocalypse setting.

>Shit that never happened or is vastly exaggerated.

Arminius' trick worked once because he was educated by Romans and they thought he was loyal. It was an absolutely brilliant betrayal, and if the other German tribes had any sense they would have united behind him, but when they didn't, he didn't really have anything.
>knew their tactics
Everyone and their mother knew the Roman tactics by that point. The Romans had been annihilating Germanic tribes since the days of Marius and Sulla. Knowing what the Romans are going to do to you and properly organizing accordingly are two very different games.

By that point, the entire empire was so dysfunctional that it couldn't muster up more than a few tens of thousands of troops. It was a living corpse already.

First you had to figure out how to cross the rhine without Rome's approval

>he would have continued to dab on Rome otherwise
Historically incorrect.
Germanicus won every front in his battles with Arminius as far as Rome would permit.
His only loss was that he never captured the man himself and dying young.

The Vandals did the damage to begin with. Blaming the Byzantines for failing to properly retake it is retarded. It's like if you blamed Justinian for destroying Roman power in Italy.

it's ~~~~artistic license~~~~

>that pic

whew lad

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t. bantu from central Africa who pretends his race belongs south of the zambezi

Marxism oozes from this post. Just look at modern SA. It fits perfectly. Very plausible.

I know it's poor form to attribute systemic trends to single events but the happenings leading to and ending with the Battle of Adrianople were catastrophic to the Empire.
Who knows, Rome could have been antifragile enough to withstand and assimilate the Rhine Germanics but the events of the Gothic War almost certainly made that impossible.

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>"....and you can rape all the women and children you want!"

Well they definitely werent niggers

>bare hand in communal bowl
Fucking disgusting

Wow please do not insult my waifu or I'll have to ask you to leave this thread

>Cites poll from /pol/ with no watermark or sources.
>Poll actually uses the word 'coloured'

It's genuinely really interesting to see societies that never independently developed utensils or toilet paper, they essentially view the right hand as clean and the left hand as unclean because the left hand is what you use to wipe your ass. In India it's considered insulting to shake hands with your left because that's literally the ass-wiping hand.

That's how Roman nicknames worked.
>Africanus=conqueror of Africa
>Germanicus=conqueror of Germany
>Getticus=conqueror of Getta (ironic nickname given to Emperor Caracalla who famously murdered his brother)

I do, I call her my wife incel.

It's from the government of South Africa you idiot.

Ibn Fadlan was pretty disgusted by the Rus washing and blowing their noses into a communal bowl of water passed around by a slave girl every morning.

He was an Arab not a Black though.

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>Doesn't know coloured is a racial classification in SA separate from black
Retard alert

while from North Africa, it makes no historical sense to cast even Hannibal as a sub-Saharan African: Carthage was a Phoenician colony, so they were Meds. it'd be more visually accurate to cast a Greek or Arab or Spaniard.
Shakespeare's Othello is a Moor, and it's a role that's been taken over by black males in the West, even though "Moor" referred to Arabs, North African Berbers, and Muslim Europeans

Man. When you have 100 years of civil war. Your army is deeply weakened plus Gothic Bastards sneaky ported weapons inside Roman border.

Rome Should have allied with the Huns instead of helping these Germanic immigrants inside your territory.

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Those are prisoners of war being circumcised to mark them as slaves.

Phoenicians were white
Not blonde, but not much different than Mycenae

Jesus the Boers really fucked that place to leave a group of people who are called that.

Despite these major differences, as both groups have ancestry from more than one naturalised racial group, they are classified as coloured in the South African context. Such mixed-race people did not necessarily self-identify this way; some preferred to call themselves black or Khoisan or just South African.

Where's the verifiable sources on that graph? Didn't see that one on the wiki page amazingly.

It's from the 1950 racial act of the Apatheid government.

Doesn't know that terms applied by colonial whites quickly become outdated and archaic. Like Negro.

The coloureds of SA self identify as such and get pissed off when white guilt laden westerners misidentify them as black. You know nothing about SA's history, your posts reek of a freshman dorm room. Have sex, then read a fucking book.

Parts of Africa had medieval level technology, it's inaccurate to assume Congo = Entire continent


every fucking time

how do we stop the eternal anglo

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Majorian dabbed on everyone and restored almost all lost territory until he was betrayed, sucks that one of the best emperors is virtually unknown.

So plausible the page listed as a source is no longer there. You /pol/sharts will believe anything on the innernets won't you?

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>woke yo mind craka niggeropolis of USA RISE AGAIN!

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The onion used to be surprisingly red pilled

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>Emperor Septimius Severus found his dark skin strange and thought he was bad luck.
heh he wasn't wrong

Negros never had civilization, and they never will. If it wasn't for white people they would still be just raping and killing ea---oh wait, white people couldn't civilize them either.

Also if Aurelian survived we would never had the gothic war in the first place.

You're racist

tfw they invented all the sciences but still can't solve the BHI paradox

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inferior version of aurelius

how can literally EVERY black person be a king or queen? do they not know how monarchy worked? even if they were descended from egyptians (they're not), not every egyptian was a pharoah

Because you are a degenerate piece of shit and it's designed to #trigger you and your pathetic worldview you snowflake cunt.

If it was up to me, I would cast a IV drug addict trans Marxist black man with aids and purple dreadlocks in that role just to laugh at your manchild shrieking. Pic related.

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that word has no power, and these days no meaning either

Cringe but also based at the same time
Rather see them larp as ancient egyptians than perpetuate ghetto culture

I'll have you know that Redguards were some of the finest soldiers in the Imperial Legion

Top kek

>if someone is interested

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>tries to reunite empire
>Diocletian literally divides it's in halves, then quarts barely 30 years later
B-based Romans

Sorry dude, I forgot to add jewish. He would be a Jewish IV drug addict trans Marxist black man with aids and purple dreadlocks.


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Rome was a cancer upon europe, a plague of autists and soibois fomerly expelled from europe proper who lacked propriety and honor their existence was made possible only by short term conquests ultimately reuslting in the genetic destruction of all their people. Germans were just setting right the world as always and outlasted Rome I might add.

>cuckflix adaptation
>nigger as a roman legionnaire
what did they mean by this?

The Retard who had Commodus as emperor/son.

Thank The Pretorian Guard for killing more Emperors rather than Enemy Barbars

There were black men in the Roman Army. Not common but they existed, the Numidian cavalry who were so critical to defeating Carthage and the legionnaires from southern Egypt often had some black men among them. Rome, or at least Rome's military, was unironically multicultural and IMO, the most successful multicultural organization in history. Men from as far north as Scotland, as far west as Portugal, as far east as the Persian Gulf, and as far south as Ethiopia, wearing the same uniforms, using the same weapons, obeying the same latin commands even if they didn't speak latin. The Roman military system was so effective that even the Byzantines in the age of Heraclius, when all of Byzantium spoke Greek, still used the old latin Roman military commands.

Lol yeah, Severus was a really fun emperor. A hardcore no-nonsense straight-up military dictator. His last words to his sons were "pay the soldiers, ignore everyone else".

t.Aryan kid shitting in his Forest Village

>all the sciences

>Nuwagayian wasn't ghetto p3d0 CULTure
Dude read the wiki article.

>short term conquests
>lasts 1000 years
Rome was a nation. Germans are an ethnic group.

Attached: pagans=blacks.jpg (1125x1378, 316K)

Daily reminder that Christians weakend Rome and its army, making it easier for the germanic tribes to finish the job.
Also remember that the middle ages being a step back of a thousand years in terms of development and civilization is just a lie created by the Renaissance fags who were just like the weebs but with Classic culture. The only reason they got to read the classics was because several generations of priests translated them and copied them since the fallen of Rome.

It's a shame Dom Joly is actually a lefty wasteman. I used to love trigger-happy TV when I was younger.

Numidians are berbers and are therefore not black.

Aurelius was smart
You can't guarantee offspring will even survive past infancy

Also, Severus was straight up the cause of the Crisis of the Third Century

say that to my face in teutoberg forest and not in the forvm and see what happens fucker
yeah that's the problem from the start they kept conquering to get more manpower to keep conquering. Just soulless recursion until they muttified themselves to the point they had to hire germans to do their fighting for them.



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It's just the brits and GERM*ns

>Daily reminder that Christians weakend Rome and its army, making it easier for the germanic tribes to finish the job.
Also remember that the middle ages being a step back of a thousand years in terms of development and civilization is just a lie created by the Renaissance fags who were just like the weebs but with Classic culture. The only reason they got to read the classics was because several generations of priests translated them and copied them since the fallen of Rome.

>Subscribe to Varg.

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Literally pseudo history
But you're probably a public schooler so it's not your fault
Literally centuries of uninterrupted civil wars and african tier Emperors, who divided the empire into 4 parts, Severus being a ******, aurelius giving citizenship to barbarians
Yet here you are, lying and yelling at ghosts

Don't worry kid. This time we will use the Traian way and your beloved forest will be used as paper for the DE BELLO GALLICO 2.0 GERMANIC EDITION

>In the late 1980s, he abandoned the Muslim theology of his movement in favor of Kemetism and UFO religion. In 1991 he took his community to settle in upstate New York; then they moved near to Eatonton, the county seat of Putnam County in Georgia. His followers built an ancient Egypt-themed compound called Tama-Re and changed their name to the "United Nuwaubian Nation of Moops."[1]

>Christians weakend Rome
culture is downstream from genetics, the only reason they adopted christianity was because they had an undulating mob of idiots who found the slave morality appealing

At least Caracalla made some cute Thermae

Rome was doomed since Sulla, if not earlier

Attached: SPQR_A_History_of_Ancient_Rome.jpg (2349x3547, 1.53M)

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They should just be happy with the terminology gifted to them by people who hated them in 1950 right heinrich?

The Reverend Allan Hendrickse probably speaks for all those classified as ‘coloureds’ when he states:The term Coloured is not of our own thinking,and if we look at the circumstancesof the South African situation then you must ask why. We have no peculiar colour, we have no peculiar language and if other people see these peculiarities they see them not because they see them but because they want other people to see them ....I do not want to be labelled Coloured...all I want to be known as is South African.

That's nuspeak isn't it

>fucking christians
Daily reminder more pagan animists invaded Rome than all the armies Alexander the Great fought, combined

Attached: 1920px-Invasions_of_the_Roman_Empire_1.png (1920x1338, 868K)

Little bit SALTY there in Chartago?

I don't understand, this book is from England

>Who got Converted by the Pope

>Mary Beard
Straight garbage

They were mostly berbers, but they almost certainly had some sub-saharans among them. The whole reason the Romans had so much trouble with Jagertha was that his people were very comfortable in the Sahara, which implies, IMO, that they had people who we would consider sub-Sarahan and traditional North African. Of course the Numidians were mostly berbers but there were almost certainly some blacks.

Not *the* cause but you're right, he was a huge part of it. More than any other emperor he convinced the legions that they could choose whoever they wanted to be the new emperor on a whim.

It was a joke about Rome not being Good in the first place

This. It unironically makes more sense to have black romans than anglo/Germanic ones. At least you can make an argument for the North African influences. Germs/anglos literally have no connection to Romans outside of being the invader force that eventually mooched off its gibs in its latter years

>leave your scandinavian farming village
>call yourself suebi now
>literally can't read or write
>sack gaul, dacia, illyria, etc
>cross alps and sack ravenna
>eventually sack Rome
>your king later converts to some new religion
Based pagans

Mary Beard is a radical feminist who genuinely believe in The Patriarchy and all her historical and archaeological work is coloured by her politics.

Oh I thought you were calling me an American from Chigago by making it sound like SHART, cause you know, the amerishart meme

The German forests are sooner felled by beavers than by Roman manlets likewise for men.
I don't know why you post that to me

Coloured is the chosen term for mixed-race people over there.

The book paints the Republic in a positive light, if you have an excerpt that can be argued as what you say, along with evidence, I'll be glad to see it

>sack Dacia
Never happened. Dacia is literally undefeated in history. Even Trajan had to retreat in the end.

Like clockwork. Rent free.

Attached: (You).jpg (500x572, 125K)

>expecting someone like her to have objectivity
Gladius yourself my citizen

>In 376 the region was conquered by Huns, who kept it until the death of Attila in 453. The Gepid tribe, ruled by Ardaric, used it as their base, until in 566 it was destroyed by Lombards. Lombards abandoned the country and the Avars (second half of the 6th century) dominated the region for 230 years, until their kingdom was destroyed by Charlemagne in 791. At the same time Slavic people arrived.

Western austrohun fantasies

>implying she didn't just copy and paste her male colleagues work and get away with it cause she's a woman
You fell for the oldest trick in the book


Both the germanic groups that sacked Rome were Christians.

>bring up author
>people express their distaste for thr author
>rent free
That's not how that works moron


>sorry about dirty face
... so wipe that off before you take the picture.

It is how it works.

>bring up author
>author is a woman
>mras and incels express distaste for author
>rent free

Dude Attila got stopped by Gooooooodddddd

His stubby atrophied little arms can't lift that high for that long and mother was out getting the tendies and couldn't do it.

says the nord and germanic Vicks who routinely appropriate Latin and Greek culture.

Dude that made that is in the supermax that El Chapo is in.

I’d believe it

my historyfu

Attached: dr-suzannah-lipscomb.jpg (516x768, 130K)

Yeah nah mate

latin and greek culture is just latent indo european culture. also germanic culture is pretty separate from med

Or is it?
>bring up author
>user brings up legitimate criticism of author's work
>reee incel you just her because she's a woman

what about the countless Abyssinians who lived and worked in Roman territories?

The nose knows

Attached: Flavour of Asia.png (699x1093, 650K)


>Rome-lu Lukaku

Nigger get your anthropology correct. Latin and Balkanic cultures are native to Europe from Paleolithic farmers that evolved there from hundreds of thousands of years ago. Very few Sanskrit influences are present there in comparison to Germanic language which literally came from Central Asia and is predominantly proto-Slavic and Sanskrit mixed with Sumerian.

Islam culturally informed practises like ablution.

>but think of the wonderful restaurants diversity brings!
imagine the amount of feces and human flesh consumed by the kebab eating cucks

>Summers were niggers
Fucking retardo

All hail the mighty Yourmomicus

Hunnic and tataric as well

I dont know shit about anthropology but I'm pretty sure everything you said is wrong

quality post

Prepare to be surprised my eternally LARPing germanic scum friend.

>"We wuz Emperars n shiet"

Attached: Septimum Tyrone Severus.jpg (1820x2409, 888K)


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>York published some 450 booklets (dubbed "scrolls") under numerous pseudonyms. During the late 1990s, he styled himself a messianic founder-prophet of his movement, sometimes claiming divine status or extraterrestrial origin, appearing on his Savior's Day celebrations at Tama-Re.

>York was arrested in May 2002, and in 2003 he pleaded guilty to child sexual abuse after being indicted on 197 counts of child molestation, including charges of sex trafficking of minors across state lines. He was imprisoned.[8] In 2004, he was convicted to a 135-year sentence for transporting minors across state lines in the course of sexually molesting them, racketeering, and financial reporting charges. His convictions were upheld on appeal.[9] York's case was reported as the largest prosecution for child molestation ever directed at a single person in the history of the United States, both in terms of number of victims and number of incidents. The case was described in the book Ungodly: A True Story of Unprecedented Evil (2007) by Bill Osinski, a reporter who had covered the Nuwaubians in Georgia during the late 1990s.

>Some factions of the Black supremacist subculture in the United States appeared to continue to support York as of 2010, portraying his conviction as a conspiracy by the "White Power Structure". Malik Zulu Shabazz, chairman of the New Black Panther Party and York's lawyer, described York as "a great leader of our people [… and] victim of an open conspiracy by our enemy."[10]

Attached: Roman inventions.png (1524x2736, 3.69M)

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>mras and incels
Rent free

>das rite we used concrete n sheit

Attached: rome.jpg (4288x2848, 3.28M)

If there's one thing niggers get right (if only implicitly) it is that the idea that being conquered is still wrong despite muh inventions and 'free' shit. You have to the utmost autist to not realize how absurd it is to think that desecration is undone by a few roads and shit.

Attached: germanics vs med.jpg (765x1024, 128K)

The largest stadium of all time was built by the romans. Could hold 250,000 people

>slashing damage against armor health

And look Rome now

Attached: rome-litter-1.jpg (968x681, 91K)

lmao this butthurt g*rman

Fortunately for me any possible search result related to genetics or race is either censored or bottomed out by google so I can't even fucking learn anything if I wanted to.

The REAL master race is Anglo.

Attached: Anglo.png (1500x1500, 2.41M)

>legutumate crtscms
>Hurr she's a femnust

>his people were very comfortable in the Sahara
So, like Berbers, not sub-Saharans who, as the name suggests, don't originate from the Sahara but from the tropical and sub-tropical regions below it.

Anglos are just the beat up stepson of Romans

>be South Euro
>mfw I realize that at some point, at some place, there were niggers fucking my countrywomen
>maybe 1K years in the past, where I'm standing
>mfw I realize IR sex, daughters getting blacked, cheating wives, whatever, was going on through the beginning of time at some place or another
Does anybody get legitimately angry when they think about it? Like, the guy you pass on the street, maybe his great-great-...--grandma was getting railed by niggers when her family brought them over as slaves. Or maybe she was fucking the nigger mercs at the tavern. And even without the IR aspect, how many wives cheated on their husbands? How many bastards have been raised? How rotten is society, truly? It makes me distrust and hate everyone. I've reached the point where I consider everything and everyone unclean. I've come to hate intercourse in its entirety. At this point, my unrealistic dream is to somehow get away from everyone.
>mfw evolving into Daniel Plainview
It wasn't supposed to be this way... I always had trust issues and hated varuous things for little reason, but the last few years I've gone off the deep end.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x250, 475K)

Lol my favourite part of Nordic philosophy is how it heavily relies on Southern European philosophies. Oswald Spengler is a perfect example of this. I can’t help laugh when I read that guy.

Don't EVER equate Anglo bulls to subhuman R*man shits

yes, but no butthurt Romans to be found, hence my point.

You're not even trying

You sound like an American so you have other issues to worry about than your supposed “heritage” which is already doubtful given your aforementioned nationality

>Southern European philosophies
Delivering pizzas, using too much cologne, wearing cheap jewlery, and being in a mafia nigger gang is not an amazing philosophy

Of course not a Roman would know that equate is the wrong word since I was clearly implying Anglos to be inferior.

t. memes about nordic philosophy while not actually reading his own source material
Never gonna make it, LARPboy

This is satire right, this, especially the top one, can't be real. Plz.

seething medshits. Your "people" have been a joke for hundreds of years and surpassed by superior GERMANIC BULLS. Get back to work and deliver my pizza.

What do east africans (who have no cultural relation to west african niggers btw) to do with middle eastern inventions?

>not knowing about SA race classification
They teach this shit for a simple history or reading class that mentions apartheid

but I am German and we surpassed you as well.

>more larps and meaningless words
There there dumb central asian mutt

>countless Abyssinians

Attached: 1567647865133.png (500x300, 52K)

I am Anglo, you're using my language on something made by Anglos. You're the slave race only fit to serve the Anglo man. Cope.

>anglo cuck thinks he belongs to the germanics

Attached: 1549681964507.jpg (688x671, 119K)

English comes from Latin. It’s basically the retardspeak that came from that.

Yeah well I'm an American and literally every other country on earth is irrelevent compared to us. Feel free to squabble over who gets second place though, it's amusing.

Attached: Hurricane.webm (400x712, 703K)

t."German" kid while eating halal

without memeing you honestly do know that I as an Anglo am better than you right? I'm superior and you're brown third worlders.

>only fit to serve the Anglo man.
Is there only a single one, who is it?

Why is it people from UK and US are the cringiest? Oh well, I should be happy they are both on the tracks they are currently.

lol ok sure thing Mr. Balds at 20, loses teeth at 30, has small chink penis, and a feminine skeletal frame. You are very great lol.

>muh language
look at the state of you, not even fit to be an enemy worth fighting
Look Brazil 2.0 jewlectric boogaloo, no one cares about your 3rd world nation to be. Just go mutt about quietly while we wait for the next power vacuum and the fourth reich.