It's over, two memes died today

It's over, two memes died today.

Attached: dead meme.png (882x777, 927K)

Other urls found in this thread:

make that 3

>Caring about memes this much
God, your life must be so pathetic.

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looks more like three

all 3 of these have always been spammed by redditors
and you are more proof of that you parasite

just cool it with these types of threads for a long while now, let the attention around it die down. Further threads of it will just encourage further reddit spread

t. u/JaVe12

>letting reddit decide which memes live and which memes die
how did this place get so cucked?

>Trying in on Yea Forums this badly
Friendless faggot, arent'cha?

Thanks for the heads up Jave12

wtf i love reddit now

So are you telling me that if I start spamming "Sneed" etc. on reddit, that'll kill it here? Is that what you're implying?

>slow burn atmospheric bone chilling
make that 4

At least they'll never be able to say nigger kike and spic


This. They’ll steal every part of our identity, expect our foul mouths.

What, you think Reddit is going to stop crossposting content?

Kino and Robert is the worst. It’s native to our boards. You can’t just take that away from us.


When this place becomes associated with more mass killers

5 if you count "no singles policy"

Being possessive and butthurt over memes is far more cringe than any redditor is capable of generating.

>It’s native to our boards
Both are garbage made by redditors desperately trying to emulate the even worse reddit first time on Yea Forums meme known as bane

That's what you get for not gatekeeping from normies

It’s because you’re a passive beta that wouldn’t bother defending your identity.
Like our ancestors fought in the past for their lands, ideologies and religions, this is no different. Trivial? Absolutely, it’s pixels on a screen. But it’s still our soul and image, bastions that uphold the name “Yea Forums”, where anonymous posters can goof off and have fun on a dying site.

maybe, but I count that along with Robert which is all part of the Yea Forums cineplex pack

I'm surprised it took this long. I'm willing to let them ruin chad over robert though.

God, I hate reddit

Why are people that started using Yea Forums AFTER(after 2012) the mods and janitor decided to pander to reddit complaining about reddit posting their memes on their site?

Why can’t reddit create their own OC, why must they rely solely on pop culture references and watering down Yea Forums memes?

Imagine misunderstanding a meme this much.

What all comprises the cineplex pack?

fuck off, JaVe

It's reddits version of crab legs

It's not even funny. Fukken faggots don't even know how to meme properly

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These memes were forced by redditors to begin with.

This has always been the case. Why do you think we stopped making rage comics.

I swear to God if they ever touch Robert...

Fucking ironic that a hard left sub like /gamersriseup is using right wing memes from Yea Forums

you're right... it's cultural appropriation

based, reddit owns this board. deal with in *ncels

>reddit still pushing gamers rise up

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>mining industry
>designated shooter
"Penis inspection day" predates the kinoplex.



>clerk has shirt off
>no singles tax waived
its a gay cinema. I shan't be entering. nice try "Chad"

>hard left

go back to 8c-oh wait. lol

Robert has no political meaning catch to gain the eye of leddit by itself. Chad and Joker is already shit people use outside of Yea Forums.

beggin ya to go back to chapotrannyhouse

>But it’s still our soul and image,

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Incredibly cringe but extremely redpilled

The natural life span of any meme is that it is born here, is spammed to hell, and the goes to reddit to die.

these memes are shit

Show the pic of his concubine whore.

>You remember that exact image being posted in a thread, later into it so it was probably original
I hate redditors so fucking much, literally nu-ebaumsworld.

And my axe

>some stupid faggot lurker here posted this shit
It’s probably the same faggot that makes those r-didn’t text to speech videos with Pepes and Wojaks in the thumbnails.


Don't fucking kid yourself 99% of threads and memes are stolen from reddit

>He came from top ten Yea Forums prank videos and internet historican circlejerks about /pol/
Please go back, you dont belong here, just leave shitty green texts so you can post on r/Yea Forums and leave actual discussion to people above an 85 IQ.

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Bump you fucking cyber refugees

I have been at this shithole for a decade, that's why I know this board is full of crossboarders. There are people who just take from something from a popular thread there just to guarantee a tons of (you)s

Every time I click on a thread like this I think, this will be my last thread I will ever click on. After this I will never visit fourchains again. I hate this place.

Kek that's my shitty chad oc.

Where's the fucking joke? Is it literally just because he said "kino?" Why describe the movie in a normal slightly edgy way and why waive the no singles policy for no reason and why is Chad of all people doing it? Literally all pointless setup and no punchline. Do Redditors really think this is funny?

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See you tomorrow

Reddit is such a fucking void of creativity and memes. They just filter through Yea Forums, twitter and youtube and make good jokes into mass-appealing normie bullshit for imaginary points while simultaneously acting like they're superior to the sources their content is from. Fuck reddit and fuck niggers.

I once managed to stop coming to Yea Forums for an entire month, my life massively improved
Then they pulled me back im

>waived the no singles tax
I laughed

No that faggot said no singles tax, whatever that means. We all know Robert takes a hard line. You're either in or you're out, you don't pay more

>"no singles policy"
One please

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You should report that post, because they posted it without your permission.

you should read the replies. everyone explaining the memes, kino, chad, single tax...


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Really gotta do something about the reddit problem on Yea Forums. It was bad in 2016 but its somehow even worse now


>Yea Forums is filled with redditors
No shit.

There is only one thing that keeps normalfags away

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It actually fucks up the joke. Chads enjoy jumpscares and cheap gore, bone chilling character development driven atmospherics are for soi

>language is pretty neat!
Good lord.

Cringe but redpilled

>Language is pretty neat!

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>made a reddit account a year ago
>give them memes posted on Yea Forums
Its better when both sides are throwing shit at each other over internet culture

redditors consume Yea Forums culture without caring that it's not theirs
only Yea Forums users care at all

Are you guys saving up for your joker tickets?

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I don't. It's just the meme circle of life, it's completely natural.
Dont need to be mad

i'm not but in your post you make the implication that reddit is one of the sides that fling shit
they don't fling shit at all because they don't care

reddit is necessary to periodically wash this site from its memes that become too normie friendly so it can stay the weird cesspool it is

>Not caring about memes this much

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That's a considerably based meme tho, should be strong enough to survive

What post? I'm not the guy you were replying to. I'm just saying, I don't care and neither should Yea Forums because it's just part of the natural lifecycle. Some stupid meme is born on Yea Forums then it filters down to all the other social media places, until it ends up on faceberg or something and then finally dies.

Can we get Asian moot to split the sites again, and hide the new one so we can live in peace for fucks sake.

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Good. The more of these 9gag tier memes die, the better off we all are.

Yea Forums - television and film

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Hi r*ddit

I hate reddit so goddamn much

For me is bioskop.

Why? If you started posting on Yea Forums after 2012 it's all thanks to them

>All those phrases the write of that post uses that he clearly has no idea of their meaning, he just knows it will build him social capital on a site where you're only as good as your posting score

All non-anonymous boards are a hierarchy where everyone desperately wants to "one up" each other in order to crawl up the pecking order.


us 4channers

You do realize Yea Forums has their own version of Robert? Literally same picture but with video game comments (also they call him something different, I can't remember though)

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good riddance to bad rubbish

God damnit

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Delete fucking /mlp/, permaban any and all horseshittery as an automatic thing, and replace it with /film/.

>replace it with /film/.
Never forget.

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wait what about the wojak and pepe subreddits? People still use those memes here

this. if robert were based around us being racist towards him it would be picked up by r*ddit but since he's an honorary white he's not picked up

you cared enough to post.

millie is CUTE!

mlp scares the redditors away, though. cope harder

This is it! My long gambit has finally paid off. Now the world is turning up Milhouse.

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>mlp scares the redditors away

At least ludo still survives.

>Why yes, I post r*ddit memes to farm (you)s from autists and /pol/lacks, how could you tell?

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Joker/singles policy/incels
slow burn etc...

>all of these memes dead in one post
The end of an era, I guess this could be an excuse to come up with new memes.

>edit: Thank you everyone for the helpful replies! Language is pretty neat!

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God, reddit is so fucking gay

Damn, I miss browsing reddit so much. Had to stop when I realized I'm too inferior for that site.

This is a declaration of war. Will you fags just let that trannies get away with this?

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>saying kino and flick about the same film

Yes, nothing we can realistically do except move on


Redditors can only imitate us, but they will never stop us.



any other based ladypedes here?

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>long winded and unceccecary details

Why the fuck do reddit suck at memes??

Just look at the /mlpol/ board merge, the redditors left the board after like 2 hours

there is an entire Yea Forums section on reddit and facebook. it's over

How do we get reddit to kill sneed?

We did it reddit
Edit: woah, thanks for the gold friends!

>Yea Forums's pol colony radicalized some idiot boomer housewives

>Edit: woah, thanks for the gold friends!
Why does this always make me laugh

>but they will never stop us
Unironically this.

Do you guys remember the greentexts in Robert threads? Do you think those retarded trannies can come up with something with that much soul?

Comfyposters have tried to falseflag Sneed on reddit countless of times but it never works, the meme is simply too abstract for their minds.

Reminds me of when Chaika edits died. Fucking leeches, forevermore.

reddit steals all our memes, doesn't mean they are dead. They will mutate here and remain breddy gud

This sad delusional redditor thinks his balkan shithole has anything to do with kino

>but they will never stop us.
You're not "us" you 2013+ parasite that would have NEVER been part of Yea Forums if it wasn't for redditors crying for moderation on everything except epic memes they can take home


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Is MLP still relevant? Can't remember the last time I even saw pony images in a thread or anything about bronies.

I kinda miss the days when that was the weirdest thing about reality.

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It's more of a movie than a flick, doubt it's kino though.

Is this how blacks feel when white people copy their dance moves and eat peanut butter? I finally understand cultural appropriation.

>Caring about Reddit this much
ftfy. this board in particular desperately tries to distance itself from reddit despite the fact that its one of the most reddit-tier boards on the site

These boomers all moved on to /pol/.

It's more pathetic than sad. Look at that idiotic way to imitate the jargons used here. It doesn't even have a joke.

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So much this!
To the top with you!

This. Half of r/moviescirclejerk posts here.

this is what happen when you ban all the blacked and cute and funny posters

>Gigachad liking atmospheric slow burns
>kino and flick are interchangeable
>no singles tax instead of policy
It's funny how they fuck up every little detail

That's like 5 memes.

what a vile website

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>tfw normalfags show me ancient ass memes like they're new and funny
>unironically hear "normie" as slang

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Subsequently everything seeds

It would be better to delete /mlp/ and lift GR15. All the horse porn spammed on the other boards will keep the redditors out

I look forward to irl sneedposting if it becomes a thing, but it probably won't be. Even KYM doesn't want it

That's why it's based, it's so shitty it will never be truly corrupted

Do you miss them already, Yea Forums?

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you post that, yet you clearly saved that image from knowyourmeme

Well my Robert can beat their Robert

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that's a yikes from me

Prove it. Prove I saved that image from knowyourmeme, or shut the FUCK up

Just make nazi edits. They never use those.

When will that abhorrent site die?

At least we still have Raimi posting

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That's the filenames they use

Imagine how much of a fucking redditor you need to be to think this. Reddit can only steal and run to the ground, everything "original" they can come up with is the equivalent of those 2012 impact-text image macros.

>Come up with a new injoke
>Those parasites steal it anyway
When is it going to end this has been happening for years

Dance moves, slang, and fashion

Please inform reddit that this meme comes from the notorious white nationalist anti-semitic misogynistic transphobic hacker known as Yea Forums.

They can steal our memes, but they can't steal our freedom!

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You didn't come up with any of this. You're just a leech like them.

Yea, I'm disgusted when I see negros talk English, live in cites and use smart phones.
I mean for fuck's sake, I ain't making clicking noises, running naked in the savannah and trying to summon lighting with a stick, now am I?

Can't we all just stick to our cultures?

cringe but also based

his name is gigachad

Hi guys! Reddit here, may I talk to the man called Janny? I'd like to have a word with him about this thread here, it's a bit over the line, no offense. Though to be fair I think you already know it's over the line, but this is the spirit of Yea Forums right? ;) I think I'm getting it guys!

so this is why all the new OC these days revolve around or have racist undertones, because reddit steal anything that doesn't have those

>as someone from Bosnia...
>as someone from Serbia
Why do they all type like this? Why do they think they are interesting?

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t.pic related

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I wish I had the screencap of the redditor spilling his spaghetti when someone explained the joke to him

Instead of spamming Yea Forums, i wish sneed and other force memers would do it on reddit instead, the butthurt would be 10x worse.

They just replace them with Crusaders as diet Nazi jokes

How the fuck people can be this stupid?
Don't know what КИHO mean. Hell

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