Holy shit, we actually really do need a Wall, don't we

Holy shit, we actually really do need a Wall, don't we.

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No you don't, what you need is to use your weapons to defend your home (and/or your neighbour's home, thank god for Texas)

Of course you do. What the kind of country doesn't have borders? A 3rd world banana republic or Cuckistan.

Have you not seen these crazy cartel videos? I'm not even American and even I think you need a fucking wall.

So this... Is the power... of mass media...

You must have been asleep when it showed the wet backs enter a tunnel under neath the new trump wall in the third act.

That didn't happen, it didn't show how they crossed the border.

>don't have defenses, because people could potentially get around them
Yeah, just never lock your door. Someone could get in anyway.

... around L.A. too.

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your gun isn't going to protect you from them getting political power

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No, I'm retarded enough to actually die for what I believe in, for better or worse


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>tfw this movie doesn't say anything bad about mexico at all
>but theres 2 very small scenes that last maybe 3 seconds each showing the new border wall
this is what triggered the libs, don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise.

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Now that the dust has settled. Is the movie fun ?

its just typical revenge porn (which is also fun)

>Holy shit, we actually really do need a Wall, don't we.

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Good to hear Satan.

Obviously. America needed a wall at least 30 years ago.

I think you mean over 200 years ago, mexico literally invaded the states multiple times.

Had we just conquered the entire country during the war where we stomped them and put them all in camps we'd need a much smaller wall to keep Guatemala and Belize out

You know the entire Southwestern US was stolen from Mexico, right?
Godless Protestant AmeriKKKa needs to gib clay back to thee rightful Catholic ascendancy.

mexico isn't a real state


>You know the entire Southwestern US was stolen from Mexico, right?
Yes, and?

Exactly. Why even own a door?


Oh, boy. That dumbass Polk even gave some of the land back.

>$800 billion EVERY SINGLE YEAR in military spending
>literally none of that spent actually protecting our borders against the very real crime, terrorism, drugs threats

We don't need a Wall. We need guillotines in the streets.

>unironically siding with godless jewmerica against catholics

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Cry more libtard. War with Iran is imminent now that China is sending troops there. your precious muzzies and chinks will be BTFO back to the stone age

You blind cocksucker, they showed the spics enter a warehouse on the Mexico side, go into a basement tunnel system, cut to a flyby of the new Trump wall then cut to them emerging from a basement floor in a warehouse on the US side to drive to John's house.


it was literally bought and paid for

Mexico only existed a couple years as an independent state before it lost the region.

So? AmeriKKKa was only 60 years old at that point. I'll side with the eternal, 2000-year-old Church over Protcucks any day of the week