Hard To Be A God

Was Medieval, Pre-Renaissance Britain so... filthy and depressing?

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haha he rub da poopoo on his face

No. The Middle Ages were festive and colorful and clean. This recent Hollywood trend of "everything was dirty and disgusting" is basically Medieval blackface. Watch any movie made before 1990s and they're actually more accurate.

Huh. Really? How come? Any sauce for how they were “festive and colorful”? I know about 1500s England, but mostly for the Courts and such. I’m talking about ~1300s Britain. That’s when the film is taking place. Of course they’re exaggerating things, but The Last Kingdom is supposed to be fairly accurate and that’s not colorful or festive either.

>was the Medieval period depressing
What kind of question is this?

I dont think theres anything festive about open sewers lad

>This recent Hollywood trend of "everything was dirty and disgusting" is basically Medieval blackface.
>*dies from a plague that could've been prevented by basic hygiene*

Look at any period art depicting every day life. Yea Forums related though watch Terry Jone’s Medieval Lives.

>I’m talking about ~1300s Britain. That’s when the film is taking place.
The story comes from a couple of Russians who wrote an anti soviet satire. The language in the movie is Russian. The sword he wields is a Zweihander popular among landsknecht troops (mercenaries from the 16th century).

What exactly made you think this was inspired by 13th century Britain?

This movie is not even set on Earth, let alone Britain. The set work was full-on keynote, though.

No, it wasn't filthy or depressing. Workers had numerous holidays, drank beer or wine often, and were generally well cared for by their Lords. There were certainly unpleasant periods of war or pestilence, but for the most part a medieval peasant lived a life of constant holidays, drinking, eating, and partying.

I actually would prefer if they would portray it like the witcher games (2 and 3) do, harsh but colourful and banners everywhere.

HTBAG is actually cyberpunk.

I live in a third world country with open sewers and no one is walking around with dirt on their faces and filthy clothes. People still wash and do laundry.

Fleas still bite people who have recently bathed.

The film takes place on an alien planet.

This wasn't medieval Europe retards it was an alien planet

At least it didn't get the Black Plague

We're aware. It's still a depiction of a Medieval level society. So OP's question stands.

it's set on an alien planet centuries into the future retard
did you watch the movie?

So it's techno medieval?

>I live in a third world country with open sewers and no one is walking around with dirt on their faces and filthy clothes.
Maybe so, but they still stink, flies and germs are rife, nothing festive about the smell of shit and stagnation

why would you make up a retarded label for a genre that does not exist?

Video game Quake is techno medieval. So it is a genre, just not widely literated.

this movie is nothing like quake so no, it is not techno medieval
and it still sounds retarded desu

What's so retarded about having some technology in a gritty medieval setting? HTBAG has time travel so there's some techno for you.

it doesn't have time travel watch the fucking movie
and I said that the label sounds utterly retarded. you don't have to categorize everything


In the 1300s people were very clean, ate a good diet and had a damn sight more free time than we do today.

>No. The Middle Ages were festive and colorful and clean.

Imagine being so fucking stupid.

Attached: patrick.jpg (259x224, 18K)

>they had no plumbing or running water, so they made their streets at an angle so any water would flow to the middle of the road, so that people could hurl buckets of piss and shit out their windows into the street so it would flow down the road as an open sewer

Sounds like paradise to me.

Attached: YEAHEAYHYEAH.gif (300x221, 269K)

They had plenty of festivals, they celebrated every saints day, and color wasn't just invented in the 1960s you know

still more advanced than modern india

>Romans had fully functioning plumbing systems
>A few hundred years of societal development later, Europeans were shitting in buckets and dumping it out on the streets

An amusing anecdote is during the viking invasions of England, English women found the viking men significantly more attractive than English men. The vikings, unlike the English men, bathed several times per week and kept their hair washed and combed.


European towns and cities had midden heaps outside the boundary for shit and refuse and a system of men with carts to collect it. And where do yo think Roman shit ended up? In the Tyber, where they swam and fished.

Attached: 1323500293001.jpg (550x550, 76K)

Source: my anus.

From the writings of John of Wallingford:

>"(The Danes) caused much trouble to the natives of the land; for they were wont, after the fashion of their country, to comb their hair every day, to bathe every Saturday, to change their garments often, and set off their persons by many frivolous devices. In this matter they laid siege to the virtue of the married woman, and persuaded the daughters even of the noble to be their concubines"


Not as such, it is true that infant mortality and disease were rampant and people tended to live harsher, shorter lives, but generally nobody wants to walk around covered in shit and mud if they can help it, people would still wash and try to freshen up, have a nice set of clothes to wear for social gatherings, etc. People would still want to live in clean, well kept places with the trash put somewhere you don't have to live, often in a midden or shell heap which was basically an early landfill where communal trash and shit would go.



This! What a buncha maroons!

Oh, yes, the let's manipulate people through fear. A religious zealot's classic.

Only nobility had color because it was so expensive,

>Huh. Really? How come? Any sauce for how they were “festive and colorful”?
Most people couldn't afford black clothes unless they were a Priest, everything had to be dyed so you ended up with lots of blue, red, yellow and green clothing.

Consult an academic.

>he can't dye his clothes with nettles

>Watch any movie made before 1400s and they're actually more accurate