What was the point of this scene?

what was the point of this scene?

Attached: harry potter dance.webm (960x401, 2.75M)

what the fuck is this, that doesn't happen in the book

Sometimes the fact that a middle aged women wrote these books shines through. There's so much awful shit like this in the books that's cut down.

Why does Hermoine look like she's about to an hero at the start?

They should've ended up together. She really didn't have much chemistry with the other guy.

To show human relationships, I know that's something foreign to OP and this underaged incel board.
Back to fucking reddit, bookfag

To show Hermione is a strong independent woman who doesn't need no man. Oh wait it does the exact opposite LOL

Imagine how fat and ugly this poster is

Reminder that Harry + Hermione was supposed to happen but Rowling realized how much of a self insert Hermione was and didn't want to indulge herself too much in order not to seem like a hack.
It's safe to say that she failed.

Attached: hpending.jpg (600x337, 116K)

the hermione/ron thing was obvious since the 4th book and harry and hermione never showed any interest in each other at all romantically.

If you are paying attention to the movie it's because they are in a terrible fucking position. They are running from an enemy that has pretty much conquered everywhere they used to be able to call home, all their friends are dead and or dying day by day (they use a radio to learn who dies everyday), and they are the only hope. To top it all off, they haven't made jack shit in terms of progress. They have been walking and looking for days and found nothing while shit just gets worse and worse back home. Their chances get bleaker and bleaker, they're depressed as fuck, Ron actually gets up and says fuck this and leaves. Hermione has been through shit already trying to keep her head up through all this, but Ron leaving was the straw that broke the camels back. Harry starts to see her sad and moping, so he turns the radio up and tries to cheer her up and get her back in high spirits, making sure she doesn't give up and follow Ron back home.

tl;dr harry did it to cheer hermione up

Good because in my opinion hermione "know how everything from the start" is most unlikeable character in a whole movie series and i was rooting that she will scarifice her flat ass and slunky tits to chosen one. When i was younger i used to think she accompanies harry and ron only to be their fuckdoll or some cunny shit. In movies she always save their ass so why tf she didn't fight deh! alone?

Or he wanted to fuck her.

>what is perspective
>what is distance to his own daughter he had with his wife

Seething fucking incel. Nobody cares about your opinions on movies or anything. She also gets btfo in the first few movies alone.

Harry fucked hermione many times its just didnt show in movie because muh happy ending for everyone

show sex with a pg-13 rating

was harry, dare i say it, gay?

He didn't clearly, if you aren't an autist, he was upset that he was barely able to cheer his friend up and they were back to being in danger of dying again.

What kind of a dance is this? Who's the man and who's the woman here? Who's leading and who's following?

If it was to show human relationships it would end with them fucking


Wrong. Ron was always written to be tall with big feet while harry was written to act like a woman. Ron was always going to be with hermoinie.


>tfw no gf to dance with and smile and laugh
I'm THIS CLOSE to ending it

Cringe and ronpilled

Imagine how blown out this roasties vag is

Still would hardfug

Come at me Janny

Attached: fuck you janny.jpg (1280x2178, 373K)

They're really stressed out and sad at that point. They dropped out of school to aimlessly wander around looking for these hidden artifacts while an evil wizard is threatening to kill them and everyone they know, and Ron got pissed off and abandoned them. If I remember right, this is supposed to be the day there's ordinarily a dance at Hogwarts, so Harry dances with Hermione to try to cheer her up.

It's almost like someone tried to put the main characters in the center of the frame. Weird.

I still can't believe that David Yates made a good film.

To remind you that the characters are just regular people so you can relate. Is this really a difficult concept for you to understand?

The sooner this wedding's over the happier I'll be." [Ron] "Yeah" said Harry, "then we'll have nothing to do except find Horcruxes....It'll be like a holiday, won't it?


manlets never get the girl

Which one? I always thought his harry potter films were noticably bad. 1 and 2 are charming. 3 is amazing. 4 is passable. the rest were filmed horribly.

You only think that because you desperately need sex

All his films are good or great, god damn this board is so predictably contrarian.

That's what I mean, and I disagree that 7.1 was filmed badly. 7.1 stood out to an incredible degree compared to 5,6, 7.2, and FB. It's a movie about friends reaching adulthood and experiencing the end of the world. There's no overwrought drama or needless B plots, just the main trio on the road trying to survive.

Thinking the later potter films are good is actually the contrarian position.

My biggest complaint is the action scenes are a mess. Its always close up shaky came on each actors face. Watch the third film then any of the action sequences in yates, they are hard to watch

>Thinking the later potter films are good is actually the contrarian position.
No it isn't they are fucking really good especially compared to the slew of dogshit blockbusters since

Don't worry about that poster. Reminder HE molested his underage cousin AND got catfished by mexican teens

Reminder order of the phoenix and half blood prince are fantastic.

>order of the phoenix
Explain your reasoning.

Possibly Radcliffes best performance and the third act is great. It cuts all the unnecessary fat from the book and focuses on what should be focused on. Umbirdge was great. Dumbledore vs Voldemort looks really nice still.

i like how in half blood prince they are actually in their wizard robes at school and attending classes

Attached: harry order of fenix.jpg (850x686, 110K)

They wear their wizard robes while Harry is teaching DADA in the room of requirement in Phoenix
and wear them in classes in 2 3 4 as well. 4 just has study hall and in between classes

>these robes were $120 dollars at my Universal hotel
>I get to the park and literally thousands of people wearing them

This property is a fucking gold mine.

lol what a manlet

the property is also merely comfy as fuck and good
the movies are fucking good

They canonically fucked many times
It is why Ron left, because he was tired of Harry always ploughing Hermione in the tent

The books and films are very comfy. It's Rowling's greatest success as a creator. Fantastic Beasts fails because it tries to be an epic political intrigue plot, and not an excuse for comfy daily life scenes.

peak emma

Objectively6 false
PoA and GoF are peak Emma

I must say I have no problem with the first fantastic beasts though because i really like newt and jacob.

She just kept peaking and peaking desu. I love her look in DH1 as well and of course PoA and GoF. She might have looked more similar in Dh1 to how she did before puberty.

When the fuck is she going to get topless?

When her tits hit her lowest rib.

They're not big enough. Only advantage of being a chestlet is that sag is minimal (although deflation is still an issue)


Attached: BG_Emma_Watson_in_Elie_Saab_alla_serata_Vip_Lancome_ad_Hong_Kong-24.jpg (630x472, 97K)

She's a 32 B, dude. That's the magic of good outfits

Yes 32B is not a chestlet
Chestlets are a cups which include Saorise, Kstew, Cara, Daisy, Elle, Stone, Roberts etc

>Yes 32B is not a chestlet

Attached: 77uuwuj6.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Not true. Hermione is much more if a third wheel to Rob & Harry's friendship in the books. She's not a fun person to hang out with

This. Whenever Harry and Ron have a fight, Harry realizes how fucking boring Hermione is

Retard the term mosquito bites does not apply to 32B, it applies to Acups