I found the message of the film that all we have is eachother in this empty universe and we should not be blind to things right here in front of us that matter and we love so inspiring that I Immeaidelty called my ex and told her i wanted to reconnect.

Brad Pitt deserves the Oscar. In my opinion up there with Joaquin Phoniex performance in The Master as the best of last decade.

This film made me stare out in awe when I walked out the cinema. This has only happened two times perviously when I watched 2001 space odyssey and and Tree of Life.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why did they let Lima just float out there for years with a dangerous antimatter reactor and a crazy captain that killed off his crew?

This movie is literally we live in a society: cosmos bogaloo

it's not trying to be a serious realistic science film its just a macguffin

As Astra was great

It's very good but flawed. Also why would you call your ex, you idiot?

Opel astra was great. This flick was shit and boring af


>Lel moon rovers and lsers senpai

looked like a fast n furious tier movie

while watching this film I noticed that Brad Pitt has quite small ears

i thought the soundtrack and cinematography to be beautiful. Especially neptune's blue.


What purpose in this movie was fucking ape scene? I mean it didnt add nothing to story its just soi action part

This that blue hue was one of the deepest contrasts i've ever seen put on film

>so inspiring that I Immeaidelty called my ex and told her i wanted to reconnect.
thanks ill be sure to never watch it

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Good but not great imo. I already posted this somewhere else, less cringy than Interstellar and way better than Gravity, yet i wouldn't label this one as "utter masterpiece". Neither as best film of the year. (for me, it's still Tarantino's Once Upon a time in Hollywood). But then again it's just a question of personal preference. And yes i've also watched the palm d'or korean film "Parasite". Great film but the last 15minutes or so gave me too many mixed feelings. The first hour was excellent but....

Still haven't seen "Joker". But as of now, Tarantino's film is still my favorite of the year.
Ad Astra is a good film though.

To kill the captain off which would in turn leave the incapable faggot in charge which would require Brad Pitt to step in and save his ass

I heard all the action stuff were reshoots

hopefully we get directors cut


I feel like old McBride was supposed to be way more far than Neptune, but for some reason they left him there. It's possible they realized that wouldn't make sense if Roy had to travel 30 years to find again.

Those weren't lasers. The guns were taken from some company that actually develops guns for Moon.

Fellow men of astronomy and culture

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I liked it. Beautiful space scenes. Fantastic performances. My only real criticism is how they played it a little too loose with the physics on occasion.

Lol the movie would be nightmarishly boring if it wasn’t for Moon Pirates and Space Monkeys

Like what? When he surfed through Neptune?

this. it was so fucking cool looking

Ithought he was Ad Astra but everyone kept calling him Roy it was confusing
but it was a good movie nontheless

they thought it was lost or crashed or something since they lost contact, it wasnt until the blasts that they realized where the lima was
you non attention paying faggot

Tommy Lee’s character is literally me except replace finding intelligent life with becoming an indie filmmaker

All I wanted was for pitt to kill another chinamen and the film delivered!!!

That, the unnecessary overthrusting to reach the Cepheus once he cleared the rings, but mostly the blast-off of the Cepheus where the crewman comes floating down at him weightless while the ship's under thrust. It boggles my mind how things like this don't get called out during production.


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>Moon pirates bad

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Actually if you read up, it was supposed to be ultra realistic. It failed, obviously.

Pretty sure Roy was an homage to Blade Runner. In a sense, this movie is about Roy Batty as he starts off cold like a robot and finally finds his humanity.

comrades, commission a project:
1.space is the new ww2, theres got to be one movie in the theatre about it, thats us
2.get a big name and sprinkle shitters around him
3.fuck inovation, proven stories only. mix together gravity, apocalypse now, some solaris, mad max and take little tidbits from all the space movies youve seen, the 2001 memory room impossible martian space jumps interstellar crying wife/kids

30 mil profit minimum

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are you me

sacrificed every connection i ever had for 9 years now

>ad asstra
cast it

I've just come home from the theater.
Great movie. Cosmic cinematography was top notch, Nolan pales in comparison. Good character writing. Little bit padded in the start, the lunar chase was pointless.
9/10 would see again.

>they thought it was lost or crashed
I guess you didn't pay attention to the fact that they knew the captain killed his crew. You'd think they would at least investigate and try to recover the reactor and research, and it's not like they didn't know the general area of where it was (in orbit of Neptune)




I was under impression that Lima was stationed outside of solar system, and when they tried to get back, captain killed the crew and the reactor was damaged, causing the surge.
IIRC it was mentioned at some point that they've got outside of heliosphere.

>Nolan pales in comparison
Is this legit or is it faggots hyping it up like First Man's close up shaky cam.



its different movie than interstellar and firstman

interstellar is space adventure
firstman is biography
ad astra is psychological drama that happens to have couple of short amazing action set pieces

*sneaks onto spaceship about to take off*

why would they have some radioactive weapon on the lima, i thought they were looking for intelligent life?

He is lying. Unless he is talking about gay partner.

Does it have moonlight sonata from the trailer?

brainlet here


I believe the core was damaged n exposed as one of the other crew members tried to escape/was murdered by Tommy Lee

The real ad astra is in our hearts

He said it. The crew sabotaged the ship when he refused to go back.

>stopping mid transit to mars for a mayday being trivial
>TLI not potrayed correctly
>staging of vehicles way off
>crew jumping out of their chairs mid liftoff to shoot at someone on a fucking spacecraft
>hopping on a rocket as it's lifting off
>flying to neptune taking a couple months
>'orbital degredation' at neptune meaning the lima ship is parked a few hundred yards away under the ring
>the ring is made of large rocks
>using a fucking rotating radar array to launch yourself at the fucking ship
>using a nuclear blast to propel yourself back to earth and somehow decelerating at the other end without another blast to slow you down
It was pretty shit.

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>only thing the film has going for it are its space scenes and a tenuous father-son plotline
>space scenes are done incredibly poorly
>father-son plotline doesn't get enough development and ultimately falls flat at the climax
It was shit. The least they could've given us was accurate space mechanics



Another flop scifi movie with Danny Mcbride Jesus h christ

It's okay user, this movie isn't for everyone. You still have The Martian and Gravity to wank over. Solid space movies, am I rite?

what kind of guns did they use in space?

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>The Martian and Gravity
They both suffer from some major inaccuracies two and both are subpar movies, much like Ad Astra. The fact that you listed gravity as a supposed example of a "solid" space movie shows that you probably don't understand a lot about space travel or physics in general, hence why you somehow think Ad Astra was "good"


When I said solid space movies, I meant it ironically. These movies aren't just subpar, they are trash. But I guess you don't like space movies, you want autistic accuracy, you should stick Carl Sagan youtube videos.

Guns are dumb, that's why dumb people love them so much. Who cares what brand of guns shoots a projectile?

It's honest, yet, the studio forced in reshoots the director didn't even know about. The film was pushed back twice, not to mention the ending was heavily edited as well as the middle of the film. It almost seemed like the director may have wanted it longer than the 122 minute runtime. We all wanted to like it, but I'm sorry, you can just feel the studio's handiwork in this and it just rubs you the wrong way.

white guy in space 3

Great development of interesting ideas and themes. Great central character and father/son conflict. Great directing and technical filmmaking. Amazing visuals. Very good action/adventure sequences. Great aesthetics and designs throughout. Very believable and grounded vision of the future. Great cast.

Unfortunately the narrative was very sloppy at several points. Obviously a lot of very silly action beats that really strain my suspension of disbelief. The narrative never completely comes together smoothly and some plot points feel woefully underdeveloped and half baked. I’m willing to overlook a certain amount because the film is so ambitious and intelligent in its themes on top of being so well crafted and exciting to watch.

7/10, good but not great.

calm down, faggot

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The moon dust part made me hard-



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one of the best films i've seen this year

Hoyte Van Hoytema did the cinematography. He's always great! The music was a nice surprise. I haven't really watched any of Max Richter's previous works.

i think regular guns work in space

Roy twice ends his radio transmissions with "over and out." In military terminology, these are contradictory terms. "Over" means the speaker has finished transmitting and is awaiting response. "Out" terminates the conversation.

Can anyone gimme a quick rundown on the Braddu Pittu meme?

Roy uses his spacesuit's reactor jets to launch himself too quickly on final approach to Cepheus rather than also using them to slow his approach -- thus requiring him to make the high-risk manual grab as he crashes into it. This is basic spaceflight physics and since Roy demonstrated his knowledge of this when approaching the Lima Project in his shuttle, it makes no sense that he would make this elementary mistake on his return.

Why is the Lima emitting antimatter and making power surges?
Why did his dad stay at the station ?

I was tired when I watched this , sorry

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Brad represents humanity and science. He represents accepting atheism and focusing on our own issues, rather than wasting our lives pursuing what we wish reality would be.

Tommy Lee Jones is God, or our need for God, our search for the divine or something supernatural. He's religious and has dedicated his life to proving the unknowable. When faced with the evidence that there is no alien life - there is no proof of his supernatural hope, he has nothing to live for or to offer. He chooses instead to drift away into the abyss, unburdening mankind.

We're shown the reaction of three beings to the unknowable infinite of space. Through Brad, humanity. Through Tommy, God. And the Apes - not included by accident, but to show the primal, violent fear and anguish when confronted with infinity. Our base instincts, an earlier version of man.

When Ape meets Man, he reacts with violence. When God meets what Man has become, he reacts with fear - in a shot that reverses the The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. Man is reaching for God, who is now afraid.

By the end, this shot is repeated, but with Man reaching for Man, embracing each other in newfound brotherhood and hope for the future.

Brad should be in a fucking jail at the end though, don't know how that works.

Is this out on dvd yet?


Perfectly sums up my thoughts. There was a lot going on under the surface but the final act with his father felt underwhelming.

Also did anyone else find it weird this movie is supposed to take place 100-200 years in the future yet Tommy Lee had a black and white yearbook photo? Lel

The main theme kept reminding me of adagio in d minor

What tech do you zoomers use now and is it out on that ?

The benefits of a classical education

There's a reason you don't address his criticisms.

>Why is the Lima emitting antimatter and making power surges?
Sabotage of the containment by the mutineer that wanted to go home (which he killed by decompressing parts of the ship). The reason it's creating massive power surges makes no fucking sense.
>Why did his dad stay at the station ?
To continue his research. Sure they gathered all the data they could already but in his obsessive dream to find alien life he kept re analyzing again and again until he could find what was not there.


what the fuck?

Classic space LEGO the movie basically

>This has only happened two times perviously when I watched 2001 space odyssey and and Tree of Life.
I have to be honest with you. This is not a good recommendation. It just tells me that you love when movies end on a nonsensical note.

>that early shot with the blurry wife in the background
only way that would have been better is if the narration hadn't just spoken about him focusing entirely on his work and nothing else

>IIRC it was mentioned at some point that they've got outside of heliosphere.
that was the endgoal but they only made it to orbit of neptune: that's when the mutiny started because retard crew got tired and demanded to turn around and go back home

What the fuck is the problem with that?
His life's mission was to find alien life. He worked for decades to acquire the necessary skill and status to go on this mission. He left his family behind, he even killed other astronauts to try to reach his goal.
Now an old man, years of solitary research in a stinky old fucking ship yielding just a lack of what he was looking for, but evidence that there's nothing to find in the first place, still pushing forward, his son arrives, places a bomb on his ship and guarantees that any remaining sliver of a chance of achieving his dream is about to be blown to smithereens, forced to return to Earth empty handed just to stand trial behind closed doors and be left to rot in a jail cell rethinking his choices.

>yet Tommy Lee had a black and white yearbook photo
yeah that was goofy; they clearly wanted to go for the whole 'dad's young photos from the 60s' thing, but forgot that he'd be younger than most people posting here

*not just a lack

good sneed

>Brad should be in a fucking jail at the end though, don't know how that works.
they probably thought it's easier to call him a hero for blowing up the lima, quietly retire him, tell him to fuck off and keep his mouth shut, and just sweep the whole 'killed 3 people and hijacked a nuke-armed rocket' thing under the rug


what is this crap?

When you do something for so long, it becomes "home". Did you not hear Tommy Lee Jones say to Pitt "This *is* home"

>Go to jail for 60 years
>60 years later
>"aight you're free to go, have fun reintroducing yourself into society"
>day later
>wtf he killed himself????

How long did it take Roy to reach Neptune? Didn't it take him 7 weeks to reach Mars? It seemed like he reached Neptune in 5 days.

Mmm .... So far, I really liked well thought-out side kick in “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” than the one in “Ad Astra”. I say Brad’s gig in “Seven Years In Tibet” live your to Joaquin’s in “Master” tho. “Ad Astra” is not that bad effort to start with, but I think it would’ve been better off if it were well structured. Like Steven Soderbergh did on “Solaris”.

Just turn your brain off and feel, bro.

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REACTION! Ad Astra Trailer #1 - Brad Pitt Movie 2019


Not taking into account that this is another adaption of hearts of darkness. Oof. I guess apocalypse now is shit because of all it’s inaccuracies in its military portrayal.

it's a minor moment from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood which was blown way out of proportion. Braddu Pittu doesn't even beat Bruce Lee so handily, they're more even.

Who knows, maybe it was just a last minute decision by an editor that didn't get noticed in time to take out

that's what I look like when I browse this board

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>>all we have is eachother in this empty universe and we should not be blind to things right here in front of us that matter and we love
>dude love is the strongest force lmao


brad pitt beats up bruce lee in the new tarantino shart; Yea Forums elevated it to symbolise the entire asian male population being casually btfo by white chads

Reviews say this is boring

reviews say black panther is the greatest film of all time

Before I looked up what the title meant I thought it was supposed to be...

>Ad Astra
>Dad Astray

>Current year education
It's not. It's just not great, it's enjoyable.

Oh boy another space movie about how humanity should remain primates even though we are spacing out in space.

I didn't like this angle either. What they were portraying weren't problem with space exploration itself but it seems like the intend was to convey they were.
While I guess the idea of turning the moon into a big fucking mall doesn't feel nice, what exactly is the alternative? Some shitty commune? A military base?

the mid century modern aesthetic was deliberate. they use a 50s style microphone in the sound room

I thought it was very good but definitely wouldn't call it a masterpiece. The story is intermittently sloppy, though the pacing is good.

photograph just seems like a movie mistake desu

Honestly you have to be legitimately retarded to actually believe that there's no possible way life doesn't exist out there somewhere in the universe

>t. tommy lee jones

Astrology major here

Don't google Great Attractor

Seriously, don't.

You have no clue what that is, otherwise you wouldn't think it's a big deal.

Came out in theaters on Friday you fucking retard

>all we have is eachother in this empty universe and we should not be blind to things right here in front of us that matter and we love

That wasn't the message of the film at all, that was the plot. You need to engage your brain to understand the message


Either this is wicked smart bait or you're hella dumb, can't tell which just yet

>Great Attractor
I did what about it ,i am a brainlet can you give me TL:DR


What is the message then big brain?


It's an awful awful awful awful movie.

4/10. Biggest disappointment of the year.

you should try past life regression and learn only hollow faggots make movies like that.

When haters go after your differences, it means they have nowhere left to go. And then you know you’re winning! I have Aspergers and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm. And – given the right circumstances- being different is a superpower. I’m not public about my diagnosis to ‘hide’ behind it, but because I know many ignorant people still see it as an ‘illness,’ or something negative. And believe me, my diagnosis has limited me before.

Brad Pitt as Gordan Freeman

I felt the moon and mars bases had a half-lifeesque feel about them, and Pitt was fairly unemotional before the latter third

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The G is silent

>Brad Pitt says his latest movie, a space drama, deals heavily with the concept of toxic masculinity.

Jesus christ, what a bitch.

Are you so limited you have issues going to the theater?0

It does, and concludes that toxic masculinity is actually a good thing, since he saves the day twice

My yearbook photo was in black and white.

The ship computer said it would take around 85 days and x hours

It is depressing though, because even if you realize that, others might not or may not be able to handle it. That is what Tommy Lee Jones killing himself essentially means. So even if you want to appreciate what you have in front of you, the others who are right in front of you might not allow it.

they were supposed to keep going but i think the mutiny and shit caused them to stop

>said the test audience
Muh needs more pew pew dur movie too boring for grug
Hollywood execs:
"Put in space pirates now or we will defund the production"
Are you happy?

most of the movie was characters talking about how Space Command lies and covers up everything. I think Brad not getting arrested fits well

>astrology major here

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Literally every action scene in this movie made it worse

I hate normies so god damn much

>so inspiring that I Immeaidelty called my ex and told her i wanted to reconnect.
I don't say this often, but fuck off to reddit.

I just saw it a few hours ago.

Generally I like it. Not an amazing movie but I fucking love space movies and this hit the itch perfectly.

Ending was kinda meh...but overall solid 8/10

i mean they used directed lazes to communicate so i never understood how they pretended not to know where the lima was but whatever




I am confused a bit, so they knew where Lima was, but old boy was actually trying to stop the energy pulses, but they only recently started? Also did young boys communication from Mars actually reach old boy?


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