I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

Attached: brucefuckingforsyth.jpg (685x385, 17K)

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I'm under the impression that the BBC is hiding some dark shit about him

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Nah, he's squeaky clean

You get nothing for a pair. Not in this game.

forgot he existed (at one point)...

Didn't he get Yewtreed?

He didn't. Like I say, absolutely squeaky clean. Like Billy Graham he lived a dedicated life and as much as the lamestream media hacks would like to dig up dirt they just couldn't find any. I had a dog named after him at one point, American Pitbull, good lad he was. Blessing was in the name. Hallelujah.

My mate had a pitbull called Bruce, is that you Matt?

Brucie bonus

You don't work at the BBC for as long as this man did without being at least tangentially involved in some kid fiddling


>What a lovely audience!

Strictly, strictly, strictly,

Attached: strictly.png (1255x1075, 1.37M)

Not me but god bless Matt

I didnt know he was dead tbqh.

Nice to see you to see you twat

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cheeky brucey!

>marries a miss world
how did he do it lads?

>He will never give you a brucie bonus

Is this a good thing?

who wore it better?

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When he got roasted, that was some serious kino
