It's the worst in the entire franchise, even TLJ was better than this fucking shit
This movie was fucking garbage
Wrong. Its great
Why do you think this?
>in the first half hour when it jumps to another scene as often and bad as The Phantom Menace lmao
I liked her butt
People only like it because of the live action battlefront scenes and Vader. The rest of it is boring
She was only 10 years old in the beginning you pervert
The best Star Wars films are Revenge of the Sith and the Last Jedi
The worst are Rogue One and Solo
It was boring like watching paint dry. Also not buying the 98 pounds runway model snapping the necks of several 200 pound bad guys. I rolled my eyes so hard I had to go to the optometrist .
I liked the story better than TLJ, but that was only because it made more sense somehow. But God, the characters were all fucking forgettable, which seems like an issue with Disney Star Wars. The prequels had characters you hated or were underused but I still can name loads of them
... yeah but the special effects!
not him but I didn't care about the main characters, the back guy plot was retarded and there was not a single drop of blood for a war movie
its a boring ass film that takes a long time to set up characters we don't care about
Go back, RLM shills
fuck off clanner scum
I thought it was a heist movie.
It's basically jihadist propaganda. Characters and planets clearly named after 3rd world terrorists, "White supremacy" as the great evil as one of the (((screenwriters))) said, glorification of suicide attacks (actually TLJ had a lot of this as well). FFS the main character is named after islamic deities called Djinn.
Really interesting to see how fucked-up Star Wars has become.
Yeah, it's pretty fucking bad. Only the robot is kind of cool, that's it.
Actually, this and TLJ are the best two of the new Star Wars movies.
>American mecha
When I first watched it I couldn't remember anything about it but after watching it a second time holy shit was it great
cute bunny