Still the hottest in the MCU

Still the hottest in the MCU

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Daily reminder she only dates white men

>in the MCU

has agents of shield had any effect on any of the films?


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>so desperate for BWC she publicly dated Logan Paul

She's half white so that makes sense. It's not like she's a race traitor like her whore mother and bitch father.

Have you seen who she's compared to?


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the hottest woman ever

That's not Elizabeth Olsen....

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Based and patricianpilled

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1 - Elizabeth Olsen
2 - Chloe Bennet
3 - Krysten Ritter
4 - Scarlett Johansson
5 - Zendaya

Cate Blanchett >>>>>> all the above

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no with that face

Is that chloe wang?

D.C. used to be better...

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3 and 5 should not be in that list

I don't get it.

Yeah...about that

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God, someone stop these Japanese potatoes, they're ruining cute girls

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nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo when did this happen??

Big white dicks = yay
Lil yellow dicks = boo

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I'd rather fuck May


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based krager

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shame about the face.

Speaking of agents of shield, which ass, bros?

Wet or dry?

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It explained where the new helicarrier came from in AoU but other than that no. Quake doesnt even appear in endgame, I cant even imagine how useful she would be in wiping out large armies

dont tell anyone

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Why, Chloe? Why did you take the call?!

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yeah imma need that rundown


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