ITT : movies for smart people

I'll start

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I'll continue

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Movies by definition are stupid

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that was so retarded. a meatier in outside space made vacuums on earth gain sentience depending if it moves the story along


So is anyone gonna post an example of a smart film in this thread?

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OP here. I did.

And here's another one.

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The Simpsons, Season 11 Episode 5

itt: what is kino

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a dumb meaningless reddit buzzword

You need a 170 IQ in order to understand the subtle nuances of a Snyder kinopera

Harry Potter

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>watching a 20 minute scene of nothing but flying through space with Strauss music makes you intelligent

it certainly does because you're not looking for action or forced drama in the scene but you're appreciating the amount of work that went into it which is accentuated by the fact that the movie was made in the 60s when a lot of the technologies we have nowadays didn't exist. if you can't see why that makes you intelligent then you're unfortunately a brainlet

kinda this. bragging about how smart you are because you like certain movies is pretty pathetic

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music is easily the worst part of the movie. gives me a fucking headache

>movie good because hard to make
Go fuck yourself. 2001 is a great film, but not because it was hard to make.

haha the fact that that's all you managed to get out of what i typed makes me think that you're compensating for something here

>it made me about think and brain stuff space sea beams

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You literally said
>you're appreciating the amount of work that went into it which is accentuated by the fact that the movie was made in the 60s when a lot of the technologies we have nowadays didn't exist
that's the same as
>movie good because hard to make

Fun fact Cruising was made a decade before Jeffrey Dahmer started killing people, so it was prophetic in a way.

Alien 3

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this thread is proof that smart people no longer exist in Yea Forums
except this guy. Based

>wanna get my piss on with a strapping lad
>appproach guy with designated piss rag in back pocket
>mfw the noob says he just “likes to watch”

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it’s a scene from the movie

I really liked this movie just because I like space themed films. And for its time it's visually stunning. The fact that it's even watchable now is impressive. But there wasn't a whole lot to this movie.

Be glad you don’t know the feeling

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Came here to post this

this movie was ass


>F for Fake
>Dersu Uzala
>Starship Troopers
>Mulholland Drive
>Il Gattopardo

source: 146 IQ

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I watched the square drunk what I got that it was bashing the art community. Does it go deeper than that?

not a word why the fuck do zoomers keep capitalizing it like one


Resident Evil crossed with Stalker starring Hershlag doesn't come out once every year. Learn to appreciate shit.

Good choice, OP. I would also add these as well.

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Fuck off pseud.

La Jetée.

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i've seen them all except bravefart because i hate mel gibson
what do i watch next

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found the brainlet

My favorite detail is the presence of the hobbit trilogy but not lotr

Braveheart, obviously

This and 50 ft woman fucked me up

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50 foot woman was the biggest letdown of my life. She only had two feet, and you barely get to see them. at the end she's just kinda ghostly from the shitty effects and kills maybe one person.

Did you see this?

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no i haven't, will watch it now

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I unironically laugh at that movie.

The absolute best of tarkovski.
>The square
Savage movie. Could have been a bit shorter. Not an aesthetic accomplishment. Interesting message though. The scene of the poster is absolutely brilliant; one of the best pieces of cinema of the 21st century i dare to state.

Star Trek: The Motion Picture

except for the Adam Sandler ones, all those movies are terrible

>poser exposed
Lost Highway is more intelligent.

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Although his otwher choices are good films.

>Mulholland Drive
it's absolute garbage made by a talentless hack. It's the type of shit a freshman film student or a high school hippie could come up with

actually, I gained a new appreciation for AKIRA even though I have seen it a bunch of times. maybe seeing an actual 35mm print jogged my brain, but I realized the characters and story have a lot more to say about the futuristic end-stages of an advanced society where tech outstrips wisdom, and how humans and elemental forces eventually cause the collapse of power structures, if only so the survivors can build new ones. it's also simply one of the smartest and most nuanced and character driven "disaster" movies ever. in most disaster movies all you expect to see is people coping with a destructive force beyond their control, in AKIRA the characters are all fueling the disaster but in different ways, and ultimately the disaster is portrayed as natural, a good thing.

>he can't appreciate pure cinema and needs talking heads and painful forced exposition dialog to tell him what the movie is about.

cringe. appreciate film better.

It was originally planned to be a tv series.

this. I can't believe it was panned or ignored by so many people. easily one of his best movies. first reformed was good too and it came out around the same time.

these two spoke to me a bit

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Godfather prequel?

How is there not a porn parody yet?

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Yep but not without LSD or at least mushrooms

Definitely fits in with every other "smart" film posted so far

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I live pretty much all of his movies but the first part of lost highway and the scenes in that rich dudes porno house... rarely has an aesthetic been so frightening without using overtly "creepy" elements. I mean in what other movie does a dude's bedroom closet/hallway frighten you more than any monster/character?

what ever happened to his last film? I thought it was in actual production when he died and it was going to be finished, but that was in like 2014.

Now this guy is fucking based.

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>smart film thread
>ctrl-f "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"
>no hits
Are you faggots even trying?

Why the homophobia?

it's hard to believe anything involving bryan cranston could be considered good instead of "dude just act up for the camera" (besides Drive. he was barely in it but it was shit anyways)

>bryan cranston
>Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

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user, faggot stopped being a gay slur fucking years ago.