Garbage Yea Forums tricked you into watching ITT

pic related for me, besides being too slow paced for no reason (had to go through it at speeds up to 4x) it has advanced retardation like the magic eyes cunt and portraing whites in typical jewish occupation like pornographer, pedophile and overall degenerates.

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but it was comfy

It was aesthetic and it made it worth it. No plot, almost no dialogue, but it was /kino/.

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holy fuck this

>holy fuck this

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This was the best tv show since season 2 of Twin Peaks

Jews fuck kids like they are getting paid for it, but who is paying?

It's no better or worse than Twin Peaks: The Return. Stream service extended films are a meme.

Is Refn having a mental breakdown? After this got cancelled he quit his press tour and had been posting messages in broken English on twitter and IG. Half of them are increasingly strange and broken variations of “wonder woman say to boy wonders robin”.

>Is Refn having a mental breakdown?
He's been mentally broken since he got a Tarot reading from Jodorowsky.

lmao I saw that one on twitter.
He posted a new one on instagram the other day, but he did say “Batman” instead of Wonder Woman.

You just know that while Refn was making it he was thinking it would be a hit with the “fuck Drumpf” people
I mean the attitude of the entire show is almost exactly the same as this youtube video

lmao what are you even talking about dude. Are Americans really this obsessed with politics

Spring breakers
Only god forgives

how has no one shopped this onto the scream yet

Pleb Status: Filtered

Refn literally said he was influenced by the elections when he was making this


Mandy for best tv moment of the last 20 years

“Hard To Be A God”. Pretty much unwatchable. It’s not a bad idea, it it’s so frantic, so detached, so purposely ugly and disgusting that I see no real point in it. Yeah, I get the moral. Oppressive regimes and the futility of trying to raise brainless from their filth. But Christ, it’s 3-hrs and most of the time there’s nothing of value in it. The B&W makes it even uglier.
>inb4 pleb, Reddit, etc
Yeah, whatever. Maybe some people like it, but I just can’t get into it properly. I can do slow, I can do “single room films”, whatever. But that... It was just an overlong film with a tired message and an uninteresting period and execution.

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