I can't deny it, she's really funny
I can't deny it, she's really funny
No, she's not "really" funny. She's funnier than the average woman, and some men.
I think she's funny. I would totally have sex with her. Maybe even date her, and I don't give that one up easily for female comedians.
Poor Dan Ryckert never had a chance :(
yes but no one would want to have sex with you
>anyone having sex with you
Yeah right, bud.
Plenty of girls want to have sex with me... until I open my mouth.
You really think she would even date you, let alone have sex with her?
Jealousy is very unbecoming.
It's not jealousy. It's enviousness. Learn to speak English, chump.
Shes funnier than some american men maybe.
I like this type of look of a woman. It’s not massively attractive. , but mousey and cute.
You'd fuck her, but you wouldn't respect her.
Jena Friedman is the one you'd bring home to Mom.
My mom would be happy I brought anyone home at all.
Yeah bro I think mice are attractive too.
since when is her opinion on this subject relevant
She’s a disgusting whore
She's pretty redpilled on how dumb she is as a woman
>unironic whiteknighting
Don't we all?