Why don't they have a bigger presence in Hollywood? They're in Star Wars. Doesn't matter if the movies are shit, they have a massive global exposure that should have enhanced their career.
Why don't they have a bigger presence in Hollywood? They're in Star Wars. Doesn't matter if the movies are shit...
Star Wars is a career killer and always has been, why are you surprised?
Boyega already had his shot with Pacific Rim and Detroit and blew it when both flopped
>Star Wars is a career killer and always has been, why are you surprised?
You make no sense. original Star WArs was particular as the success was completely unexpected, the actors got associated with their iconic characters forever and it hindered their careers except fro Harrison Ford who was lucky to land Indian Jones right after, but he kind of plays Han Solo again in this movie.
The sequels are a completely different story, the movies are terrible, the characters are awful and the actors can't act. We are in presence of something that shouldn't even exist, why would they have a career after that? They don't have the looks, they don't have the acting shops and they don't have iconic roles.
she isn't willing to do the same stuff as jodie foster
he isn't willing to do the same stuff as samuel l jackson
pretty simple
Adam Driver has no problem booking high profile jobs, this will be the second year in a row he's nominated for an Oscar. Hamill and Fisher's career wasn't ruined by Star Wars. Fisher was a coke addict and Hamill had an accident.
Which are?
adam driver does what he's told to do and doesn't complain
It's not like bad franchises have stopped actors from getting roles. Pattinson, Watson, Stewart and JLaw are massive superstars.
>this is the face you make when you thought you were going to be a star but instead you just have to banged by really old dudes everyday
>Hamill had an accident.
It's not what stopped his career. He became Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker doesn't play in other movies, he's living in peace in a galaxy far far away. That was until the Mouse came in and figure Luke was drinking onions milk on an island all this time
What "new comer" in any Star Wars movie ever did?
Wtf happened to her face
They do have stuff. Ridley has that movie with Spiderfag and Boyega Bloodborne. I remember they had other projects in scripting but I'm not sure. I wouldn't count on them working with respectable directors, though.
it has always been like that
Why wouldn't studios hire the actor who played Luke Skywalker? He would be the most recognizable face in Hollywood.
She doesn't look fucking human
Because people didn't want to see him in any other role, that's why what Disney did to him is a real disgrace.
She isnt, she's a xeno that got addicted to a white powder only avaliable in earth
I heard he was getting offered roles but in shit coming of age movies that he wasn't into doing and was set for life financially so was never forced into taking them.
>jodie foster
Top kek dude that bitch has barely been in anything the last 30 years
>Daisy "rotten ovaries" Ridley
>shitty actress
>made a movie about a killer on a train
>cant act
>movie bombed
>John "its about time" Ogabooga
>shitty actor
>Pacific Rim 2 was a shitty movie
I'd say they had their chances.
>bad franchise
Try again, movies are so good
the nigger is leslie jones levels of ugly and the cunt cant act for shit outside of some tooth fetish porn vids
They were supposed to hire fresh new faces, no uggos who can't act. How the fuck can you fuck this bad. This is what happens when you let a woman in charge. Truly a cautionary tale.
Daisy and John can't carry a movie on their own. Roughly half of the actors in the MCU can.
>This is what happens when you let a woman in charge. Truly a cautionary tale.
Don't be too harsh on them. I mean, it's not like they unilaterally disarmed the military, let enemy agents into their political sphere, and sat on their asses while their democracy burned.
>Oh, wait. That's the literal plot of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.
The MCU movies are garbage so you just proved yourself wrong, marvelcuck
Why is this zoomer board still unironically pretending to be based or redpilled and shilling that terrible franchise.
Thor can't even lead a movie
Murder on the Orient Express did anything but bomb, retard
They can't act. Not good enough to warrant that bigger presence anyway. I really can't wrap my head around the casting choice for the sequels, were there really no established actors or even young and coming talent willing to sign a three movie deal to star in the biggest franchise of all time?
Emma Watson is unironically a worse actress than Ridley and Potter movies were bad. Somehow she still has a career.
>Thor can't even lead a movie
He's a part of the half who can't. ScarJo, RDJ, Benedict Cumberbatch, Evangeline Lilly, and Paul Rudd are bankable stars.
Too bad people like them.
Because movie stars aren’t something you can force. People are drawn to certain people based on looks and charisma not based on their skin color or sexual preference.
Kathleen kennedy hand picked the actors, she didn't seem to consider their acting skills. She's a shallow woman who picked them for their look, which you is weird as well. But hey this is the taste of an old menopausal feminist harpie.
Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen had their careers ruined with the prequels.
They are pushing Daisy as leading now actually. She did that shitty movie Ophelia and promoted it with big interviews and Jimmy Fallon appearances but nobody has bothered to watch it. She's got that movie with Holland right after TROS.
>Star Wars is a career killer and always has been
Samuel jackson
Liam neeson
Alec Guinness
Ewan McGregor
Natalie portman
Kierra knightly
Amazing every single word of what you just said is so wrong and basic bitch, you're a fucking pleb
No lmfao
>She's got that movie with Holland right after TROS.
The film is six months past its release date. Doug Liman is doing reshoots because the film didn't do well in test screenings, so that film might not even make its money back.
It's funny because Daisy is going the Christensen route.
>Star Wars
>shitty indie
>scifi movie with Doug Liman
what's next?
>capeshit board hates the only good franchise that had 8 entries
Oof indeed zoomer
They did test screenings again several days ago and apparently people liked it. It should be released in March.
Reminder that Lucas knew full well that Jake Lloyd coudn't act. He was picked because he looked like DiCaprio and that was who was supposed to play Anakin in EP II & III.
Daisy Ridley is as bad of an actress as Cara Delevigne, bitch should only be playing dead bodies at the morgue.
Emma Watson is one of the shittiest actresses of her age and she's just painful to watch. She's going to embarrass herself in Little Women. Daisy is more talented and will probably catch her soon career wise. Watsonfags are cancer.
>they did test screening where they paid people to watch a movie and gave them free food
>they liked it
Jake Lloyd was a child actor, they always end bad. And Hayden was a bad actor, not as bad as Daisy Ridley but bad nonetheless. Also he didn't convey the charisma we expected from someone who would become Vadern even as a younger version of him, he lacked charisma, and he's too much of a pretty boy type, that's annoying.
Thanks for that stone cold take you little pleb, she's one of the only actresses her age that has ever acted completely different and opposite roles well. Now stick to your joker threads only and stop trying to actually act smart or cultured.
The NuWars movies did extremely we at the box office, Ridley and Boyega's performance got praised by critics and normies so I doubt they regret the casing. Sorry to burst your Yea Forums bubble.
>daisyfags seething at Emma Watson because she has some popular indie movies and blockbusters under her belt
Never change Yea Forums
How can these two charisma vacuums have any presence in Hollywood when they have none on screen?
Even the latino quipping pilot has more screen presence.
Kirsten Stewart has played more diverse roles than Watson. Pathetic.
>Mark Hamill
>Carrie Fischer
>Jake Lloyd
>Hayden Christenson
Star Wars never really made anyone's career. Those who already had star power, continued to have it, and those who didn't, kind of just fell by the wayside.
I guess Warrick Davis was a Star Wars success story, so there's that.
No she hasn't lmfao kristen *inhales* stewart acts the same exact damn way in every single movie she's been in, no difference at all
Now sit down lmao
Emma Watson has only done shitty indies besides Beauty and the Beast, where she was hideous. Daisy has loads of roles lined up. What does Emma have? Cope.
Kristen Stewarts acting is even worse than Daisy Ridleys, which is impressive because Daisy has only even attempted to act in the last jedi
10 billion dollars in gross and has worked with actual indie directors that arent Doug Liman cope more. You are NPC.
Daisy will only ever be known as the girl in the shitty star wars movies that killed the franchise.
Daisy is more popular than Emma at the moment
Are you the producer of the movie, I'm sorry it's going to bomb, this incel board will not save it.
That doesn't really matter even if it's true, which it's not because of NDAs. If the film was unusable in March, they probably upped their costs by 50% to get the damn thing working.
No she isn't, you might be retarded. Daisy is barely more popular than someone like Cara Delevigne. She's only going to be discussed now because theres a new nuwars movie for people to call bad that she's in.
go preorder your Doug Liman joint tickets lmao
It's a YA dystopian movie with Tom Holland as male lead, if you think it's going to bomb you're retarded. Holland has shitton of fangirls.
Marvelcuck so stupid
I think it will be different this time around. The industry has changed and they're looking for bankable stars. Ridley has a good agent, that should count somehow.
Retard, the test screening venue was filled with Tom fangirls. They will account for at least 1/2 of box office gross.
It will be lucky to gross 40 million worldwide it's opening weekend
>Ridley has a good agent, that should count somehow.
A good agent can't save an actress who can't even close her mouth.
Why are you so pressed about it? Emma Watson is recognized as one of the worst actresses working today alongside Stewart. It's more likely for Daisy to be nominated for an Oscar compared to them.
Why are you so NPC you literally repeat nothing but the most memeshit argument possible
Do you watch oscars and marvel movies and think you're smart?
She's one of the only good ones
Oh holy shit
you actually mentioned oscars in the end of your fucking post
Fucking kek, proving my point you are actually a fucking brainwashed no retort having nigger
It will gross double. Your arguments are based on nothing. It's a popular genre and the leads are box office draws.
Kristen has no range but she's not as bad as Ridley who makes funny faces to express anger, fear and joy. She's really like those kids doing a theater play at the end of primary school. Besides, Kristen is actually pretty, or used to, before going dyke
Actually Jennifer Lawrence and Daisy Ridley are probably recognized as the worst actresses working today alongside Stewart.
>memeshit arguments
Watson is not a critically acclaimed actress. She does shitty movies or Disney remakes, her fanbase is mainly Potter fans who never grew up. Daisy is more recognizable than her now.
>kristen is actually pretty
>or used to be
She isn't pretty anymore and thus is just as shitty as the mouth of sauron
Jennifer Lawrence, Daiusy Ridley, Brie larson and Tessa Thomson are the worst actress I've seen in a blockbuster, it's just appaling, they have zero acting skills.
Just stop even bothering to act like you aren't underaged. Watsons been in critically successful indie movies and ones that weren't successful, she's still been in more successful things than Ridley 10 times over.
Name one critically acclaimed movie Watson did.
All big names before Star Wars. The point is you can't have Star Wars be the first thing you do of note.
>All big names before Star Wars.
Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman weren't big names before 1999.
Why though? What else do you need more than global exposure?
I forgot about Brie Larson and Tessa, fuck, you're right they are both terrible and just as bad as Jlaw or Ridley. All four of them are so bad it hurts.
All the harry potters and perks of being a wallflower, did you just forget about perks of being a wallflower being well liked when it came out
even the bling ring has zero negative critic reviews on metacritic.
Daisy Ridley is a coke head?
Spiderfag movie is apparently garbage and has been in post for ages trying to be fixed in the edit
Video game movies are almost always shit, don't even try to tell me you think a Bloodborne movie starring Boyega will be any different
The spiderfag movie looks horrible and Boyega is in Bloodborne? the fuck? damn he has to take netflix roles now after pacificrimshit
>the bling ring
you can't be serious lmao
Keira Knightley was in Star Wars for less than one minute and her face wasn't even shown. Portman was famous for Leon The Professional.
Star Wars are children's movies that aren't taken seriously. Same deal with Harry Potter. None of those kids made it big either, despite some of their contacts with Weinstein.
Spiderfag movie is apparently good and will be released in March.
>you can't be serious lmao
You must be talking about yourself because you have no reading comprehension. Do you just look at imdb shitter user reviews?
Metacritic - 3.5/5
26 positive, 14 mixed, 0 negative
Thanks for proving you don't even know what indie movies means
Love how you ignored Perks too
It doesn't matter because when you do franchises you become marketable.
Knightley was barely in Star Wars, most don't even know she was actually, that's what saved her. And Portman's big break was in Leon. Although she did become more widely known thanks to her role in Star Wars, she had the Leon gig to back that up.
Stop trying to sound smart dumbass, 17/19 of her movies had nothing to do with him.
Yeah, you become "marketable" as "that character".
She is a slut though.
I'll laugh so hard when Daisy will get more and more lead roles in the future and Emma will be unemployed.
working for the mouse on a bunch of shitty star wars movies, being used as fuck toys by some dirty old jews and being idolized and stalked by literal manchildren killed any and all positive feelings they had towards hollywood and being a movie star especially John Boyega as the fucker apparently used to be a huge star wars fan.
>except fro Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford has made tons of films. Will always be more successful than Hamill who will have to play Luke till he’s in a wheelchair
>were there really no established actors or even young and coming talent willing to sign a three movie deal to star in the biggest franchise of all time?
saoirse ronan auditioned for Rey.
We’re talking about their success outside of SW. You need to go back to R/Star Wars
How did Ford manage to avoid being typecast after playing both Solo and Jones?
Is his powerlevel just that high?
They aren't movie stars, they are as soulless as the new star wars movies.
tips confirmed, it will flop
He was an actually good actor. Hamill couldn't act for shit so he resorted to voice acting as a source of income. No idea what happened to everyone else.
Ford was typecasted actually
Boyega was praised in Detroit and Ridley in Ophelia.
because white liberals only claim to like diversity for twitter points
because they have the talent and presence as plank of wood
Do you actually think Daisy particularly is a good actor?,
According to professional critics, she is.
She’s somewhat attractive, but ive fucked cuter.
Hollywood needs a cute boymoder imhotbqh
who? what? never heard of it.
Driver and Isaac were the only ones of the main cast with acting chops.
>Why don't they have a bigger presence in Hollywood?
They're not good actors.
Faggots, nobody hears of indie movies anyway. Adam Driver is everywhere and universally praised yet nobody knows what movies he's been it. Producers and directors know.
>she still has a career.
she doesnt
Neither are MCU actors or Emma Watson or JLaw or Stewart or many other A-Listers.
Who's the one getting mogged here?
Cocaine Daisy is following Carrie
SHIT performance in SW7, a bit better in SW8
Maybe a decent performer, but haven't seen her in anything beside SW
Interested if she could perform well under a good director
Aging quickly though and not well
He was SHIT in Pacific Rim 2
He isn't doing much better in SW
Played the race card a but too soon and much
>Emma Watson or JLaw or Stewart
They had other talents.
Watson hasn't been in Weinstein movies.
Indiana Jones saved his career. Lucas and Spielberg kept him around after ambiguously killing off Han in Empire. Aside from Indy though, Ford had a pretty long slump before he took the Jack Ryan roles and got to stay an action lead in the early 90s.
Jew nepotism and not being a total fuck-up like Fisher probably factors into it too. But I doubt Ford was ever cash-poor.
Daisy performed better in 8 because Johnson is unironically a good director. Her performance in 7 was well received by critics.
Depends on spending
Depp somehow managed to waste more than Ford ever made so who knows ...
>not giving a bad review to Disney
>good director
Much better than JJ at least
I follow Adam Drivers career very closely. Same with Isaac. These are those rare breed of actors where I go to watch ANY movie they are in just to see their rare acting skills.
Daisy and Boyega are nobodies on my acting radar.
to be fair laura dern is on that rare list as well.
Because nobody actually pays money to see these faggots act
>Neither are MCU actors or Emma Watson or JLaw or Stewart or many other A-Listers.
Yeah, but the MCU characters aren't "popular" either: the films are popular. Most people who see them don't REALLY like the films, it's just seen as a typical film type that you HAVE to see to be cool.
And you posting a picture of the one time they were both at a bafta event and they both almost fought paparazzi doesn't change that. Jlaw and others were different and actual nobodies before they were in tons of his movies.
The Force Awakens 2 billions
Going for the Iron Mike look huh
Ford was his own stereotype, similar to what The Rock is today.
Driver is the best thing that came out off SW
For some reason I really don't like Isaac
He is a good performer, and looks like a decent guy in interviews, but there is something about him ...
I agree about the acting skills but while Driver is praised every day and he's at every relevant festival, do people even watch his non SW movies?
they're riding the wave of the starwars brand name. nothing else.
assholes at Disney so greedy they just wasted 3 movies and four years in order to collect some profit by using the IP someone else invented to pump out generic shit.
>they made money so that must means they did something right
People make money selling used underwear. Is that actually a good thing? What happens when the mentally ill people spending all their money on used panties end up homeless? Are you going to bail them out?
We need to drop about one-thousand missles on various rich people's homes to fix not only America, but the world.
I do watch all of his movies.
I'm sure people watch Daisy and Boyega's movies too. Daisy has a bunch of fans that watched Ophelia.
Daisy Ridley is first billed in The Rise of Skywalker when she was fifth billed and fourth billed in the other two movies. Adam Driver was higher than her both times and is now lower than her.
Shit's gonna bomb
>We need to drop about one-thousand missles on various rich people's homes to fix not only America, but the world.
No we don´t. We just need very well organized boycotts. You have no idea how much they fear boycotts. Think Solo.
The Mouse fears the Boycott.
When it still meant something
If it was named something else it would have bombed at the box office
Story is shit,
Music is meh,
Performances are all over the place,
Production value are good
Just like Valerian
They are not really getting big roles after the second movie.
Imagine sucking this Jews dick
Feminism btw
he knew
Tranny kino on the right
Literally who? I don't watch Star wars. Thinking about it only have one friend who does. The franchise is sjw bullshit, no one gaf about that garbage.
You sure are by continuing to post that autistic imagine that is nothing but incels coping, you are basically NPC.
women are literally the lesser sex to trannies at this point.
Case in point: sucking Harvey’s dick
t. tranner
WTF happened? I don't know how billing is decided
>Ome of Keira Knightly's first roles
>Big name before
Yes imagine being jennifer lawrence and brie larson.
all cutebois should just be bf to trannies.
Then when we inevitably neck at 30, you breed with a woman
>I hate the sand
>It gets everywhere
>the jawas killed my MOTHER
cringe-tier acting. I recently watched the prequels and Hayden Christensen is just terrible although to be fair Natalie Portman is an Oscar winner and Lucas makes her look so so bad. I said to myself "I know she can act, why is she so wooden?" Time did not do any of those movies any favors and with never ended barrage of Star Wars shit in the media now I found myself getting just annoyed at everything.
yeah the difference is those movies are bad but extremely enjoyable with good effects and world building. Disney series is just bad but not enjoyable... just the kind of bad yo don’t watch a second time. Everyone here, even those who say prequels suck, has seen them multiple times
Why is she going for the "hollywood pedophilic lesbian" look exactly?
>that's why what Disney did to him is a real disgrace
I refuse to watch any Disney Star Wars movie after that failed abortion that was ANEWHOPEEMPITRESTRIKESBACKRETURNOFTHEJEDI oh oops I mean the the failed abortion that was The Force Awakens. What happened? What did they do to Luke, user? Did they hurt him? What happened?
You're literally delusional are you fucking 17? or something and weren't alive for the entire 2000s?
And i hope you kys when Daisy becomes literally nothing after this shitty nuwars flick
They killed off the characters and actors that were actually draws, that's what happened.
>Kierra knightly
Who was she in the Prequel Trilogy?
Boyega could've had a great career as a character actor in supporting roles. But he's not star material and pushing him as such (in a terrible role nonetheless) has made him burn out way too fast to the point people are bored of him.
He was practically a child actor. That was his place.
>Disney series is just bad but not enjoyable... just the kind of bad yo don’t watch a second time. Everyone here, even those who say prequels suck, has seen them multiple times
Oh, I totally agree with you. I mean, the prequels are terrible but in a lovable ugly step son type of way. Disney Star Wars is garbage and I refuse to give it any of my money. Although, at a friends house I did see 90% of Rouge One I think it was called. It was set in the time between Episode 3 and 4. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would be bored and falling asleep to a Star Wars movie because I did for Rouge One. that entire movie was so goddamn boring by the time for the big build up scene arrived I couldn't even care to get excited.
Boyega ruined the Pacific Rim sequel by failing to understand why the original's fight choreography was so good.
She was one of Padme's handmadens. I don't recall her having any lines.
Cope harder faggot. Daisy has loads of good roles lined up.
Daisey I can kinda get. Boyega is a mystery. How did this guy land a role in Star Wars?
Luke Skywalker is the guy who believed deep down that there might be good inside Vader.
In TLJ he gets a 5 second vision of his nephew possibly turning evil so tries to kill him, he fucks up so he gives up on life and becomes a hermit.
Since the force awakens came out in 2015 this has been the weakest four years of cinema ever. But they are just shit actors..
except all their franchises had metric tons of teenager fans and there was a lot of excitement for their movies, something which is not happening for the sequel trilogy, not to mention that all those you mentioned are really attractive.
now compare them to daisy ridley, which is not ugly but not memorable either, and boyega which outright looks like the missing evolution step between man and baboon and you'll see why their careers will seriously struggle once the ST is over.
boyega has the minority card to play at least, but ridley will probably be forgotten just like christensen.
kek I guess that's why Ridley is starring in a YA movie with Tom Holland, gotta get those teenage fans.