Mr Robot
Other urls found in this thread:
Where exactly does it imply this.
Never watched the show, but yeah it’s pretty bad. Late capitalism, at least.
tv acting is so bad, it comes through so clearly even in still shots
Tried watching this a while ago. The MC was so insufferable I dropped it after the first 20 minutes.
>Never watched the show, but yeah it’s pretty bad. Late capitalism, at least.
Why do people think I want to watch this?
capitalism is responsible for multiculturalism
Is it perfect?
Yes, it is
Mr. Reddit
Grow a chin, sissy.
>fight club without fights and soap
rekt face lmao
Capitalism sure cares about your opinion
The entire second & third seasons are literally about how their plan to upend capitalism just ruined everything and they're just pawns in a plan to have China replace the United States as the global economic hegemon.
Capitalism? More like “let’s let the rich keep getting richer and do nothing about it because we really enjoy paintings from the 1700s”
>armchair socialists thought their day had finally come after Trump's election
>thought "the fire" had finally been lit for their cause
>2019 and they're the same crackpot losers they've always been, only now with more failure mixed in
Any day now, comrades, any day now.
*light at the end of the tunnels in your path*
I like how retards who know nothing about economy just spout "late capitalism" to make themselves feel like they know what they are talking about
> because we really enjoy paintings from the 1700s”
Please explain
there's nothing else for you to channel your autism into?
New season next month frens
I'm pretty excited tbqhwy
Capitalism made the the possible. Anyone who thinks capitalism is bad needs to get off the internet and never touch modern technology again.
The entire show is about how Berniebros fucked us all with their idealism and the centre-left neoliberals were the real heroes all along, but we disregarded them so now we got Cheeto Hitler and the end of this democracy
chapo zoomies think they know better than the framers because they like had slaves and are pale and shit
If you need a TV show to discover that, you have not done your homework.
yang is cringe
neoliberals are the root of rot in this country, they let income inequality spiral out of control which enabled the rich to be untouchable, corrupting politics and raping kids as much as they want
face it, there is no way to be an ethical billionaire in a society that has poverty. The amount of money you have is like not bothering to give someone a quarter when that quarter could buy them a house. They throw that money around effortlessly, having political candidates puppeteer themselves for pocket change
I dont see you running off to some communist paradise
communism is later capitalism
communism means I cant own things. the government controls every aspect of my life. why would anyone want that?
what about the machine white rose is building. I think it's a butterfly effect quantum computer and last season is gonna be some super crazy bullshit where even the timeline is controlled by the super elite
>if you hate capitalism, this means you're a communist
MIGApedes will never cease to amaze me with their stupidity.
so late ''capitalism'' is worst than early capitalism where we had childs working, no health care etc.
"capitalism" is commie speak
it's freedom vs slavery
Yang is literally the only candidate that makes sense unless you like being a cuck
have you ever participated in their twitter giveaways? I've won a few things already. this is the only show I've participated in giveaways for.
whats the alternative then? enlighten me genius
why did they give? dildos?
Not that guy but Yang
Pardon me if i'm being retarded, I'm not from the US and won't understand how their economy works.
But won't prices just adjust in all the shops and online stores to that $1000 a month that everyone's getting? So everything will be the same just slightly pricier?
No because everyone gets $1000 and stores that don’t markup will end up being preferred
>muh idealism
Imagine still being a puppet in 2019. Give me my money.
they will still mark things up, because taxes will rise. yang's a meme and nothing more
Nobody would ever get 1000 dollars, by the time yang gets nominated it would be 500 dollars. On election day it would be 100 dollars - 2 years in it would be 10 dollars.
but all the stores will markup won't they as companies can charge more to export their produce to america? stores won't have any option but to mark up as well in order to remain in profit
Capitalism is bad though. You can blame the high cost of living, increasing wealth gaps, and increased depression on capitalism. We live in late stage capitalism, and we haven't seen the worst of it yet. It's going to be devastating in a few years when automation starts replacing millions of jobs.
but you are the government in communism
Corporations deserve to be taxed and deserve to feel the burn from small businesses. Competition is good. Stay mad corpocuck
That's not how it works though. If everyone gets an extra 1k the value of a dollar goes down because of inflation. That's like saying that if the government just printed out and distributed $1000000 to every american the prices would stay the same and everyone would be rich
the anti-yang force is weak
No they won’t and trial runs of UBI have shown this
government enforced competition is over reach. make a better business next time, faggot
Pick up a book
But they’re not just printing money. The $1000 comes from existing pool of funds like tax revenue from corporations and military budgets. It’s a shift of wealth, not an inflation
>literally iPhone filenames
lmfao at your life
Found the mentally retarded ancap. Here's a great video that absolutely dismantles your edgy high school junior ideology.
>government enforced competition
You mean like bailouts and interest free loans? Dumb bootlicker.
It implies corporations bad, but then after they blow up E Corp the world goes to shit so capitalism not so bad after all
bailouts are from the government. Im not for that
But we are not in Late Capitalism yet
It's idiots who fell for communist propaganda. saying "late" capitalism, implies that capitalism is almost dead and it's time for something new (hint hint: they mean communisim)
Well you are as long as you don’t vote for Yang, my good cuck.
all a basic income does is provide for food and shelter in a low cost of living area, and yes the government does price control for food, and even dumb stuff like rent control. If you truly want to do nothing you can move to a rural crap shack and live off rice and beans but it's not like a basic income is gonna drive up the price of cars or TVs. All it's meant to do is to eliminate the need for sustenance and shelter as a motive for work, because people waste their talents when they're forced to do that by biology
You are the dmv in communism
>I'll give you 1k USD to fuck off
>Oh, daddy!! You have my vote.
Yangtards don't realise how stupid they are.
I got a ecorp water bottle, a mr robot hoodie, and a red wheelbarrow hat. they gave away some other stuff like bbq sauce. they have an ecoin promo site and all you have to do is be one of the first to claim a reward and you get one. I made a twitter account and turned on notifications for mr robot's twitter and if I got on the reward site within a minute of them announcing a reward on twitter I'd get something. they also did email notifications but those were slower so you wouldn't ever win.
Yang is the Ron Paul candidate of 2019. If /pol/ still had a semblance of being what it used to be they would be rallying behind him and trying to avoid another Ron Paul failure to happen
>PhD in CEOology
>Any corporate position I want
>$300m starting
jokes on you, Im not going to vote at all
Yangangers are just frogposters and extremely online tards
Vote Bernie, you fags
If its financed through a traditional route (ie taxation) you wouldn't see a general increase in prices due to inflation. Certain sectors may see increases in prices if demand outpaces supply due to shifts in the overall consumption patterns of the country, but these should be limited once the provider firms adjust their future looking demand forecasts. In the end though, it should generally be a wash since a $1000 UBI gives a segment of people the ability to consume more at the expense of the people who are being taxed more and thus have to forego consumption/investment spending they otherwise would have taken.
No because he isn't printing out the extra money, he's redistributing the existing amount, which doesn't affect inflation.
Why would you want to vote for a Yang-lite? Yang has a better plan of fighting corporations and enriching you
>high cost of living
Open up them borders komrade
>increasing wealth gaps
>more niggers
>more millenialshit
>more zoomtards
No wonder the difference is increasing
>muh depression
Lol, get the fuck out with your first world problems, you Fortnite addicted wanker.
>muh automation
Another leftshit wanker that never saw an inside of a factory. How novel. Also the point number one.
no, some shadow council or dictator is. they just slap the name of "the people's" on everything to make you feel special
Yes user not to mention most of the $1000 would be unwisely spent by poor people on shoddy goods made by foreign countries.
In fact, UBI has shown to increase annual GDP due to the rise in demand it creates
the dictator is still part of the people of which I am a part of making me the dictator of myself as a collective organism
>he thinks UBI will ruin the economy
>Capitalism is bad though
then what is good? something you can point to in todays world, not some fictional theory
Studies have shown people who receive their welfare in cash don’t spend it on drugs but actually save that money. Studies have actually shown the more money you have the more you spend it on booze and drugs
>Paleoconservatism is in opposition of capitalism
Stopped watching this half way through S2 when it went completely sjw insane or just boring shit that went nowhere
Is this worth picking up again? Might as well wait for the inevitable finale/cancellation
Unfettered capitalism is bad. You are fucking deranged if you think the way Amazon/uber/exxon etc operate is okay.
paleoconservatives only engage in competition with nature, not with other humans.
The Pat Buchanan wing is very "fuck your migrant labor, fuck your free trade, fuck you Silicon Valley and Hollywood billionaires"
>tax revenue from corporations and military budgets
I fucking love how every ADHD ridden zoomie cocksucker already completely memory holled the entire Panama papers scandal because they have TikTok tier attention span.
It's ok I wouldn't expect a coherent rebuttal from an ancap. You just handwaved each of my points and didn't address any of them. And no one ever mentioned factories. In fact, I'm mostly talking about service jobs. America is a service-oriented economy.
He came around. By third season he finally understood whatever replaces capitalism will be worse, way worse.
"Paleoconservatism differs from neoconservatism in opposing free trade"
Yang is cuck who will get bullied by advisors and get us into world war 3
We understand. You got #triggered so bad by the scene where he busts the pedo that you just couldn't go on.
hating foreign trade doesnt make you not capitalist. there would still be giant american corporations
From where? Shareblue? I'm sure if there was one it'd be a survey and who's going to admit they spend their welfare money on drugs?
>that pic
Wow, a leftshit policies are backfiring? No way! Emancipation ho!
Cool fearmongering retard
There isn't anything right now. We have a libera global economy. A better system, especially as automation eliminates most jobs, would involve bigger safety nets. I think social democracy would be a good start for America.
s3 was better than 2
the final season starts in a couple weeks
>谁的美国? 亚裔大声说!
>Whose America? Asians, say it loud!
Imagine voting for a Chinese puppet
>dude Yang doesn’t care about you he just wants to start WW3
Do Americans even listen to themselves anymore?
Cool I'll wait and marathon it.
If the show peaked in s1 I'll still watch it
so I win then. all you have are magic hopes that sci fi tech will make things like star trek. I'll keep living in the real world and acknowledge the benefits of capitalism. all you broke zoomer faggots can shit on me now.
the little boi can't even speak over 75 year old boomers at a debate, no way he'll hold his own against foreign leaders and the deep state
Wow, I also cannot wait to work extra $1000 worth of heavy labor so that a fifth columnist chink can give it to a nigger.
Vote YingYang 2020!
automation is a reddit meme
Is this really the best fearmongering you can come up with? You know they’ve done test trials of UBI right?
next election somebody will just suggest giving people 2000 a month and nobody will even remember yang
>coherent rebuttal
>to a gibmonkey
Why waste breath.
>let’s keep getting shafted bros!
Literally how can you call yourself a man
Your critical thinking skills are severely deficient. What you're saying is the equivalent of a feudal lord saying he wins because capitalism isn't around yet. Thankfully, boomers like you will be gone in the next few decades. You're the only generation that's made quality of life worse for the next generations.
S3 is much better than S2 since the plot actually advances in most episodes. The most interesting plotline in S2 is the FBI agent & the audience already knows 95% of what she finds since she's literally just retracing what happened in S1. Tyrell is back as a major character in S3 & the show introduces this character who single-handedly elevates the season to near S1.
You'll be singing a different tune when your job is inevitably automated. A good amount of jobs can already be automated with UIPath or some other RPA program.
Communism has not been attempted yet. It was intended to be started from an extremely wealthy society with vast inequality, just like western nations are now. Marx would not have advocated for attempting communism in Russia at the time it occurred.
The idea is that people do not take more than they need, and everyone contributes and gives back to their society. It is a utopian ideal in that has not been explored in many ways.
Inb4 hurrr commie I'm not a communist, these are simply the facts.
Still waiting for you gish galloping bolshevik scum to address this
This too
zoomers being whiny bitches is what makes life worse. you are a mind plague.
Reminder Angela is cute.
Doesn’t take sci-fi tech to realize Jeff Bezos is replaceable and doesn’t need to have as much cash or power as he does and giving the labor force more economic and political power would be not only more moral, but eventually more efficient as well because you aren’t elevating a ghoul is suit and building mega yachts, instead using prosperity for social goods rather than individual ego masturbation
>nooo my random twitter pics of some stuff about the American flag
No one cares about idealism. Pay me bitch.
His Chinkland HQ already set up automated lines in all of their sweathops?
What’s the point of racism when your government still shafts you? There’s no excuse anymore.
>muh yang is a chink puppet because he wants to reduce military spending
Pathetic neocon cuck
>open hatred of productive part of American society is muh idealism
I'll pay you in bullets socialist scum.
>government still shafts you?
Government lowered my taxes, zoomie, while your fifth columnist wants me to make extra hard labor. Choices, choices.
>because he wants to reduce military spending
Did you quote the wrong person or are you just retarded
all that work for 4 percent of the vote. hope he's paying you at least 1000 bucks, if he isn't lol
What is there to address. Woman said some shit, who cares? Yang's solid policy proposals aren't effected by you getting triggered by some bitch
If you don't vote for Yang you are a brainlet.
Yang is the only candidate using math and science as a foundation of his platform. Everyone else is using talking points and buzzwords.
Yang is the candidate for 130+ IQ stemchads.
Easy. Just take the $1000 from the 1% Besos, Goldman sachs, mobil etc who would not even feel the pain other than butthurt triggerage. Make sure they cannot recoup the expense by passing it on with price rises etc and life goes on just as normal.
>Yang shills conveniently ignoring this post
WTF I'm voting Trump now
Probably because no one cares except you
>Invest in the treatment of veterans, and ensure that soldiers are treated with care and respect upon returning home by a system that recognizes them as assets and contributors.
Direct the Secretary of Defense to identify areas where military spending is going to programs that aren’t making us safer in the context of modern warfare that can be eliminated or are redundant.
Rechannel 10% of the military budget – approximately $60 billion per year – to a new domestic infrastructure force
Imagine actually sucking the republican's party cock FOR FREE on the television and film section of an anime imageboard
He's right though, Americans shoot up churches and shit for literally no reason, of course disaffected white men are going to shoot up Asians once China takes all their jobs.
Liquidating all the assets of Bezos, Goldman Sachs, and Exxon Mobil wouldn't even pay for a year of UBI.
Ok so you're just retarded. Military spending isn't mentioned anywhere in my post or the tweet
Good thing there are 1000s and 1000s more just like them then. Don't try and obfuscate. There is a vast pool of wealth waiting to be tapped into to help other people have even a vague shot at life.
If that women said anything mildly natsoc, both you and Yang would be crying at the MasterCard to stop the heinous hate speech.
Address her ties to Yang and her America hating points, you disingenuous cocksucker.
Remember when your Chink was crying about /pol/ when they rooted out his shills?
>he takes j*ck p*sobiec seriously
>he feels offended by Yang (rightfully) calling out incel shooters
>he thinks this some how equates to Yang being a chink puppet
I wouldn't be calling anyone retarded if I were you
Well, yes. It is only logical.
Panama papers, you zoolenial retard.
Then you deserve anything you get.
>He thinks the main point wasn't to show the Asian-supremacist text behind him
2.4 trillion is still about 18% of revenues of all Fortune 500 companies last year and about 218% of profits. If your plan is to just tax them, an increase in the cost of goods inevitable.
Oh fuck off, she's a nobody and no one cares. If you want to hold everyone to that standard then explain Daddy Trump's ties to David Duke and the Nazitards or Alex Jones or all the fuckwits that marched with those cuck torches.
No I don't and neither do you. Take your meds, your mother is worried.
a chink grabber, no thanks zipperhead.
>There are people in this thread that unironically defend capitalism and aren't even rich
Address her direct ties to your Pingpong and him directly endorsing her you America hating socialist scum.
He was right.
>working class
>chink shills telling me they'll take $1000 from me to give it to nigger
Do I have to post the photo where PyeongCHYang raised his hand for the free healthcare for illegals?
>t. chapo kiddie
upset your value is judged by those around you wagecuck ?
It's so meaningless there's nothing to address. I know you think this is some gotcha but it's really not. Yang makes a shitty "business man" look like a daddy's boy punk so you're pretending Yang just hates America or whatever because it's easier than defending the cheeto in chief who uses the US air force to prop up his dying golf resorts.
>chink shills telling me they'll take $1000 from me to give it to nigger
Hilarious considering his policies were identical in practice as the ones bolsheviks pushed for in eastern Europe.
>n-no, Germ man had four year central production plan, bolsheviks had five year plan, it's totally different abloobloo
Overrated. I couldn't make it past the first few episodes due to the portrayal of a man with very serious mental issues somehow having a wonderful and fulfilling social life.
>wasn't real communism
Oh god it just repeats what it gets told.
warm breath from a statist means nothing. Yang should hang right next to you grabber.
>somehow having a wonderful and fulfilling social life.
He fucks his drug dealer neighbor. That's it. And she dies.
>the virgin capitalist dogs vs the chad KPD
how much of your country needs to be owned by 3 people before it becomes a problem? I swear, some people trying to pretend capitalism is amazing while the wealth is being hyper concentrated at the detriment of more then half the population are just braindead
Watch as the /pol/tergiest retreats into delusional threats of violence when his Daddy is called out as a lying huckster who conned him and his internet buddies like the sad little retards they are
Yang. This might shock you because you have only zoomie education, but government actually has no money to give away.
And here is promised photo of Pingpong raising his hand for free healthcare, payed for by american worker's labor, to illegal aliens.
And the Republicans and Democrats have supported China taking all our jobs because their donors get more money from it. Why should I vote for him?
>What is the common good
>Watch as the /pol/tergiest
Nobody on /pol/ supports Zion Don. He is a fag from reddit, probably one of those Trump boards.
$1000 a month so you don't get so desperate that shooting up some Cambodians seems like a good idea because you can do something else with your life even if you lose your job
>common good means giving illegals health care
the weak like yourself need to be removed from voting.
So aside from the grade school insults, all you have is the typical uninformed argument that giving healthcare to everyone is more expensive? You do realize that we already pay for all the deadbeats right? When they get sick or injured our hospitals don't just tell them to fuck off. They are treated and the costs are passed along to us. Granting them access to checkups, vaccinations, and other preventative medicine will reduce the burden they place on us.
>just let them die
Sure, so we can have diseased corpses lying about and desperation driven crime skyrocket
>What is the common good
Empty leftshit talking point.
Address his raised hand. Will he also give $1000 of American worker's labor to every illegal?
>Nobody on /pol/ supports Zion Don
That sounds just about perfect to me user. 18% revenue of the fortune 500 might mean only 2 or 3 extra properties for the 1%, instead of 5 or 6.
I am not talking about taxing the assets of the businesses, I am talking about taxing the personal wealth of the owners.
Say, either your multimillion dollar corporation has to shut down, or you have to pump your own assets into it to keep it running and still be filthy rich, just slightly less filthy rich.
What does a small business owner do when their corner store is going to go under? They pump their own money into it to keep it afloat and turn it around. Same concept.
these CEO scum run a corporation into the ground with it being propped up by the government, syphon all the wealth out of it and move on to the next CEO postion protected at every stage. Take all of that away, so that moving to the next corp would do no good because it was not guaranteed by the gov either.
I am not sure why you keep shrieking about the panama papers. They are exactly what I am referring to. All of the mega rich hiding their assets should be paying into society directly from their personal wealth. The Panama papers even gave us a concise blueprint as to some of the people to start with.
>raising his hand tells me everything I need to know about the nuances of his policy position!
cringe. it was a poorly worded question and a laughable format for the candidates to answer
>Chinese puppet
The irony is that he would be the best candidate for containing China's expansionist ambitions just from wanting to protect his relatives back in Taiwan from getting bombed.
>Yes, I understand that the most effective defence against the spread of disease is to prevent populations of vulnerable individuals from forming
>But it's okay if they from but are illegals because disease never jumps between legal and illegals because it respects my retarded worldview
Is this the power of American education?
>Pingpong wants to redistribute everything to illegals and leeching scum indefinitely.
Thank you for clearing that up.
>common good
culling of you
You forgot "and never will be"
>poorly worded question
'Do you want to give FreeShit to foreign criminals?' is not poorly worded question. How much are you sweating shill?
>Will he also give $1000 of American worker's labor to every illegal?
No, his UBI is for citizens only. He has clearly stated that he will need to strengthen the border in order for his UBI to not be taken advantage of. He almost certainly raised his hand because he was too much of an unknown to risk being literally the only person up there to not raise it.
>address this, address that
Who do you think you are, David fucking Frost? He's absolutely right that it's a bad idea for large groups of people to be left to get sick and die because it creates problems for everyone else too. Don't be such a spastic.
>types all this onto a device created by capitalism
>b-but muh drumpf
a fag so delusional you cant even differentiate between the people opposing you, your yellow nigger of a man who still hasnt found himself on the right side of the barrel of a gun and fudds who support Trump
Oh god it just repeats what it gets told.
>against the spread of disease
the best is to remove the illegals from the country you can go with them.
>Pingpong wants to redistribute everything to illegals and leeching scum indefinitely.
Thankfully not, otherwise your foreign troll ass might be able to get it when you flee your shithole mafia "nation".
That looks like a wonderful and fulfilling life to an incel with rage.
>Communism has not been attempted yet
keep working hard, lads
>its unethical to not give people things for free
Nah get fucked. Their well being is no one's responsibility but their own.
>no u
a pinnacle of leftie banter. will you link a meme from r/breadtube next ?
>leftypol the series with a special guest star Alexa
Free healthcare for illegals? You mean like when desperate Amerisharts go to Canada for affordable treatment?
you're right, capitalism is bad. good post.
>the chinese funded and got trump elected
lmao so believable..
That can't be a thing
>asian supremacist text
NIgger he's appealing to his base, which are for some odd unkown reason asians. That's like saying "Don't mess with Texas" is redneck supremacism
>No, his UBI is for citizens only. He has clearly stated that he will need to strengthen the border in order for his UBI to not be taken advantage of.
nobody goes to canada to do anything.
>No, his UBI is for citizens only
And what do we pretend children of spics are?
>Never watched the show, but yeah it’s pretty bad.
>Never watched the show
>it's pretty bad
>redistribution is bad
>1000 for immigrants would ruin the country
honestly can yangtards just drop the mask and go back to being pro-trump losers? its so tiring watching these basement dweller NEETs who don't understand politics try to convince another group of NEETs who also don't understand politics at all and have almost the exact same retarded views anyway
Literally no one does this lmao. The leafniggers with money actually come here to avoid your shitty death queues.
Kek, here it is. About to run away to cry to @Jack to save your triggered ass, commie?
>No, his UBI is for citizens only. He has clearly stated that he will need to strengthen the border in order for his UBI to not be taken advantage of.
How does his hand being raised contradict my statement? Was the question directed at the candidates about UBI?
Akshully, rather than being a NO U, it was a subtle dig at the fact that you accuse people of lapping up what they were told about communism while demonstrating you have also lapped up what you were told about communism. No doubt by your angry boomer dad while he had his cock nestled in your ass.
>redistribution is bad
Redistribution is literally just theft via government. Go redistribute your money to niggers in africa you fake charitable communist.
>go to canada to wait in line for 10 months
special boy
lol i cant wait till the coming day that he folds his campaign
>Muh Bernie
If you support Bernie's FJG over UBI then you are an actual retard that needs to kill himself
lol? how many industries did the soviets privatize? your dude Hitler did a lot of that. Nazis are about as socialist as the DPRK is democratic
this show is liberal garbage
t. marxist intellectual
If taxation is theft, then so is profit.
Morrakiu lost all credibility when he unironically started saying "yang gang"
I think that fbi girl with the tiny mouth is super cute. Shame she's a kike though.
all these salty americans can't admit insulin is one tenth the prince in Canada as in the US
You don't have friends who are retards?
To all the commie trannies itt, please dilate
Profit comes from a mutual agreement between the employer and the employee.
Taxation is literally just the siphoning of paychecks and a cop knocking at your door if you try to circumvent it.
>mutual agreement
>Sign this or starve
kek from your own article
>There are more Canadians travelling abroad for medical treatment (spending $447 million in 2013) than foreign visitors coming to Canada for health care (spending $150 million in 2013).
The problem is the two main parties (Democrats and Republicans) are just owned by the same capitalist elite, so I'm wary to expect change from either of them. Trump was also supposed to drain the swamp, and he's just been Bush 4.0 with Obama being 3.0
there are emergent properties of capitalism that make wage labor not strictly voluntary
the wage labor relation is not like two people living on an island voluntarily exchanigng counts for bananas
for people who get subsistence of sub-subsistence level wages, there is an element of coercion
if you live in a developed nation and you have no amassed capital, you must sell your labor power to a capitalist for less than its full value or you will have nothing
>start a thread about faggy anti-system tv show
>turns into a /pol/ thread
I'd like to get back on track regarding this horrible show that doesn't deserve another season.
>starts off as decent show with a promising storyline and idea
>unravels into a commie-tranny kike shitshow
>they hack the financial system and get rid of everyones debt
>turns out to be opposite of what they intended
>show turns into a love story for the ursury system and tells people that life is better when you trade debt credits for services
>faggy show blames election of Trump on their delusional idea
>main character begs to get everyones debt back because the world isn't normal if everyone isn't in debt
>the problem is that we live under the dictatorship of the bourgoise and our politics are not for the benefit of the common people
you don't say...
I genuinely expected at least a change of the retarded boomer neocon foreign policy under Trump, but other than North Korea (which is irrelevant), there has absolutely been no difference from Obama and from Bush before him.
Yes. By default you are not entitled to the labor of farmers. Either grow the food yourself, or strike a deal with society to acquire some of its food.
It's not my article, I am not a journalist.
Rich people traveling abroad for exclusive elie surgery is a well established and known quantity. Citizens of a first world country travelling abroad for life saving surgery they can't afford or be entitled to at home is not.
>did the soviets privatize
Literally all of them if by privatizing them means giving those industries to party stooges, just like naziboos did.
trump hasn't started any foreign wars
There's more people fleeing canadian healthcare than people flocking to it, as evidenced by the numbers. Your system sucks lol
Canadian health care coverage isn't absolute, meaning some rarer treatments and operations are more expensive in Canada than Burgeria. Also, they don't do much experimental stuff. Also, those statistics include pointless shit like plastic surgeries. Also, how was this data gathered?
>Republicunts support the caste system.
So if I agree to pay my taxes, then it doesn't count as theft? By your own admission, you can literally stop a theft from happening by just submitting to state authority.
Voluntarism is so stupid
a man of your talents should strive for r/politicalhumor
Capitalism is in fact bad.
>you can literally stop a theft from happening by just submitting to state authority
are you retarded ? its still theft, just like giving my wallet to the guy with a knife is still theft, despite me having a choice in it.
I'm not Canadian. Nor are you clearly because you are not that bright.
"U.S. government data suggests that 150,000 to 320,000 Americans travel abroad each year for medical care, what’s known as medical tourism. Other estimates put it at < < < < 1.4 million each year > > > >.
Americans cite cost savings as the main reason for seeking care in other countries. For people without health insurance — those who would be paying out-of-pocket in the United States — this can be a powerful incentive."
>president starts the wars
I love it when burgerians are so fucking stupid and gullible. The Bush wars had probably been planned decades beforehand. Obama's squabbles in Syria and such were hardly anything but continuation of the same program.
>c-capitalism is b-bad!
>none of these loser trannies have any clue that we've been living in crony capitalism and that true capitalism has never been tried
>posts the one model that had the worst aspects of communism and liberal capitalism in one package
I'm not a nazi
>giving my wallet to the guy with a knife is still theft, despite me having a choice in it.
>Either grow the food yourself, or strike a deal with society to acquire some of its food.
These are mutually contradictory
>posts comment on how a Yea Forums thread turns into a /po/ thread
Proceeds to make veteran /pol/tergeist shitpost about muh commies and trans and jews all in one line of text
You have to go back--->
Not an argument.
>you must sell your labor power to a capitalist
And this isn't coercion because the capitalist isn't the one assailing you. There's no man in a tophat sneaking in through your window and stealing your calories via liposuction. You're starving because of external forces like thermodynamics. The capitalist literally offers you a way out of this thermodynamic trap by offering you a place in his factory.
Like, if you're on an island and you get sick and some guy says hey "i'll give you medicine but you gotta do something for me in return", that's not coercion. He didn't make you sick and its not your medicine.
Believe me I don't care if there are wars or not since faggy yuros are always the ones that'll suffer hahahaha
its coercive because proles are forced to contract out for less than the full value of their labor
>I should work for piece of shit entitled millenialtard
For what reason?
Oh, you are eurokek? Opinion (aren't those banned in EUSSR anyway) discarded.
>full value of their labor
delusional retard.
Stop shitting up Yea Forums with your /pol/ drama. Fuck off back there.
>value of their labor
Incoming bolshevik academic telling me what my labor is worth, deducted by rigorous word salading in his state funded pseudo studies.
Why bother arguing anymore, it's all so tiresome. You're all going to die pathetically desperate and alone. Have a terrible night.
>less than the full value
What? Value is subjective. The value of their labor is whatever people will pay for it.
If a candy bar goes on sale and I buy it, is the candyman being coerced into selling things at less than their TRUE value? Fuck no, he just thought his candy was worth more than it actually was.
Indeed. Internet is a retard-trap, probably designed by (((them))).
the long run equilibrium prices of commodities are proportional to labor time it takes to produce them
profit is achieved by capitalists paying workers less than the full value which they produce
i actually used to be a poltard until I taught myself marxist economics so I could false flag as a commie, but I inadvertently pinkopilled myself
if you are actually curious about this stuff, google the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Automation will yeet capitalism by creating immense downward pressure on wage
Yeah let's do socialism and make everyone poor instead bruh
Name one (1) time capitalism was ever good.
But they aren't. One of these is someone actively taking things by force. The other is you starving because of thermodynamics. No one is to blame because your body needs calories.
>subjective theory of value
you can't explain long run equilibrium prices soley in terms of supply and demand, only deviation around long run equilibrium price
I'm not the one breaking Yea Forums rules using racial slurs outside of Yea Forums.
Everything I said relates to the issues raised by the show.
automation redditor go back
Long run prices change relative to societal evaluations. How much are you willing to buy a chamber pot for?
>Yang has said that Israel "is a very, very important ally."[71] In regard to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, Yang wants a "two-state solution that allows both the Israeli and Palestinian people to have sovereign land and self-determination". He has called Iran a "destabilizing force in the region".[72]
Why do Yang Gangers pretend to hate Israel again?
>72 trillion dollars over 20 years
Underrated post.
Without a doubt.
your the only person replying that isn’t retarded, I’ll give you an in-depth response in a few
>Iphone filenames
dude if you think late capitalism is bad early capitalism would push your fucking wig back and pull the trigger. Capitalism is only getting better with stronger socialistic practices in the workplace and a strong free market. actual get a brain you big boopy
>Long run prices change relative to societal evaluations.
No, they change because the labor inputs that go into the items change.
An egg is far cheaper today 200 years ago, not because eggs are less important or less nutritious, but because the mechanization of farming means that it takes far less labor to produce an egg.
>How much are you willing to buy a chamber pot for?
I have no need for a chamber pot, but according to google you can get one for like 20 dollars.
Under the subjective theory of value there are only mystical non-explanations for why the long run equilibrium price of a truck is 10,000 times more than a loaf of bread. (society wants trucks more, trucks have more inherent value, etc)
The real reason why a truck costs 10,000 times more than a loaf of bread
This is not to say that supply and demand can cause short term fluctuations. If there is a crop failure and half of the wheat in a market is ruined, prices will of course rise. Supply and demand determine fluctuations of price, but they cannot determine the point at which supply and demand are equal (long run equilibrium price).
>tfw we're unironically in the best era of capitalism and human achievement yet everyone keeps acting like a mopey fuck because people want everything for free
>the long run equilibrium prices of commodities are proportional to labor time.
I mean kinda. The amount of resources that go into the production of a car set the price floor of the car. If a car costs a factory 10000 to make, that factory cannot sell it for less than 10000.
The selling price is independent of the production cost though. Factory profit is whatever they can sell the car for minus production costs.
>tendency of the rate of profit to fall
Right, profit goes to zero over long periods of time due to competing firms undercutting each other. This makes the long run price of the car 10000.
>profit is achieved by capitalists paying workers less than the full value which they produce
This is the part I don't get. If we use the "price as time goes to infinity" as the labor theory of value price, then the car is actually only worth 10000 dollars. Then the workers are always getting paid what their labor is worth, and the capitalist is just up-selling a 10000 dollar car for 12000 dollars and pocketing the difference.
How does he plan to solve these problems when he supports keeping all those welfare programs in place along with introducing Medicare For All?
How does he plan to pay for all of this shit when VAT would hardly cover even a fraction of the UBI shit?
He doesn’t plan to keep all welfare in place though.
I just realized how the president could get worse than a nigger or Trump:
A young scheming chink president.
That’s cool bud. Enjoy your idealism. Some of us like not being cucks an looming out for ours tho
Reminder that politics is for losers a small puppets. Get your bag.
underrated comment
Every time he's spoken (for 10 seconds) on the debate stage he has never once talked of scrapping any welfare program and wants to make social security even bigger, how does he plan to pay for all this shit outside of VAT?
>3+ trillion dollars a year
I can smell your chink cyber propaganda squad from here Chang. Smells like gutter oil.
VAT tax and reduction of military spending is more than enough already. That’s why.
>yang gang complaining about more legal immigration when Yang supports this
Do you shitters even bother to research this guy's policies outside of muh free money?
He's also expressed pro-Israel sentiments and wants to levy tougher sanctions on Iran and Russia.
The internet and computers were invented by the military you retard
>dude you can’t afford to pay US citizens $1000/month what about the military budget and aid to Israel? Don’t even think about trying to tax my corpo buddies ya big meanie!!
>The amount of resources that go into the production of a car set the price floor of the car. If a car costs a factory 10000 to make, that factory cannot sell it for less than 10000.
Ignore production costs for a moment. We cannot explain prices by appealing to more prices. That is just an infinite regress and a non explanation. What I am proposing is that the long run market price of a car is proportional to the labor it takes to create it. A car costs X because the labor used to create is is proportional to X. This is decoupled from compensation .
Now back to production costs. If we understand the value of commodities as proportional to their labor inputs (there is actually great empirical work on this, look up Paul Cockshott), then we can break down prices like this.
full value of a commodity = compensation that goes to workers as wages + profit that goes to capitalists
Just like Trump supports it. That’s the point retard. Voting on idealism hasn’t helped you at all. Globalism prevails. Time to look out for your own best interests instead of vague slogans.
How much military spending is he planning to divert?
We spend around 700-800 billion a year on it and his freedom dividend is expected to cost around $3.2 trillion a year, the numbers don't add up.
>The real reason why a truck costs 10,000 times more than a loaf of bread
I think you were going to say "bread costs 10000 times less because it takes 10000 times less labor hours to produce." This can't be true, because worthless things have production time and yet are still worthless. If it takes an hour to make a loaf of bread but 1000 hours to make a paper jackhammer, does that mean the paper jackhammer should cost 1000 times more than the bread?
How does labor theory account for worthless items? You can say they're not socially necessary to make, but that just brings us back into subjective theory evaluations.
I agree with everything else though.
The more the better. VAT tax and removal of social income welfare programs will be enough. Military spending reduction is a bonus.
>more taxes will be enough
>just like Trump supports it
Except you keep placing it as a negative on your memes when your own candidate supports doing the exact same thing, meanwhile his border security plan is weak as fuck and he won't do anything to curb illegal immigration in the US.
>unironically supporting the destruction of your own nation while claiming to be more pro-America than Drumpf
You can't just make these claims without the numbers to back it up, also from what I've seen in his platform he supports keeping foreign aid still for Israel so I'm not sure why you keep posting these memes. It's really retarded to be honest.
Sorry I’m not into bootlicking corporations and Israel
Just like how Trump made statements about Mexico paying for it right? You can’t just say that right? Dumb cuck.
Do you:
A: want to be complacent against corporate tyranny
B: Start applying pressure on them
Most of us want the latter not the former.
>How does labor theory account for worthless items?
this objection is known as "the mud pie argument". It doesn't stick because the LTV is a theory of the prices of freely reproducible commodities that are being bought and sold on the market
these commodities include cars, trucks, bread, microwaves, etc
they doesn't include mud pies, paper jackhammer, rembrant paintings, castles, etc
>not voting for Chairman Yang in 2020
Dumb gwailos
military spending provides us diplomatic leverage. spending on welfare for illegals provides us with diddly squat.
I mean you are if you're supporting Yang who supports Israel and maintaining foreign aid for them.
What does Trump have to do with this? Why can't you just get any numbers to back up your claim? It's weird how your only argument is that your candidate isn't Trump while arguing the exact same way as his supporters.
Feel free to keep him there in Winnie The Pooh land Chang.
Oh yeah diplomatic leverage has done wonders for bringing back those manufacturing jobs back from China or securing trade deals with Russia and Norway through the Northwest Passage. You definitely haven’t been getting cucked there!
What diplomatic leverage will Yang have?
The guy is too much of a pussy to fight for more airtime on a tv network for fuck's sake, he's as big of a wimp as Bernie.
Who gives a shit. $1000/month. Fuck your politics.
Trump is a laughingstock on the international stage my dude. The US is literally undergoing a Brexit type of emancipation from the rest of the world. It’s embarassing.
Okay so you have no answers and just memes, good thing knowing this candidate isn't being taken seriously at all. To think I almost voted for him in the primary.
I don't like him but I wouldn't call getting out of TPP a loss.
>Ignore production costs for a moment. We cannot explain prices by appealing to more prices.
But this is works within the boundaries of the LTV. The price of the car is the labor hours it takes to mine the ore, plus the labor hours to refine the ore into steel, plus the labor hours to mold the steel into a car.
>full value of a commodity = compensation that goes to workers as wages + profit that goes to capitalists
Not really. The goal of the factory isn't to make cars, its to make money. If we use LTV to analyze the supply chain, the capitalist is the guy that sells the cars and brings the factory money. Profit is the wage he is paid for liquidating the car. If you remove him from the equation, the workers are stuck with a car they can't eat.
the main actor is too much of a creepy Mystery Meat looking mother fucker for me to watch this and take it serious
>yangfags can't explain their policies
>just resort to weak memeing
Why can't I just get one decent candidate who wants to cut taxes and spending while also not fucking with guns and other constitutional rights?
These exact same arguments are being made for Yang now
>It's weird how your only argument is that your candidate isn't Trump while arguing the exact same way as his supporters.
that's because yang posters are ex-maga NEETs who pick a candidate based on emotions/personality and then try to meme him into success. And their argument is even dumber since literally all the dems are "not trump"
>dude explain your policies stop giving me meaningless shit like $1000/month
Imagine being this much of a political puppet
First of all, you're clearly retarded and assume Jeff Bezos's Net worth is his liquid assets.
Secondly you don't actually put forth any idea on exactly HOW you will achieve this. SAying "Wow what if politicians weren't corrupt" is a fucking JOKE in discussion.
Yes that's what I'd expect out of a serious candidate claiming to be the antithesis of Donald Trump.
But why are cars bought and sold on the market and not mud pies? How does LTV explain it?
>my candidate gives me better slogans and rhetoric than yours
Jesus imagine being this cucked.
Who are you quoting?
I'm saying you're acting exactly like the same Trumpfags you criticize while not being able to answer simple questions of policy and just resort to memes.
I don’t care about politics. I want $1000 and corporations taxed.