ITT Post kino zombie kills

ITT Post kino zombie kills.

Attached: 28 Weeks Later - Chopper Zombie Chop.webm (854x480, 2.8M)

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Uhhhhh theyre not zombies

says who?

>28 Weeks Later
mediocre compared to the original

>Better cast, better action scenes, kino opening scene.

>muh action
>only one good scene
>cast that mean nothing
nah sorry, did I say mediocre? I meant shit.

The daughter in it did stuff to my peepee

The movie
they're just really cheesed off

its actually a rage virus thats a mixture of ebola and something else if we're going into the lore of it all

Who the fuck thought this was appropriate for a 28 days later sequel lmao

Everyone can stop posting now.
This is literally the best scene in any zombie movie ever.

I'm beginning to think that Ive comsumed all zombie media worth watching. is there anything new that's worth seeing or is the entire genre a zombie too?

Attached: 1567469307279.png (2560x1440, 1.58M)

Eh, I think they are comparable.
In 28 days the dude mutating to Rambo in the end was completely nonsensical.
28 weeks at least had the Don/Alice scenes. But yeah, as an action movie it's not that good.

got me chucklin. thanks user

Attached: lenny thumbs up.gif (300x225, 1.04M)

It was rabies.

got me chuckin. thanks sneed

You've probably only watched English language stuff you pleb

Jesus Christ, who let John Landis back on the set?

>better cast
Some whiny kids, generic smart women, generic tough guy soldier.
>better action scenes
Are you a child? Since when are action scenes what determine a.good horror movie?
>Kino opening scene
Yeah you know why? Because it has a vibe similar to the first movie.

landis is a horrible human being

>Even the tiniest drop causes instant and irreversable infection
>Uses the most violent and explosive means possible to fill the air with a fine mist of blood

Bravo, that entire field is a rage factory.

Have you watched Savageland? Probably THE most kino zombie film ever made.

Attached: boyscout.gif (450x269, 529K)

Since we already covered fast zombies. How about sentient "zombies"?

Attached: Crossed.jpg (1200x1600, 403K)

Since nobody else wants to post, this whole scene is kino as fuck.

Attached: 60178754_123725648823634_4994071861642919936_n.jpg (720x728, 42K)

I'll give it a watch
i've watched a few international films too, i even saw that kingdom show with the zombies that sleep in the day

good not great but setting things in rural africa is a great way to make slow zombies threatening

Attached: thedead2010.jpg (540x304, 24K)