>I wish Yea Forums had never come to me.
I wish Yea Forums had never come to me
Gookmoot: Introducing 4channel
Honestly, what would you be doing if you never found this place?
>4th year Anniversary being on Yea Forums coming up
I would have a large group of friends. I wouldn't be a racist. I wouldn't be obsessed with politics.
basically not an incel
For me, depression brought me here because I need a laugh fix that only memes and racism could give me.
>So do I
>and so do all who live to see such sites. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
>Oldfags was meant to find Yea Forums, in which case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.
>I wish the Keynesian Economic Model had never come to me
this, and then it became a dependency
Stop going to /pol/ then, incel.
Why is this board so autistic....
I would probably have read all the books I've wanted by know
>4th year
I'm guessing it's around 12 for me
>I wouldn't be a racist.
You would be too if you'd actually go outside you know.
In two years I will have spent more years on Yea Forums than I have not spent on Yea Forums, someone just kill me already
Cute. I'm on my 14th. It's been a wild ride
>11th for me
I hate what this place has become, yet I can't leave.
Browsing incel subreddit
Yea Forums is literally /pol/ lite
I started visiting Yea Forums in around 2007, but it was mostly Yea Forums. Then I discovered the other boards and I've been hanging out only in Yea Forums, /fit/, /his/, Yea Forums and occasionally somewhere else.
The problem with you faggots is that you spend your time on /pol/ and other cancerous boards which fill your dumb heads with hate and negativity which you carry over to the more normal interest boards.
>so do all who live to invest during recession. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the capital that is given us.
I was here since I was 13
Now I'm 24
You really are here forever. This is hell
Or maybe we're not leftists like you. Pol is literally the only place left online where you have the right not to be one. Suicide rates have never been higher nowadays, it's not because of pol, but because of what's being talked about on pol.
>You wish now that our places had been exchanged, that Yea Forums had died and /film/ had lived
>Yes, I wish that
If you ignore all the politics and other shit, Yea Forums is a pretty good source for new movies/music/books.
A lot of people here are autistically passionate about certain stuff and can give some really good recommendations.
This will be cringe to say but I honestly can't imagine what my life would be like without Yea Forums, so much of my personality comes from what I've learned from this site.
Your brain is mush.
>'It's a pity the janitor didn't ban coomposters when he had the chance!'
>'Pity? It was pity that stayed the janitors hand. Not all threads that are pruned deserve bans. Some threads that are archived deserve replies. Can you give it to them user? Do not be so eager to hand out bans and punishment. My heart tells me coomposting will have a part to play in all of this before the end, for good or for evil. The pity of the janitor may rule the fate of many
>dude /pol/ just formed in a vacuum lmfao the native users from other boards didn't make it that way lol
>Yea Forums /fit/ Yea Forums and /his/ are free of hate
let me guess, you're the kind of person who has absolutely no problem calling people losers for their jobs or social status, but the second someone says the word nigger its suddenly bad or racist?
you are in control of your job and social status, not your skin color.
I'm on 8th but I actually liked some of what I've become because of Yea Forums. Yea Forums made me a reader, /fit/ got me in shape, and /trv/ encouraged me to go visit new places and I made a lot of friends. It hasn't always been good but the good outweighs the bad tbqh.
>you are in control of your job and social status
So niggers have no excuse
>coming up on 11th year here
you never leave, user
>only 4th
I've lost track at this point. Is it like a decade now? More? Less? I dunno anymore.
>thinks he's been here a long time
13th for me. Election tourists need to leave.
>let me guess, you're the kind of person who has absolutely no problem calling people losers for their jobs or social status
No, I've never done that.
Jesus Christ, /pol/ really melts your brain, kids.
I sometimes think about this but from a different perspective.
Just like many people in this thread, I have visited this site throughout my teen years and adult life so far more than a decade now. I think it's great how one website has stayed relevant and interesting for so long for so many of us. Can you say the same for many other sources of entertainment or information?
5th for me, I'm 19
he cute
>which fill your dumb heads with hate and negativity
there is literally nothing wrong with hate or negativity as long as it’s directed towards the right people
Damn he sounds fucking based
I wish life had never come to me
so you admit that you think you get to insult people but they can't say anything back?
I post of 4chin yet I have a group of friends, basically my second family. I'm not racist despite calling anons nigger and I only care about politics that directly affect me. I also get a blowjob from a work colleague anytime I want. We actually tried fucking last time, but that was a terrible idea. Point is, you being loser has nothing to do with a internet site.
nah thats called life user, maybe you aren't one of those people but there are a lot of them walking this earth, they trash talk whoever they want over the state of their lives but one little word suddenly makes it wrong.
It’s really sad that at some point in time we will become nostalgic for the state Yea Forums is in now
People are going to be nostalgic over s*yjaks and coomposting. I want out.
Coomposting and s*yjaks are incredibly based. They trigger their target audience perfectly and it enrages them
>soon it'll be 4 years since the 2016 election
LITERALLY an election tourist
Its on the level of cuck of how much butthurt it caused, so I suspect we can begin to see it pour over into other areas of life and internet soon
zoom zoom
>Not your 8th year
The reason why people hate them isn't because the memes make them feel insecure, but because of how incredibly low effort and same-y the memes feel. Wojaks are just soulless template memes on the same level of twitter bullshit.
This. Some of the brainlet ones are pretty creative though
I don't, I fucking love Yea Forums. This place is awesome. Go spend a few hours on Reddit and you'll know what I mean. I've been banned from multiple subreddits for basically nothing. On Yea Forums I can say whatever the fuck I want.
It's just teens and newfags from reddit who come here to spam stale memes and shitpost.
Some of the more extreme brainlet ones are great because of how much they stray from the template. It's kinda like those peepee-poopoo comics /r9k/ used to make to deter normalfags.
Memes operate on a biological economy, the best ones are able to reproduce. The reason why people hate them is because
1) they don't make enough memes themselves for whatever reasons
2) their memes do not enter into the organism of society
The point here being that if you don't try and create and release, then the biological line of *jaks and pepes will just continue
Then start generating OC
People that believe they're actually triggering anyone on Yea Forums are just stupid and underage. You're not going to ruin someone's day simply because you post an image you think encapsulates them. I guess that makes them feel like they're actually doing something though, when in reality they're just derailing threads for epic discord screenshots they host on imgur.
Shitposting on any vydia forum desu.
what the fuck, same exact situation for me. How did you find this place?
On reddit
the edits are objectively harder to make than memegenerator pictures.com
Ummm Mr Frodo this is 4channel
3rd for me man ahaha :D
I do try to make classic MSpaint OC from time to time in Yea Forums mario64 threads, but the issue is mostly nicheness so the memes have limited appeal and don't spread outside of said threads. The whole meme "economy" system is just depressing because it encourages shitty templates that are adapted in minor ways for different references rather than unique and new OC.
What I mean by biological economy is reproduction. Just like genes reproduce, and the strongest genes tend to reproduce. So does genes. Because its the tiniest part of ideology. The world is propaganda. Memes infect and take over.
such an aesthetic gentleman
/pol/ isn't the cause of negativity. It's a symptom. /pol/ is the result of a number of different mechanism at work in our culture that are creating social rifts.
so does memes* lmao
It's really not though. Been here 7 years - no regrets.
>uh, Yea Forums is cool and all but I just like those /pol/tards
shut up faggot, /pol/ is, or at least was, a big part of this site, it formed from all the boards, and when it expended itself in 16 it returned its negativity to all the boards.
Hate and negativity are natural and healthy parts of human life and emotion, and they're what gives the humour its real teeth.
Thanks for spreading your retarded trump shit everywhere.
over memecenter
now I will un(You) this post and leave the thread
This board is full of /r/movies tier plebs
Reminder this board has shit taste
fuck you
No fuck you leatherman
>found it in 2011 when I was 14
>feels like yesterday because Yea Forums has some time speeding up effect
Yea Forums is the biggest time sink outside of drugs, I really need to leave I shouldn't have even came here in the first place.
>tfw you knew you'd get addicted when you were 14 but didn't listen to your gut which said to get away
If only...
been here since 04, you newer people are mental midgets.
/fit/ is literally indisputable from fucking /r9k/.
Ironically doing drugs pulled me away from Yea Forums and into a more social life until I stopped doing them. Now I'm stuck in this shithole again.
>4th year
Try being 14 years here.
I've been here 13 long years
Wish I got here at the start those first 3 years where magical from the screen caps I saw
12th here. 14 if you count the 2 on and off years when I just thought this was a porn site.
oh please, trump's been dead for the last 3 years now
user, i had my few share of bad times with blacks and i still don't hate all black people.
I've been here for 11 years and baby I've loved every minute of it. You guys really shouldn't let some website dictate your life lmao.
Image boards were one of the best things in my life, because only here you could freely discuss shit, that would make everyone glance at you with disdain. Also, made me understand my problems and work toward solving them. It made me more self-aware, that's for sure.
The only thing you have to do is to understand how to behave in society and never show that you're familiar with image board culture.
>never show that you're familiar with image board culture.
This is how it used to be, but the younger generations of today are separating the lines between online and offline.
>NO mom I wont find a job blame the evil website for turning me into a NEET it totally wasnt my subhuman omega genes
I learned more life skills to keep myself sustained from Yea Forums than school or my family. Shit's rough, but this place fucks. When my fridge broke while I was on vacation and I came home to a whole swarm of flies and rotten sludge, /diy/ was there to guide me step by step in identifying the problem, parts to buy, and how to install.
LMAO. It's going to be my fifteenth soon
Nearly 15 years, started coming to this shithole when /fur/ was a board. Remember that shit? Top furfag destruction.
Television and film is an inherently plebeian medium. Yea Forums is pretty much a slightly more focused Yea Forums or /r9k/
This site has unironically helped make me less autistic. I realized I acted like a retard and made an effort to improve myself.
classic failfuck cope
This website got me my first gf and lost my virginity.
Wowwwwww my life is so hard I have to go on this big cool adventure with all my friends and no one important even dies! Bummer!
So do all who live to see such things; but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, user, besides the will of evil. The user who broke Rules 1 & 2 with you was meant to find Yea Forums. In which case, you were also meant to find it. And that is an encouraging thought.
>tfw unironically have made great real life friends with people from Yea Forums that I visit multiple times per year.
Are you me? Those are the only boards I got to
I'm okay with racism and shit. I don't mind. It's when you ONLY talk about big black cocks and jews that it becomes harmful. That's why I generally avoid /pol/ like topics on all boards that I visit, namely Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and /int/. I lurk /pol/ too, but I never post there. It's literally just people trying to bring each other down.
>talking in a negative aspect about a site which collects likeminded autists who were always here for you every day.
This ain't how you threat your friends, pal.
shut up kike
which drugs helped you be more social?
>the chan is evil! cast it into the fire lest you remain a virgin forever!
I've been posting for 12 years and got married this year. you can still make it guys.
back tօ reddit
just passed my 10th anniversary
I used to do stuff
dudeweed is one of the most social drugs, if you work minimum wage you could hang out with your stoner coworkers and have them smoke you up.
11 years, and I still feel like a newfag
Same here, I found it through a link to Yea Forums on instagram - which I only used at all because normies made a facetious account for me and one gave me the password.
Yea Forums is unironically the only place where you can honestly dicuss movies. Where else? Plebbit where fags love trash like baby driver or mcu? Social networks where people have taste so bad that you will vomit. I mean, you can discuss among friends, but you can't call them dumb cunts for liking capeshit or other pleb movies. Thanks Yea Forums for being good.
most likely dead or on reddit.
>Have concrete, positive changes in my real life, independent of Yea Forums
>suddenly thankful about everything I leaned from Yea Forums, from guns to fitness to literature to touhou and anime
>grateful about all the happy and fun times I've had as a result, still go on Yea Forums daily just to have fun
maybe its not about the site
maybe its about your lives instead.
I had to undepress myself in order to buy guns because I live in leafland where they fuck you over if you even show an inkling of negative thoughts
and that was enough for other positive chabfes to follow through in other aspects of my life as a result
What's stopping you from letting your interests and passions drive you to a happier place, Yea Forums?
Why can't media be the golden escalator that carries you out of darkness?
I feel like that is especially what Tolkien would have wanted
>Thanks Yea Forums for being good.
You're sneedcoom
Yea Forums is too busy shitposting to seriously discuss movies. It's so hard to find threads honestly talking about movies rather than endless memeing and pushing politics.
14th here.
Been about 6 here. The ride's only just begun.
I would probably be in a worse place. Yea Forums unironically helped me founding a basic scheme with my life and to focus on improvement. Far for perfect but still
>I wish I had never taken the lot
>media carries you out of darkness?
are you fucking mental dude? literally every social ill that plagues society is the result of the kike controlled media.
this has to be bait
Probably on one or more heavily moderated forums using a confirmed username, too afraid for b& to say what I really think and want to say, like how it was before I found this place. On the upside there would be the possibility for PM'ing other users and forming real life connections that could lead to sex.
I'd unironically be worse off
Been here a decade, since I was 9 (I was looking for pokemon girl porn and stumbled across Yea Forums). I couldn't stop coming here since this was the website where all the memes and video game leaks came from and also lots of porn so as a kid this place was heaven.
ur mom unironically
I'm about to enter the 6th, what a ride it has been so far
I'd probably be a lot more normal. Right now all the redshilling has gotten me aware of how bad things really are. But do I want to be miserable but informed, or happy and ignorant
I just want you to know that you're the reason this site is a massive shithole. Nothing personnel.
13th this winter
Probably a Nintendo bugman
>12th year
i been here for at least 12 years its been fun
>Wojaks are just soulless template memes on the same level of twitter bullshit.
More like they're the ragecomics of the current year. Something that once were funny, clever even, but became cancer due to endless low effort, low quality edits and incessant reposting that borders on being spam.
Probably dead or even worse, a normalfag
The moment i put my nose on this site i lost the sense of time, it feels like forever.
haha you're like a little baby, watch this
...you joined as a furry user...
>user thinks 4 years has ruined him
>mfw almost 12 years
>been here for 9 years
>discovered Yea Forums though mlp
>I mean, you can discuss among friends, but you can't call them dumb cunts for liking capeshit or other pleb movies.
Well I used to, now you're my only frens.
Honestly, this place has helped me out a lot. It's literally the reason I did so well with girls in high school, they loved the edginess of it. /fit/ turned me onto keto and I lost 50 pounds a couple years ago and am back down to the weight I was when I was a teen. /pol/ has made it easy for me to talk to people from different cultures. It's honestly not too bad here, would be better if the faggot trannies and incels would fuck off and die.