What the fuck is this sjw shit and why aren't we rioting?
What the fuck is this shit?
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Who gives a shit?
Not everyone is an autistic incel like you
>"Black, beautiful and a woman"
More like ugly, disgusting and man-lady.
If you have so few problems that you can muster the time and energy to care about this, you've really got fuck all to complain about
>why aren't we rioting?
Holy shit are you pathetic.
All you have to do is not watch it. If it bombs they will never do it again.
We aren’t rioting simply because it will bomb. Just like any other forced SJW shit. Just look at ghostbusters remake.
Are you dumb enough to fall for click baits?
ok boomer
Go preb the Bull basedkuks
They'll get what they deserve
>in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful, and a woman
Eh she's certainly black.
here is some real james bond content for this shit thread
More like double hoe 7, amarite.
Because it is just another ghostbusters in the making.
Better question is,she is even a human?
Most pics of her she have the same face
Diferent moments,places,people she have the same face.I Think she is a robot
You guys know it’s a shill right? They’re disappointed that there isn’t more buzz about this so their boss told them stir up shit. They think 4channel is their personal racist advertising army.
You riot by not giving it money
oh god they changed the domain name
when was this? i haven't browsed for many years
Why the fuck would anyone riot? It's already proven dumb shit like this fails. Just don't watch it.
You realise no company has ever, nor will ever "shill" on Yea Forums(nel) right?
You grossly overestimate the reach and importance of this shithole.
>its important the film treats women properly
What he fuck do you call Casino Royale?
Because it's a publicity stunt, Daniel Craig is still in the lead role, they want people mad, and Bond is Boomer shit anyway.
I can imagine the antagonist already
The revolution is eternal, and memories are inconvenient. The past was always evil and oppressive, and they thing they're doing right now is always important and ground breaking. Repeat after me:
Wonder Woman 2017 was the first female super hero movie
Black Panther was the first black super hero movie
Captain Marvel was the first female super hero movie
Terminator Dark Fate is the first Terminator movie with a female lead
Star Trek Discovery is the first Star Trek with a black or female lead
Bond has always been a misogynistic franchise
James Bond movies are terrible
We also literally did "black female equivalent to Bond" before. She was supposed to have a spinoff movie and everything. It's great how you can always be on the cutting edge when the public have the memory of a goldfish.
I can't wait for the box office results and subsequently, women everywhere wondering why a female action hero isn't garnering the attention nor financial success as the male counterpart
Fucking patriarchy, amirite?
Yea it would be insane to suggest that a top 100 alexa ranked site that has an active political base and little moderation would be targeted by wealthy people with 1.2 billion dollars to burn.
What do i know, im just a newfag, i haven't been around long enough to know, unlike you.
haha..their funeral..I imagine even blacks would hate this
cope harder, bigot!
Sony has straight up said in one of their emails that they shill here. And it obviously wouldn't stop with them.
I hate sjws much more than the next guy but clearly she's replacing 007 not james bond IE bond goes into retirement but contines having adventures and she's his replacement in the organization.
I assume they're basically repeating the plot of that Dalton movie where he goes rogue.
You're bad at your job. You can be practically smelled here and will never influence opinion in any meaningful way because you are unintelligent.
Go away, shill.
This. Such a dull, nothing character in predictable stories. They're not identical, but they are the same.
>black woman becomes new 007
>can't do her job
>James Bond has to come back and save the day
Actually quite based.
When they say they need to make a film more modern thats code for society. If they can convince people that white male James Bond needs to be a black female in order to reflect current society, then people start believing that to be true of real life. Just remember, we're being told that being a white man in 2019 Britain does not reflect society and yet you'll be mocked for suggesting anything like white genocide or replacement.
Another thing. The whole point of the surprise Daniel Craig casting was to introduce a new era of manliness and high testosterone. They didn't want fruity toffs walking around in frilly shirts. Yet in just one Bond era they've decided that a man's man is now all wrong. Absolutely pathetic.
Goddamn that's an ugly nigger
Blessed post
Do you faggots ever stop whining?
It's a fucking fictional character why do you care so fucking much
I could understand if they got her to play Kurt Cobain in a biopic or something but it's literally a fictional character you fucking retards
It's just a movie, and none of the previous bond movies are going anywhere
Icons carry more power than you think.
if this project doesn’t bomb in spectacular fashion then it’s literally over for white men. we’re been fucking canceled.
Because 007 =! James Bond.
Unironically why can't they at least choose an attractive nig
I don't care as long as the Bond boy is a blond white man
But they have blacked historical characters and no one bats an eye. How is that okay?
It literally doesn't matter. It's going to flop, there's gonna be some articles asking if 007 fans are racist, the audience score will be in 20s, while the critic score will be 99 or some shit, and we will move on. They will change another characters race, add more interracial relationships and ruin another IP.
Noone will watch it, noone will care. It won't make money.
Meh who cares. Brosnan was the last good Bond. Casino Royale was a good change of pace for one movie like License to Kill was but Bond was never meant to be gritty or serious or lowkey. It's a franchise that just can't exist in the manchild era of Hollywood.
>The whole point of the surprise Daniel Craig casting was to introduce a new era of manliness and high testosterone. They didn't want fruity toffs walking around in frilly shirts.
>fruity toffs
Craig is the biggest simp faggot in the whole franchise. You think Connery's Bond wouldn't be trying to alpha Vesper into sex and hugging her in the shower? Just because some numale has a calorie surplus and gym muscles doesn't make him tough or manly.
>tfw you let canonical details in a fictional setting overrule the very real implications of what these fucks are trying to push.
It's sad how many do. Everytime one of these articles pops up, there will be at least a dozen channels on YouTube commenting about it and inadvertently giving free advertising about it.
Because who fucking cares? I can assure you that if Achilles was a real person he wouldn't have blond hair and blue eyes and yet no one cared when he was played by Brad Pitt.
If you don't want creative liberties to be taken then read a non fiction book or watch a documentary.
Honestly I wouldn't have a problem with a black Bond.
Blacks are cool, horny, and tough.
but a woman?
An essential part of the Bond character is his machismo attitude and palpable sex chakra.
To cast a woman reveals a total failure to understand the character.
>I can assure you that if Achilles was a real person he wouldn't have blond hair and blue eyes
Plenty of Meds did. You're just proving to us that you've been successfully brainwashed.
just let it fail like all their other forced diversity bullshit
>she's actually called Lashagna
Why are niggers given acting roles?
They couldn't come up with a better looking black woman than that, for one of the most iconic roles, ever? Really?
I love how they need to keep repeating and reminding you that she's beautiful, in case you glanced away to look at her photo and developed wrongthink on the subject.
I don't think even black women would think she's good looking. How does this happen? Why pick her? The role is supposed to be really good looking, suave, groomed, elite. She's a mannish looking nobody.
>why aren't we rioting?
Black pill, user.
I got my fortune and am just kicking back watching the world burn. Fuck this gay earth.
this has beem posted here 10,000 times since it was announced and we're rioting by not paying to see it
Sounds like she should be a character in an Austin Powers movie.
They want your outrage to sell tickets, faggot. Just ignore them and don't go see their shit film.
Some producers are going to lose a lot of money on this one.
I'd have prefered a male Bond girl, but that's not going to happen.