What are some good /vape/ kinos?

What are some good /vape/ kinos?

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Brokeback Mountain

hasnt it caused severe lung infection in 8 different cases so the fda banned it?

Is he ok?

>8 deaths out of millions
>cigs continue killing thousands every year

He is now.


>vaping has been around 10 years now
>6 people die from bootleg Chinese cartridges
>hurr durr gotta ban it
the eternal boomer strikes again

Bootleg thc carts did that. High levels of vitamin E were found in them

Why can't you just pee out the excess?

The lungs are a little bit more complicated than that.

He's just napping after reading a bit.

Someone make an edit of that weird apu so it looks like he's sucking a dick pls.

still they are dangerous
need to investigate more before allowing more killing machines on the market

Evolution was a mistake. Take me back to a single cell organism


I don’t want to hang out with my friend because he vapes constantly. It’s fucking embarrassing.

You sound like a judgemental faggot desu, if you actually liked your friend it wouldn't bother you and you wouldn't be worried about how other people perceived him.

>some faggots get sick from bootleg cartridges
>"hurr lets go ahead and ban literally all flavoured vape"

This government is genuinely retarded

>Go to California for the first time, second time in the US
>Smoking is forbidden everywhere outside and people give you dirty looks if you don't comply
>Absolutely EVERY FUCKING STREET reeks of weed

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Cry more you mist cloud spewing degenerate.

How do retards not realize that any type of inhalant with “flavour” added to it has a shitton of mystery chemicals in it? I’ll stick to my bongs thanks

yea cigarettes have been heavily vetted for their safety

I don’t like my friend.

I wish weed was legal in Ohio, there's nothing else to do in this shithole other than stay inside and smoke weed and drink all day

You're a retard. Go /out/

Alcohol kills about 80,000 people a year in the US. And who knows how many acts of violence. You hardly hear a peep about that.

Fuck that, I did my time in the Scouts, now I just want to be a lazy piece of shit and rot away in solitude with the aid of drugs and alcohol

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>this dangerous thing isn't illegal so that other dangerous thing shouldn't either
also how have you never heard about the dangers of alcohol? It's everywhere across all medias.

ITT: bootlickers
Why do you care what other people do? Is it because they live in your head rent-free? The first step to growing up is relinquishing concerns about things that have no impact on you. I’m sure you’ll all become responsible big boys one day.

Imagine actually living in a state where weed is illegal. BIG oof

i don’t even smoke lmao it makes me paranoid as fuck

shit I thought you meant Iowa, Ohio looks boring

cope, vape boy

>illegal black market items kill some people
>government moves to make a new black market
They're legitimately some of the stupidest people on the planet, and political aspirations should probably be a crime that carries a sentence of exile so we don't have to deal with them and their retarded thoughts on subjects outside their minuscule grasp.

>implying I vape
Your next line is “I was only pretending to be stupid”

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It's technically legal for medical reasons but they're very stringent on the criteria for you being able to get a card. I get paranoid too, but only when I smoke around other people.

It is boring. I live in a small rural town too. If you go to the big cities all you see is trash and niggers, and Skyline Chilli if you go to Cincinatti.

Blade Runner 2049 has a shot with a dude blowing a huge cloud like a faggot. Pretty funny. I'm a faggot too because I juul but general rule of thumb is the bigger the cloud, the more of a douche you are.

Unless you're growing your own, you have no idea what chemicals were used with your bud.

Interstellar has a good representation of a collapsed lung

Forget which old Top Gear episode it was, but there is a shot of Hammond with one in his shirt pocket. Windows in the car were fogged too. They're all smokers so it makes sense

You think Chinese are importing THC? Fucking faggot, every empty cartridge is made in China. Where is THC made? What was it cut with? You don't know because you're too busy looking stupid.

Was this what pipe smokers were like to the first cig smokers?
>t. Vaping is bad but my fast food meals are perfectly healthy
Do you realize how many carcinogens you are breathing in just walking around near cars?

>looking stupid
You misunderstood him. That's the point he was making. You have no clue who or what process they used to make the errl

Underestimate how much of your base continues to use nicotine but no longer tobacco you homunculus. See what happens. 4 more years? Nope.

>Was this what pipe smokers were like to the first cig smokers?
Pretty much

I realize you're some Jew with a dispensary if you go around acting like the "black market" did this while your carts cut with the same poison didn't. Cut it like cocaine then call others the black market. How many kids you kill today?

Blame it on nicotine so your billion dollar business THC can make tax revenue. Too big to fail.

Maybe you don't. I lost patience getting told by "custies" that they need their "disty". I say let em crash

Chilling here watching Casino, suckin' on some blueberry lemonade on a new coil. The afternoon light filtering in from between the trees outside my window, casting pillars of lazy swirling yellow and gold. Might get a coffee and a beer when I can be bothered to move

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Vitamin E acetate is not a carcinogen. Do you breathe the fumes of uncombusted gasoline?

Are you retarded? You basically agreed with the point I am arguing. I used to smoke (pot), but I never fucked with the carts. Never trusted them. And I know that they are using the 8 deaths as a way to ban vaping for thc and hemp industry to make money (also big tobacco).
I mean how often do you see left wing media sources agreeing with Trump? They are on this issue.
I have no clue what a disty or a custy is.

The acetate was found in thc cartidge not nicotine ejuice. People claim that carcinogens are in the flavors of those nicotine ejuices with no proof. That was my point. I could care less what is in the thc carts because I don't use them.

For me, its a dab pen
>no cotton
>cheap coils
>no worry about chinese chemicals

No, but a lot of times you are just burning the oil as opposed to vaporizing it. Especially if you have a pen and not a full on vaporizer.
Just get a small rig with a quartz nail and heat with a torch. Make sure to not get it too hot. Maybe use a laser thermometer.
Also, if you're not getting rec, look into rosin pressing. Much better than some black market bho

Vapes don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people

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