>Heroic scenes in movies that made you feel something
Heroic scenes in movies that made you feel something
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Gandalf saving Gondorian soldiers from the Nazghul was pretty sweet.
Still get some goosebumps
Boromir's death.
When young ragnar killed kjartan the cruel to avenge his father
My nigga, came here to post this
>when the rage is so violent even the vikings are sharing awkward glances
-Hazel's prayer to Frith before battle
-Conan's prayer to Crom before battle
-Ahmad ibn Fahlas' prayer to Allah before battle
-Ting blessing his arms with sacred herbs from Kru Dam before battle
-Mace climbing into the mainframe coolant tank
-Peachy carrying Danny's severed head across central Asia.
-Daigoro nursing his father back to health
Just a few
Watership down
Conan the barbarian
13th warrior
The man who would be king
Shogun assassin
In princess bride when Inigo calls the ghost of his father to find the pit of despair.
My niggas, came here to post this
>-Ahmad ibn Fahlas' prayer to Allah before battle
I just watched the final battle scene and felt nothing
I remember watching it years ago and feeling something indescribably great, but now I feel nothing
what has happened to me?
You have squandered your days with plans of many things
more dumb than heroic desu
The whole of Gladiator, or the end of Braveheart
>this is no time for caution
>gunbuster's black hole explosion
>charge of the rohirrim
this but the charge of the knights of vale
Maybe your desire for glory and masculinity has burnt out.
low Test
All fight scenes of this guy.Too bad he got butchered hard as a character,should have been some major antagonist who could posse a thread
I really have to start picking up this show, it has been on my todo list for years
There's a lot of pretty important emotional build-up before that point.
I wouldn't technically call it heroic but the flashback in Unbreakable when he pretends to be injured and gives up his football career to stay with his gf. He knew the truth about himself the entire time.
He could have been a superstar but he chose roastie wright penn
his relationship with lagertha was the dumbest shit ever
She was pretty cute and obviously didn't want to get divorced despite his apparent whining about what a good life he could have had without her.