I'm addicted to this show

I'm addicted to this show

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Join the club

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Why user?

it's interesting

it also produces the comfiest watchthreads threads on Yea Forums when a new season is on

I use it as motivation to go to the gym, but it gave me a hatred for morbidly obese people, or I already had it

is there anything there that isn't completely degenerate

>it's a "patient doesn't understand calories in and out are the single most important thing for weight-loss" episode
>It's a "but it's low fat" episode
>It's a "but it's healthy food/fruits" episode

I don't think I've ever seen someone who had a fat forehead. That's just weird.

Fat kino?

>calories in and out are the single most important thing for weight-loss
Except this is wrong.

Stay mad fat ass

you are retarded and fat

What I don't get is who the fuck is paying for all this fucking food? It seems like a lot of people on the TLC show are low income but even with some kind of SNAP assistance How in the fuck do you afford to eat a week's worth of food a day?

Failure rate for these people is 95%.
Why not just let them eat themselves to death, its obvious they're doomed.
Make room for the beautiful people.

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Dude tell me about it. I make a decent wage but most weeks after rent and utilities I can only afford ramen and frozen veggies. Should I just become a fatty because apparently food just comes to them.

They're all on disability, and their family members are enablers. Plus, pizza and pasta is ridiculously cheap in the United States.
The REAL reason they get fat though is sugary sodas, which are also inexpensive. You can get a 2-liter bottle of generic soda for $1.00 Fatties can drink half a dozen of them a day or even more.

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Watch that vid and read the list of shit she ate. It wasn't a bunch of 10 for $10 boxes of mac n cheese.

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>thermodynamics is wrong!

>Watch that vid and read the list of shit she ate. It wasn't a bunch of 10 for $10 boxes of mac n cheese.
1st rule: NEVER trust anything a fat person says. They lie about their food consumption. I was watching a 600 pound show and one of the female fatties was saying she only drank water, and the cameraman filmed her sneaking a 2-liter bottle of coke pulled from the back of a couch cushion as she was eating her "healthy" food".

Fuck if she ate more than what was listed in the video I'm genuinely impressed. I literally don't eat as much in a week.

She's big brained

How much do you weight, Yea Forums?
157lb here

>It le matters what you eat! Not just the calories!

Fucking false you mongoloid nigger. I literally tested this while losing weight and it does not fucking matter what you eat, only the total calorie intake matters.

No, that’s what it is, although there are ways to burn calories more efficiently. For example, a kept diet makes you burn fat for energy once you’ve purged most of the sugar in your system.

215lbs but I'm 6'3 so it doesn't matter.

My goal is to get on the show. Wish me luck, I’ll give Yea Forums a subtle shoutout when I make it on the air.

new season when?


Might as well hope you get AIDS.

The midget shows are usually pretty comfy and wholesome, but at the same time we know they're only being filmed because they're freaks and that's TLC's thing.

You can get 3 liters for $1 at my local dollar store

Why are you guys so addicted to a show about really fat people?

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She eats more than a full marine fireteam

Well ever since they sent up the Hubble Telescope none of us can fit in a mirror anymore so we have to find a way to see ourselves.

I root for anyone who is trying to better themselves. I like a success story.

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Calories in vs out determines weight loss/gain. See: the nutritionist and researcher who ate an 800 calorie deficit of literally nothing but Twinkies, and not only lost weight, but saw a distinct decrease in both body fat percentage and cholesterol.

The only manner in which "what" you eat matters is in regards to macronutrient ratios, and that's only because the three different macronutrients require different amounts of energy to be processed by the body. Protein takes the most energy to process and is the least calorie efficient form of macro processing, so eating protein "helps" by increasing the amount of calories you burn, which comes back to calories in calories out.

I'm addicted to Joey

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same but everytime i try a thread it dies must be euro hours

Where the fuck are you that pasta is expensive.

The human body isn't a closed system, meathead.

I was close to living the 600 lb life. Thinking about the fact I could be on this show was upsetting. Been working on it the past few months and am close to living the 500 lb life now.

based fat fuck

sausage fingers typed this post

Are there odds in Vegas on what will finally kill him?

176 lb

based retard fat

post selfie

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>tfw no comfy lymphedema skin sweatpants
why live

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>225 lbs
>Bench 135 lbs, can only back squat 95 lbs

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>clayface cosplay at comicon
>get bitch back to hotel
>"take off the costume user"
>..oh shi...

>physical laws regarding energy suddenly don't matter when I want a cheesburger

The sheer fucking delusion of fatasses is insane.

Pizza is the favorite food of people who fucking suck at cooking. People who give in to the same base instinct that makes them think that macaroni or grilled cheese is the best food. They're all just the same bullshit. Mac and cheese is cheese and wheat. Grilled cheese is cheese and wheat. Guess what, pizza is more fucking cheese and wheat. That's all you fucking eat because you're a boring piece of shit with no taste. What a bullshit food to put on a pedestal. It's food for kids, and people who finished developing their palate when they when they were kids. Fuck pizza and fuck this pizza culture.

It's always so funny to see how fatties lie so much. They claim to live healthy but you can just glance at them and see that they're lying.

It's so pathetic.

It isn't really that bad for you as long as you're balancing it out with actual nutrition. But each of these guys eating pizza or pasta is also guzzling gallons of soda and taking in 5000 calories per day. If they simply cut the soda out they would start losing weight immediately.

some stale pasta if you're a regular over at the ole /ck/ like meee!

>the nutritionist and researcher who ate an 800 calorie deficit of literally nothing but Twinkies
That is so fucking disgusting. How long was this? Link to paper?

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I want to punch the lady in red. She is literally cheering on her sisters suicide.

bro that's purple

145 lb and 6'0.

Her head looks like a kidney

Stop eating so much. Get up and walk around. No more soda.

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>Notorious BMI

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I'm uh, colorblind

this along with an hour of exercise daily

Why are these fatasses always with regular, not hideously ugly, in shape people? Were they not fat before but got fat in the relationship and the partner can't find it in themselves to flee a sinking ship? I've thought about this everytime I watch one of these, like why is such a normal person with one of these lardasses?

Like for an example look at this guy right here, looks pretty average, so why the fuck is he wheeling this 600lb bitch around?


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Some people are just incredibly afraid to be alone.

Some of them get with them because they're lard asses and either sabotage their progress or leave them when they shrink down

It's gets boring face since it's so scripted. Only the Dr. Now parts are worth watching since they are not as scripted as the rest.

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>tfw he is 54
>tfw he is 5'5
>tfw he is actually a chef in real life

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That kid on the right looks like he wants to kill himself.

>tfw he is redpilled

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how are the laws of thermodynamics wrong?

185 lbs, goal of 145, started at 220. We're all gonna make it bros.

197 cm
78 kg.

Yeah only Israeli collusion

I know this isn't universal but in the black community men leeching off of women is very common. Since marriage is discouraged by the welfare system(ie a single mother will get more money) women with subsidized housing and free food will have a man around and usually it is some deadbeat nigger who doesn't work so he's dependent on the woman's gibs. It's some fucked up shit because these niggers were raised in single parent welfare homes being dependent on their mother's gibs so it's like some twisted ass psychological shit that continues on into adulthood.

I once felt bad for how blacks have been subverted by (((them))) but then this nigger stole my bike so fuck them.

how many calories a day do you need to eat to maintain like 700+lbs and gain 158lbs in a month?

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5' 10"

I think bodyweight x10 is maintenance so if you weighed 200lbs 2K a day would keep you there. Fucker was probably getting close to 10k per day.

>you could eat 4000 calories at that size and still lose weight
>gain 185 pounds in one month

The absolute lads

how can she have a bf and we don't have a gf

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Going to the gym gave you a hatred for morbidly obese people you fat sack of shit

maintain? 10k+

See you in the January live threads then

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yeah but he also gained like 5lbs a day. So like 20k+ a day? He blamed it on water weight

>Laugh my way through James K episode
>The follow-up 'Where are they now' about him was just depressing

Dude actually has a real problem.

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What makes you think you're better than her?

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I doubt they're comfy in humid heat temperature

Based yanks arguing against objective, mathematical certainties unironically.

Because love is blind. Same reason why women stay with guys that beat them.

Because he gets to smash the hippo ass every day.

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There are many desperate guys in the world.

Imagine the smell

I think the fatter you are, the quicker you can pack on the pounds due to insulin resistance. Obese people have on average something like 4 times the fasting insulin level of normal weight people and can see levels 8 times as high after eating.

Yeah no shit, fatty. Hence the whole "calories in vs. calories out".

What the fuck is wrong with people.

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I used to go to the gym five days a week and was /fit/. And I'd always see at least one or two fatbodies there working out. And I'd throw them thumbs ups and was genuinely proud of them. Even if they don't lose the weight, the fortitude it takes to be fat and go to the gym always impressed me. I really hope every single one of them turned it around.

Anyhow, went through a bad time a couple of years ago, bulked and then never cut. And then just kept getting heavier. I'm fat now and too embarrassed to go the gym. Logically, I know no one's going to give me shit and they'll probably feel like I did "good for him", but I just can't face other people as a fatty.

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What the fuck is that?


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no one cares

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You don't need a gym bro. Exercise is to improve fitness. Weight is 100% diet. You can be bed-ridden and vary your weight with nothing bu diet.

Also bodyweight exercises are plenty for general fitness.

I know this feel, I've always struggled with being fat, but got to my lowest weight and fittest whilst I was training mma. I got injured and was couch ridden for about 2 months. i still ate like I was training hard everyday and put on like 35 pounds and was to embarrassed to ever show my face there again.

what happened to his dong? Why is it so big?

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What is this Pavlovian conditioning?
>I can only exercise if I get an award

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I haven't laughed this hard in weeks.

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I absolutely LOVE fat people shows.
I was watching one the other day about a lass who spent months building up to move to a new house. It would be safer and more convenient for her, had a little ramp and everything. Moved all her fat people stuff and mountains of food. Then she died a week after moving in and they just chucked all her shit out.

215 pounds (not fat though, I'm maybe 15% bodyfat)
I do judo and jiujitsu so being short and heavy is really really advantageous.

Imagine being so evolved you use echolocation to find food


got a link. Sounds amusing


hernia i think

Because no one is beyond redemption.

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Did you even watch the fucking show?? The doctor tells them to go on a low carb diet.

I can't remember the name of it, sorry. She was a geordie so it was a British show.

A 1200 CALORIE high protein diet.

Nowhere left in the body to store fat (overflowing)

96lb and 5'8

>why yes ladies i do get quad quads

There is no way in hell you are 15% at that BMI. You'd have to be built like an NFL fullback.

Fasting bro. JUST STOP EATING.


Start with getting used to being in keto for like a week or two with ultra low carb diet. Then do intermittent fasting for a week or two(one meal a day or a feeding window of 4-6 hours only). Then do 48hr fasts, then 72, then the sky is the limit.

I felt bad for her, she was such a sweety and took full responsibility for her condition and why it was happening.

Protein, fats, and carbs are all different substances that are utilized by the machinery of the body in distinct ways. It is wholly ignorant to lump all food into a metaphysical concept like calories. A calorie is not a physical object, its a system of measurement. But, that system of measurement does NOT account for the way our body differently utilizes macronutrients. Eating 1200 calories of protein is NOT the same as eating 1200 calories of carbs.

>tfw accused of doing drugs by the hater Dr. Now but innocent

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the amount of stool you would produce at 40000 cal or whatever intake daily must be insane. I’ll overeat a little on some weekends and get annoyed by the amount of shit I’m producing, do these people ever leave the toilet?

Fatty fatty boom balaty

>Protein, fats, and carbs are all different substances
and the calories for each are calculated differently

Dont you have a mart to shart in rn?

Still does not account for how the body manipulates those substances inside itself.

>when she finally learns how to use momentum to her advantage
Pure KINO.

Once you hit a certain size it stops being your problem. Their carer deals with all the shit.

she's on the right path

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Ow! Mah leg!

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173cm 53kg

he is a feeder?

I wish there was more "villain" episodes, they are the best

Just put the fork down fat ass

that is comedy kino

Is that Brie? Whoever she is, she a cute


Yeah, snap does not provide near enough to sustain the amount they consume.

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what the fuck is wrong with women

Bmi 36, what a load of shit.

Im 33.9 bmi and my legs are skinny

>little brother is 23 years old 6' 2 and in very good shape
>6 pack abs, lean as hell
>crippling low self esteem
>constantly feels the need to be in a relationship
>terrified of being alone
>he starts sleeping with a complete lardass
>estimate she is about 260 pounds at 5'3 ish
>shes unemployed
>unappealing in every single way
>they start dating
>I tell him he's fucking up
>he gets pissed and stops talking to me
>2 months later he ends up knocking this whale up
>every time I've seen her since she got pregnant shes been feasting on chocolate, pizza, or potato chips
>refuses to do any physical activity
>cries constantly
>is a total cunt to my brother
>blames all of this on being "hormonal"
>my brother is slowly starting to realize the hell he has created for himself

Every morning I wake up thankful that I'm not in his position. Jesus fucking Christ. Talk about ruining your life.

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The worst part is how much more their families suffer than they do. They're stuck in a puerile fantasy land where wiggling your toe justifies a box of candy while their loved ones run all of the errands and pay all of the bills so that they can watch them rot from the inside out.

300 lb

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we need to burn it all and start over

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having lymphedema from being insanely fat like 71 BMI permanently fucks your shit up even after you lose weight, it's a before an after pic

their families are the reason they are this way you dumb fuck

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I thought something was going to happen to Warwick Davis' car.

Do these people know they are fucking slaves? No one in a million years in nature has ever eaten like this. It's mental illness.

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>"largefats" complaining to "smallfats" about how easy they have it
how did it come to this


I could watch this forever. Someone post the landwhale following the guy filming her then getting BTFO.

6ft and 155 pounds

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>how did it come to this
memes i think unironically

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155-160 lbs

L O N DO N ?

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I love this nigga

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based Cillas

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163cm, 51kg

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Found the fat mass.


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Watch all the asspained faggots try to tell this guy he's wrong even though "LE CALORIES IN LE CALORIES OUT LE EXERCISE 20 HOURS A DAY" faggots are full of shit and that kind of a diet has like a 90% or more failure rate for obese people. It only helps morbidly obese people who eat magnitudes more calories than even obese people do, it's worthless and unsustainable for everyone else which is why so much of the population is overweight. People need to stop fucking eating every few hours and consuming so many carbs/sugar, that's fucking up your insulin sensitivity and preventing you from burning fat.


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Some of this shit is so depressing. Can't we just exterminate these people instead?

It "fails" because they fall off of the diet and start eating a calorie surplus again, proving that calories in/out correct.

>People who eat too much fail at diets requiring you to not eat too much

Imagine my shock!

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Lion diet. Literally in the best shape of my life. I dont feel starved. I eat as much as i want, and the body fat just melts off. Stay starving yourself retard, hunger cucking yourself with your carb addiction.

>posts the same 5 webms in every 600 pound thread for 6 months

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2k calories isn't going to be 4k's worth fatty. eat less

>has nothing to offer
>whines about others contributing

>rams it with the cart
every time

>now IRL

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Yea Forums in a nutshell

why did he shave his head like that?

>these are the people who are campaigning for lowering the age of consent and think that age of consent laws are misandrist

Looks like it's working pretty well for her.

something to do with heroin IIRC

Because he's fucking crazy.

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>last name is WHALEY
what did they mean by this?

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How do this creatures shave?

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it's a great motivator to not let myself go too far into fatness - if i ever made it over 200lbs i'd probably go insane

Shit don't tell me that's their daughter

Damn that open wound I bet cannot heal.

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About 4600 to maintain

To gain 158lbs:
A pound of fat is 3000 cal
So 158x3000=474000
474k / 30 + 4600 = 20400

So he needs to eat 20k cal or enough for 10 semi active people


holy shit

>Yea Forums makes meme
>Redditors steal meme
>Reddit declares meme unfunny and cringe
>Reddit calls redditors who still run with this now reddit meme Yea Forums
Its so tiresome.

even he has sex, put that into perspective

I read that when you are that fat you don’t grow body hair. There isn’t enough blood circulation to keep hair growing.

are there any former participants of this show that are actually normal now?

That ain't fair

>Been lifting for 5 years with /fit/
>Still cant get that man's girl
Should I just lower m fucking standards, Im about to hang myself.

He’s an opioid addict and went doctor shopping during the show for painkiller prescriptions.


Why does no one ever give Dr Now shit for being a fat faggot himself? It's like when I'm watching sportsball and the head coach is some enormous fatass. I'm like "how can anyone in that athletic organization take him seriously?"

Now now, there's no need to kink shame the man

Shaving is one of the best feelings ever, despite this, do not ever shave chest hair.

you're probably ugly and/or poor

I guess when you're in a room with those fat fucks he looks pretty slim.

At least it kind of implies that being a sasquatch is healthy

Ugly, nah. Poor? Factory work is a respectable profession user.

>finding out being fat actually affects secondary physical characteristics to the point getting in shape can even improve your facial structure

then I don't know what's wrong with you, are you infertile?

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She's just mad that he has bigger tits than her.

it gets old fast

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he's definitely getting molested

No poor, I live in a flat, I thought you'd pick up from that with 'factory worker'

oh, sorry, it's because you're poor then

Difficult as this may be for you to believe, most people don't feel starved when they consume reasonable portions. The only reason you do is because you've trained your body to process unnatural amounts of food.

Nonsense, plenty of poorfags have gfs

Maybe I should just get German citizenship then go to university for free in Scotland and get a proper job.

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how did she get in?

in the west, yes

>tfw you're so fat that your body is trying to kill itself to put you out of your misery

maybe, worth a try

I unironically support English independence at this point, Scotland has free university for fucking Romanians but not for a man closer to Glasgow than London for fucks sake Scots.

Are you 12 years old?

>do not ever shave chest hair

why not


It just comes back blacker and thicker.

If it's one thing /fit/ should have taught you by now is that being shredded and not being a manlet isn't enough.

With most girls, the most important thing is to have a personality, which most of /fit/ lacks. Second most important thing is to have an attractive face. If you quality for the first two, then and only then will they add the attractiveness of your body into the equation.

that's a bad thing?

The itching when it's coming back in will drive you insane. You have been warned.


Important caveats:
>even though having a nice body isn't as important as a good face and personality, an outright bad body, like being fat, can cancel out the benefits of a good face and personality
>if you're using tinder or other dating sites, having a good body is a prerequisite because they're exposed to it before experiencing your personality

145 but I am also 5'4" hyper manlet

>With most girls, the most important thing is to have a personality
wrong, money is the most important thing for most woman

how the fuck to you get to that point?

if she can get a bf then i can get a bf

You go girl!


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to be fair, healthy food has fewer calories generally

To the user in the other thread about this show that told me to GTFO and hit the gym, thank you. I did about 10 minutes rowing and then did weight exercises on my arms and legs and I feel good about myself.

14 stone
196 pounds


Exactly. But you have to be a retard to think that some foods are magically unhealthy or that one nutrient is the absolute killer when it comes to weight loss. So many fucking fad diets come and go to cut out all fat or all calories or to only drink juice etc. It all comes down to cico


Good, the more you do it, the more self-respect you will find along the way. You'll understand what truly loving yourself means.

old wives tale, it just feels rougher when it's stubble obviously


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No-No-No, dont give me that, somethings wrong I can tell!

78 kg for 187 cm or 172 lbs for 6'2. Still need to loose a little, but I worry that what I still want to loose is mostly skin.

>I worry that what I still want to loose is mostly skin.

Is everything but what you call "loose skin" cut as hell with super definition? If not then it's still fat and you can lose it.

>there's a qt buried under all that ham

Knowing this makes morbid obesity so much more depressing.

Well I know I can still loose some, but there is a clear contrast between the top of my torso and the end of it. So I don't know if loosing some more will suffice to correct it. And I don't know if should go lower that I already am for my diet at 1400 kcal/day.


Tanks for reminding me about this.

Hoping /ourguy/ still has a few years left in him

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you fucking fucker


if you are 600+ there is zero hope for you

How about you read what he actually ate retard, he never claimed to only be eating twinkies just that he was eating them on a deficit

>2 liter coke ridiculously cheap, 1 or 2 buxks
>meanwhile orange juice and almond milk is 5+ USD for a small container

Fasting made me loose weight, but a ton a it was muscle. Keto was alright, I've done it at the start for like 1 month and a half but my doctor told me that I wasn't supposed to go too long on it.

Wrong. It is 80% food, 20% activity. You will stop losing at a certain weight if you sit on your ass all day.

>but a ton a it was muscle

Bullshit. Watch the video.

lol what a brainlet. So what you're saying is that if there's ever a famine we can just make a certain percentage of the population sit down all day and then we're good?

The video won't reverse the reality of it for me.

THIS THIS THIS!! My roommate NEVER works out and he has a 6 pack and all I ever see him do is eat. He eats more than me, but he still maintains a slim figure. I on the other hand must constantly watch my food intake and it makes life so challenging. I'm working really hard to lose weight. Right now I'm just a little pudgy at 270lbs.

People needing to feel different from the same people they are. So they leave the group to point out how they are unique and different to the other group.

I think your reality is your perception and your own unwillingness to experience discomfort manifesting as reasons why you can't do what you gotta do.

>t. down over 100lbs by fasting
>t. not a weak fuck stick

I'll summarize part of what is said int he video. It goes something like: "Your body has evolved a super efficient system for storing energy for hard times and that's fat. Saying that your body will bypass this system to burn a lot of muscle is like having a shitload of firewood but burning the furniture first when it gets cold. It doesn't work that way."

Suck it up faggot or admit you don't want it bad enough to suffer a little.


>eat like shit and weigh 300 lbs at 5'6"
>have stroke
>blame it on energy drinks
>keep eating like shit
>have another stroke
>blame it on sugar??
>lose use of your dominant arm
>can barely walk, can barely string sentences together
>still 300 lbs
>still cramming as much red meat into your body as possible
>going to die any day now
based Jack

Attached: 234243224.jpg (584x636, 60K)

You dont make a decent wage or are hiding something

Maybe he's like my retarded coworker that spends 200+ in bars every weekend

>Buy pork n beans
>Get rid of the pork
Is this some secret cooking skill I'm unaware of?

How can doctor Now be so mfing based my dudes?
He gets the entire dynamics of the family in one hour its fucking amazing how sensible he is and how honest he is while destroying the lies the fatties cling to with their fat, sluggish fingers

This is the most autistic post I've seen all week

>tfw fat fetish
>tfw also burning hatred for the typical fatty mindset, "body positivity", the normalization of fatness via media, the constant excuses, terrible self-esteem and victim complex
God I wish humans could just shapeshift so I could bang some Mamahorker-tier cutie all night and then she could go back to being healthy and slim. Why the fuck did I have to receive the Architect's curse?

calling all medfags

what the hell is that

187lbs. I'm gaining 2lbs per year

Well the body uses both, fat and muscle. Thing is you can burn much more and quicker energy by burning muscle that you can with fat. Burning muscle to bare efficiency is interesting evolution wise, it lowers you energy consumption dramatically and gives you sugar. I don't have any Youtube video but you can read all you want about human metabolism in medecine books. I know some people lose weight that way, but scientifically there is no basis to promote it. As it is with intermittent fasting. I suppose you won't respond well to this and still blaming me for not trying (despite that fasting for long period is surprisingly easy). I've lost like 9 kilos that way but I wasn't a good play for my body.

>tfw can't even discern between irony and pure retardation anymore
so this is what my stroke at 50 will feel like

based tanuki lardass

What's the story here, did someone trick her into sending lewds?

Jesus fuck stop trying to sound like you know wtf you're talking about when it's super plain to anyone who has researched the subject that you're a no nothing fatty trying to rationalize why you can't do what you gotta do. The science is literally settled. The record for fasting by a super obese fucker is well over 300 days. I think you can manage to only eat one meal every 72hrs fatty.

Semi medfag here and I have no idea. At first I thought it's what's referred to as the ''fat apron'', which is exactly what it sounds like. But that's the bit above desu

They've blurred the end of it so Im guessing its genital related.. also looks like he's tied a compression stocking around it...fucking baffled.

Maybe massive lymphoedema of.. idk his nutsack? Hernia? Never seen one that big though..

Need to watch the episode and find out now.

I dunno. I came across it a long time ago. Probably months later I thought that I recognized that forehead fat when I saw a Tammy thread on /ck/

Probably months, he was eating to his wife's content and already having heart failure and infected leg cheese last we knew.

