Which movie features a bad guy finally failing after being praised for years?

Which movie features a bad guy finally failing after being praised for years?

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>How can I make my wife's cancer diagnosis about *me*

Fucking selfish cunt. Be there for your wife

Poor dude.

>looks like he needed to clean his own room this time

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>drive your daughter insane with weird diets
>fuck off to rehab as your wife gets cancer
At least the room is clean

maybe the real friends were the rooms we cleaned along the way

Heh fuck Trump supporters- you get what is coming to ya universe-karma wise

It wasn't after her diagnosis tho, that is when he started taking the medication. She got better so he tried to ween himself off and had terrible withdrawal

is wife is fine now which is why he's going through a bad withdrawal

retards honestly

he’s canadian i think he even dislikes the guy

well, he advocated for use of antidepressants, serves him well for spreading that bullshit, those things are not a solution

The Last Jedi
Margin Call

Didn't he admit he's on antidepressants for like decades now?

>Didn't he admit he's on antidepressants for like decades now?
He's mentioned substance abuse problems in the past, too.


Wolf of Wall street?
911? I just witnessed a murder

>savior of the west
>bad guy

He's a grifter. He's made so much money off the incel demographic that has deeper pockets than any honest working man in the developed world. He doesn't deserve our pity


He's going through Klonopin withdrawal. Benzos aren't antidepressants and as far as I know he never advocated their use


Still like and respect him.
Never bought any of his books/programs but enjoy his lectures on youtube and find him insightful.

This schadenfreude smear campaign bullshit doesn't impress me.
I hope he gets sorted out.

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>Self-help guru
>Can't help himself
Really tidies my room

>Jordan Peterson lied
Wow. What a shocker. I'm shaking right now. Terribly upset. I'm gonna pet a cat to calm down.

he looks like an old coomer

Hating Peterson is a trannydiscord thing.


Immediately outs you as a bandwagoning tool. This is like “bad faith” or “tone-deaf” or “the silence is deafening” or any of the other stupid flag-waving expressions lefty dunces have come up with to signal solidarity with each other and which mean nothing.

Read the fucking article you greesy twats

can’t believe anons here like wash your balls guru man

>le moralizing atheist

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I like the guy
hope it goes well

He's okay when he stays within his own field. What pisses me on most people off on him is when he starts soapboxing zealously against things he clearly has no understanding of (mainly postmodernism & marxism) while promoting pretty insane new age crap ("this twin-snake motif is clearly a sign that ancient mesoamerican cultures knew about DNA structures!").

>gets notjordanpeterson shut down cuz M-MUH VOICE IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF MUH IDENTITY NO FUN ALLOWED!!!!!!!!!111

yeah, hope he kills himself in there desu

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I'm not a yank and know nothing about this guy, but isn't he hated simply because he tried to bring something positive to the lives of low-status white males?

>he clearly has no understanding of (mainly postmodernism & marxism)

butthurt commie detected

>snake oil salesman
Literally post the 12 rules of his book so the lucky ones that don't know about this scammer can join us in our collective laughter

>isn't he hated simply because he tried to bring something positive to the lives of low-status white males?
Nope. He's hated because he's a hack

LMAO Where are the marxists, fuccboi? Go clean your room

yes. although he first came to notoriety for saying he wouldn't call trans-women women in spite of a canadian law about misgendering

he isn't even a trump supporter

>posting nyk on Yea Forums

He should blaze up

>appeal to incels and MRAs
>not a trump supporter

Leave it to a dumbass liberal to make everything about him

>contra points
yikes, he got cancelled sweetie

Richard III

Also hope jp overdoses

You’ll never be a real woman.

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Karma for shilling psych-meds. I wonder what sort of gifts he's been sent by Pfizer.

Shapiro is high school for sheltered incels. Peterson is college.

Both have whiny girl voices.

Really makes you think.


That the intellectual dark web is controlled?

I don't promote communism, actually I condemn it. But I know and detest bullshit hivemind when I see one. Most people who seem to have strong opinions on Marx don't know anything about his work. I don't blame them for that but, it's a massive pile of rather dry economic philosophy, but they should have the decency of not using it as a strawman either.

Also, watch some of Peterson's presentations. Pay attention how the people cheer like maniacs to him saying pretty much anything slightly buzzwordy. It's a fucking cult of braindead morons.


Reminder Jordan P. is openly Christian. When he says “I don’t say I believe in God, I act as if there is a God”, he thinks actions speak louder than words. So yeah.... he’s not as based you think he is