When pic related came out, critics and audience alike universally praised the writing, the action, the pacing...

When pic related came out, critics and audience alike universally praised the writing, the action, the pacing, the nostalgia bait and even the acting. Has the opinion on this movie soured since December 2015?

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i thought it wasn't too bad and my opinion remains the same
TLJ is worse the more you think about it

The movie is only irredeemably bad if you put a lot of stake in the original trilogy, otherwise it's just middlingly bad and the nostalgiabait made most of the audience ignore those flaws. The Last Jedi just ended up pissing on everyone by being irredeemably bad even without any knowledge of Star Wars but for some reason was a darling with the critics so who knows

Yea Forums was shitting on this movie right form the start.

People here hyped up the Stormtrooper who shouted "Traitor!"
I remember thinking yeah decent movie and having zero interest in watching any more of them
I think my opinion of it is probably the same now, haven't really bothered to think about it again honestly
Thanks for asking OP; how do you feel about the movie?

No, it isn't. It's equally worse but has some original elements in it, which TFA hasn't. Johnson also did a better job with actors and character development for Kylo Ren. Everything else is garbage.

It was always trash, even worse than the prequels. Abrams never made a good film in his entire carrer and anyone who is at least somewhat right in the head knew that the film would be shite as soon as they announced him as the director. I did not even bother to watch the stuff that came after Force Awakens, if it's even worse then dear lord.

>December 2015
Crazy how fast time flies isn't it
Feels like just yesterday

It's the worst SW movie ever made.

This. Based. People think TLJ "underperformed" because it was bad, but the truth is that many people didn't even bother to watch after TFA.

>Has the opinion on this movie soured since December 2015?
More than likely, yes. Keep in mind that the more sane people/critics who weren't Disney drones/shills/nostalgiafags knew that this movie was a pile of shit 4 years ago, but they gave it the benefit of the doubt hoping that the sequel would answer things that TFA desperately needed answering in a logically sound and satisfying manner. When TLJ happened, it retroactively ruined TFA further to the point where even normies gave up on it. It's completely unwatchable on replay value now because of of how much TLJ damaged the entire franchise.
TFA was a huge success only because of nostalgia baiting + hype + the anticipation of a new LA Star Wars movie due to the 10 year drought after ROTS. It was nothing more than an, at best, extremely mediocre soft reset riddled with plot holes and nonsense. It's honestly fascinating how fast Disney managed to kill an entire franchise, let alone a single trilogy, in less than 5 years of what was once one of the most popular Western IPs in history. It should be taught in film schools of what NOT to do when making a movie trilogy & how NOT to disrespect your fans.

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Last Jedi makes Force Awakens look like a masterpiece of cinema

I've noticed there aren't really any young Star Wars fans, especially if you compare it to superhero stuff.
All the Star Wars fans I see popping up are just millennials who were probably hooked from the prequels and not willing to give up on the movies.

Anyone who isn't a paid shill, (critics), people's who livelihoods aren't dependent on having awful taste, (also critics), or audience members who can remember movies past several hours, (those with 95+ IQ), or people who aren't delusionaly obsessed with Star Wars, (see previous group), are certainly going to realize this movie hasn't aged well, specifically it hasn't aged well past the period of Star Wars hysteria that Disney initiated for its development.


>All the Star Wars fans I see popping up are just millennials who were probably hooked from the prequels and not willing to give up on the movies.
Nah, even some millennials are giving up the new trilogy. The newer fans are mostly made up of s o y boys, feminazis, trannies, tumblrinas, shitlibs, corporate shills, Reylos, and marxists now; AKA the fanbase that Kathleen Kennedy desperately wants to cater to. Prequel fans are just as angry as the OT fans and don't care about the ST. Only some aspects like Clone Wars Season 7 and partially a few nu-EU books written by Timothy Zahn is all they care about anymore.

The movies still grossed billions and conventions are swarmed by nerds. Monies are pouring in so they don't care.

i dont even remember this piece of pandering turd

>millennials who were probably hooked from the prequels and not willing to give up on the movies
That's probably why Star Wars isn't even more popular today, (a distant third from Pokemon and Marvel and maybe not even that).

Well, I am speaking of its merits, and certainly that Star Wars simply can never deliver the returns on investment that Marvel did does reflect how poorly the newer entries age.

How is the ST catering to the demographics you mentioned? Their diversity characters are terribly written, boring underdeveloped and serve as comic relief. The female heroine ditched the black guy for the Nazi. The only character worth watching is the unhinged white male, because he's the only one they bothered writing properly.

Hard to be popular with young people if you treat the OT like source comics for marvel movies, instead of a setting to make new stories in. Like Lucas did.

Star Wars was super popular in the 70s because of unprecedented special effects. It then became mainstream pop culture in the US. Today SW isn't unique, young people have better entertainment and every movie has special effects. Kids are more excited for capeshit and Fortnite.

Only good part was the Jakku escape sequence with the falcon. The rest of the movie is garbage

it was only 'good' as a setup, as it had no original ideas. The movie hinged on how good the 2nd one was, & that was trash so, so is this one

>How is the ST catering to the demographics you mentioned?
Hence why I said "desperately,"
Reylos love the Rey x Kylo romance because of the same "bad boy" mentality they orgasmed to with Twilight and Fifty Shades.
Holdo is a representation of feminists + Tumblr.
Poe in TLJ is portrayed as a "toxic misogynist" male.
The "diversity" angle is strictly humans and barely shares focus with the aliens anymore.
All the old characters are failures in life due to ageism.
Rey is a Mary Sue who everyone loves and she can literally do no wrong.
Finn x Rose is a forced interracial quota.
Snoke is literally a "Long Man Bad" reference, and they're probably gearing up Sheev to be the same way in TRoS.

>young people have better entertainment
Do they, though? The overwhelming majority of modern entertainment is objectively garbage, more so than it ever was before. Today's kid demographic deserves better.

It called itself Star Wars Episode 7. I thought it was utterly boring, and it didn't make sense as a sequel. Last Jedi was an even bigger mess, with a mixture of baffling yet morbidly fascinating writing/plot/character decisions and an extremely boring useless sideplot.

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SW wasn't unique in the 2000s either, but the prequels were still a huge hit with kids at the time.

Yeah. I miss the hype most of all.

They weren't.

I agree, but for them playing Pokemon or watching capeshit is still better than Star Wars

When I was at school, the prequels were literally the biggest thing, everyone watched them and loved them - recreated scenes in the playground and quoted the characters

I never pretended to like TFA, but people who lied to themselves about liking it number in millions. These people so desperately wanted it to be good, that they just couldn't accept that it wasn't.

Yes. I thought it was a meh movie when it first came out, but TLJ made everything worse.

Hammer meet nail. Good post user

>Be me
>at theatre to watch Jurassic World
>see trailer for this
>'We're home' scene where chewie and han enter falcon plays
>instantly see it for the garbage it's going to be
>after movie
>say this to person I was with at theatre
>they only have stars in their eyes because muh nostalgia
And so it went, any person with a brain instantly saw this garbage for what it was, a soulless cash grab with zero relevance to the original trilogies. At least it separated the true fans from the faggot onions boys.

This happens with the Sequel trilogy too though

Solo > Rogue Juan >>>>>>>>> reddit > TLJ > TFA

The first two years of nuwars were terrible because everyone was willingly in denial over the TFA being a new hope remake and rey being a mary sue. The hatred that came from TLJ felt like people finally being allowed to call out the obvious bullshit that nuwars is/was

Also the normie nerd fad seems to fizzle out more and more so there goes your general audience

Critics praised TLJ too and there was always those who disliked it

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I remember dreaming how cool the new star wars movie will be and how hype I was. Woke up and it was January and I had watched it a month ago.

I never had any trust in Disney especially not after they closed down Lucasarts and throwing out the EU.

However i didnt expect to fuck up as much as they did making the prequels look like some high level art movies in comparison

I hated it from the start.

Do kids still play Pokemon? I thought it was mostly people who played as kids and never stopped playing and are now adults. Mind you, Pokemon was my biggest interest that I wouldn't shut up about for the majority of my life, but even I've been starting to get weary of it in recent years.

Also, should've mentioned, /vp/ wouldn't shut up about how, "Dexit," is gonna, "ruin," the franchise.

if you´re a casual viewer (like me) star wars 7 is the worst of the franchise since it´s a dull corporate rehash of the original

if you´re a star wars fan, the last jedi is the worst

>Do kids still play Pokemon?
It can never get back to its speak in the late 90s, but since the early 2000s, what its lost in the interest in kids, it makes up by appealing to adults who are "young at heart."

>Do kids still play Pokemon?
Yes, but the quality of the series has gotten worse due to Game Freak not giving a shit about peer review anymore since the it's the biggest IP in the world & normies will flock to it regardless.

It was acclaimed by nerds at the time because the prequels were hated. In 2016 the miasma wore off and hate began to boil.Rogue one got a lot of hate because of it.

rogue one hate was due more to muh brave pocs vs. the white empire and anti-drumph twitters from the SöySquad writing force
it and sulu are the only nuwars that don't get gassed on day of the rope

True fans like me hated it

A friend sent me a camrip when it was still in theaters, and I made it maybe twenty minutes. But I was checked out by the very first line of dialog, in which some guy says of Leia something like, "she'll always be royalty to me."
The last straw was the exchange between black stormtrooper and low-grade Han Solo with like, "it's because you need a pilot."

I thought Rogue One hate was due to people parroting what RLM said?

TLJ being indefensible emboldened a lot of people to be critical of it.

>what RLM said?
speak english doc, I don't speak millenialese
myself and my illegal wetback but based friend hated it for the drumph attacks
when anti drumph hysteria is so pronounced the invading rapists don't want to hear it....well, you get pocahontas for chief of white people 2020

No it fucking doesn't, you desperate disney cuck.
Unironically kill yourself.

>universally praised
it looks like you don't know the meaning of words


You know what I'm surprised about, the audience score for Force Awakens is still 86%.


Does anyone have any reviews or Yea Forums posts of people mindlessly praising TFA that haven't aged well?

I don't know, but they might be in

I think people were desperate for TFA to be good, which allowed them to be easily fooled by the massive marketing campaign behind it.

So many people were caught up in Star Wars mania they went into the film loving it already. I remember me and my brother-in-law and my nephew, big OT fans, walking thinking it was just okay.

The movie starts
>The Star Wars theme sounds like complete shit
>The font is wrong (even JJ admitted they fucked up)
>"Luke Skywalker has vanished."
Any sane person would have realized this film had nothing going for it from the beginning.

Attached: sw-force-awakens-movie-screencaps.com-5.png (1920x800, 1.17M)

Rogue One was worse

Disney had this fucking franchise and the fans by the balls mindlessly ready to consume any product they would put out when they bought SW and completely killed that excitement in 5 fucking years. That's impressive.

I don't think it's only those things.

It's the matter of JJ redoing ANH (without understanding why those things worked in ANH and why it didn't for TFA), it's the fact that he also speeds along the story by doing contrivances, so that the film is moving too fast for the average viewer to think about it. Why does Finn leave the First Order over seeing his friend get killed (and want to get far away from the war) but then is quick to kill other First Order troopers without any reluctance? Don't ask! There's a lot going on! Look, More Mysteries!

See this is what amazes me. It's one thing for them to fuck up the Muppets and then quietly try to shelve them. It's a whole different thing for them to fuck up a franchise with an enormous fanbase, getting them mad or disinterested enough to hurt sales on other things.

I think another thing that most people don't realize is how much of a rushjob the production of the movie was. They got Michael Ardt to write the first draft of Episode 7 but they threw it out when JJ came along (who has never been a proven writer) and he re-wrote it with Lawrence (hack) Kasdan. They had to fast track this movie into production and get it made by Dec 2015 while JJ and Kathleen argued about what they wanted, and JJ got what he wanted because his production company primarily made the film.

My opinions of it haven't changed. It's a bad movie that unfortunately gets much worse on repeated viewings

I remember when the shippers and waifufags were out in full force to defend the movie. There were people on Yea Forums who loved it opening weekend, Much like the Avengers endgame, and handwaved all of it's flaws.

>Director JJ Abrams has crafted a film that is entertaining for non-Star Wars fans and is chuck full of lore and new story for the die hard fans.
>With The Force Awakens, Abrams has begun one of the most important reclamation projects of our time: the complete erasure from cultural memory of The Phantom Menace and its sequels.
>It's both nostalgic and fresh, a tender homage to, especially, the initial Star Wars ("Episode IV: A New Hope"), as well as a bridge to help those of us stuck in the splendor of Hoth edge into the future.
Holy shit.

>>With The Force Awakens, Abrams has begun one of the most important reclamation projects of our time: the complete erasure from cultural memory of The Phantom Menace and its sequels.

I wonder what that reviewer thinks now that people are claiming the sequels are so bad they made the prequels look like flawless movies.

They put a woman in charge. Not even joking, women are cancer, they destroy everything and they know they can get away with it. Just look at her, she's still there producing the new material.

Prequels were always good.
RLM drones can keep seething till the cows come home.

I've never watched. When the first thing they showed was this frame in the trailer, I immediately realized this movie wasn't for me.

Attached: John-Boyega-Star-Wars-The-Force-Awakens.jpg (1200x900, 69K)

Yes. It was pretty much universally loved and all the TLJ pissbabies like to rewrite history to say otherwise.

These first few lines are the moment you realise its absolute shit.

>everything is back to the way it was and its just strong empire vs weak rebels again lol and the bad guys have a superweapon

This movie FEELS like a Star Wars movie, and has enough throwbacks to the OT that it makes you feel good when you first watch it.
But it's a cheap trick, every time you go back to it, it gets worse than the time before. Things like writing, characters, the undoing of the OT, the overemphasis on plot instead of story, all become much more visible once the nostalgia wave has crested.
>An underdog for a villain
>A mary sue protagonist
>wasted potential on the storm trooper character
>Undoing of the OT
Everything crumbles.
It's a movie that can be watched once, and never returned to. Whereas the previous 6 SW films can be revisited many times and new elements/layers can be found, this one leaves nothing left to be discovered once the superficial analysis is done.

TLJ was much better than TFA imo

No one likes it now. It goes to show you how easily people are manipulated and how we can only know quality by the test of time.

So TLJ has the potential to live on as a misunderstood masterpiece?

Wouldn't surprise me desu.

>but for some reason was a darling with the critics

The Mouse: "Hey, Mr Critic Man, you want to come to the screenings for the next Marvel "Girls Do Everything Better" movie, so you can be one of the select few to get the first reviews out? You better sell Star Wars for us."

Film review has been paid advertising for a long time. Wake up. That's why I ignore critics, they're the biggest whores, in an industry of whores, in a town of whores. They love their access to the stars and important screenings and red carpet events, of course everything Disney does is perfect. And the best part, for Disney? It's not even illegal.

I remember when I saw the trailer, I thought "Hmm...a Stormtrooper breaking his conditioning and going rogue/awol could be really interesting, get a glimpse of what that side is like" - didn't even care that he was black.

And then watched as they did nothing with it. His character has no impact on the story, and he exists to suck the ass of Poe.

Rich: Do you need any kind of training to use the Force? Any?
Jay: [Kylo] has training.
Rich: She dudn't.
Jay: Well we don't know where...
Rich: Neither did Luke in Empire... Well the minor training, he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
Jay: And then he went back for his training in Jedi and Yoda just died immediately.
Mike: Yes, can I point out that this is, we are now back to real Star Wars.
Rich: Yep.
Mike: There is never any bullshit about... The only thing that Yoda says is that he's too old to begin the training, that's all. But really, it's more like, okay, I've taught you a couple things, how to levitate stuff, how to do this, your real training is confronting Darth Vader, blah blah blah blah blah, and this it's kind of the same thing, it's not the stupid prequel idea of "we have to get you when you're one, and you have to stand there with a thing over your head holding a lightsaber..
Jay: In a room full of other children.
Mike: In a room full of other children
Jay: That are as close as we are now, with lightsabers.
Mike: Yes, it's not a literal training, it's not an academy of little kids in a classroom, like the stupidity of George Lucas' ideas in the prequels.

The things that make TFA a bad film don’t ruin the tone if you aren’t a hardcore SW fan. I’m a causal and nothing that happened in TFA offended me because I watched it for laser swords and pew pew. But because TLJ was so fucking bad it made people like me reevaluate the ST movies with a different lens. I think I can’t still go back to TFA and watch it without being mad but now I’ll never stop thinking about how hack the world building is and how much stupid shit Rian had to contend with that JJ didn’t properly flesh out. That being said I still blame Rian for TLJ and KK for just winging the new movies instead of plotting a course.

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History will not be kind to Kathleen Kennedy, and that gives me a certain sense of satisfaction.
The only disappointment is nobody will be honest about it, that she was too busy accepting awards for having a vagina, than overseeing the development of the biggest IP in Western history. Her picture should be used to illustrate the word "hubris" in every dictionary published.

The irony is that the demo Kathleen desperately wanted, young girls, completely ignore Star Wars, and especially Rey. Rey was supposed to be the new role model, the new perfect woman, and...nothing.

Every girl under 15 in my large extended family is into Frozen, or Harry Potter. Yes, Kathleen, traditional girls, and a boy. Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE FUN. Star Wars isn't fun. It's plodding, jumbled, nonsensical garbage.

"The Force Is Female" is an insult to women. Because Kennedy and Abrams and Johnson's Force is a fucking joke.

One of the OG viral videos was the fat kid with the mop video of him being Darth Sidius. The prequels had an impact on kids, and they sold billions in toys from them.

TLJ feels like a postmodern take on Star Wars by a hipster manchild douchebag who never liked Star Wars in the first place. Even if you legitimately enjoyed and were invested in TFA the movie insulted you as a paying audience member for doing so. Not only should Star Wars never be deconstructed because Lucas never intended SW to be that type of story, it's a shit deconstruction that ruins everything: the PT, the OT, and even TFA. Also
>Rian only wrote one draft and shot that as the movie.

>the overemphasis on plot instead of story
How do you mean user? Not enough character moments?

>One of the OG viral videos was the fat kid with the mop video of him being Darth Sidius.

You mean Darth Maul

It had an impact on pop culture in general. People were making fun of and referencing the prequels for years. The PT stuff was all over the fucking place in terms of merchandise and people are unironically nostalgic for it now. Even if people hated the PT, it still made money and they still liked Star Wars in general.

I don't think kids like Star Wars now anyways.

Worse, they didn't give Rey any motivation or backstory to hang on. Poor desert girl picks trash - ooh, robot, have to run now because...reasons? She goes from boring nobody to the focal point of the film, who has things happen to her. It's just bad writing. JJ just wanted his own Falcon set to play on and take selfies on, he never has and never will care about science fiction, story telling, or Star Wars. He shit on Star Trek just as badly. The only thing worse would be if they gave a Star Trek movie to Rian Johnson.

I just want to know why Abrams is now the go to guy for tentpole science fiction.

This. The prequels might not have been a "creative" success, but they sure as fuck succeeded in revitalizing the Star Wars world and it's adaptations and allowed a new generation of kids to get interesting in the world. Even if a lot of it was driven through video games and toys.

The only people who are interested in the nu-Wars movies are the 30 year old brand slaves and people with a political agenda.

I've always said that NuWars was made for prequel haters. They are responsible for the current Disney dogshit.

Yes. Based.

You know, people focus a lot on how hyperspace ramming ruins the franchise, but oddly, so does Superleia. Because if the Force can be used for levitation, that might've come in handy once or twice before, like when Mace Windu was thrown out a window...


At our school it was more about LOTR

She always was second to big directors and producer. This was her big break. Finally only she was in charge of everything to blast to "old white men" with their superiour executive skills.

And now after TFA. TLJ, RO, and Basedlo, she's nowhere to be found. What happened to all that "Star Wars isn't for men anymore" bullshit she was spouting a few years ago? I guess they want the manbabies to come back for Rise of Skywalker that badly.

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She is focussing on Disney+ Star Wars. She let the talented nerds produce and direct this time and will take the credit for it afterwards. Im pretty sure Mandalorian will be a fanboys wetdream.

All I could think while watching it was that I'd seen it before. That said it was alright.

i had fun the first time that i watched it, i thought that finn was going to be the jedi, rey the mechanic/engineer and poe the pilot but it turned out so much worse

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The Sequels are inferior KotORs.
TFA tries to be a best-hits love letter to the franchise, like KOTOR 1
TLJ tries to be a thought-provoking deconstruction, like KOTOR 2
It's just neither has any actual sustenance, unlike KOTOR.

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Well the Mandalorian, Cassian, and Obi-Wan series all star men so I guess Disney finally tore KK a new vag. I really think Disney gets a lot of shit for how Lucasfilm is running Star Wars and I think they’re trying to get things reorganized without causing a huge scene right off the bat. KK has definitely been threatened and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that’s Dave Filoni got tasked with live action Star Wars right as Disney realized the mess that was going on in there.

How fucking weird is it that Poe and Rey never officially meet until the very end of TLJ when everyone is dead?

For a "trio", they're not a trio.

Are you kidding me? She pops up every week getting another "You have a vagina, you win!" trophy.

New fans stopped coming as soon as Clone Wars was cancelled, working around kids and it's super noticeable, they LOVED Clone Wars, don't care about the new movies.

Reminder that this is part of the Star wars universe.

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Plot is literally what happens.
Story is what is actually happening underneath.
So in ANH the climax of the plot is when Luke blows up the death star, but the climax of the plot is when Luke turns off the targeting computer and puts his trust in the Force; it's a moment of character development and growth.
In LotR the climax of the plot is when the ring is destroyed, but the climax of the story is when Frodo gets on the ship for the Grey Havens and smiles because he finally fully overcomes the power of the ring in that moment.
These new star wars movies are more about the plot points or to produce a specific moment/scene, and then they try to convolute their way around so that they hit all those specific points.

OTfag autism has resulted in movies that have ruined the original story and characters more than the prequels and special editions could have ever hoped to.

>Yes, can I point out that this is, we are now back to real Star Wars.