This is the last good MCU movie, prove me wrong

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More like only good MCU movie. And it's a 7/10 at best.

That was shit

Where is my black widow trailer MCU chads

7/10 is the definition of good

Infinity War was the last good Marvel film and you know it. It was perfect

Infinity War was the last good one. The Winter Soldier and Iron Man 1 are still the best ones.

IW was worse than The Last Jedi, the only reason Yea Forums shills like it it's because loads of people "die" in the end. Pathetic.

The first half of Iron Man 1 (before he gets the suit) is the last good MCU flick.

Iron Man is one of the most overrated flicks of the last decade

Why are Cap, Fury, and Widow not looking at Winter Soldier who is RIGHT BEHIND THEM?

I hate Phase 2 and 3 and IW was definitely better than the shitstain that was TLJ. The execution was poor but storywise, it was decent. Endgame was a lot better due to the first half. After they go back in time, it gets generic as fuck though. The first half of Endgame was what I wanted ever since Phase 1. It actually showed that the characters had emotions

The new spiderman was surprisingly kino though. But yeah those are the only three good ones.


>7/10 is the definition of good
Duh, that comment is illustrating that the heights of Marvel films are only just good and nothing exceptional

It really wasn't that good

1)Infinity War
2)Civil War
3)Winter Soldier
4)Dr. Strange
If you have a problem with this then fight me


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Exactly, they are usually trash and some of them are good, nothing more and nothing less.

The most overrated superhero movie ever

>After Alien invasions and space elves trying to conquer the Nine realms the best story they could come up with was "what if Nazis tried to kill many people with helicarriers?"

>Even then it would have been acceptable if it didn't take itself so seriously, despite the overall lower stakes (seriously who the fuck cares about Hydra, Asgard could conquer Earth if they wanted to)

>Poorly edited and coreographed fight scenes

>Super interesting enemies like "cop" or "guy with gun" or "guy in a suit" or "french guy"

>Steve Rogers was super boring

>Who gives a shit about Bucky

Infinity War was a terrible fucking movie filled with shitty plot, bad acting, film-school tier cinematography, and cringy dialogue.

Sorry I meant the Dr Strange movie

You're talking about Endgame. It was a disappointment as a film, and an okay sign-off for the OG Avengers.

I'd go with Endgame, but that's because of Infinity War.

>green screen rubber man vs thanos and whoever the fuck
yea no thanks

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The only based poster in this thread

Why is Iron Man 1 held in such high esteem? I genuinely dont understand

Guardians is the only good MCU movie

Dr. Strange is literally the most generic move in the MCU alongside Captain Marvel. Shitty generic love interest, villain with no motivation beyond evil, protagonist masters magic that typically takes years to learn, etc.

Replace Dr. Strange with Iron Man or Black Panther.

infinity saga happened

Because it is the only one of these pieces of shit that resembles and actual movie.

The only good MCU movie is Doctor Strange

>Guardians of Reddit
time to hang yourself, not gonna bother with the rest of your awful list

Reddit-tier list.

Wasn't even that good. It was just the least shitty movie they made in years