Hero in a bar

>hero in a bar
>some redneck tries to start a fight with him

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>Character says something completely mundane
>inserts a random pause before a word to make it sound like he's using it ironically

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>redneck looks just like your dad

You havent been out in the countryside have you?


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>hero in a bar
>redneck is so ridiculously drunk that he thinks that the hero is a hot woman and buys the hero and his friends drinks
>when the redneck realizes that the hero is a man he shows homemade porn starring himself to prove that he’s not gay and spends the rest of the night talking about past sexual conquests
I’m 6’3 and don’t have long hair or anything, I don’t know what he was thinking.

>if the flick was made after 2016, the redneck always has a knockoff maga hat

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>hero in the store
>some white guy starts to rob the store

>female hero in bar
>redneck tries to be friendly and comolements her
>she calls him a misagonistic swine and threatens to break his arm
>whole cinema is clapping

There not talking about real life, it's a Hollywood stereotype where a redneck decides to hassle the protagonist.

>yfw you realize this is just a fantasy written by a liberal who got side eyed at a country bar

>actor portrays a drunk character by slurring his speech in an exaggerated manner

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But this is exactly what happens in real life

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Unironically based

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Why did they call him "fish boy" when they were legitimately impressed and hyped to meet him

>wealthy black couple is walking down the street when they get accosted by a multicultural gang consisting of a white guy, a Hispanic, and an Asian

>white guy robs a black businessman in broad daylight

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Why do gringos have the worst taste in black girls, you should learn from us mexichads

The South is rising right now, if you know what I mean about the erection in my pants right now which is ocurring below aka south of my computer.

aren't you guys literally a race of people formed out of cuckery?

I cant follow

>The cops shoot the black man

LMFAO I hope this is true

Friendly Banter.

no he is right
weak mexigens died and spanichads replaced them resulting in a more chad population

I mean the ass is fat af my nigga

My redneck bretheren are coningn to help stoph the uprising osf the white men loking to make friends with niggers. WE msujt sotpe the niggters atl all costsnervermore will wrt havcce a thousand years of racemixing gnerreartionas. isn ot what my ancestorses diesesd fro.

>Be Australian
>Visit America
>All the cunts that are rude, stupid or flat out aggressive are in cities
>Rural people are so ridiculously nice I'm almost suspicious they have some kind of ulterior motive but they never do
Why did movies lie to me like this?

fair enough, mexibros are alright with me.

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are your fingers too fat to type?

Rural burger here. Living in cities seems to make people go nuts.

I hope you enjoyed your trip!

how did he do it?!

paid for 4k netflix

what a madman
I wouldn't go this far

What? I'm gonna need an example

It is. He was like 46 and a very strange hybrid between douchebag and bro.

Let me guess, you're white.

>be Australian
nice guess, Madamme Fortune

>detective in a bar
>"leave the bottle"
>buying a full bottle of spirits at bar prices

The dukes of hazard was a mistake


Listen you chicano cocksucker, your people are a joke, you are the epitome of what a "bitch" is.
In your own country you're the cartel's bitch. In the US you're the white man's bitch, you fucked yourselves over by sucking up to cartel's and their human trafficking schemes, and when you move to other countries people use your asses for cheap labor without any of the benefits that workers should have.
You're a disgrace and the chicano bitches trying to insert their dumbass gringo ideals of muh genderless language into south america are the result of being raised by a wimpy indio who can't even stand up for their country, hiw the fuck are bitches that barely speak spanish trying to tell us (southamericans) how to talk? Fuck no, should have taught them to stick to their lanes, but you chicano cucks are afraid of your women for some reason.
Imagine being the bitch of the white man's bitch, cause they ain't fucking you guys, they be looking for some negro or caucasoid dick. You're a disgrace

>hero in a beer
>"gimmie a "beer""
Is this a thing in the states? In Ireland the bartender would probably serve somebody else if you don't specify a brand.

Why would he need more beer if he's in one already?

Kinda hot in a weird way (no homo)

source of autism girl i cant find vid

Who is this fluid druid?

wow who would think

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Comfy as hell.

That's when you don't even care anymore.
Once was at a bar and a dude there didn't speak our language. Because I understood a bit I suddenly was the translator.
He bought a whole bottle of Jack Daniels for like 40 bucks or so (the bottle wasn't even full anymore) and started talking about life and other stuff.
At the end I was completely hammered and they found the dude I don't even know anymore, either later that night or the next morning sleeping on a bus stop (he had an apartment here).

5'5 manlet COPEING

I mean, I moved to the absolute fucking BFE of Georgia from SoCal and now I live in central Texas, and the most shit anyone has ever given me was in Georgia when people would find out I was from California and get worked up about how I was a yankee, which never went past people breaking your balls and then you break theirs and you have a beer and you move on (because both of you hate fucking North Easterners, especially goddamned New Yorkers).

Seems more like you can't handle the bantz, or maybe you're black or something.

>yuppie urbanites cant even recognize banter, let alone handle it

>He was the biggest Mexican anyone had ever seen. 5'9, maybe 5'10.

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I'm a 5'10" skinny manlet dude that's been to every "dangerous" redneck bar I've been told not to go to and wound up having a great time at all of them. It's a stereotype to demonize the south, and people fell for it.

>white guy is irrational, violent and dumb
>black guy is calm, rational and intelligent

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It's probably just to get around copyright or some legal shit, but yeah this always bothered me too.

>cuts to them having sex

"Beer" is just american slang for "piss".

>asks the whereabouts of a guy named "Ritchie"
>nobody seems to know Ritchie's whereabouts

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>random redneck violence never happens
You are obviously a huge pussy that didn't get his ass beat because you got on your knees and begged for mercy.

You just described people starting beef with you, you stupid shit. All you did was prove op right.

Is this mini-Rey?

I know you think this post made sense, which makes it even more interesting.

no, some youtube autism girl

Autistic girl from an autism awareness video. She tried to become edgy and got covered in tattoos from head to toe, but she was still a sperg so now she’s just doing the same old sperg shit again.

>starting beef
either 'tism or melanin

Not him but that actually hurt my feelings:(

>Villain talks to protagonist
>"Your friends were quite eager to sell you out after some .... persuasion.

You described that terribly, it's literally just an insinuation.


black "men" are SEETHING at this below average white man getting exactly what he wants

Is that Ciara?