Does this still matter?
Does this still matter?
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it never did
Idris Elba
Yes, having one can mean an actor or actress have access to better roles and pay.
Best actor still has some cache. They may not always make the right choices but the best actor award has always been given to someone that gave a great performance
like that kid with weird eyes?
nice dubs, tripnigger.
Somewhat, there are certain categories as of late that have lost their value whereas in some others they usually make good choices. Here are the ones that have essentially lost most if not all merit:
Best Actor
Best Picture
Best Visual Effects
Best Animated Feature
Best Adapted Screenplay
no good movies whole year means shit movies and actors get oscars by default
so it only matters when the competition has meant something that year
none of the awards millionaires give each other matter
Yes, and until further notice, it will for a long time.
its just a fancy buttplug at this point
Depends on if the piece of dogshit I like wins or not
kubrick was a hack
user the real award was and always will be the friends we made along the way
Everyone knows the Palme d'Or and the Leone d'Or are more coveted
When the first post is also the best one
If the winner is a nobody it can help their career, but if it’s another Meryl Streep type of thing then it’s just more ass kissing.
Did the other Emmy thread get pruned?
If you mean the /ecg/ thread than yes.
You can add cinematography to the list too when Academy put an add over that award in the last one.