All I'm gonna do is snip it a bit so it looks... bigger
All I'm gonna do is snip it a bit so it looks... bigger
Other urls found in this thread:
>Write a multi-million dollar broadway musical where the villain's whole motivation is to circumcise the village's women and he's evil and must be stopped
>Write a cartoon where it tries to say male circumcision is a good thing completely straight and without any irony
>female and male circumcision is the same
How many people in America are circumcised? Are none jews circumcised?
Almost everybody is cut and clean here. We don’t want to spread diseases in the first world.
Yeah, you're right. The foreskin has approximately 20,000 nerve endings whereas the clitoris has approximately 8,000.
Not exactly on the same level even though both are wrong.
>americans will defend this
>You can't circumcise boys!
most types of female mutilation are actually less invasive than the most used type of circumcision
you can't argue that proponents of circumcision DON'T say this kinda stuff. Regardless of whether Matt & Trey believe that (they probably do), would you expect the Rabbi to say anything else?
Imagine having a mutilated dick.
>take my foreskin, Jews. I don't need pleasure!
>we have to circumcise boys
>Americans are so unhygienic, that it is easiet to just mutilate the penises of the male population
>yes please mutilate my dick david GREATEST ALLY
If you can't get pleasure with a cut dick you aren't trying hard enough.
Wow, props to all the babies that care about diseases that much
>be American
>have to leave a tip even at birth
just a reminder that jews covered up the fact that circumsision in infants cause such pain that it cause irreparable change to the frontal lobe to a developing brain
Americans, Jews and Muslims are all crazy, murderous people due to circumcision
>muh oppressed womyn
Whiteknight harder.
>I can still get pleasure, what does it matter if it's a fraction of what is possible?
>he hasn't burnt out his dopamine receptors by age 20
that doesn't really happen unless you do meth or something. otherwise you're just naturally downregulating yourself by doing the same bullshit over and over. you can't fool yourself.
>the middle east and north africa
no wonder they are eternally pissed off
Australia isn't close to that high anymore and hasn't been for like three decades.
>I'm an MRA! Circumcision bad! Divorce laws and what about homelessness and suicide rates! Men are the REAL oppressed people, ESPECIALLY white men!
americans, doesn't the fact that you are on par with literal sandniggers sound any alarm bells in your brain?
christ, my sides are nowhere to be found
Americans like to show off how progressive they are by cutting baby cocks. I mean if you say male children are being mutilated by the system at birth that denigrates feminism and we can't have that
i mean that does sound valid
yeah same as Canada, or at least the French speaking part of it
it's pretty much just the US, particularly the midwest and East coast
Based dick expert
>this children mutilation is completely different and justifiable unlike this other children mutilation
Americans, everyone
I saw a similar image once (or maybe the same image) in one of these threads. Searched and it turned out to be inaccurate.
>south korea
based mutts exporting dickcutting to all their colonies
I didn't know I was circumcised until I was 19. I grew up thinking it was only for Jews and Muslims and I assumed if I was that someone would have told me.
the acceptance of circumcision in modern america is proof normies are sociopathic and can be made to think anything is normal. even cutting baby dicks. that sounds absurd when you type it out yet here we are. cutting baby dicks.
Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity
Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties
Circumcision linked to alexithymia
The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission
Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence
There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV
Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure
Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis
Circumcision policy is influenced by psychosocial factors rather than alleged health benefits
Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae
Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue
Circumcision has negligible benefit
Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma
Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life
Circumcision linked to psychological trauma
Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior
>cutting genitals is only bad if it happens to one gender
No. The civilized world lives without doing either.
Wait, it actually is the Jews this time.
Working class men are unironically the most oppressed; suicides, workplace fatalities, dying in endless wars, working class men are the most disposable people on the planet. However directing your hate at women and not the rich and powerful is fucking stupid.
Heheh nice.
this but unironically
>this time
It'd be nice if just one time it wasn't them.
the fury that burns through our veins knows no bounds
we are assembling an army
in the end, Hitler will seem merciful
Yeah, but at least in this instance there's no argument about it.
There's never any argument about it outside it's somehow antisemitic to point out when Jews are fucking people over.
>there's no argument except for this argument
Nigga, don't sully our agreeable posts with dopey crap.
It's not an argument is the point though.
thank goodness those sexy babies aren't spreading STDs now that you saved them from their foreskins.
Oh my god I had no idea it was this bad. I at least hope that the poor mutilated anons wont do the same to their kids.
Nobody missed the point. You've ruined this.
This thread is anti-Semitic and moderators should take it down.
>Americans at the same level as Africans
Based South Korea
Do you understand circumcision is prevalent in America because christian beliefs, which are dated back to the Puritans, that it prevents masturbation?
There were few hundred jews at best in America at that time, and they had no power whatsoever
t. yahudi
Based sourceposter.
>the jews didn't do it I swear!
>Men are the REAL oppressed people, ESPECIALLY white men!
>women control 85% of all consumer spending
Cry more leftshit.
>muh ad hominem
great debating skills
christianity is created by jews you dumbfuck
god's son the messiah is a jew, jews are "god's chosen people", israel is "god's chosen land", one of the deadly sins is to "covet thy rich neighbor's sheckles"
>women control 85% of all consumer spending
you mean protestants right david you know that weird strain of puritanism that only happend in your controlled nation
all marketing is catered to women
>”I’m going to remove around 50 percent of the shaft skin”
>”This makes it bigger!”
Isn’t this what Phillipinos actually believe?
>more ad hominem
>didn't even bother reading the source I provided
Do you even know the origins of protestanism you inbred shitskin? And no, i don't support genital mutilation, in fact i'm very much against it
America at the same level as Africa. kek, and you guys say they don't belong there, seems you share the same level of being retarded though
based nippon
I don't believe Israel is a legitimate state
I don't believe in /pol/ jewish conspiracies
With that out of the way, why the fuck would anyone circumcise their sons. Why not just wait until they're old enough to decide by themselves?
Does circumcision cause violence? The only countries that practice it are america and the islamic world which both have some of the most violent cultures on earth, probably causes intense homophobia and sexism too.
Based wronged jew looking to improve the world
i can’t be bothered with jewish death cult origins
nothing more powerful and dangerous than a jew done dirty by his own tribe
Will Harward Business Review enough?
Especially loved this part
>Women feel vastly underserved
Followed by
>Women make the decision in the purchases of 94% of home furnishings…92% of vacations…91% of homes… 60% of automobiles…51% of consumer electronics
Fucking patriarchy, revolution now, amirite?
Depends on the generation, but the average is about 2/3
It's less common with the younger generations now.
only whitebois and negros are. most spics like myself aren't
checked and fucking keked
so natives fall for it but the newvommers don’t intresting
The south park episode was anti-circumcision. The moyl is exposed as a charlatan.
At the end all the kids are in agreement it's great and two more of them are going to get their dicks mutilated in the coming weekend.
Why are STDs more prevalent in countries that circumcise?
cut dicks are dry and skin rips
t. yuro that had to get it later on life because of cancer
I guess I forget that most people with significant amounts of disposable income are actually married couples
Proofs that “the Jews“ covered it up
Spectacular post
Interesting. Can I get a couple of sources?
Why do pol trannies cry about circumcision when they themselves cut their whole dicks off?
Because a half cut dick makes no sense, cut it all off or leave it all on
The skin under the foreskin is like the inside of your mouth. Foreskin actually protects from diseases like herpes.
>it was the cereal guy, not us who made it this way
Isn’t having your urethra close also an effect?
Circumcision in the US had little to do with Jews. It was introduced by John Harvey Kellogg who was Christian and puritanical
There is little correlation between level of Jews and circumcision. South Korea had one of the highest rates in the world (higher than US) and no Jews while France has the worlds 3rd largest Jewish population and virtually no circumcision
Fucking cerealists.
Maybe that stop being low IQ monkeys
Why is this post making the trannys seethe
>Hitler was leftist degenerate
Stop the fucking presses. What gave that away? His alliance with non-whites against Europeans?
Why not eat less food
>Coming into a circumcision thread and posting this
Just in case any had any doubt at all it was JIDF posting these images
you don't even need to thrust uncut?
That argument is not good in the face of nearly three quarters of divorce rates and women making less money than men on the average.
en literally waste their lives away so that women can spend it.
Vacations, home furnishings, homes, these are things that often get the women's final say but both enjoy and use.
>4 pages worth
Take your meds
>all these new niggers who didn’t hear this joke years ago
Horrible delivery, but this really is the ultimate Amerifat joke
How the fuck do you not notice you have no foreskin covering the head of your penis?
Imagine being pro-circumcision. Imagine rejecting Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
this thread is proof that this board is full of uncircumcised incels
very based & uncut
Most of us are because of John Harvey Kellogg's influence. Faggot thought about other men's dicks so much he successfully influenced America.
Hahaha, look at South Korea, they're that desperate to emulate burgers that they'll even circumcise themselves.
he's actually a signoparean neet that can't help himself looks like this thread proves he's cut aswell
>This fucking thread again
male circumcision is worse
Imagine being triggered by nazi tranny posting
>higher than muslim albania and bosnia
so white males are not allowed to have problems? ok I get it. what race are you and have you payed your privilege yet? is one demographic not allowed to have problems? how does this work?
>There were few hundred jews at best in America at that time
That's all you need.
>why yes i mutilate my cock
>still manages to cull europe and kill catholics
>working hand in hand with jewish power
>no television or movie discussion whatsoever
>get into argument with jew
>say circumcision is same as FGM
I cannot think of anything more revolting that Jose’s uncut brown slimy dong
And you should kill yourself retard
>not all americans
There is a world of difference between an adult choosing to mutilate their own genitals, and a parent mutilating their child's genitals immediately after they are born.
The irony is that it doesn't. The few circumcised male penises I've seen live were tiny and attached to fat, unhygienicslobs.
Based trans ally
>how much levels of obsessed are you on
>watch this
Good goy! I need to eat your sons' foreskins more!
Foreskin is bigger retard
>disfiguring any child is ok as long as the parent is paying
Oy vey.
Why would anyone waste time crying about something that cant be fixed? Grow up retard.
Protip: If you want to be take seriously, stop calling circumcision "genital mutilation "
>Why would anyone care about anyone but themselves
>Grow up and let people chop up babies dick it's 2019
What a pathetic little cumstain you are.
>stop calling a spade a spade
I don't care about you. I didn't really want to be your friend. So maybe, I think you're a fool, I think you're a tool.
Sorry didn't realize you were a pedo.
somewhat based, maybe redpilled
Calm down. Its obvious you're not interested in intellectual integrity. You are anti circumcision so you can look up naked babies online.
>Its obvious you're not interested in intellectual integrity.
How the fuck did Jews ever win an argument? This is barely a coherent point.
I am from quebec and literally only jews and anglophones get circumsised.
Who cares.
This episode pissed me off so much. Based chef telling the kids how messed up it is
True, I was in a hospital when the doctor tell a fat Mexican couple they want to circumcise their newborn and they started laughing out loud.
This is the exact same thing Nigerian women with type 1 FGM have said to me. Its female genital modification now.
Yeah, but circumcision is perpetuated by the urologists of the AAP saying that the benefits outweigh the risks. One such urologist is Andrew Freedman, a Jewish man who circumcised his own damn son. How does that not present a conflict of interest?
I never saw this episode
bruh moment
>/pol/faggots are scared and confused that we're tired of their bullshit and we're fighting back
It basically goes like this
>Ike is having his bris soon (because Jewish people make it an entire ceremony, and in some Hasidic groups the rabbi still sucks the penis)
>The kids ask chef if he’s gonna come, and he says he won’t because he can’t stand to see a kid get mutilated
>they ask him what he means and he asks them to research it on their own time and make their own opinion
>Kyle comes back shocked and tells the other kids they’re gonna cut ike’s Penis off
>Kyle puts Ike on a train and makes a meat puppet to fake Ike to his parents
>a dog grabs the meat and runs, and everyone thinks Ike is dead
>at the funeral Kyle finds out Ike is canadian and disowns him and tells his parents he’s in Nebraska
>when the mohel comes, Ike is too scared and goes to Kyle
>Kyle realizes he loves his brother and defends him, saying he doesn’t want his penis cut
>the mohel says the line in the OP sand Stan and cartman decide they want to be circumcised too
The B plot is the mr Mackey “drugs are bad, m’kay?” Shit
that makes it worse you stupid mutt
I'm sorry your parents and your country chose to hurt you and that you will never be real man. don't take it out on your kids, your DNA is going to give them a bad enough time as it is.
We know you're the same person, cringe.
whenever someone adds “clean” after anything just take it to the bank that they are trying to manipulate you. People who want you to shave your beard, despite having a beard being natural for a man, say the same thing. “Don’t you want to be clean shavin?”
>tfw girls always prefer cut because "it looks better/i read its healthier"
What the fuck do you say to that without pulling a bunch of graphs and shit without looking like a sperg?
>caring what women think
shavin is shirt for “shaving” nice try jew
I wasnt circumcised bro. You need to stop obsessing over dicks it's really weird.
>Denmark 10-19%
>USA 70-79%
>South Korea 90-100%
Fuck the Jews.
your vagina has eyes?
>both greta threads racing to bumplimit
holy shit can it be contained
>how to spot newfags, the post
Tell them that foreskin is a part of the body, and ask them, would you want someone removing your pinky just because they thought it looked better? If they say yes, never talk to that person again
You guys sure do like talking about dicks, huh?
>im just going to cut off part of your body because fuck evolution
I though jews were supposed to be the smart ones
We know you're the same seething samefag m8.
We're sorry your dick got mutilated lad.
I'm a cut American, but circumcision needs to go. Besides desensitizing the head, it causes a massive release of cortisol that almost certainly has an adverse effect on the baby's development.
What do you guys think Schlomo does with the American tips he collects? I was always curious of this.
hangs them on his wall with pics of the babies like that whore who has a wall full of cum filled condoms
puts them into creams and stem cell research so he and his buddies can live forever
My mom put my foreskin in a jar and when I found out what circumcision is she took it out and showed it to me. She called it her "trophy".
I'm not jewish btw. My mom claims she got me circumcised because the doctor insisted yet she is somehow proud enough of her choice to keep my dick skin in a jar.
>There were few hundred jews at best in America at that time, and they had no power whatsoever
the primary figure involved in victorian evangelizing for circumcision was a british zionist who was encouraged to spread the practice to the anglophone world by a community of london orthodox jews he studied whom he deemed to be 'healthy'. not only that, but he specifically went for encouraging the most extreme form of male circumcision (ultra-metzitzah) only found among those niche jewish communities. there are four or five degrees of male circumcision and the one practiced in the usa to this day is still this form, the most extreme one of them all. the biblical circumcision practised in roman times (milah) only involved cutting off the loose bit of skin at the end of the glans
was it Dr. Goldstein?
they make it into facial creams for pic related
Also you forgot to mention that jews don't fiev a fuck about gentiles dicks being circumcised or not to begin with
Isn't that the guy that started the whole Protestant-Catholic conflict, and caused the deaths of tens of millions europeans? Wow so based
>tfw fat hambeasts always prefer cut because "it looks better/i read its healthier"
healthy Euro girls find mutilated dicks disgusting.
I never bothered to find out his name, but he was probably a jew. Whenever I see the foreskin Jar when I visit home I can't help but feel an immense rage build inside me.
It's obvious your not interested in penile integrity.
Imagine unironically considering that removing the protective shield around any hypersensitive part of the body is healthy LMAO
Apply that thought process to any other body part. Eyelids? Ears? Hey boy might if I cut off your lips and cheeks so the inside of your mouth is constantly exposed to the elements?
It's meant to restrict COOMING, they do it improve productivity at the risk of the person's health. There's no other conceivable reason.
The AIDS 'studies' get debunked every time (((someone))) posts them, they're shit, don't even think about it. Ask HQ for new tricks.
You do know that what you're doing is transparent...right?
Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity
Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties
Circumcision linked to alexithymia
The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission
Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence
There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV
Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure
Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis
Circumcision policy is influenced by psychosocial factors rather than alleged health benefits
Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae
Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue
Circumcision has negligible benefit
Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma
Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life
Circumcision linked to psychological trauma
Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior
Source about that "british zionisit"?
This isn't fucking funny
I get that Jews and Muslims get circumcised. They used to live in a desert climate, with little opportunity to bathe. So they preemptively removed a body part that could likely cause an infection.
But nowadays the availability of hygiene is the best it has ever been and should make circumcisions obsolete
>article showing that trannies are psychotic murderers
dont know if you thought this one through shlomo
>women love uncircumcised men so we should cut everyone's foreskin off so I don't get cucked
Why are jews so afraid of getting cucked? Did the guy who made up their shit religion get cucked and add circumcision in as a means to prevent it from happening again?
Runs in the blood, I guess.
Every woman I’ve ever heard say doesn’t like uncut dick was an irredeemable vapid whore (one of which actually wanted to fuck me lmao)
Anyone I’ve been in an actual loving relationship with didn’t care
>stop calling the unnecessary removal of healthy human tissue mutilation
It’s up to you to judge trannies. Doesn’t mean Hitler wasn’t a tranny tho
>more than billion people worldwide are circumcised
>majority of whom aren't jews
>waaaah muh jews
severely overrated. its true but /pol/ has been making this exact joke for years. and if /pol/ is doing it its probably much older.
It’s not the Jews fault your mutt parents cut your sick off goblino
>how to spot mutts
Shorn you dumbasses.
It indirectly is. Not via Jewish conspiracy but because of the conflict of interest of Jewish urologists writing health reports for the AAP ain it
>Jews have immortality serum from foreskins
unless he lives in america than it litterly is
>20-80% increment to try and hide the disparity with America and other countries
Will Americans EVER recover?
>now gays are psychos too
this just keeps getting better, next you'll tell me he was a pitbull owner
There are much more stem cells in a finger than foreskin. Millions of times more. Seems inefficient
They don't cut their dicks off, they invert them and use parts to craft female-analogue anatomy
Gender reassignment surgery can be done with better results when you have a foreskin
Exquisite post
Jews didn’t invent circumcision it’s been observed in Sumeria and even Neolithic people’s
based thread
>jews, muslims and americans
all of it started with abraham
>muh jews
>I wasn't circumcized
>but it's fine trust me, goy-I mean, uh, guy
why is everyone shitting themselves over a centuries old /int/ joke? it's hilarious but you didn't come up with it. Is everyone here a newfag?
majority of the men circumcised are actually Muslims but whatever
Oh yeah South Korea is full of Jews
I mean, foreskins actually ARE used in cosmetics. It’s not just jews though
Fuck Amerimutts.
Who gives a shit what some roastie thinks?
I’ve posted one nazi tranny pic in this thread by will do it more now given how much it triggers you snowflakes =D
>What the fuck do you say to that without pulling a bunch of graphs and shit without looking like a sperg?
don't waste your time on those ameriroasties user
nope, circumcision was a common practice way before judaism was a thing
also no one told muslims and americans and koreans etc. to cut off their dicks, thy're doing it of their own accord and justifications
Very progressive
this, male circumcision is unarguably worse.
>be american
>tip your doctor
has been around since forever
That's actually true though, why so upset?
christianity is a jewish religion
Prosthetic vaginas to sell to tranny nazis
That her pleasure or satisfaction is not a concern
Pol thinks that hey make immortality serum to live forever and this is why they circumcise people it’s hilarious
>fighting back against opposition to child mutilation
You're like some kind of hero of social justice.
Then I don't get why they would copy something this retarded.
Next to the disparity in regulations between alcohol and cannabis.
Male circumcision of infants is one of the most bizarre acts in name of tradition still practiced today
tell them that you prefer circumcised vaginas because roast curtains are fucking disgusting and unhygienic
Prove it. Link a /pol/ thread where they're claiming that.
They claim young blood can extend someone's life, they claim foreskins are used in skin creams (they absolutely are), but they don't claim they are used to extend someone's life.
>it's hilarious but you didn't come up with it
learn to read dumbass I'm not even american
The Jews put in white coats, lied to our parents and convinced them that a desert barbarian tradition is healthy, and that God accidentally gave us extra parts that we should not off and turn into thousand dollar a bottle anti aging cream. And then they wonder why I'm a degenerate masturbation fiend who yanks it to anthropomorphic animals.
thats men's fault for being cucks
So you're a circumcised man, right? Imagine a world in which that's the natural state of your body. And there's billions of people around the globe who modify their penis by amputating the whole head
(sure that's way more extreme, but play with me here)
You yourself have a dickhead, you know there's nothing wrong with it and it brings you pleasure and it's a part of your body that belongs there. But the dickhead-remover cultists insist it's cleaner and better looking and you're crazy to not prefer it.
Would you not talk about that shit all the time? Because it's fucking insane and people walk around like it's not a big deal
This is how reality is to a man with a normal penis
I agree, they cucked when they gave women the right to vote.
Aren't countries with prevalnce of circumcision are also the most fertile tho (arab countries, africans countris and the likes)
the life extending thing gets posted but it's only for shitposting
however the cream thing is real
When did American circumcision ramp up? Grandpa told me that he wasn't circumcised but his wife (we're all christians) insisted that dad, and by extension me, get circumcised.
Chances are that the women who say they prefer circumcised dicks don't care about see anyway and just want me like me to get less pleasure, and want the cycle too continue down on the next generation.
If I have a son I am not circumcising him. I don't blame all my problems on being cut but if I can at least raise one boy with a more educated and less traumatic experience then at least I will have made a difference. Hopefully he will grow up in a world workout genital mutilation, but even if he doesn't he'll at least have been spared.
>tip the doctor
>doctor sells the tip
>doctor charges you to regenerate it
win, win, win for him
it's 50/50 places like india/nigeria are way more fertile
This gets reposted in every one of these threads with this exact image
Holy fucking reddit at al the people replying
That's because they're R-selected, not because of circumcision, you fuckwit.
World War 2, because of all the UTIs in the North African theater. Instead of promoting better hygiene, the "experts" recommended circumcision. At the time it was probably an easier sell with how many people were going home with missing limbs anyway.
Circumcision is not Christian
Your dad is a mangina.
doctors started being trained that it's proper procedure and that it's beneficial to the kid
same shit as infants now being given like 20 different vaccines at birth
Actually, it's a compromise, we let our wives decide on a lot of what to buy because it makes them happy. Having a happy wife means we're happier. Also, being in a committed long term relationship has a lot of benefits. Things that MGTOW don't get. Those people don't understand the value of having someone in your corner, even if there's a cost.
Fertility is heavily related to religiosity regardless of circumcision.
Granpa should have beat that ho and not mutilated his boy's dick.
Aw fuck, now I'm missing my sides
Like what benefits?
CIRcumcision is outlawed in the New Testament
Why yes, I like my dick uncut. How could you tell?
(((MGTOW))) is still a thing?
barely feeling your dick is an advantage bro
This explains the tranny and mental illness epidemic in America despite Euros being more lax with sexual degeneracy. Who could have known that cutting off a viable piece of a man's most sensitive organ can have life-long psychological impact.
they really got us guys
time to give the nation back to the UK
>goes to another thread to post pepe83722 and wojak9284747
Cope harder, jewdicks.
You know how scratchy things touching your bare bellend is kind of unpleasant?
Arabs must have that *every day*.
I'd be suicide bombing stuff too.
>Foreskin? What do you need threeskin for?
This could be worth looking into
tip your doctor maymay is still mildly funny, it's just the newfags who've never heard of that
joke who bother me.
Because that fucking psychopath Kellogg convinced everyone it would make their kids stop jacking off
early 20th century moot?!
There probably is truth to the idea that circumcision at birth makes it mentally more easy to decide to chop the whole thing off.
you know, except for the vast numbers of south american and thai trans women where circumcision isn't a thing
Really doubt there's any correlation there
Those countries are heavily influenced by American tourism and political influence.
Because they're retarded kids
Having someone who's got you back. Someone you can talk to honestly. Having kids is good too, it gives meaning to an otherwise pointless existence. I mean, unless you're famous and/or gifted and have the ability to shift the course of humanity, what's even the point of life other than to procreate? And if you're not a complete tool you can probably make enough money to support a family, meaning your wife doesn't have to work, she can take care of your kids. That's pretty valueble (though, yes, I am aware that without a wife/kids you wouldn't normally have this expense).
If you choose the right one, it's like living with your best friend, whom you get to have relatively risk free unprotected sex with at fairly regular intervals.
It really all depends on who you marry though.
I'm happy. Would I be happier if I had more disposable income that I could spend on whatever I wanted? I don't know, maybe, I certainly don't enjoy being told that I can't buy something I want with the money that I earned. But I would certainly be more lonely. Probably more depressed. No one would know the real me, just the facade I wear to seem like a normal person. My wife know's the real me, and loves me anyway.
He's talking about the benefits of a marriage numnuts.
Way back in the day if you heard shemale, you immediately thought of brazil or thailand. It's still a relatively new thing for America. This is not American influence
>christcucks are puppets to the jews who also created their "lord"
wow I never realized
Trannies are a basic supply/demand issue. Since they were institutionalized in America, degenerates went to countries where they could fuck them. This resulted in easy money for 3rd worlders if they became shemale. Also remember most of them still didn't lop their dicks off, they were essentially gayboys with girly features.
White men's problems don't pale in comparison to literally any other demographic. If you're a white man who isn't rich, successful and getting laid whenever something is really wrong with you. You're playing life on tutorial mode
Yes? Are you uninformed?