>cringe boomers now think this garbage is a classic movie because their friends simulator told them it was
Cringe boomers now think this garbage is a classic movie because their friends simulator told them it was
t. doesn’t like president clamp
Fuck you, I've always loved Gremlins 2. Shit's a great mockery of the infantilizing nature of televised media while relishing in the fact that it is, in itself, the very thing it makes fun of. Plus, it was just fun.
>he didn't grow up with this movie
>he didn't develop a goblin fetish from the tranny gremlin
Fucking norman
How fucking young are you to not have grown up with watching based Gremlins 2 you fucking cunt?
You think RLM suddenly introduces people to these movies just because you have shit taste?
This shit was video rental and TV certified classic. You're an absolute retard if you don't find it entertaining.
Like fucking clockwork. Whenever RLM does a video praising an older movie, this exact type of thread pops up.
Imagine biting this hard and confirming OP 100% lol
>Whenever midwest loser friend simulator does a video praising an older movie, Yea Forums suddenly gets flooded by people calling it kino
this is more accurate
"hehe le baiting they fell 4 my shitpost"
Fuck off dumbass, I was saying OP was wrong.
Both gremlins are fucking awesome and always have been
t. 30 yr old boomer
You literally come in with this boomer “how young do you have to be” bullshit, while simultaneously calling some schlock crap you watched as a kid a “video rental classic” in the ultimate boomer only 90s kids move and even confirmed you watched some youtube video telling you how good it was. You literally hit every note in the OP you reddit only 90s kid retard
You sound like a retard.
T. OP who is clearly under 20 and grew up with gay shit like Harry Potter
Except Gremlins 2 is rad as fuck and OP is trying to talk as if this wasn't a well regarded movie. I didn't need a friend simulator channel to point out why it's good you spastic.
OP had one line in his post that was based entirely on being a fucking fool. All I did was come in and give my two cents and tell it like it is. I agree with that other dude, you legitimately sound like a retard.
Fucking cope.
I wanted the gremlins to have sex with Phoebe Cates so badly
Anyone here seen The Hole? It’s a Joe Dante movie from 2009 I think. It has a fun sounding Gremlins esque plot, was just wondering what other anons thought of it
I got a damsel in distress fetish from the girls being menaced by spider gremlin.
watched it when i was 11 and loved it
Gremlins is the top kino Christmas Movie
Gremlins 2 is trash.
I'm 38 and friend simulate with RLM and a couple podcasts because I have a happy marriage with no kids whereas my friends dun goofed and married cunts who made them a couple babies each, so they have time to hang out maybe once a month. What's wrong with that?
Gizmo thinking he is Rambo is best part of both movies combined.
What podcasts user?
This guy literally sounds retarded
>popular thing mentions X
>X becomes more popular
Woah, must be a jewish conspiracy or something.
Gremlins 2 don't deserve a thread as shitty as this. Hell, even marvel shit don't deserve threads this shitty.
Some of us loved and cherished these movies 20 years before your boys at RLM ever watched them for the very first time.
A couple ones I like about MMA (Co Main Event and Heavy Hands mostly), and Last Podcast on the Left's serial killer ones.
So you watched them before they even came out, how impressive.