ITT: """Villains""" who did nothing wrong, and were morally right in their pursuit

ITT: """Villains""" who did nothing wrong, and were morally right in their pursuit

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As I grow older, I find myself sympathizing more and more with this guy

I dunno if he had a pursuit. He was just fucking fed up with everyday bullshit and didn’t feel like putting up with it anymore.
>greedy shop owners
>retard gang bangers
>people coming to the US not as tourists without knowing English
>shitty traffic
>retard bureaucracy
>political extremists
>annoying as shit wives
And what did he do to deserve it? As he said, he did his 40 hours a week, he payed his taxes.


>spends the whole day beating minorities
>is morally repulsed when he meets a nazi
wtf was his problem?


You're supposed to sympathise with him up to a point, then gradually you realise that while he had some good points, and some good reasons, nothing justifies blowing up a construction yard, or brandishing a shotgun at a random family.

Even he realized in the end he was in the wrong.

Was he alt-right?

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An obvious one

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For me, it was when he decided to eat off the lunch menu after already shooting up the Whammy Burger.

Some wrongs you can never come back from.

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An absolute 'Abloobloo I have it so hard' whingy little homo.

>people coming to the US not as tourists without knowing English

I feel him. Everytime some mutt tourists asks me something, I will keep talking to him in my native language, even though I know english.

Not at all, but just like me he asks the same question.
>I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?

Depends on what you define as alt-right. I imagine D-Fens is a republican kinda guy, but frankly I don’t think there’s much politics in this. He’s just fucking fed up with the system and wants to rebel. He matches very closely to what Ted Kaczynski wrote about.

>no edgy /pol/tard posted thanos or hitler yet

All but Charles de Gaulle he can fuck right off

hitler was like the 5th reply m8

Also, in regards to your question: Brig. Gen. Francis X. Hummel, USMC.

I mean if they’re tourists I can kinda forgive it, though even then you should make some basic effort to speak the local language. But if you’re gonna move to another country as a full time resident? You sure as shit better know at least passable English.

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He specifically said non-tourists. Whining about people who come for a week and spend lots of money is all you have to whine about lol

>subjective morality

You feel lucky, gamer gurl?

only onions disagree

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how embarrassing. you'll love the new joker movie.

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Yeah, but even if you’re just a tourist, you should still try. When you go to France, you may be received a bit better if you try, “bonjour, je voudrais le croissant au beurre, et le thé” than, “yeah, lemme get a croissant with butter, and some tea” even if the French is off.

Hello, is this the MRA meeting thread?

Hello John

Spoiler that, mf

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Humans suck. Never let them breed like niggers.

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The problem with his argumentation is that it's not overpopulation, but overconsumption. If the gauntlet is truly random it wouldn't solve the problem or it would go overboard, as consumption levels between the 1st and 3rd world are totally out of wack.
tl;dr Eat the rich

He's a big guy

It wouldn’t work because it wouldn’t kill enough people. 3.5 billion people left? You bet they’d very quickly repopulate.

No fucking way. If I'm lucky enough to survive a 1D2 roll and a thot want to jump on my dick without a rubber, I'd slap her so hard her uterus would detach.

fucking BASED

He didn’t do his 40 hours a week though. The detective found out he’d been fired. How does everybody forget that part? He’s a crazy man who was bringing a gun to his daughters birthday to kill his wife and child.

He was employed full time. He was working 40 hours. I don’t think there’s anything to suggest he was gonna kill his wife and daughter. He only got the gun as a result of a situation he was in.

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They would have cut through the fence in real France, he was just trying to give the most accurate training he could.

FUCK farmers

am I missing something here?

I laughed when your cathedral burned.

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the ending sucked ass because Mother was right about everything

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>morally right in their pursuit

came here to post this

>we should all give up our homes to live in mudhuts, lose electricity and water rights, and eat literal bugs so we can protect Jamal and Tyqueesha's "right" to have 10 kids
Remind me why we need infinite population growth at the expense of the common man's quality of life again?

>he knows some French so he must be French
It’s called taking foreign language classes.

He obsessed way too hard about val Jean but other than that you're right. I prefer the delivery of his song in the play as he sounds more bound to the law and less conflicted about whether he's doing the right thing. Val jean might redeem himself for being a bad guy but I hate how the film brushes off stealing a loaf of bread like he's Aladdin or something, obviously the bread baker and his family are horribly destitute like most people in the setting are

>the penguin's waifu in a sex ad

There's gay marriage in the new Fire Emblem?

I laughed as well but that user is clearly a shitskin

gooooo fuck yourself

I can't even escape FE on a different board


You should probably start thinking a bit harder rather than letting your age be the metric for your maturity


>Lorgar and Horus
Based and Chaospilled

Literally no argument, he just wants everybody to be as miserable or more than his poor ass.
The REAL problem with Thano's dumb fuckery is that:
1-It will only take a few decades for a good portion of those population to double again
2-Not all planet will be overpopulated at the same level
3-If it's truly random, some planet's population will be wiped out almost entirely and others will be nearly untouched.

Why? Dudes a whine baby bitch.

>This is a weird moment to be a white man. True, one of them just became president-but one of them always becomes president. And this one has just finished appointing the most nonwhite, nonmale cabinet in American history. A black female poet read at his Inauguration, welcoming everybody to the party-"The Asian, the Hispanic, the Jew/The African, the Native American, the Sioux/... the Ashanti, the Yoruba, the Kru"-and dropping in the occasional Swede and Scot almost as if they were ... tokens. WASPs didn't even rate a mention. Some party. Suddenly white American males are surrounded by feminists, multiculturalists, P.C. policepersons, affirmative-action employers, rap artists, Native Americans, Japanese tycoons, Islamic fundamentalists and Third World dictators, all of them saying the same thing: You've been a bad boy.

>The white male used to be (as Ralph Kramden put it) "the king of the castle"; now he's the ogre. "We still have the power," says Washington-area computer-software editor Neil Froemming. "But nobody likes us." The truth is, lots of folks never did; it's just that now they're not afraid to say so. The white guys who run the business world, a 36-year-old female trucking-company executive recently told a Pittsburgh paper, are "a bunch of shallow, bald, middle-aged men with character disorders. They don't have the emotional capacity that it takes to qualify as human beings. The one good thing about these white, male, almost-extinct mammals is that they're growing old. We get to watch them die."

>published March 28th, 1993

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the quintessential s.o.y list

>l don’t see how you cherish the dead by killing a million more.
>personally, l think you’re a fucking idiot, general sir.

he never recovered

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This is one of the most bizarre posts l’ve ever read.

The same author wrote all of this? Weird.

It's called based centrism

Yeah, here's the guy

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An entire generation of millions of men sailed thousands of miles to fight, kill and die to defeat "Nazis", only to immediately return home and begin imprisoning, segregating and lynching people of color themselves.

It's crazy.

>literally murders a patriotic American for being mean to gay people

Even during the war, the Americans saw themselves as fighting a racial war against the Japanese. American propaganda demonised and was racist against Japanese infinitely more than German propaganda was against Russians.

This. While it's not unheard of for someone to go to great lengths to atone for commiting a horrible sin, these guys just stopped trying to atone once civil rights were a thing.

>FUCK farmers
well la di da mr. gucci loafer

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>American propaganda demonised and was racist against Japanese
To the point they were the only army collecting human trophies (and they got away with it)

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he wasn't a villain

The last movie I saw in theaters was Fury Road, I don't really watch movies I come to this board for sopranos threads

>Bottom right
It was a break, she kept being on and off of him and he did whatever he wanted to do.

Unironically Cersei