Is this worth watching?
Is this worth watching?
If dubs yes
lmao why do they all look like women or faggots in the 2018 version? ffs japan get your shit together
As far as I know, it's the one and only anime over 100 episodes that's worth watching.
>OVA: Fine
>2018: dude what the fuck is a jaw lmao?
>Michihara: BEST
>Fujisaki: gay doujin
100% yes
The black guy fucked Julian didn't he
raus fett
OVA was first, some losers made everything look gay later because they don't know how to draw
remove julian and the earth cult and it would be perfect
the earth cult could have been a little more interesting
and there's nothing wrong with julian
the earth cult basically filled in for the ultra nationalist group plotline that was dropped
and julian is a gary stu
so many modern male anime characters have that extreme triangular face with the boy-band hairstyle shit.
It's quite dissapointing
I would say no, but I'm in the tiny minority. However, I suspect that people who wouldn't enjoy it just stop long before they finish the series, and they don't say how much it sucked because they didn't want to attack something they didn't finish, and having the sense to not finish something they knew they wouldn't like, having better sense than me.
To be fair, watch the first twenty episodes, (it gets better after the thirteenth). If you don't like it at that point, don't bother.
What was the dropped plot line for the PKC?
if you enjoy weirdly pronounced german names this is the show for you
Is there a recommended dub for this.
I don't have the attention to read subtitles on the 2nd viewing.
Jesus Christ Michihara Schenkopp
>Is there a recommended dub for this.
>I don't have the attention to read subtitles on the 2nd viewing.
Is any anime actually free of drawn out monologues? I've watched Death Note and Attack on Titan and i just don't think i can handle another 20 minute episode of tv where to characters repeatedly spell out obvious internal feelings for 10 minutes in the middle of a fist fight.
Both of those shows are garbage
I think the monologues themselves might be slightly shorter, but if you dislike the pacing of modern anime, I would strongly recommend you stay away from the series, as it's overall much worse. I question if there's a single action anime as dry as this one.
Again, if you want to watch it, follow my advice here , and you can determine whether you want to watch the rest by only watching a sixth of the series.
What's good then? I want some good shows as ive exhausted western stuff. Death Note was ok, just a bit childish at points and the monologue issue. AoT was just bad despite the fun premise.
>Is any anime actually free of drawn out monologues?
No, but here they don't happen in the middle of fistfights.
Battles last for hours, even days, so they don't have to pause in order to give a monologue. It happens while a ship is retreating from the front lines to make repairs, or after repairs are completed and the ship is returning to the front lines.
It's not slow pacing that bothers me, im still watching Better Call Saul. Anime seems to have this weird design where it rushes through big plot points very quickly with little care for anything connecting them but at these points will spend half an hour on the characters' internal thoughts. An episode can literally be:
> punch
> *5 minute imaginary back and forward conversation*
> punch
> *5 minute internal conversation again*
> kick
> Out of place end credit jap rock music starts
>AoT was just bad despite the fun premise.
I had the opposite reaction, strongly disliking the premise, (lol, jump around and hit naked giants), but loved the first and second season.
> Death Note was ok, just a bit childish at points and the monologue issue.
Poor pacing issues at the beginning, and a garbage second and third season, Death Note was perfect.
>What's good then?
Full Metal Alchemist. I wish I would recommend more.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is good. You'll just have to get used to people talking.
Sometimes main characters talk about nonsense.
Sometimes side characters talk about nonsense.
Sometimes even the narrator talks about nonsense.
It's typical of shounen because it's easier to convey / reiterate what's going on through text, especially in fast-moving action scenes. Otherwise people get confused as to what the hell is going on in certain fights.
LotGH is better paced, (or at least differently paced), in that particular respect, but everything is just as dull, not just the non-action scenes.
Posting these is disingenuous, I'm convinced. There's over a hundred episodes: it's not hard to find material that is interesting out-of-context, but isn't worth drudging through dozens of hours to experience all of it.
Hellsing Ultimate
Gundam Wing
Fuck the Empire
Fuck the Kaiser
And fuck Phezzan too
fuck you you baiting POS, I watched the sub, stop trying to start shit you horrible little foreigner
LoGH isn't drudgery though. It's genuine fun... if you enjoy watching people talk about shit.
It's only boring if you're watching it for fight scenes.
it's for people with brains
15 episodes in and it's just the "Alliance loses all the time" show
go back to Yea Forums faggot
go back to Yea Forums faggot
go back to Yea Forums faggot
Only a sub exists
the alliance is going through a period of complacency and political dullness
Remarkably few of the conversations are memorable, (which isn't surprising). Most of the talking is about the events themselves, which ultimately isn't interesting, or not interesting enough to justify the amount of time devoted to it. The conversations devoted to philosophizing are memorable, but compose such a small part of the series that a person would be better served watching of the series clips of the that contain them.
>It's only boring if you're watching it for fight scenes.
Or drama. Or intrigue. Or production values.
I don't deny that some people do enjoy the series, but many people don't, and in those cases, just drop it, but don't bother to express their opinions because they didn't finish it, leading to an inflated reputation of the series.
Daily reminder Oberstein did multiple things wrong and got best boy killed
why is everything in this show in German?
they use words like reich, kaiser, etc
Space Hitler made an empire of Germans only and kicked everyone else out
it's only the empire, which is basically imperial austria/prussia in space
if you need something to put you to sleep.
that mustached loser doesn't hold a candle to this guy
It's gets better soon, but not by much. Twenty episodes in, if you aren't convinced, drop it. The series continually gets better up to a certain point, but not enough to justify continuing to watch it if you aren't sold a fifth into the series, in which case, there isn't going to be a point where you will find the series generally enjoyable and exciting than dull. I personally just finished it because I was too far in, and even then, I wished I had dropped it by the halfway point. There isn't some grandiose ending that makes it all worthwhile, (which could be said of everything including life). You either enjoy it or you don't, and it that doesn't happen by the fifth-way mark, take it from me, just stop.
it's extremely boring and there's no tension
the coup makes no sense, since the admiral lohengramm sends to carry it out is seen as a coward and moron
They definitely blew their load too early by having the giant FPA ending battle happen in the middle of the first season, then the next 2 seasons were basically Reinhard punching a baby.
The sense of the coup is that many military leaders think that the civilian government fumbled the last military campaign, and thus they can't be trusted to run the government. The untrustworthy admiral is just the cherry on top (and a completely unnecessary addition which makes the storyline worse, but doesn't actually ruin it, IMO).
No, it's animu weeb garbage
Fuck off
Including, in a retarded enough manner, horses and carriages.
And even then, the audience still has trouble understanding that Reinhard is the villain.
The series clearly doesn't portray Reinhard or Yang as a villain you brainlet
Again, it gets better, and there are scenes with tension, but again, it, in my opinion, isn't worth it. LoTGH should be praised for being one of the only anime in existence with long-term storytelling on an epic scale that does have a natural progression. The problem is that the material can't justify the length, and it results in pacing that's not merely slow, but removes impact from what's actually happening.
>results in pacing that's not merely slow, but removes impact from what's actually happening
Good way of putting it. The Imperial counterattack against the FPA invasion is so contrived that there is no tension or feeling as the FPA easily lose. You expect it to happen, it does so remarkably fast, and then just moves on.
The first emperor was a big fan of Prussia.
>lmao why do they all look like women or faggots in the 2018 version? ffs japan get your shit together
targeting women and yoai doujin artists
If the alternative was just having more filler in the series before Reinhard taking control, this would not have been an improvement. No, the issue was the length of the series, and it's questionable whether any story could justify such a length. LoTG makes an admirable attempt, but I think it's ultimately a failure. And it has nothing to do with patience. A certain amount of material that justifies the story being told at all, and that either has to be stretched, or sandwiched by filler, which almost necessarily ruins the pacing, and removes impact from what happens.
That's a great line, among so many. It's much easier to appreciate this series from out-of-context quotes than having to watch 100+ episodes of filler or events critical to the story, but ultimately meaningless.
holy fuck that entire last row
Yes, but only if it is me.
This guy's "I really dislike LoGH but love to spend my time in LoGH threads" shtick is getting old.
Im disappointed Yea Forums, I've now seen several animes and I've yet to encounter the famous anime tits or even any waifus really. Misa amane from death note was alright.
go watch some coomer anime then
why was reuental so great, he raped the shit out of a woman and she came back for more
there is a tit shot about 90 episodes in or something
>Full Metal Alchemist
Watch Bible Black and Discipline.
>dat feel when LoGH never actually aired anywhere and tremendous cast of characters means dub will never ever happen
It's mindblowing when you think about how it got made. LaserDisk and VHS per-order sales over the span of a decade. Someone REALLY wanted to see it adapted.
Frederica is a top waifu, even if she had the worst hair.
Because she was a plant by Fezzan to ruin him
And if I remember correctly you see like 3 frames of Hilda's tits
There's a ton of anime per season and at least one or two is titty heavy/ Waifu is harder to come across.
Damn, Patorichev looks like that???
They had two character designers, one for old and one for all other characters. It's no surprise that older character came out much better in the new show.
Well, I'm trying a different approach than coming out and saying why it sucks. Initially, it was just to explain why I can't recommend the series to somebody who asked, but can't entirely dissuade somebody from watching it, not only because there is clearly a (somewhat) sizable audience for this sort of thing, but the series does have a lot of merit.
Also, "I really dislike X but love to spend my time in X threads" seems to describe this place pretty well, yet here you are.
>why was reuental so great, he raped the shit out of a woman and she came back for more
If you're talking about Elfriede Von Kohlrausch, she was a self-loathing sub who needed to be dominated, which was a perfect fit for a self-hating misogynist like Reuental, who sought revenge against his mother through the abuse of his sexual partners.
>yet here you are
I only spend my time in threads for stuff I enjoy, sorry.
Not an argument. I would actually recommend FMA in place of LoTH because of how much better the former anime accomplishes what the latter tried to do, but the two series are not that similar, so I won't.
Why would anyone suggest wing, the relena/mc autism will send people insane. Slayers is a fun RPG comedy adventure franchise, hellsing is incredibly over the top action. Just watch 0079 if you need a gundam suggestion, SDF could work as well if you just need some kind of 80s mecha introduction.
I think you are the odd one out here, buddy.
good writers show instead of telling. Bad writers tell instead of show. Who do you think does the writing for children's cartoons?
it's very good but the ending seemed rushed
Problem with anime is paying the VAs to record more lines is cheaper and infinitely less time consuming than animating more. Why do you think so much anime is people talking while camera pans?
If someone starts a thread to ask "Is X good?" then I might take 5 minutes to answer them that, in my opinion, X is not good. I certainly wouldn't spend 2 hours on it though. Really, 2 hours? What kind of person does something as silly as that? It's time that could be better spent on threads for Y, which I enjoy.
I want to watch it, but 100 fucking half-hour episodes?
I'm burnt out by the end of one Jojo season, I feel like I'd just lose interest even if it's good (which I'm sure it is)
Fanservice with tits out is getting rarer Even on ATX, PLEASE BUY BDs, it's mostly panty shots now. There's hundreds if not thousands of them. Just go to one of dozens of anime database sites and search ecchi.
another problem is anime really really needs to drop some bad habits
>something happens on screen
>character has to recap what happened five seconds ago
fight scenes especially are guilty of this. we've SEEN what happened, you don't need to explain it again. it's a manga carryover that needs to finally die.
Start by watching the 40-minute My Conquest is the Sea of Stars.
I haven't spent my entire time in this thread since I first posted in it. Secondly, there are no Ys I would rather talk about.
to be fair there's very few of those types of scenes
This. You'd need more budget to properly do show not tell. Character models would need to be on model 100% of the time, so small subtle facial changes get through. Other times the dialog is needed to show character rationalizing/thinking things through, sometimes them learning strategic thinking is character development. For others they are largely stoic balls of insanity where just looking at them won't get you anything about what's going on in their head.
watch the first two movies and see if you like it, they are very indicative of the plot and characters for the next 100 episodes
Only the first half
The movie that covers the first 2 episodes is a better intro to the series
And amateurs think you should only do the former as if it were some law written in stone and end up with a confusing, pretentious mess
But western animations don't have the same issue. Often what they're saying isn't even important.
> *gets punched*
> "ow you just punched me and it hurts. Well that was your last mistake because im going to bite back. I've got strength you don't know about and by the time im done with you you'll never hurt anyone again! Ever since you hit me before I've been training, getting stronger, faster, more determined and now you'll see."
> *finishes recoiling from the punch and hits back*
Im thinking about getting into Jojo. Whats a good place to start?
If you can't find any threads at all for anything that you enjoy, then you might be just a very negative person with opinions that aren't worthwhile.
But why wouldn't you start with the one that actually starts the story?
The beginning. That's how manga works. You read from the beginning.
episode 1 of the 2012 series or the first chapter of the manga
only brainlets skip parts
here is a Jojo pill
>Season 1 watch it all, it starts good but after it gets kinda sucky so you will have to bear it
>Season 2 is the best season, best MC, best plot, gayest poses, best villains, vest side characters
>Season 3 watch only the first 3 episodes and the last 4 episodes, the rest is literally monster of the week filler shit spanning 40 episodes
>Season 4 and 5 all episodes they are good
The terraists were a pretty cool idea I thought
Well, certainly nothing I want to discuss. I find LoTGH fairly fascinating and worthy of discussion, even if I ultimately didn't like it, which I don't think makes me negative.
I'd second Power through Phantom Blood (it's short and really not that bad). If you liked it, you're in for a treat because Battle Tendency is a direct improvement in every way.
After that everyone has a different favorite. I wasn't crazy about Stardust (though the final battle is the high mark of the anime) but it's the most popular and memed
Charlotte is top waifu
You said seasons but I think you mean parts because season 2 (the first half of part 3) is the worst of the anime
Really depends on the series you're watching. In some cases it's magic shit, the character is wondering how/why they got hit. Other times it's just pure padding, elongating 17 pages that cover (realistically) 1-2 minutes, into 23 minutes. As a general rule, avoid long running battle shounen like the plague.
yeah i meant parts
Cheers for the advice anons
>Watching jojo
Fuck off boomer, the adaption is almost 100% faithful and the voice acting, music and sound design is pure kino
>skipping anything in part 3
Nigga the Stand battles are the whole point of JoJo
there is no tension in the battles since they are all contained in one episode and don't have a relevancy for the plot
part 4 solved this problem by making the villains join the MC team and using the to catch the villain
>by making the villains join the MC team
Like Kakyoin and Polnareff?
too bad the video game villain or the poker villain did not join the fight against Dio-sama!
There's no point in telling anyone "I don't like X" if there's nothing at all that you like, or at least nothing at all you like enough to discuss positively. You're giving people bad input, because it's the output of a broken person.
Western animation also has way bigger budgets, though.
Ngl I loved the show but I stopped watching once Yang died and I feel like I made the correct decision. I know it's a great plot device for the overall theme and message but that was the anchor of my interest.
pic related
Don't be too hard on him, he seems like the type of user that can have a thoughtful discussion. Unlike the low effort posting retards that plague this site.
I said I liked FMA here and .
well you missed the absolutely cute romance between Reinhard and his secretary, I literally blushed like a little girl that was the cutest shit in any Yea Forums media I ever saw
Yea they seemed intriguing at first
It's a shame that pozzed liberal democracy won in the end.
Oh, I also said I liked AoT and Death Note.
You're not making this situation better for yourself.
Well, I don't care. In liking Death Note and AoT, I'm siding with the majority, and disliking LoTGH, I'm siding against the tiny majority of people to whom this sort of anime would appeal and who have watched enough to feel free to express opinion.
>Television & Film
"If you like Death Note and AoT, then you'll dislike LoGH" works as an advertisement in favor of LoGH.
I wasn't saying that, but you can interpret it like that if you wish. I at least offered reasons why I disliked LotGH, which is certainly more substantial than dismissing those anime while giving no reasons, or dismissing my opinion because I like those anime. This approach isn't any less "negative," but it's much more condescending.
LOGH has the best ending of any sci-fi series ever.
He can't keep getting away with it.
>let's just kill off Reinhard by also killing off the unfired chekhov's gun that were Terraist cult
To be honest, I haven't watched a lot of sci-fi anime, so maybe it's the best of that which is all bad. I would say the ending of Big O is better. Certainly, it's a 2deep4u clusterfuck, but at least it was building to it, and was quite a spectacle.
You know I didn't hate Die Neue These.
>muh Dvorak
>muh manly men
Whatever you Fezzani sophists. The cliffhanger ending of the first season convinced me to pick up the original OVA. It's a great series but it was in desperate need of a visual overhaul. Having the fleet battles as a holographic 3D display on the ship's bridges was much more entertaining and intradiegetically consistent than 2D maps of triangles blinking towards squares, I like that the Imperial uniforms got toned down a bit to reflect Bismark's Prussia rather than Frederick's, while still keeping with the Empire's general feeling of a civilization enthralled to a bizarrely anachronistic way of life. The Rozenritter's new tacticool /k/ommando uniforms makes more sense than spacesuit battleaxes (although spacesuit battleaxes are fun in their own, stupid WH40k way), and IG Productions's space battles are way more interesting to look at than the same recycled clips of a dozen copy-pasted ships with lines coming out of them. The scene where the Imperial fleet under Reinhard launches from Odin was light years ahead of any one particular scene from the first twelve episodes of the original OVA, and if you're trying to sell me or anyone on a work that goes on as long as LoGH does it's good business to make a strong pitch in the beginning.
I'm speaking as a total normalfag that doesn't watch anime, hasn't seen any other ones, and doesn't read comics.manga or really get into nerdy stuff in general, but I thought it was really good.
If you're looking for just an action show like some other anons have said you might not like it, but as an unbiased examination of the debate between democracy and autocracy the show really shines. characters are well done in that they both act as representations of their ideologies as well as strong characters just by themselves, so it makes interactions feel genuine as well as interesting when framed in the political lens.
the action is pretty cool though if you want that, but while it is the driving force of the plot it isn't quite the focus of the show- a lot of it hinges more on how characters plan or react to the battle than the battle itself
in general it is really cool though, does a much, much better job discussing the real merits and real faults of democracy/autocracy than almost anything else I've seen
OVA >> michihara > fujisaki >>>>> 2018
But muh Panzergrenadiers.
Why do animu faggots come here?
Yea Forums is for respectable, cultured media only. Please fuck off to Yea Forums
the 2018 shitty designs are a direct result of Japan outsourcing its animation to corea and vietnam (and now china)
They need to dumb down the designs so talentless foreign slopes can keep on-model
Yea Forums is overmoderated garbage and hasn't come up with anything new since 2009
The remake characters look like estrogen filled korean kpop "idols". Souless.
>remove julian and the earth cult and it would be perfect
Julian researching human history was my favorite episode, though
the battleaxes were because they couldn't fire guns. The interiors were filled with explosive particles. Which seems like a safety hazard when you think about it. Did they ignore the particles for the new These?
Is this?
>The interiors were filled with explosive particles
Top jej of course they were. DNT never mentions them explicitly so unless the next season has them switching to melee weapons I assume that particular gruesome quirk has been written out. I do hope they don't tune down the gore though. A lot of the time these /m/ shows have a serious dissonance between their "like, whoa dude war is bad violence is not chill" message and their visuals, which is nothing but kickass robots getting into bloodless fights and cool set pieces with clean, pink explosion puffs. I liked that the LoGH OVA didn't shy away from showing the ugliness of the conflict, even if the driving motive was for pure, "we're a serious big boy anime look we've literally got blood and guts", shock value.
>literal white skulls
Typical Imperial edgelord. I bet Sonichu is their society's War And Peace.
It does feel short, and you might to wish there was more ... but you don't! Those 6 eps are all there is, and it's good.
The manga after those 6 eps is SHIT! Don't even bother reading, just ignore it exists.
stfu rosenritterufagus
why earth cult?
watching lotgh for the battles lmao
If the new series does well they'll remaster the OG for $$$$
It's the most NRx series ever
>outsourcing its animation
DNT was done by I.G.
Yes, like GoT but in space but with great characters and a good ending.
I didn't just watch it for le ebin space battles you terrarist nigger.
If you want to have all the future AND past animes ruined by not even being close to match this masterpiece, and you want to live the rest of your life with a hole in your heart, go ahead.
I still think about characters of this show even tho it's been many years since I've finished it.